Immortality Starts With Generosity

Chapter 104: This Young Master And His Trouble Magnet

Who knew a Heaven-Rank technique would make such a good flashlight? While the tunnel had some light coming from the glowing green talismans placed along its walls, they were few and far between enough that they served better as markers rather than illumination. That was the only comfort Chen Haoran had as they raced down the escape tunnel.

His first instinct had been to rip the technique manual off. While he had wanted to get his hands on the Seven-Colored Steps of the Rainbow Stairs, there was a clear difference between buying it and having it nailed to his chest by the Auctioneer. Unfortunately, the golden lightning had completely fastened the book to his chest and remained put despite his pulling. He quickly gave up after his first attempt failed. He didn’t have the time to spare while they were still in danger.

He did have plenty of time, however, to wildly guess as to what just happened in the Auction Hall. One thing was clear, the Auctioneer recognized who he was on sight. Such a thing would chill Chen Haoran’s heart even if it weren’t a cultivator two realms above his own doing it. It had to be the Chen Family. He had no other reason that could explain the Auctioneer’s reaction. What was their relationship, though? For him to give Chen Haoran the Seven-Colored Steps of the Rainbow Stairs meant it couldn’t be something simple. He had called it an interest-free loan. Was he expecting something in return? Was he being truthful when he said it had already been paid for? Or was he expecting something in return? From him? From the Chen Family? From whoever the Dragon King was?

“Fuck.” He couldn’t help the curse. He had come to Zumulu to avoid his family and anyone else who might know him only to run into them once again in the worst way possible. Was this karma? Was he being punished for accidentally screwing over Xie Jin? He cursed again.

“Dare I ask what your relationship with the Golden Lily Association is?” Jiang Lei asked.

“Fuck if I know,” Chen Haoran sighed. He shifted Dreamwater on his back. “Maybe he rewarded me for going back for her.”

“I will eat my sword if that’s the reason,” Wang Xiao interjected.

Jiang Lei nodded in agreement. “Your background becomes more and more mysterious, Chen Haoran. I’m starting to worry about what I’ve gotten myself into.”

If Chen Haoran weren’t currently running for his life, he would have come to a full stop right then and there and picked a fight with Jiang Lei for the outrageous bullshit he just spouted. Fortunately, before his mouth could write a check, his body couldn’t cash; Dreamwater stirred.

Chen Haoran slowed down as Dreamwater groggily rose and looked around with unfocused eyes.

“Dreamwater?” Chen Haoran tentatively called.

Her blank gaze immediately sharpened, and in a strange display of priorities, her hands first went to her mask, then to the bleeding wound on her head. She pulled a small pill from out her sleeves and downed it. Immediately the bleeding stopped, and color returned to her pale skin. “What happened?” She asked.

“We got caught in the crossfire of the fight,” Jiang Lei said. “Chen Haoran pulled you out of danger. We’re in the escape tunnel now.”

Dreamwater let out a sigh and marginally relaxed. “Thank you for your aid, Young Master Chen. You can let me down now.”

After seeing the effects of her pill, Chen Haoran didn’t argue and let her down. As soon as she saw the book stuck to his chest, her eyes went wide.


“I don’t know,” Chen Haoran interrupted her. “In fact, I have to ask, who the hell is that Auctioneer or Gold-Eater or whatever his name is?”

Dreamwater hesitated. Her eyes flickered between him, Jiang Lei, and Wang Xiao. “I am not allowed to disclose that information.”

“Nevermind,” Chen Haoran said. “A second Commander from the Empire showed up. Can the Auctioneer handle it?”

“The first rule of the Golden Lily Association: All auctions must be hosted by a Supervisor capable of suppressing the local forces.” Dreamwater recited it as if she were reading directly from the book. To Chen Haoran, however, it sounded like she was saying it more to reassure herself than him.

“Just another reason to get out of here as soon as possible,” Wang Xiao said.

For once, Chen Haoran agreed with him.

In the depths of the jungle, a square of earth suddenly vanished as if into thin air and revealed a dark hole. From that hole leaped out Jiang Lei, who, after briefly surveying the area, whistled out an all-clear. Wang Xiao immediately emerged from the hole, followed by Dreamwater, then Chen Haoran.

Jiang Lei turned to Dreamwater. “I must say. I’m quite impressed with the Golden Lily Association’s thoroughness.” He paused in thought. “I don’t suppose I can still purchase that Ambush Insurance?”

“I am afraid it’s too late for that, honored guest,” Dreamwater blandly replied.

“Pity.” Jiang Lei actually looked sad as he said it too.

“Where are we?” Chen Haoran asked.

“Just outside the northern side of the city,” Dreamwater said. “While we are out of view of the walls, if they send any patrols, there’s still a chance we will be found. I recommend leaving soon. On that note, I will part ways with you here.” She pinched her dress and curtsied. “We of the Golden Lily Association thank you for purchasing with us today. We look forward to your business in the future.”

Without letting them get a word in edgewise, Dreamwater palmed a talisman and, with a spike of qi, disappeared in front of their eyes.

Taking a cue from Dreamwater’s speedy escape, they quickly shot into the jungle. Under Jiang Lei’s lead, they navigated the wilderness at a dead sprint. Cycling their qi to the extent that their bodies became a blur as they put as much distance between themselves and the city as they could. Eventually, after running for what seemed like hours, they stopped and took shelter under a large tree to catch their breaths. Phelps, perhaps finally sensing the danger had passed, distressingly squealed at Chen Haoran.

Chen Haoran patted Phelps's head with a wan smile, but he couldn’t give the sloth much attention when he still had a problem to deal with. He looked down at the glowing book stuck to his chest.

He grasped the edges of the book, cycled his qi, and pulled.


He pulled harder.

Still nothing.

The dragon roared in his chest.

The book didn’t budge.

He tried taking his robe off, but that failed too. The book was pressed so tight to his chest that it pinned the fabric there. He’d sooner tear off the rest of his garment before he would slide a centimeter of the cloth underneath the book out.

“Damnit. Jiang Lei, help me pull this off.”

Jiang Lei raised an eyebrow. “And trigger a defensive response from a Crystal Transformation Realm’s qi? No, thank you.”

Chen Haoran paled and let go of the book as if it burned him. Did he have an actual bomb strapped to his chest and not just a metaphorical one? “Can it really do that?”

Jiang Lei shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m in no hurry to find out. It can’t last forever, though. I’m sure it will wear off eventually.”

There were five stages of grief, and Chen Haoran fast-forwarded all the way to acceptance. “There’s no helping it then.”

“There’s a bigger issue at hand,” Jiang Lei said, frowning. “The Garrison Commanders saw your face.”

A line of fear raced down Chen Haoran’s spine. He’d been blocking acknowledging that fact. Even if the Commanders didn’t recognize he was from the Chen Family like the Auctioneer did, the consequences of them knowing he had the Heaven-Rank technique were obvious.

“What’s the punishment for people caught buying from the Golden Lily Association?” Chen Haoran weakly asked.

“Heavy fines usually. Sometimes harsh labor.” Jiang Lei’s mouth was set in a grim line. “I don’t think it needs to be said that your ending won’t be as merciful as those if the Commanders catch you.”

Chen Haoran’s conclusion was instantaneous. “I need to leave Zumulu.”

Wang Xiao snorted disdainfully. “With that light stuck on your chest? You’ll cross the jungle and avoid the soldiers the Commanders will have searching for you? You?”

“The fuck else am I supposed to do, asshole?” Chen Haoran snarled.

Jiang Lei forcefully placed himself between them. “That’s enough, Junior Brother. He won’t be helped with those sorts of comments.”

“I’m not wrong, though. He can’t do it. He’ll be caught in an instant.”

Chen Haoran forced himself not to grab his scimitar. Much as he hated to admit it, Wang Xiao had a valid point. He couldn’t even sneak past the city guards, let alone the professionals a military commander would have on hand. Even if the military didn’t find him, anyone who knew he had a Heaven-rank technique on him would start hunting him down. Was that the Auctioneer’s plan? Was he trying to screw him over instead of helping?

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder and startled him out of his spiraling thoughts. “It’s not like there’s no hope,” Jiang Lei said. “Your shaman friend, Xie Jin. He’s returned to his home, am I correct?”

Chen Haoran hesitated but eventually nodded. “Yes.”

Jiang Lei smiled. “That’s where we’ll go then. No matter how far the Commanders may stretch their fingers in Zumulu, the Basin is one of the few places even they cannot lightly enter. If you hide there, then you won’t be easily discovered.”

Chen Haoran felt hope bloom in his chest, but reality quickly settled in. “I don’t know how to get there.” And even if he did. Would they really let him hide there? Could he ask that of Xie Jin?

Jiang Lei patted his back reassuringly. “Do not fear. We shall take you there.”

Chen Haoran narrowed his eyes. He looked from Jiang Lei to Wang Xiao. “You would do that?”

“Of course!” Jiang Lei laughed. “My favorite thing to do is screw over the Empire. My second favorite thing to do is help my friends.” He stretched out his hand to Chen Haoran. “This just combines my favorite things. We’ll be sharing drinks with your friend Xie Jin in no time at all.”

Chen Haoran looked down at the outstretched hand. Slowly he raised his own to grab it. Jiang Lei’s smile grew even wider.

Then the light of day turned to gold. In the distance, a golden pillar of light emerged from Stonebridge and shot into the heavens.

contemporary romance

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