Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 327: A New Mom!

Chapter 327: A New Mom!

contemporary romance

In the heart of the Primeval Demon Hell, towering above the central mountain range, stood a colossal tree that rose high into the clouds, a lone giant in a forest of one.

This towering tree, known as the Verdant Phoenix Cypress, was the grandest in all the Nine Hells. There was a common saying that the span of the Primeval Demon Hell was as vast as the canopy of the Verdant Phoenix Cypress.

Long before the Nine Hells even took shape, a lineage of Azure Phoenixes thrived atop this tree, drawing on the Immortal energy and refining the essence of desolation, paving their way to immortality and flourishing to this day.

Under their guidance, the Primeval Demon Hell, dominated by birds, reigned supreme over all the land-based demons in the Nine Hells, carving out a realm of their own.

Now, in the six terrestrial hells, if one were to measure by territory, the Primeval Demon Hell was by far the largest, almost double the size of the others. And in terms of inhabitants, the land demons outnumbered the human Sword Cultivators and Inscription Cultivators combined more than three times over. After all, some demons bred like rabbits, outpacing humans easily.

So, even though there was only one terrestrial demon hell, the Primeval Demon Hell was still a force to be reckoned with.

Moon Fairy! Moon Fairy!

In the Primeval Demon Hell, only the demons of the Fate Ocean Realm and a select few gifted with extraordinary bloodlines could ascend the Verdant Phoenix Cypress.

And at this moment, these elite demons of the Nine Hells were gathered at the highest branches, shouting the name "Moon Fairy!"

Hidden among the tree's leaves, various demons lurked in the shadowssome in human form, most in their original shapes. There were demons of all shapes and sizes. But they all had overwhelming demonic auras, their blood-red eyes deep as abysses.

The demonic energy emanating from these creatures formed a dark miasma, enveloping the tree in a sinister hue. In the darkness, countless malevolent eyes focused on a certain fox.

A Four-Tailed Demon Fox was considered lowly in the hierarchy of the Nine Hells. Yet, it had just defeated over ten Demon Generals. And just now, it had bested a Hell Demon!!

Hell Demons were the true apex predators of the Primeval Demon Hell. Each commanded a legion of 100 million demons. So, the young fox's victory sent shockwaves through the demonic ranks.

Everyone only knew this fox as Moon Fairy, his origins a mystery.

Moon Fairy Off in the distance, a woman named Qing Ge watched with an intrigued gaze on the silver fox. Now in human form, he stood alone amidst countless onlookers, walking with an air of unruffled dignity.

"With this fox on our side, our Primeval Demon Hell might just stand a chance in the Nine Hells Conquest Clash!"

"It's not just about the competition. This fox's bloodline and talent suggest extraordinary potential. Even if he's not an Exiled Sword Immortal, he should at least be on the level of the Endless Netherworld's War Princess! If he continues to grow, our Primeval Demon Hell might just rise to dominance"

Such words would only come from the beasts and serpents, not the birds.

In the skies of the Primeval Demon Hell, where birds and beasts reigned supreme, the Phoenix Empress was the epitome of awe. But even she couldn't hold sway over the entirety of the Nine Hells. So, when Moon Fairy emerged as a potential game-changer, it stirred a mix of excitement and apprehension.

The Primeval Demon Hell was in an awkward position. They were locked in a bitter, unending feud with the Sword Cultivators, yet unable to defeat them. It was a tough spot, made tougher by the fact that the three other major demon powers in the Nine Hells were sea demons, who, despite sharing a common disdain for Sword Cultivators, weren't exactly chummy with the Primeval Demon Hell either.

The Eternal Sword Prison was in the north of the Nine Hells, and the three oceanic hells were in the south. They were like distant neighbors who nodded in passing, but never paid a visit. Nor could the sea demons, out of their element, muster a large-scale assault.

So, the Primeval Demon Hell was in a stalemate. They had no way of crushing the Eternal Sword Prison. In fact, if they overcommitted their resources and left themselves vulnerable, the first ones in the Nine Hells to seize the opportunity to attack them would be the sea demons.

So life trudged along, cramped and gloomy, until the emergence of Moon Fairy sparked a glimmer of hope for the Primeval Demon Hell. Their wish list was simplewipe out the Sword Cultivators and put those sea demons in their place. Achieve that, and they'd pretty much rule the roost in the Nine Hells, a feat so far only dreamt of.

Post-battle, some Hell Demons asked Qing Ge whether the Phoenix Empress knew about Moon Fairy. As she was about to answer, a terrifying pressure suddenly descended, silencing all. "Our Empress..." whispered the demons, as they prostrated themselves under the overwhelming aura.

Qing Ge, too, felt the shiver of fear and quickly knelt, warning Moon Fairy of the trouble brewing with her aunt's arrival. But Moon Fairy, bold as brass, didn't so much as bend a knee.

"Kneel!" Qing Ge urged, but Moon Fairy stood tall, defiantly locking eyes with the arrival of the Phoenix Empress. The sky above turned a fiery azure, as if a sea of blue flames was pressing down. Even Moon Fairy's silver fur began to singe, sending up wisps of blue smoke.

Thousands of demons lay prostrate, drenched in sweat.

Moon Fairy, sharp as a tack, realized something big. The Primeval Demon Hell might not be the top dog in the Nine Hells, but the Phoenix Empress was a whole different story. She was a powerhouse, one of the mightiest in the Nine Hells, and maybe even the mightiest demon of them all.

To put it simply, the Phoenix Empress was the linchpin of the Primeval Demon Hell. There were no fancy sword arrays or ancestral gifts like the Eternal Sword or the Heavenly Mirror to fall back on here. If a scrap broke out, it was all on the Phoenix Empress's shoulders.

If the Sword Ruins lost their Sword Warden, they'd still have a fighting chance with their sword formations. But if the Primeval Demon Hell lost the Phoenix Empress, they'd be up the creek without a paddle. This precariousness was why the Primeval Demon Hell often found themselves at the bottom of the Nine Hells pecking order. Too dependent on top-tier powerhouses, any gap in leadership led to dire consequences.

In contrast, the sea demons had a more stable inheritance, thanks to their unique domain which was nigh impregnable to land dwellers and sky-folk alike.

That made the Primeval Demon Hell the most ferocious and desperate of the lot. They were the barefoot folks who weren't afraid of those with shoes, thriving on sheer ferocity. The recent uptick in the Primeval Demon Hell's fortunes? All thanks to the Phoenix Empress. She was an overwhelmingly powerful demon!

Moon Fairy's silver eyes blazed with intense light. Gazing at the azure inferno in the sky, he could make out the brilliant azure plumage of the Phoenix Empress.

"What a colossal demon!" he thought. Judging by the expanse of the fiery sea, the outline of her true form was unmistakable. Next to her, Forbidden Fate, who once shrouded the Heavenly Realm in demonic miasma, seemed like a mere chick.

In terms of aura and majesty, there was simply no comparison.

Then, emerging from the fiery sea, a majestic phoenix head appeared, with a beak as blue as glazed porcelain and eyes like aquamarine crystals. Her gaze was fierce and domineering, and despite being a female demon, she radiated an air of supremacy over all.

All her oppressive gaze was focused squarely on Moon Fairy.

Phoenix and fox, no words exchanged. They locked eyes, a silent standoff lasting a good thirty breaths.

Throughout, Moon Fairy didn't flinch. His gaze was like a vortex, absorbing all her pressure, rendering her attack as futile as punching cotton.

"Not kneeling yet?" Qing Ge thought with glee. "This brazen, disrespectful little fox is about to get a harsh lesson on how the world works!"

Many top demons witnessed this scene, sharing Qing Ge's anticipation.

In the world of demons, strength was the ultimate currency of respect, and the Phoenix Empress had earned her share in spades.

Amidst a moment of eerie silence, the Phoenix Empress suddenly turned her head, her gaze sweeping over the gathered demons. Her voice, melodious yet laden with an oppressive air, rang out, "This is Moon Fairy, my foster son, whom I've been nurturing in secret for many years."

"Foster son?" The crowd of demons was initially stunned, then broke into relieved laughter. They'd been worried about this talented fox's mysterious origins, but now everything was wrapped up neatly with a bow.

Qing Ge was flabbergasted. She remembered reporting to her aunt that this fox had come from the Heavenly Land. How did he become a foster son?

As she caught the relieved smiles among the demons, the penny dropped. The Phoenix Empress was using her authority to give Moon Fairy a credible identity, bridging the gap between her and this talented fox.

Moon Fairy himself was taken aback. Well, that was straightforward. It reminded him of Lady Hua Lian, who claimed to have raised him but referred to their relationship as master and disciple, not mother and son.

"...Mother," he ventured, his voice slightly hesitant.

Just like that, he had a new mom! In the grand scheme of things, it didn't really matter.

The demons, their fears assuaged by this neat explanation, burst into laughter. If Moon Fairy was indeed her son, then even if he surpassed the Phoenix Empress in the future, it wouldn't disrupt the delicate balance between the birds and the beasts. After all, Moon Fairy was one of a kind and might not pass on his legacy, whereas the Azure Phoenix lineage was assured.

The Phoenix Empress, her eyes glinting like azure glass, showed a flicker of amusement at Moon Fairy's bold acceptance.

With a hum, the Phoenix Empress's azure fire swirled around her, gradually condensing and converging before Moon Fairy. In no time, she transformed into a human form.

She appeared as a ravishing beauty in a phoenix robe, her stunning visage and dignified, regal bearing enough to make cities fall and kingdoms kneel. Her phoenix eyes slightly upturned, exuding a commanding aura that didn't diminish her feminine charm. Her legs, long and graceful, were subtly visible beneath the robe's slit, hinting at her flawless, alabaster skin.

As one of the top demons in the Nine Hells, she had cultivated her physical form to perfection. Underneath that delicate appearance was a beast among beasts, an embodiment of untamed power.

Her demeanor blended regality with a touch of demonic allure, perfectly marrying the essence of both demon and sovereign.

Moon Fairy couldn't help but think, "Is it because I'm so talented that all the beautiful and powerful ones I meet are older sister types?" This was a thought that crossed Yun Xiao's mind too.

Looking back at his journey, the only astonishing and powerful younger sister he'd encountered was Chen Xi. Even the War Princess, despite her youthful age, had a fiery and enchanting demeanor more suited to be an older sister.

"Moon Fairy," the Phoenix Empress called out, her voice authoritative and brooking no argument. "Come with me."

Moon Fairy nodded. "Yes."

As the newly minted mother and son duo ascended to a higher point on the Verdant Phoenix Cypress, the other demons watched their departing figures with burning eyes.

"Once they're alone, Auntie's definitely going to give that little fox a good thrashing!" Qing Ge thought, her teeth gritted in anticipation.

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