I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 268: The Start Of Book Two

The time Jim had was already small. He knew he had a few hours before he lost his window to summon these warriors ever again.

And from what he saw, despite him being able to suppress them so easily he knew this was only because of the trick his old man told him about.

If they faced up against anyone else, they wouldn't be this gentle or submissive at all.

Each time he summoned five of them, that warrior from before started talking and convincing them to submit. He heard the word 'father' so many times already during the past hours.

With each five summoned he was happier. With each father's word he heard he became more confident.

Yet all the happy times had to come to an end. And the end came so fast without even realizing it.

He tried to use the summoning array again, yet nothing came in return. He stood for a few seconds unaware of what went wrong before he finally realized it.

"It ended this fast... What a regret!" he couldn't help but sigh before turning to glance around.

Then his sad expression faded away instantly and was replaced by a wide smile over his face.

Then he laughed.

'Don't get cocky,' the old man warned, 'this is nothing compared to your enemies. And you need to train them first.'

Jim didn't need the old man to remind him of that. He already was aware that this was just the beginning.

The tip of the iceberg.

Yet the few hundred warriors standing all around seemed to be an unforgettable scene for him.

With such force he wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore. His safety in this academy was now guaranteed, not by the useless words of the masters but by his own reliable strength.

"Step up," he pointed his sword towards the one warrior who helped him a lot.

The warrior complied at once while slightly bowing his head. '`Anyone wants to challenge him for being my right hand man?" he asked in a loud tone while moving his gaze around.

"Does anyone want to challenge him for the position of my captain?" he asked again and this time he felt the warrior getting slightly restless.

"What's wrong?" he calmly asked, "raise your head and speak freely," he added.

"It's just a weird name," the warrior said.

"It's the name you'd be called from now on," Jim smiled, "you will be my prime captain. Got any complaints about that?"

The warrior seemed to be surprised before he bowed his head at once. "No, not a single complaint from my father."

"Good," Jim then looked around and waited in silence for a long minute. As no one dared to step and challenge this warrior, he looked at him as he said:


The warrior seemed to be puzzled again yet Jim repeatedly said, "Kneel."

The warrior didn't stand for long before kneeling on his knees.

Jim held his sword and pointed it towards each of the warrior's great shoulders. "Rise as my prime captain," he said in a loud and proud tone before the warrior complied and stood up.

"Now all of you will answer to him," Jim pointed the sword towards the prime captain of his, "and you will answer to me."

"Your words are my orders my father," the warrior bowed his head as he said that.

"If they failed, you can punish them but in return I'll punish you. If they succeed then you can reward them and in return I'll reward you," Jim stated the nature of his relation with this warrior and others in a loud and clear tone.

And everyone here didn't speak or object to his words.

"Now I need to know the answer to one question," Jim slowly said.

"Anything," the warrior instantly said without any hesitation.

"How can I raise your powers?" Jim asked with much expectation, "I wanna raise all of your powers in the next few months."

The warrior seemed to expect what he just asked as he instantly said:

"It's easy my father, all we need is to kill a lot and feast on our enemies' souls."

Jim was surprised for a second before he laughed. "So all we need is a battlefield to fight at, right?"

The warrior nodded and Jim couldn't help but continue to laugh.

"You'll have your chance soon to do that," Jim evilly said before he paused all of sudden.contemporary romance

He realized if a single word of his summoning to all this force leaked out then his enemies wouldn't let him set a single step at the battlefield.

That thought alone made him realize that he got himself a lethal weapon yet he couldn't use it, at least for now.

He needed to make sure no one would get a wind of what he did. If anyone asked, he would simply say he summoned only five and lost three in the process of submitting them.

This way no one would ever fear or suspect him. This was the only way to secure his path towards the ancient battlefield.

"Alright," he nodded, "from now on you'll need to stay here. Do you need any food or water?"

"We need the meat of your killed enemies," the warrior said before turning around as he seemed to count his men, "we might need one corpse per day."

"Corpse..." Jim hesitated before he suddenly got an idea, "what about drink? Water?"

"Nah, we drink the blood," the warrior said in a casual way while Jim could only inwardly sigh.

"Alright, I'll make sure to provide enough stock of dead bodies for you as soon as possible," he said before he was stopped from leaving by the warrior.

"We don't need these today," the warrior said, "we just came here so we have around forty-eight hours."

"I understand," Jim nodded, "no one is allowed to leave here without my permission. Is that clear?" he glared at the eyes of the warrior and the latter simply bowed his head.

"I understand my father," the warrior said before Jim patted on his giant body and left.

Jim knew he finished one task and there are still many at his hand to do. The biggest and most stressing one was to reshape his team to be like what he experienced from before.

He wanted to feel the same vibe he felt when he fought with Hector and his team at the expedition.

Yet to do that he realized it wouldn't be an easy task at all. His team had many inferiority complexes, things that he couldn't solve only by words.

He needed to find a way to heal their old wounds and make them reborn as new. He wanted them to feel strong as he always felt about himself since gaining his power.

And to do that he needed not just one plan, but much more.

Also he needed luck, lots of it.

Then there was the problem of dealing with the restless Mark and Rana. He knew the two wouldn't rest until they would see what he summoned by their own eyes.

Yet he never planned to do so. They either would take his words for granted or keep doubting him.

No matter what, this was his secret, and he wouldn't let anyone know about what he did here.

'You can trick the two of them,' the old man said, 'just bring two of the warriors to see them.'

"Nah," Jim walked inside the secret room while thinking about this, "I don't want anyone to see my own warriors."

'Fearing to know you plan to level them up after coming back from the battlefield?' the old man couldn't help but laugh, 'c'mon, as if they wouldn't spy on your every move out there.'

"I'll figure out a way."

'You won't escape them,' the old man warned, 'even if you did, rumors would spread and you would be the prime suspect. You need the support of the academy for that, I told you this before.'

"I don't think they would help me if they knew," Jim shrugged, "I need to improvise and depend only on myself here."

'You don't understand it now,' the old man could only sigh in helplessness, 'but later on you'll get it.'

"We'll see," Jim stood inside the vast hall of the secret room before adding, "it's time to face the angry two."

Then he simply took out his token and vanished from this world into the real one.


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