I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 261: Kings Can Summon Warriors

Jim stood by their side while his team members came to stand around. He noticed how nervous they were as if the result of the test was still undecided.

And strangely enough, after two hours of low scores and even many zeroes, one disciple came with a bomb.

"One hundred thousand points... How can this even be possible?!!" Deno was shocked when the result of that dragon kid came. He was part of grade six, belonging to the core campus.

"They are cheating!" Rick shouted without any embarrassment while other inner disciples objected in loud voices.

However the dean didn't give them any heed while Mark could only sigh.

"That bastard!" Igory clenched his fists, "I suppose he deprived all the masters from their cores as well!"

"Not unlikely though," Rana nodded, "he would do anything to stop our boy from being a king."

"Now what?" Jenny asked with a red face out of anger, "will we let him escape with that daylight cheat?"

"We... can't do anything to him," Jim slowly said, "after all he played by the rules."

"Nonsense!" Igory shouted, "you cheated old dragon... Have some dignity in you as a dean and put that result up to inspection."

"Humph," the dean only harrumphed before ignoring Igory.

"Damn you!" but that only added fuel to the mad dragon, "do you think you are better than everyone here? Even me? I dare you to come and face me one to one!"

"Calm down," Mark moved with Rana and more masters to stop the angried Igory from doing anything foolish.

"Will we let him run away with that?" Igory pointed at the dean while shouting in extreme rage.

"I'm the only one privileged to do such an inspection," the dean slowly said before a very irritating smile appeared on his face, "however I can't see what's wrong in such a result? Is it normal for your boy to get this result and ours can't? That's absurd!"

"It's a cheat!" Igory thundered with his enraged voice but the dean gave him his back and didn't look at his direction ever again.

"I can't let him escape with this!"

"Just chill out master," Jim suddenly said, "after all even if I'm not the king, I've crushed their confidence and made them expose their true colors to everyone."

"But the king... It's a very elite and prestigious title, how can you be fine with losing it?"

Jim glanced at his master and could only sigh. "We can't do anything," Mark stepped in and said, "everything lies in the hands of that sinister dragon."

"Curse him," Igory shouted in a very loud tone, yet the dean kept ignoring him.

"Just forget it," Rana said, "we can't win this anymore."

It took some time for the enraged Igory to calm down at last. The test continued and after two more hours and many big zeroes it ended.

"Now let's see the top list of our academy," the dean said in a very joyful tone, so irritating to Jim and others of the inner campus.

But no one said a word before the dean pointed his scepter towards the pillar.

And then the pillar shook and vibrated before the window up above changed its content.

"First place... is our Jim?!!!" The shocked comment came from many masters around whom turned instantly towards Jim.

"Serves you right, bastard," Igory shouted in triumph while the face of the dean became darker than the night around.

"How can this be...?" the dean turned his head towards the altar and waved his scepter again. "Further info, please," he said with a very gratified tone.

The pillar shook once more before the writing up above changed slightly. The ranking was still the same but next to each disciple was a row of words explaining the reason for that rank.

For Jim he had this line wrote beside his name:

"Jim, first grade inner academy disciple. He got a score of one hundred thousand points but he killed many high and extremely dangerous and rare monsters. So despite sharing the same points with the second disciple, he came in first thanks to his bravery."

"Yeah, our Jim is brave and your Lingard is a cheater," Igory sneered and even laughed while pointing at the dean, "try to outsmart fate again, and every single time you'll lose."

The dean wanted to retort back however he swallowed what he had in mind. He only turned around and took a deep breath.

"The king of the academy is known for all now," he said in a tone that he tried to make it collected. "Tomorrow the stele will show the updated list of responsibilities for the king. Failing in doing them will result in depriving him from the title and giving it to the next in ranking... You are dismissed."

The dean didn't stand there for a single moment as he instantly vanished from midair.

"I told you," Jim sighed, "he will manipulate the list and add some impossible tasks there."

"Don't worry son," Igory was in a very good mood and even called him son, "we are by your side and you can ask anyone for help."

"We won't leave you alone," Mark confidently said.

"Where is the crown then?" Rana suddenly asked, "and the hood? Damn! That dragon ran really fast!"

Other masters laughed before Igory patted on Jim's shoulders, "leave this to me. I promise anything you deserve to have will be secured by me."

"And me," Mark said.

"Don't forget me as well," Rana chuckled.

"Add me to the group."

"And me."

"Me too."

More and more masters stepped up to offer their support to Jim. As for the latter, he only felt so much warmth coming from them.

"Thanks a lot," he said to them in honest gratitude, "you are really making this like my home," he only said this to himself while walking away from the place.

"Nice ranking, king," just as he was getting out of this place and returning to his mansion, Hector came with his gang and joined him.

"Thanks to you," Jim smiled and said in an honest tone.

"Nope," Hector waved his index finger in the air, "this is all thanks to you. You were the one to save my life back there and kill all those impossible to deal with monsters."

"By the way boss, how did you pull that feat?" Rick asked the question he had no answer upon.

He tried to act in a polite way with the presence of outsiders.

"He used a forbidden spell," Hector answered instead, "something no other disciple or even master can be brave enough to use."

"Oh." Many of Jim's team exclaimed in surprise, "is that true?" Kro asked with much interest, "can I perform it?"

"No you can't," Jim laughed, "no one else can or else he or she will die for sure," he tried to be blunt so no one here from his team or Hector's would think of trying the absorption spell out.

Only he could pull such a feat, and Hector had a clue or two about the reason behind this.

"What do you plan to do now, new king?" Hector asked with a very wide smile that made Jim realize something.

He was new in all this, but for someone like Hector he lived long enough here to see nine kings before him.

"What do kings usually do on their first days?" Jim asked with an evil look.

"First," Hector smiled, "you have the right to call upon your mighty warriors."

"Warriors?" Jim didn't understand his meaning.

"Damn! You don't mean those narsastice people, right?`` Yet Rick shouted in the next moment while others exclaimed in surprise and even fear.

"Yup, despite it's not a tradition but he can do it," Hector said.

"Tell the kid the truth," Roger suddenly jumped to stand with them, "no other king had the balls to call upon them. But I believe you can."

"Wait a minute," Roo interfered at once, "those maniacs don't follow any rules, only love fighting and wars. Bringing them here will be like planting an unstable bomb inside your own yard."

"Don't exaggerate like this," Hector turned to him, "I descend partially from them and here I am. Can you say I'm crazy or bloodthirsty or warmorgring or anything like this?"

"Barely true," Jim couldn't help but laugh and all Hector's team laughed with him.

"C'mon, I'm just a brave young man who loves adventures," Hector tried to act innocent but all he got was shaking heads and funny expressions over the faces of his team.

"Besides who said that damned dragon will let you have it easy?" Hector suddenly said what he wanted to say from the beginning.

"The list, right?" Jim asked as he already figured out what Hector wanted to say.

"He will add many tasks for you," Hector said in a firm tone, "I bet most will be impossible for a first grade disciple to complete, and many will be even impossible for any disciple here to fulfill."contemporary romance

"Then we call upon those lunatics to help? That's not a solution, it's inviting more trouble to our doorsteps!" Rick was still against such an idea, and he got the nod from Kro and Roo as well as Gordan.

"You need to be fully prepared," Hector warned, "you got only one chance to summon them, and that's before the first twenty-four hours of being a king expire. Don't waste this chance and prepare for the worst."

Jim stopped walking as he glanced at the terrified faces of his team, the stressed expression of Hector's team, and the very serious face of Hector himself.

"Sigh, just tell me how I can summon them."


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