I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 178: A Liar!

"He is…" Rana paused before pointing towards her head and added, "a telepather."

"He was the one to awaken you up," Mark said before firmly nodding, "there is no doubt of that… he is a telepather and such a scary one indeed."

"You don't mean he played with my head and made me leave the mansion early and come here," Jim laughed as he was taking this as a light joke.

Yet the two masters in front of him nodded in a serious way that made his laughs die early.

And Jim realized how scary these telepathers were. And also got the reason why his old man warned him not to speak with him with such a scary dragon around.

"Mark… let's get inside," one of the unicorn masters appeared from the door, "the meeting is about to start."

"Coming," Mark said before silently glancing in a warning way towards Jim, "no matter what, don't try to lie or else he would know."

And Jim nodded while realizing this was all about what Igory had done.

"Let this meeting start."

As he followed Rana and Mark inside the building and towards the biggest hall with opened doors, he found a place resembling that of any class here.

Yet this time the seats were filled with masters not disciples, and the dean stood in the central stage, calmly gazing at everyone like a master eyeing his foolish little disciples.

"Today we are about to discuss that interruption caused by one of you," the dean calmly said while turning his gaze to fix over one direction where Igory sat over one seat.

And strangely Jim noticed some faint chains shimmering from time to time around his body. 'He is imprisoned,' he muttered in deep shock and suddenly felt great panic inside.

"Yesterday one master tried to summon something forbidden to the campus. It caused chaos and attracted the attention of the masters from all over the academy," the dean said, "and today I'm here to get to the bottom of the truth. Even our disciple involved in such an incident is strangely present, what luck!"

He seemed to be speaking calmly yet Jim found his tone very annoying and attitude irritating to his nerves. The dean directed the last words to Igory who turned his gaze and noticed Jim for the first time.

"Hi kid," Igory ignored the dean totally as he raised his hands and laughed, "like my new ornaments?"contemporary romance

Jim was sitting on the last seat in the last row in the hall, yet he heard the shout of Igory clearly and received his irony with silence.

"I'm amazed by how collected you are," the dean calmly said, "even if your life's on the line here."

"For what?" Igory sneered, "you can't rule over something that doesn't belong to you in the first place!"

The eyes of the dean shone in dark light for a brief moment and Jim felt more threat coming from him during this short period.

"We'll see how you keep that spirit after condemning you," the dean sneered before turning to the masters around. "Any witnesses to the incident? Please step forward and tell everything you saw."

"I want to testify."

This strong voice came from one direction, attracting everyone's attention and Jim's intense hatred. "Donald!" he muttered in deep anger and hatred while watching that chimera master moving like a peacock, showing off with his smile until he reached the stage.

"I was there, I saw everything with my two own eyes," he said while pointing all of sudden towards the imprisoned Igory and shouted in a loud tone and strange confidence: "He summoned it… Schemed to crush every single defensive measurement the academy has. I won't say much but I have my own doubts. The disciple isn't even free and he collaborated with him in that crime!"


This instant Jim's shout thundered along the entire hall, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's not the time for you to speak," the dean coldly said, "we are hearing the testimony of the masters."

"And he is a big liar," Jim didn't stop in his place or fazed with such threatening glances from the dean. He moved off his seat under the amazed and worried gazes of the masters here before pointing out towards Donald, the same way the latter pointed towards Igory, "he wasn't there at the beginning. Hell… he wasn't even there until the end."

"I'm not lying!" Donald shouted in an impressive shamelessness. "And I saw everything!"

"How come you have a class at that time?" Jim sneered before adding, "and what happened occurred inside the class of master Igory. You can't be inside two places at the same time, can you?"

The face of Donald changed slightly while many masters whispered softly around.

"I came fast, so fast the moment I noticed the changes inside the campus," Donald didn't stop there and persisted in telling his lies. "And you are a criminal, charged with helping that criminal in his scheme. We can't listen to your words."

"Said who?" Mark suddenly stood up in a very domineering way, "I want to know who pressed charges upon one of my disciples without me knowing it!"

"I also want to know that!"

"It would be hilarious if the core campus thought themselves mighty to meddle in the business of our inner campus without even asking for permission!"

The other two masters stood up and spoke, supporting Mark. The face of Donald became unsightly while Jim didn't care about this and continued to speak:

"The only witnesses you can ask are disciples, not masters."

"Disciples know nothing about what really happened in front of their eyes," the dean calmly said, "this is something only masters would assess."

"Then you can only ask master Igory, as he was the one to do everything. Not some liar who is trying to fake things for his own goals!"

The words of Mark thundered in the entire campus and it gained the agreement of many sitting here. The dean didn't hurry to speak while Donald seemed to shrink in size under the mocking gazes of all.


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