I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 168: Winning A Place At The Ace League

Jim waited for Denis to come closer to him, and even until he waved his wings and smashed them towards his body.

Just at this moment, while everyone thought wrongly his amazing run was over, he did something no one ever expected.contemporary romance


He turned around himself and as if he was about to get hit by his back, he plunged his leg and directed a strong kick towards Denis face.

And it was such a strong and unavoidable kick from such a close distance between the two.

"You are not the only one allowed here to use parts of your body to hit others in the game," and Jim sneered while watching the helpless body of Denis flying backwards, away from the descending ball.

"And you are mine," Jim knew his foe would be paralyzed by shock for a few seconds then he would return fiercer to hit him again. And this time he wouldn't be able to fool him anymore.

So he didn't even glance at Denis anymore, let his leg rotate his body in a natural way before stretching out his hand and grabbed the descending ball.

Then he violently slammed it towards the ground with his body even turning upside down.

"And it's a legendary go- o- o- o- o- oal!" The commentator went nuts at this moment, "he did it! he did it! he did it again!" he screamed while the audience seemed to be paralyzed for a moment there while the ball stopped bouncing and rested calmly behind the line.

And that meant the game pitch accepted this goal from Jim and the game was over in such a spectacular way.


The audience started to cheer and Jim felt like a mighty explosion occurred all over the place. This time he was ready for that, and he wasn't stupefied like previous times.

But he was still very amazed by the cheering whistles he got and the amazing reception he received from the entire audience.

"Let's salute our newest member in the ace league, let's show him our appreciation as it should be," the commentator started to sing praises over Jim and his brilliant performance while the team went running towards him to celebrate.

"You did it!" Lim laughed, and all of the team came laughing and jumping around. They danced, cheered, screamed, and even bowed and whistled to him like the audience did.

And he stood there with a big smile and ringing laughs while enjoying this amazing moment.

"The ace is the heart of the game, the one who can determine everything," the commentator kept praising him, "and today we got ourselves a new ace who will be a rising star soon… good work my boy, I'll keep cheering for you even in front of the queens themselves."

Jim wanted to stand there and enjoy this moment forever. He hoped to pause the time, make the hour move slower so he could enjoy this rare moment of glory… the first moment of glory ever achieved in his entire life.

Yet he knew he couldn't stand there forever, and he had a very big task waiting for him.

'What should I do now?' amidst all the laughs and cheering, the celebration and the shouts of his team and the audience, he said to his old man.

'Wait until you take that medal,' the old man said.

'What medal?'

'You'll know it soon enough.'

Jim didn't ask anymore as he was swarmed with a violent hug from Deno, Rick, and then Kro. The three kept rubbing his head while Lim went to bring a big bottle of liquor out of nowhere and emptied it as a whole over his head.

And he stood there covered with strange liquor and his clothes were entirely soaked. Even his hair looked funny at the moment, and everyone laughed while enjoying this moment.

"Damn you!"

Yet just as he was soaked with liquor, he heard this resentful shout coming from his back. It was Denis, and he knew why he was so bitter and angry at the moment.

"You lost to me… fair and square old man," Jim turned to face him while giving him such a mocking glance that made Denis more enraged.

After the end of the game, and the stopping of the ball, he darted instantly towards the referee to complain.

Yet the only response he, Pol, and other krakens got from the referee was him pointing towards the ball and saying in a calm tone: "The game pitch decided the game, not me. Have anything against this? Go and screw yourselves with her."

After many shouts and useless arguments, they disbanded. The referee didn't give any heed and they failed to convince him with anything.

As all went to a side with dejected face and lowered heads, Denis seemed not to accept such a result and came planning to make trouble.

"Stand back old boy," Rana appeared the next moment with the smiling faces of Mera next to her, "this is the place of the winners, as for losers like you then you should crawl back to the hole you came from."

Rana was more resentful towards what Pol did here and tried to pull against her team. Her glaring eyes and threatening stance told Denis if he moved a finger then he would lose it.

"Humph, as if losing here would stop me," Denis said before turning completely towards Jim, "listen well boy and mark my words… I'll lead this team up to the ace league and crush you every time we meet there until you hate this moment for the rest of your pathetic life!"

"The one to hate this moment will always be you," Jim didn't show any sign of weakness while laughing, "as my coach said, crawl back to your hole and give up these pathetic dreams of yours. Even if you manage to come after us, you'll always lose every time we play… And I'll always crush you with the same legendary goal… Every single game."


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