I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 154: More Info About Sesons

The sudden addition of this made Jim realize how far important that little fellow was. "I must get him," he muttered, and he wasn't the only one to determine such a thing.

And Igory simply smiled in content while glancing at everyone here. "Alright, about the test for this little fellow then all I can say is that it's so simple. The Seson monsters feed over the personal magical energy and so having it for a low magical power disciple is a simply a waste."

"How can we measure such a thing? The judge orb?" Patrick asked and Igory simply shook his head.

"That orb is used to measure the balance of your magical power, not its amount. As for this we will need the help of this…" he suddenly pointed to his back in a fast turn while a large mirror appeared in the middle of the air. "The mirror of magic," Igory said before waiting for the mirror to preside over the surface of the stage.

"What is this mirror?" one of the kids asked, while some already recognized this mirror.

For Jim he only saw an old mirror, with height that was double any giant master he previously met, even double the size of Igory's big body.

As for its surface, it seemed to him like the surface of any normal mirror. Yet when he glanced at it he felt it wasn't reflecting anything at all.

Igory moved his hand over the outer wooden frame of this mirror which looked so ancient, even some pieces were cracked and seemed to fall if anyone touched it with slight force.

"This is my beloved mirror of magic, one that could reflect anyone's magic and assesses it in the form of colored fog. For example…" he suddenly moved to stand in front of the mirror and the next thing the surface of the mirror started to grow restless like a lake surface with rock being thrown at it.

A huge wave of dark red fog appeared all of sudden to cover all the mirror surface. "Roar!" even faint roars kept coming from the mirror, shocking the disciples.

"As you can see my personal magical powers are very immense. I'm one of the strongest masters in the entire academy, and only a few can match me in the form of magical energy."

Jim glanced at Igory as he explained, "the fog starts from a small white pulp until the legendary golden fog of the fairies. Since ancient times, no golden fog has been reflected upon the surface of my little darling here, and today I hope to see one."

The eyes of Igory were attached upon Jim's body and next everyone here glanced at him as well. Jim could only smile before saying in defense in case of his failure to meet such expectations: "I'm just part of the fairy pantheon, not a fairy myself."

"Yeah, he is just a weak and useless human," John didn't let this chance slip off his hands without saying something to annoy Jim.

"You are part of the fairy pantheon," yet Igory ignored John's useless remark and added, "and I was there and saw you calling forth the great pantheon statue back to life. You've the fairy bloodline running through your veins, one way or another. Plus…"

He paused before pointing towards the Seson monster as he added, "my little fellow here will be the final judge upon you all. Whoever manages to make him restless to be his will of course take him at the end of the class."

Jim understood the meaning and the hidden message Igory wanted to deliver to him. 'It seems I can't avoid this test after all my old man,' he inwardly sighed.

'Who said I would let you do this crime?' the old man instantly said, 'this is a rare chance, no it's one in the lifetime chance. The Sesons were the preferred pets for fairies and the reason why they went extinct was because they stood aside the fairies and fought bravely back in the ancient war.'contemporary romance

Jim finally understood the reason for the old man's excitement and his determination to get such a pet. 'Is it that strong?' Jim couldn't help but ask.

'It won't be an exaggeration to say that this is your only hope for you at the forest expedition and the battlefield expedition later on.'

'Then I should go all out,' Jim said before suddenly saying, "I would go last to this test, if the master agrees."

"No problem for me," Igory shrugged, "as long as you'll take it, then I won't have an objection."

It was clear now that Igory came all this way here and even took such a precious gem out only for Jim. The entire class glanced with conflicted emotions towards Jim and the latter only thought about one thing only.

'Are you a real friend? Or a foe in disguise of being a kind friend?'

'Time will tell,' and the old man only said so before adding, 'yet he is representing such an opportunity for you, and you should not let it escape your grasp.'

'I promise it won't!'

"Now let's forget this for a brief moment and let's speak about our privileged guest now," Igory moved aside the mirror before adding, "who can tell me how can we grow a Seson monster?"

"By magical energy of course," one disciple of the chimera pantheon said.

"That's to feed the Seson monster, but not to let it grow," Igory said before adding, "anyone? Can anyone tell me what we can give to this little fellow to grow?"

'Raise your voice,' the old man urged, 'you need to get to the good side of this master and show him your abilities.'

Jim could only sigh. Despite knowing for sure this dragon was so much different than any dragon he ever knew or heard of, Jim was still having his own doubts towards the dragon race as a whole.

"It eats anything with magic," yet after another urging words from the old man, he couldn't help but speak up, "like ores, magical plants, and most preferably are magical gears."

"Excellent," Igory said with a wide smile, "fifty points to the pantheon of fairies… now can you tell me , little fairy, what is the most powerful stimulator for this little one here to grow?"

Jim heard the answer and the answer he received from the old man startled him. "You know the answer, ain't you?" Igory noticed the slight change in Jim's face and he didn't miss this slight change, "c'mon, don't be shy. Just say the answer," and Igory urged just like his old man exactly did.

'Screw you two,' Jim inwardly cursed yet his face remained as calm as possible as he said, "fairies blood."

"Sorry, can you say it a bit louder and more clearly?"

"It needs to drink the fairies blood to grow," Jim helplessly said and Igory clapped his hands. "That's really correct, for this little Seson here a little drop of your blood is enough to make it jump one whole grade and grow exponentially."

Just before Jim could say anything, the face of Igory suddenly got serious as he pointed to Jim and added, "don't ever forget this fact, little fairy."

And Jim felt strange by these words and such warnings coming from the same species that killed his ancestors a long time ago.

"And now it's time for us to know the last piece of information regarding Sesons, or any other pet… which is where can we keep them?"

Igory this time didn't glance at Jim at all and as Jim saw, many disciples here already got the answer as many spoke and said it in different versions.

"A tattoo… that's correct indeed," Igory said with a laugh, "so anyone getting any pet from now on has to find himself a tattoo master and get himself a tattoo for the pet… can anyone tell me then what is the best place for any tattoo?"

Again many spoke and Igory nodded as he said:

"You all are right, the best places are the wrists then the arms… but for our little Seson here the best place isn't one of those. Can anyone tell me what is the best place for its tattoo?"

This time no one spoke and Igory turned to Jim and pointed to him to speak.

"It's over the heart," Jim pointed to his chest while adding, "the closest place for the purest form of magical energy inside our bodies."

"Excellent answer," Igory said, "but you already gained enough points from me in this class, so don't expect me to give you anymore," he laughed as if he just threw a joke and yet no one laughed, even Jim.

"And now it's time for the long awaited mo- o- o- o- oment," Igory said, mimicking the way of game commentators while arching both hands around his mouth, making a little horn before pointing to the mirror as he added:

"Who will be our first ever disciple to try my little baby? Who will be the first to compete to get the honor of having himself such a mythic pet?"

And at once many extended their hands and shouted to announce their desire to be the first.

And Igory simply chose Patrick to be the first to be tested.


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