I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 869: New Game

Chapter 869: New Game

I was in a good mood after beating up one of He Ling’s male classmates, the perpetrator who threw stones into the courtyard of the VIP building, right in front of her. I returned to the VIP building right away and told Peng TouSi that I found the hidden SAFE member. I told Peng TouSi to keep an eye on him to see if he had any comrades.

After taking care of the matter, I began to think about how to get into room 101 to see the class leader in a maid uniform.

It has been at least 25 minutes since I left the room. Regardless of how much time the class leader took, she would have been forced by Ai Mi to finish dressing and Winnie would have helped.

As for Xiao Qin, if I wasn’t in the room, she would have followed the principle of ‘Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.’ and dressed the class leader with Winnie to ‘obtain enemy intelligence’.

It turns out I was right.

Peng TouSi, who could monitor the situation in the room from the surveillance room, told me that 15 minutes ago Winnie and Xiao Qin coaxed the class leader to wear the maid uniform —— but she chose the most conservative outfit.

The maid outfit had long sleeves that covered her arms like a nun. The white knee-high socks also covered her legs below the skirt very well.

The class leader didn’t feel particularly embarrassed wearing a white apron over a black skirt. The apron she chose was a practical apron that could be used when cooking. In addition, she tried to keep her expression serious, so after wearing the outfit, she didn’t look particularly like a maid, but more like a nun wearing an apron and preparing to cook.

The class leader only felt shame when it was time to wear the maid’s headpiece because it represented a maid. After wearing it, it was impossible to pretend that she wasn’t a maid.

Originally, she wanted to negotiate with Ai Mi again over the headpiece, but she couldn’t stand the scattered puzzle pieces on the floor and the cat and dog paradise just around the corner, so she finally gave in.

“It really suits the class leader!” Winnie exclaimed, “If I was rich, I would want a maid like this!”

“Luckily Ye Lin classmate didn’t see.” That was how Xiao Qin’s felt.

I still couldn’t tell what the class leader looked like in a maid outfit based on Peng TouSi’s description.

Apparently, the class leader, who turned into a maid, first apologized for her mischievous behavior at Gong CaiCai’s house at Ai Mi’s request. She also poured a cup of black tea for Ai Mi, and then she gained the right to tidy up the puzzle pieces.

The class leader, who couldn’t sit still anymore, was finally able to complete the puzzle in 15 minutes. the The class leader finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the completed pyramid shining brightly.

As the class leader was completing the puzzle, Ai Mi ordered Xiao Qin and Winnie to play with the cat and dog to distract the class leader’s attention, but it wasn’t that effective. Although the class leader was looking forward to playing with Obama and Mi Ba, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder couldn’t do anything else until the cause was gone.

In the end, the class leader finished the puzzle and stood up. She patted her apron and was planning to put the puzzle back into the box——

“Ah! Obama stepped on the cat’s tail! Mi Ba’s running towards the class leader!”

Mi Ba ruthlessly stepped over the puzzle that the class leader had just completed, turning the neat pyramid into tatters.


The class leader turned to Winnie and Xiao Qin stiffly and they could only smile bitterly in return when they saw her sad expression.

“Class leader, I’m sorry!” Winnie, who was also dressed in a maid outfit, kneeled down on the ground and slammed her forehead on the carpet as an apology.

“We’ll help you put it back together!” Xiao Qin also apologized, “If you’re going to talk to Ye Lin classmate later, make sure you tell him that I helped you…”

Xiao Qin was still working tirelessly to save up 10,000 gold stars.

The class leader finally put the pyramid together again with some help from Xiao Qin and Winnie, then she put it back into the box. There was no danger of her dying from OCD for the time being.

However, while everyone was busy putting away the puzzle pieces, Ai Mi invented a very entertaining game —— she used the phone modified by Dr. Yu that can emit weak lasers to tease the cat.

I think everyone’s seen people teasing cats with a laser even if you’ve never done it before. You can also use a flashlight to achieve similar results, but it has to be dark in the room or the flashlight won’t be bright enough.

If you use a laser pointer, or use a phone with a laser like Ai Mi, then you don’t have to worry about the lighting conditions in the house and let the kitten chase the light around as much as they want.

Ai Mi was pretty bad. She didn’t let the light travel in straight lines or zigzag lines, but made the light run circles around the kitten.

The poor Mi Ba, who was just adopted by Ai Mi, was fooled by Ai Mi.

Ai Mi only needed to shift her wrist slightly to make the laser rotate around Mi Ba’s feet. Mi Ba would then follow the light and spin in circles like crazy!

How many legs does a cat have? Four? No! The answer is that you can’t see clearly! When it turned in circles, you really couldn’t see clearly how many legs it had! Moreover, the weird way of moving in place, coupled with its tail flailing in all directions, made it look like an alien!

It’s hard to watch! When the class leader discovered Ai Mi’s evil deeds and wanted to stop her, Mi Ba was already dizzy from spinning so much. The cat finally stumbled, tripped on its front paws, and fell forward in slow motion!

“Hahahahaha!” Ai Mi couldn’t help but laugh and clap, “Who said cats are the smartest animal? It’s so dumb!”

“Stop bullying the cat!”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qin stepped out to protect the cat.

Xiao Qin, who wore the same style of maid outfit as Winnie, looked like the kind of maid who would be an airhead and wouldn’t understand the master’s orders.

“It’s because my character is the kind-hearted childhood friend shoujo cat maid, so cats are the same species as me! Even Miss Ai Mi can’t bully my friends!”

The class leader was pleased and continued to pick up the scattered puzzle pieces.

“Who bullied it? I was just playing with it!” Ai Mi frowned and refused to admit it, “Also, I’m its owner! It’s my cat!”

“Being the cat’s owner doesn’t mean anything!” Xiao Qin picked up the cat on the ground and stroked its head lovingly. “I know the laws in the United States! Abusing cats, dogs, and babies is wrong. You will be deprived of your breeding rights!”

“Those who abuse babies are deprived of custody rights!”

“There’s not much difference between breeding rights and custody rights! If you keep abusing cats, then I’ll have to punish you on behalf of the cats!”

“How… dare you! Peng TouSi is right outside the door. If I shout for him, he’ll rush in and send you flying!”

Winnie came over to make peace, “Stop arguing, stop arguing! Mai Ba isn’t really hurt anyway!” contemporary romance

“It’s Mi Ba…” Xiao Qin and Ai Mi corrected her in unison and then laughed. The previous pointless quarrel was now resolved.

What the class leader didn’t expect: she finally cleaned up the puzzle and got the chance to feed the cat and dog only to find Xiao Qin, who stopped Ai Mi from abusing the cat, abusing the dog with Winnie.

Of course, the ‘abuse’ was about the same as Ai Mi teasing the cat with a laser.

In this world, some people like elephants but not rhinos, some people like trilobites but not nautiluses, some people like Sony but not Nintendo. Of course, that means some people like cats but not dogs.

Xiao Qin is the kind of person who treats cats well, but likes to tease dogs.

It’s not that Xiao Qin hates dogs… basically Xiao Qin treats cats as small animals and classifies dogs as large animals. She thinks that cats are for hugging, while dogs can be ridden.

I think Xiao Qin and I actually have rode a dog before back when we lived together in the residential complex. At that time, we had a neighbor who drove a taxi and had two big dogs at home. Xiao Qin used some food to lure the dogs outside, then we each rode one of them out onto the roads.

Of course, the neighbor frantically chased us. Xiao Qin ran really fast, so I was the only one who got caught and received a scolding.

At this moment, the ‘dog torture’ game Xiao Qin and Winnie was playing was to lift the carpet to expose a section of the solid wood floor, and then use Obama to wax the floor.

The specific gameplay was as follows: Xiao Qin makes Obama lie on his side, then holds the back of his fat neck with one hand, and his fat lower waist with the other hand. She then gave Obama a push so that he slid on the floor for 2 or 3 meters. It was just enough distance to reach Winnie on the opposite side, then Winnie would do the same thing and start another round.

“Hahahaha, it’s so fun!” Winnie grinned from ear to ear.

I forgot to mention that I could directly see the girls playing, and I no longer relied on Peng TouSi’s descriptions to create an image in my mind like before.

It’s because I secretly jumped into Ai Mi’s bedroom and was currently peeping through the crack of the bedroom door into the living room.

Although Ai Mi was smart, she wasn’t very careful. She closed the window and drew the curtains in the living room, but she didn’t lock the window in her own bedroom.

I came through this window the first time I sneaked into Qing Zi Academy to give the calligraphy books to Ai Mi, so I was quite familiar with the way.

I took off my shoes outside beforehand and climbed up to the window sill. I landed silently. I used Hua Jin and the muscles in the soles of my feet to absorb all the sound.

I held my breath cautiously like a thief and got close to the crack of Ai Mi’s bedroom door. I had a narrow field of vision through the crack and I tried to appreciate the beautiful view of the class leader in a maid uniform.

Unfortunately, the class leader was sitting on the sofa with Mi Ba in her arms. It wasn’t a good angle and I couldn’t really see her clearly. Instead, Obama, who was treated as a bowling ball and pushed back and forth on the floor had a depressed expression while chewing the snacks in his mouth.

Mi Ba, who was in the class leader’s arms, watched his canine companion curiously as he performed the ability to move back and forth while lying down. His cat’s eye followed Obama’s position as if he was going to pounce on him.

“That… that’s enough!” The class leader finally couldn’t bear it anymore and made a Justice Devil shout while wearing a maid uniform.


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