I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 861: Counterattack

Chapter 861: Counterattack

After being tired and injuring myself while playing basketball, Zhuang Ni attacked me from behind and wrapped piano wire around my neck.

I already knew my face had turned purple. My heart was racing as if I was on a roller coaster in order to send more oxygen throughout my body. It didn’t know the source of the oxygen, my windpipe, was forcefully held shut and couldn’t function as normal.

I’m afraid I was going to die from heart problems before Zhuang Ni strangled me to death.

I had no way to get up since Zhuang Ni pressed one of knees against my back, so I reached back to try and grab at her other ankle.

I wasn’t able to grab her ankle, I was only able to touch it with a fingertip. Zhuang Ni made a sound of disgust and began to strangle me with even more force.


It felt like I was going to froth at the mouth, so it was miraculous that I didn’t have a heart attack yet.

Maybe the viral heart disease needs oxygen and won’t activate when there’s a lack of oxygen?

I didn’t even need to have a heart attack because Zhuang Ni was going to kill me with the piano wire.

My vision began to get hazy and I subconsciously swept a glance at the pipes on the wall and a window into the travel agency. It was pitch black inside which meant everyone was off work, but there was still a wireless mouse on an office table that wasn’t turned off…

Damn, why are you worrying about a wireless mouse that wasn’t turned off when your own life is about to be turned off.

It can’t be helped, I couldn’t use Yin Yang Sanshou at all. Although Peng TouSi warned me not to use it, I had no other choice.

Berserk mode.

Hypnotize myself to lose reason and cut off all feelings of pain, then let my rage explode.

“I… want to defy the heavens.”

“War! Let’s fight! I’ll destroy you!”

My brain was lacking oxygen and began to play lines from random movies. I used it as the fuse to initiate berserk mode.

“I’ll defeat you.”

I was like a spring that’s been compressed too long and abruptly stood up.

“I’m a god and gods can’t be killed through normal means.”

My brain was still playing shameless lines to hypnotize myself and make me use the last of my strength.

Zhuang Ni had one knee on my back, so when I suddenly stood up, she fell back. contemporary romance

“Is it the final struggle?” Zhuang Ni said, but she never loosened her grip on the piano wire and instead tightened it.

“Ha…. ga ga ga ga ga.”

I was out of breath so my laugh sounded very strange. I suddenly flew backwards towards the wall with pipes on it.

Of course, Zhuang Ni was on my back.

“Umph!” Zhuang Ni grunted as her back slammed against the rows of pipes on the wall. Her soft body squeezed and deformed between my hard back and the pipes, making me, who was in Berserk Mode, inexplicably feel a sense of sadistic pleasure.

But the attack did not make Zhuang Ni loser her consciousness. It seems like her frail body was only an excuse so that she didn’t have to attend school. The strike earlier would have instantly knocked out Little Smart, Gong CaiCai, and even one of the Five Tigers.

Zhuang Ni believed that her body hosted the devil’s power, so she forcefully strengthened her ability to resist blows. Although she didn’t know martial arts, she was basically applying a form of martial arts.

If once doesn’t work, then let’s try it again.

“Bang!” The second strike made a very loud sound. Zhuang Ni also made a pained grunt as her chest cavity was compressed, but she still didn’t let go of the piano wire.

However, I could clearly feel the wire loosening around my neck.

Since the moment I stood up, the angle between Zhuang Ni’s arm and the piano changed. Of course, Zhuang Ni wasn’t a professional killer, so she didn’t notice she wasn’t exerting the same strength around my neck anymore.

I gained a bit more oxygen and slammed Zhuang Ni against the pipes for a third and a fourth time.

“Cough, cough.”

Now it was Zhuang Ni’s time to cough. She lowered her hands unwillingly and the shiny piano wire quickly slipped out of her deerskin gloves. The only thing left behind was the flame of hatred still burning inside her left eye that wasn’t covered by her bangs.

Her pale face was covered in sweat and it seems she did use all her strength in order to kill me.

While Zhuang Ni was leaning against the pipes, gasping for breath and unable to move, I ripped off the tangled piano wire around my neck. I didn’t care even if I cut my fingers because I was still in Berserk Mode.

However, Zhuang Ni wasn’t going to give up. Her eyes flashed and she suddenly reached into her skirt pocket as if she was going to take out some kind of weapon.

Is it a utility knife? Did she have a backup plan in case she couldn’t kill me with the piano wire? Did she not end me quickly with the knife because she wanted me to feel extreme pain before I die and also taunt me?

There’s now way I would let you pull out a knife.

It was totally a conditioned reflex developed from fighting hooligans as my left hand swiftly grabbed Zhuang Ni’s hair that was draped over the corner of her forehead.

I always pulled their hair when I fought hooligans with long hair. I did the same when I fought Tang Jiang for the first time. He specifically cut his hair short to prevent that from happening again.

Actually, pulling on a girl’s hair was a very brutal act. It was very uncouth for a man to pull on a girl’s hair like he was trying to pull it all out.

But I was already ‘inhuman’. The rage from berserk mode and the tension of facing death made me unable to think and I could only move on instinct.

As I grabbed onto Zhuang Ni’s hair and lifted her up, she winced in pain and even tried to stand on tiptoes and raise her head up to lessen the pain.

But this didn’t stop her from glaring at me with hatred and continue to reach for her knife.

Do you still think you could kill me? I’m going to make you regret not just slitting my throat right at the beginning.

In order to prevent Zhuang Ni from pulling out a knife, my right hand reflexively punched Zhuang Ni in the abdomen.

“Pfft.” That punch penetrated deep into her abdomen and the force of the punch was passed through her body onto the pipes.

Zhuang Ni’s body curled up like a boiled shrimp, but I was still grabbing her hair which caused her to look like a female prisoner being hanged from her head.

Zhuang Ni coughed up blood from my blow.

Zhuang Ni, who did suffer from duodenal ulcer, hit her own abdominal points to cough out blood and scare others. The reason she had blood coming out her mouth was because I hit the right spots on her abdomen, right?

Due to the intense pain, when Zhuang Ni was struck in the abdomen, she coughed out blood and her eyes rolled upwards. The corners of her eyes were also filled with tears because of the intense pain, which was a rare sight for Zhuang Ni.

Tears, sweat, and blood mixed with each other on Zhuang Ni’s agonized face and it made her face a mess.

It was only at this moment that my berserk mode ended. I released my left hand that had grabbed Zhuang Ni’s hair, and she lost consciousness at the same time. She slumped down against the pipes and collapsed on the ground.

Her posture was similar to the one of the class leader she drew earlier.

Since she almost killed me, I planned on leaving her behind in the alleyway.

Actually I had already walked back out to under the streetlight and was adjusting my collar.

The disheveled Zhuang Ni who was leaning against the pipes attracted the attention of two male customers of the massage parlor.

“Look, there’s a girl sitting over there, is she drunk?”

“Hey, she looks quite slim, maybe we can spend less money today. As long as we can pick up her body and bring her to a nearby hotel…”

Director Cao once told me that pick up a body referred to those girls who got blackout drunk at a bar and collapse by the door, then men would take this chance to bring them to a hotel to take advantage of them.

For an instant, I really wanted to get my revenge by simply being a bystander. I wanted Zhuang Ni, who hated men, to be taken to a hotel and abused by those two men.

After I calmed down a bit, I realized the class leader would be very disappointed in me. After all, Zhuang Ni was a member of class 3-3. It’s true it’s legal for her to try and kill me, but I would become an accomplice to those two perverts if I let them take Zhuang Ni away.

I promised the class leader I wouldn’t become a criminal.

I sighed and thought about how I would stop these two perverts. I never expected that they would leave on their own accord once they got a closer look.

“Damn, that girl’s coughing up blood. I don’t think getting drunk makes you cough out blood, if we go overboard….”

“Look closer, she’s a minor! Do you think you’re a police chief? Let’s get out of here! Raping minors will get us a prison sentence.”

“Um… shouldn’t we call the police?”

“We came to hire a prostitute, do you want the police to know about it?”

The two of them then glanced at me and walked into the positivity massage parlor.

I waited under the streetlight for 5 minutes. No one else passed by and there were no signs that Zhuang Ni was going to wake up.

It would be easy for me to leave, but I can’t guarantee the next people who see Zhuang Ni would have a conscience.

Zhuang Ni being unconscious reminds me of the time Shu Zhe fainted after he was kidnapped by the Five Tiger Punishment Squad.

Zhuang Ni wanted to kill me, Shu Zhe wanted to blackmail me, both were trying to harm me.

As for Shu Zhe’s punishment, I threw him on the bed and took a lot of nude photos…


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