I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 855: Terroist

Chapter 855: Terroist

Ai Mi was in a good mood because the perverted American congressman had fallen on hard times, so she allowed me to bring Xiao Qin to eat at the VIP building.

The studious French chef, who referred to an online recipe, cooked us a braised sea bass and served it to the table after the rest of the French western food was served. He then rubbed his palms together anxiously and waited for our review.

To be honest, the dish looked amazing, but he added too much sugar. The taste was a bit incongruous because it was in between western and Chinese food, but neither Xiao Qin nor I dared to say the truth because we were afraid the French chef would kill himself.

“Why’s the fish so sweet?” Ai Mi said after eating a bite of the fish, “You might as well let me drink more coke if you’re going to give me this much sugar.”

Fortunately, the French chef didn’t understand Chinese. Xiao Qin kindly told the chef in English: “Ai Mi said the fish is delicious, but it would be even better if she had Coke to accompany it.” (I found out about it later, but I was able to guess approximately what she said).

The French chef immediately beamed with joy and returned to the kitchen with a quick smile and went to prepare the after meal dessert.

“Good job.” I gave Xiao Qin a thumbs up from under the table, “That’s equivalent to saving a life, so I’ll give you extra stars.”

“It’s strange…” Xiao Qin pressed her hand to her chest and muttered to herself, “It seems like I really feel warm inside after doing something good. I bet I would do the same thing even without the stars as a reward…”

“That’s great.” I wiped my mouth after eating and said, “Since it doesn’t matter if I don’t give you stars, I won’t give you any this time…”

“That’s not right.” Xiao Qin looked like she was being bullied, “I’ll do it even if classmate Ye Lin doesn’t give me stars, but that’s different than me doing it and classmate Ye Lin not giving me stars. You have to give me a star even if it’s just a silver star.”

“I see, then I’ll give you two silver stars.” I muttered, “Originally, saving someone’s life should be worth at least a gold star, but considering that the French chef wants to commit suicide too often, I’ll just give you two silver stars to prevent you from farming stars.”

“What are you two servants whispering about at the dinner table?”

Ai Mi was sitting at the main seat of the long dining table, and Xiao Qin and I were sitting on the side a little further away from her.

“It’s nothing.” Xiao Qin said, “I was just asking Ye Lin classmate for a star (star also sounds the same as the word for gorilla).”

“A gorilla?” Ai Mi immediately interpreted it as one of those furry primates, “That’s some heavy tastes. I don’t think you should raise one of those even if you want to have a pet.”

Xiao Qin probably found it amusing and didn’t correct Ai Mi, “Ye Lin classmate wants to give me gold gorillas and silver gorillas. 5 silver gorillas can be combined to make one gold gorilla…”

“Stop trying to trick me.” Ai Mi frowned, “I might not have played Pokemon before, but you’re probably talking about something similar to that.”

“That’s right.” I said, “Xiao Qin is talking about something in a game. Ai Mi, you definitely won’t be interested in it.”

After dinner, B-2 got a lot of praise from Xiao Qin for eliminating two more large beetles in the garden. Xiao Qin even asked Dr. Yu if she could reward B-2 with some “engine oil”.

Dr. Yu said that B-2 was powered by electricity and its outer shell was covered with highly efficient solar panels, so it can be self-sufficient. Xiao Qin looked very disappointed, since she thinks pets that can be fed are more fun.

When Xiao Qin went to find Dr. Yu, I also asked if I could get in touch with Ai ShuQiao.

This was the first time I took the initiative to ask to speak to Ai ShuQiao. The main reason was of course to ask for Su Qiao’s whereabouts. The second reason was to find out why Ai ShuQiao gave up on that perverted congressman so quickly, and also why my blood has such a high value.

Dr. Yu told me that Ai ShuQiao wasn’t in the U.S., she was in another country to discuss business. She cut contact with the outside world in order to keep her whereabouts confidential.

I had no choice but to talk to Ai ShuQiao on another day. I never expected that there would be a day where I would be in a rush to talk to Ai ShuQiao.

After hanging out in the VIP building until 7:30pm, Auntie Ren called Xiao Qin to go home.

“It’s already so late, but I didn’t expect you to not be home yet.” Auntie Ren was quite angry, “Stop playing outside, hurry up and come back.”

Xiao Qin had to say goodbye early. I felt that I had stayed late enough, so I told Ai Mi that I was leaving as well.

“Lin, Miss Xiao Qin, come over and play with Miss Ai Mi again when you’re free.” Peng TouSi said enthusiastically.

“Who wants them to play with me?” Ai Mi looked a bit unhappy to see me and Xiao Qin leave, “I’m going to get infected if I stay with inferior people…”

Before she finished her sentence, a fist-sized rock suddenly flew over the courtyard wall and fell towards Ai Mi’s head.

At that time, Xiao Qin, Ai Mi, and I were all standing in the courtyard of the VIP building. The sky was already so dim that we couldn’t see the scenery around us, and the streetlights on campus weren’t all lit up, so it was pretty dark out.


Peng TouSi, who was standing slightly further away with the dog, reacted first and rushed over to shield Ai Mi. I’m afraid it was a bit hard since 004 and 005 stood between them.

Xiao Qin was waving goodbye to B-2, the Wim Terminator, with her back to the courtyard wall, which meant she was a step behind me once she felt the wind pass over her head.

Once I was alerted by Peng TouSi and realized what was happening, the stones flying over the wall had increased from one to three. The largest was as big as a fist, the smallest was as big as an egg, and they all flew towards Ai Mi and Xiao Qin’s heads. contemporary romance

Bastard, how dare you hurt a siscon’s sister and step-sister right in front of him! I’ll flay you alive once I catch you!

But the top priority was to prevent Ai Mi and Xiao Qin from getting hurt.

My body moved on its own as if I was playing table tennis. I predicted the trajectory of the stones and then stretched out my hands. I caught the two stones that fell first lightning fast.

“Smack.” “Smack.”

I gripped the rocks tightly and didn’t leave any room for errors.

The other party threw a total of three stones over the wall, but I only had two hands. In order to free my hands and to stop the other party from continuing to throw stones, I threw the two stones I had just caught back over the wall.

“Ouch.” “Ouch.”

The other side let out screams and it looks like there was more than one of them.

I caught the third stone with ease since I had two hands free.

Everything was over in a flash and since I had to move fast, my physical exertion was equivalent to a workout, but it was far from reaching my 3-minute time limit.

After it was safe, I turned back to see if Ai Mi and Xiao Qin were injured.

At first glance, both of them were gone.

Damn, who was able to lure me away then kidnap two girls? It’s not really impressive being able to kidnap Ai Mi, but they were able to kidnap Xiao Qin too!

I calmed down a bit and looked up, only to find: Ai Mi and Xiao Qin were both being carried by Peng TouSi over his shoulders. He wasn’t standing in a good position to catch the stones, so he picked the two of them up to protect them.

Ai Mi, who was under the protection of Peng TouSi, didn’t really show any fear. She probably experienced far more dangerous situations than this.

“Who was the rat that dared to mount a sneak attack on me? Capture him and turn him into fertilizer!”

Xiao Qin was in a bit of a trance after being captured by Peng TouSi in a flash. She would not have been hit by the stones with her reflexes, but being easily controlled by Peng TouSi dealt a big blow to her as a person who practiced martial arts.

When 004 and 005 saw me catch the three stones in flight and threw two of them back, they couldn’t help but admire me greatly and applaud.

“So incredable.” “Chinese Kung Fu GOOD.”

Those two had very mediocre Chinese and they had unclear pronunciations. They couldn’t understand more complex Chinese such as Ai Mi’s orders just now. So they focused on giving me applause instead of trying to arrest the people outside.

“What are you guys doing?” Ai Mi pointed at the two of them and scolded them, “Go out and arrest them. Do you guys not want your jobs anymore?”

Only then did 004 and 005 run out with a head full of cold sweat and try to catch the offenders.

We used a flashlight to light the way and we were able to catch one of the offenders that was struck in the leg and wasn’t able to escape.

He was wearing a Qing Zi Academy uniform. On the wall behind him, was an eye-catching poster that said to stop hurting animals.

So it was a SAFE member? So you guys attacked people indiscriminately simply to protest Dr. Yu’s experiment on mice? What’s the difference from your actions compared to other terrorist groups?

Luckily, it didn’t hurt Ai Mi, otherwise no laws would be able to stop my revenge.

However, I was surprised to discover that the Qing Zi Academy boy who was covering his thighs and shouting in pain was Xing Xing.

“What’s going on here.” I was shocked and angry, “So you were a member of SAFE? I thought you were one of Ai Mi’s fans, did you know the rock you just threw almost hit her?”

Xing Xing sobbed as he explained:

“No, I’m not a member of SAFE. I saw someone sneaking around the wall, so I came over to question him, I didn’t expect him to get startled and immediately throw the stones in his hand over the wall.”

After telling us the truth, Xing Xing asked: “Miss Ai Mi’er didn’t get hurt, right? The third stone didn’t hit anyone, right?”

I showed him the stone that was still in my hand.

“So you’re saying you came to stop the suspect, but it startled him. Also, the stones that I threw out hit you instead.”

“That’s right.” Xing Xing nodded, “But he was also struck by the stone you threw out. He was hit on the ear and got injured, but unfortunately he still got away.”


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