I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 809: Demon King Returns

Chapter 809: Demon King Returns

I felt like my dad only called me and told me about how he hugged Auntie Ren the whole night to show off.

It’s because there aren’t many people who knows about his relationship with Auntie Ren. Other than me, the only people who know about it would be Auntie Ren’s father, brother, and Director Cao.

They aren’t a married couple, so you can’t show off and say you hugged their daughter or sister for a whole night unless you wanted to get beat up.

As for Director Cao, while they do talk about everything, Director Cao never says anything good. He might even laugh at my dad for being a wimp since he would think the best chance was when a woman was drunk.

So my dad thought about it and the only one he could show off to was his own son? He even acted like he didn’t want to tell me and made me ask him. If he has the time to do this, why not spend it on trying to successfully propose to Auntie Ren.

I asked my dad how Auntie Ren reacted when she woke up, but he stammered and didn’t say anything. I bet he got hit by Auntie Ren, but it wasn’t anything serious.

“Dad, that’s enough, I have to get to class. Don’t forget to manage the online store and spend some time practicing your cooking skills. Didn’t Auntie Ren say she wouldn’t marry you if you couldn’t cook.”

My dad agreed, then I put away my phone and entered the classroom to prepare for the second class.

The next class was history. Xiao Qin felt a bit of regret because she already had a history textbook in her desk and didn’t need to share with me. contemporary romance

The history teacher, who once had a nosebleed because Gong CaiCai’s breasts exceeded junior high school standards, walked around the lectern as he shook his head and talked about the Italian Renaissance.

“Students, have any of you heard of the Italian poet, Dante’s, Divine Comedy?”

“Yeah.” A lot of the boys answered, “Dante is the protagonist of Devil May Cry. His double guns and large sword are really cool.”

“But the 5th generation of Dante is just a left-handed loser…”

“Hey, don’t look down on the 5th generation Dante. As long as his face is covered, he still looks very handsome.”

The history teacher was so angry he almost burst a blood vessel. He then slapped the lectern.

“Your class is the worst class I’ve ever taught. All you guys do all day long is play games and not study properly. If you don’t know who Dante was, then I’ll give you one more chance, who was Da Vinci? Whoever mentions a game again will be sent to stand in the hallways as punishment.”

“Da Vinci was a painter…” someone answered in low spirits.

The history teacher was about to praise them, but then someone followed up with: “In The Da Vinci Code, Da Vinci is responsible for protecting Jesus’ descendants.”

“Da Vinci is the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and he uses dual katanas.”

“Jie jie jie jie, there’s actually an adult version of The Da Vinci Code, I don’t normally tell others…” that was Eunuch Cao.

The history teacher shook with anger and had an awful complexion.

“Everyone, please keep silent.” The class leader said from the back row, “I’ve written down all those who disrupted the class. If they do it again, they will have to write a self-reflection essay.”

The class quieted down and the history teacher nodded gratefully towards Shu Sha. The history teacher, who was in his 40s, was only a little better than teacher Yu and he also often could not control his students.

“Ahem, please go to page 5 on your textbooks to look at portraits of Da Vinci…”

The hallways were more quiet than the classrooms during class, but at this moment, sounds leather shoes could be heard from the hallway.

It wasn’t too fast or too slow and it was quite similar to Dante’s pace when wandering among demons and devils.

Everyone’s attention, including the history teacher, was drawn to the sound of footsteps. The owner of the footsteps soon stopped in front of class 3-3’s door, then the door was pushed open without knocking.

The person who walked in with the eerie aura of hell was Zhuang Ni, who was covered in black.

She wasn’t wearing a uniform like the other students, but doing her own thing and wearing a black dress with short sleeves. She was also wearing semi-translucent black pantyhose with a pair of rivet heels (also black).

Her long black hair was draped over her shoulders, but it still wasn’t long as the class leader’s hair. She had the same style as before, she used her bangs to block half of her face, and the other half of her face was sickly pale. She had an accumulation of heavy dark circles under her exposed left eye due to a lack of sleep, and it made it seem like heavy makeup.

After Zhuang Ni walked into the classroom, the classroom suddenly became even more quiet than when the class leader was maintaining the order earlier.

Everyone knows black makes you appear skinnier, so when Zhuang Ni stood against the white wall in all black, it made her seem thinner than usual. She was so thin it looked like she was about to enter the ethereal realm and float away at anytime.

Zhuang Ni was holding a black backpack with an inverted pentagram on it and it didn’t seem like it had many books inside. She didn’t even say anything to the history teacher before walking to her seat.

She gave off an aura as if she didn’t care about anything.

After Zhuang Ni took a few steps, the history teacher remembered he was still in the middle of a lesson.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you? At least say sorry to the teacher for being late.”

Zhuang Ni stopped in her tracks as she held her school bag as if she was carrying someone’s head. She looked at the male history teacher as if he was trash and did not say anything.

The history teacher shivered and probably remembered that she was the demon who caused a huge headache for the whole school. However, in order to save his reputation as the teacher, he couldn’t help but criticize Zhuang Ni a bit.

He summoned his courage and raised his voice.

“Do you know what day it is today? Today is September 3rd, the official first day of classes, and it is also the anniversary of the victory of China’s War of Resistance Against Japan. The ‘Jiu San Society’ was named to commemorate this day.”

The history teacher didn’t forget to teach some history knowledge even when reprimanding his students, what a good example of a good teacher.

“You arrived to school late on this memorable day. What are you going to say to those millions of revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives to defeat the Japanese invaders? Write me a self-reflection essay and turn it in before school ends.”

After the history teacher said this sentence, the classroom silent, everyone was curious on how Zhuang Ni would react.

The class leader didn’t say anything for the time being. Zhuang Ni was the only one in class 3-3 that the class leader had a hard time dealing with. Also, Zhuang Ni always wanted to get together with the class leader, so she would always try to kiss or hug the class leader which made it even harder to deal with.

As if she was a monarch of hell who was disturbed by a pathetic mortal, Zhuang Ni frowned slightly and said faintly, “Please don’t talk to me casually, or I will sue you for sexual harassment.”

The history teacher slapped his desk in anger, “The whole class is watching, how did I sexually harass you?”

Zhuang Ni’s voice sounded like it was coming from the deeps of space, “Your very existence is sexual harassment, all men are filthy things.”

“That’s enough.” The class leader couldn’t help but stand up and shout at Zhuang Ni, “I sent you a text to come back to class, not to talk back to the teacher, go back to your seat.”

The story should have ended here and it would have also saved the history teacher’s reputation. It’s not like the history teacher was the only one who couldn’t deal with Zhuang Ni, even the head teacher and vice-principal couldn’t really deal with the suicidal Zhuang Ni.

For some reason, the history teacher really wanted to teach Zhuang Ni a lesson today.

“You’re being disrespectful to all educators, so go stand in the hallway as punishment. You’re not allowed to sit in the class.”

“Outwardly strong and inwardly weak…” Zhuang Ni commented, then tossed her bag to the ground. She pulled up her hair that was covering the right side of her face and revealed her right eye.

The history teacher instantly took a step back, seemingly afraid that Zhuang Ni was going to shoot lasers out of her right eye, or something else unscientific.

However, Zhuang Ni only bent her vampire-like pale fingers into a hook shape and aimed it at her right eye socket, making a motion as if she was going to gouge her eye out.

Her fingertip already touched her cornea. It didn’t seem like she was putting on an act and that twisted smile of pleasure from self-inflicted wounds made everyone shudder.

“What are you doing?” The history teacher was terrified.

“Heh, this eye is always blocked by my hair, so it’s basically useless…”

“St-, stop. Don’t do that in my class. Go back to your seat, you don’t have to stand outside.”

“No.” Zhuang Ni continued to make efforts to gouge out her right eye, “If I don’t pay a price, how can I show myself to those martyrs who sacrificed themselves.”

The eyes are extremely fragile organs. The history teacher wanted to stop Zhuang Ni, but was also afraid he would make the situation worse. He had no idea what to do and shivered uncontrollably. He would have fallen over if he didn’t grab onto the edge of his desk.

As quickly as she could, the class leader instantly moved from the back of the classroom to Zhuang Ni’s side like a gust of wind. She twisted Zhuang Ni’s arms behind her back like she was a prisoner and escorted her back to her seat.

“Class leader, you’re hurting me.” Although that’s what Zhuang Ni said, she didn’t resist and seemed to be enjoying it.

“Sorry, I’ll make her write a self-reflection before school ends.” The class leader apologized to the history teacher on behalf of Zhuang Ni.

The history teacher wiped the sweat coming out of his forehead and waved his hand, “No, it’s okay, she did me a big favor by not dying in my class…”

Before sitting down in her seat, Zhuang Ni glanced in my direction with an intense hatred in her eyes.

I’m sure she won’t let me go because I kissed the class leader in front of her and slapped her. Did she come back to class to finish me off?

As if she noticed my worries, Xiao Qin assured me, “You don’t have to be afraid. I will protect you from Zhuang Ni.”


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