I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 34 – The Fight Under the Bridge

The first step to becoming a Berserker is to hypnotize yourself.

In Qiao Jingfu’s martial arts novel “Mad Martial Artist’s Poem”, a “borrowing” method was mentioned.

To put it simply, you have to picture an image in your heart and use this special image to bring out your greatest potential.

For example, in “Mad Martial Artist’s Poem”, the young swordsman of the QingCheng sect used the method of “burning the body” as an borrowed image. He imagined that a raging inferno burned behind him, thus causing a stress reaction in his body and used that to quickly advance forwards.

In the manga “Saint Seiya“, everytime Shiryu attacks there’s a dragon behind him. I think it’s similar to borrowing an image.

I don’t know if the runners, Liu Xiang and Bolt, used image borrowing and pictured a lion behind them or something.

Since I need to start Berserker mode, the image I’m using is naturally related to a Berserker.

First of all, I will imagine an endless sea of bloody corspses, numerous swords scattered, the wind screeching and the sickening smell of flesh flowing straight into the mouth and nose.

Then, repeatedly think of the following lines:

“Pain! Crazy! Destroy!”

“Northern Viking heroes...”

“Valhalla’s Ragnarökr!”

“Kyo Kusanagi, hand over your life!”


I usually secretly play these lines in my head, but sometimes I get too immersed and unwittingly yell out loudly.

Regardless of whether I’ve shouted out loud or not, whenever I use the Berserker mode, the enemy will get blown away under the frantic attacks.

Sometimes when I calm down, I don’t even know how I beat them.

I have never used Berserker mode in front of Captain Guo SongTao. It would be super embarrassing if he ever accidentally heard what I say to myself.

Anyways, Berserker mode was originally a secret weapon intended to deal with Little Tyrant.

Unfortunately, it wont be able to be used in the future.

I got more depressed as I thought of that.

Depression turned into anger and anger gave birth to madness.

This is good, I’ve entered deep Berserker mode.

The ugly and vulgar looking one, the ruffian who first said he wanted to play with the school girl walked toward me.

I can tell with a glance that he’s the weakest one here. The only reason he’s brave enough to come first is because he probably feels that they have the advantage in numbers and wants to show off in front of his accomplices.

“Are you really not afraid of death? Wait for us ——”

He raised his hand and was going to slap me.

“Gregg Gregg Gig...”

The strange sound coming from my mouth stunned him. (TN: It’s super effective!)

“Hey, what the hell’s wrong with you? You ——”

I abruptly reached out, with five fingers outstretched like hooks and grabbed his face.

Although he wanted to break free, the fingers on my right hand were like pliers, how can it be that easy to break free?

His accomplices were getting nervous, but I couldn’t see the expression on their faces.

My vison was covered with a layer of red blood.

All tangible and intangible things will destroy me!

I pulled back my right hand while raising my knees and struck him heavily on his lower abdomen!

His face immediately distorted, like a crushed tomato.

He wasn’t tall, so both his feet were off the ground and he was dangling in the air.

Not waiting for him to fall backwards, I stretched out my hands and grabbed him by his jacket, twisted it with brute force and turned his entire body horziontal.

The two accomplices who ran up from behind him to help were shocked.

I tsked at the vulgar looking man and added another kick to his chest!

He flew out and landed heavily on his two accomplices.

Without giving them any breathing room, I lept over and grinned evilly at the two accomplices who were lying on the ground, grabbing their collars and gave each of them a punch on the chin.

Ah, I still had some rationalty. I only used an uppercut to brush their peripheral nerves and knocked them out.

If I used another 20% of my strength, the best case is a mild concssion. In the worst case, maybe their entire chin will cave in and touch the back of their head.

Sure enough, it’s because they’re too weak.

The Berserker mode is stronger when the opponent is stronger, the bigger the threat, the more violent it is.

After seeing that I had finished off three of his men in an instant, the boss of the ruffians who had been leaning on the pier above couldn’t stay still anymore.

Just as he was about to head towards me, the capped guy shouted: “Boss, you don’t have to do anything, watch me take care of him...”

Before he even completely finished saying “him”, I already leapt in front of the capped man and stretched out my right hand to grab his hair.

One of the most scary thing in a fight is having your hair pulled. You have such long hair as a man, isn’t it sad if I don’t pull it?

Unexpectedly, his reaction speed wasn’t slow. He dropped his body to avoid my hand, tilted his body and kicked my calf, hoping to make me lose my balance.

He had somehwhat of a martial art like side kick, perhaps he’s trained before.

Unfortunately, I only felt slightly sore.

It wasn’t even worth mentioning compared to the engrained pain that Little Tyrant left on the depths of my soul.

In the Berserker mode, the more you get hurt, the more berserk you become.

“Good kick! Again! Again!!” (TN: Xiao Qin probably bullied him cause he’s a maso)

The capped man was scared by the fierce expression on my face, he wanted to retreat but he just boasted in front of his boss earlier.

I don’t care what he’s thinking!

Inferior creatures! Your thoughts have nothing to do with me!

I rushed forward again, my attack was simple and rough.

I rushed like a gale and reached out to grab his face.

The capped man was afraid to end up the same way as the vulgar man and wanted to avoid with haste.

But judging from how he evaded my attack earlier. I can roughly estimate that he will move backwards and lean towards the right to evade.

It’s not that I get smarter when I fight, but once I turn myself into a bloodthirsty monster, I also have the instincts of a monster.

As expected! He still evaded in the same direction!

I snorted and swept my leg with great power and kicked him on the lower back.

The capped man shrieked miserably and flew up and fell down the slope of the river bank.

All kinds of flowers and plants were planted on the slope. It was like a flowerbed, so I know that he won’t fall to his death.

What I’m worried about is that the fall wasn’t harsh enough.

While he was still flying through the air, I also ran down the slope towards where he would approximately land and leapt up. I grabbed his hair on the back of his head with one hand, then lowered the center of gravity and let him fall down on the grass, face first.

My hand kept exerting more force.

“What are you doing!?”

The capped man was shocked.

I ignored him and continously pressed his face on the grass down the slope like a lawnmover and brutally dragged him until the bottom of the slope.

I then supplemented an elbow onto his back!

All kinds of plants were smushed all over his face, I had know idea what he was whimpering about and he finally fell limp with a face full of blood.

I climbed up the slope again and looked at the boss of the ruffians standing above me.

His entire face was already full of sweat and the cigarette butt in his mouth was on the ground.

“You, just who are you?”

He asked me with a trembling voice.

I don’t know who I am exactly, but in this case, that hooligan Xing Xing who called me “Boss Ye” is quite sensible.

Because I’ve already used berserk mode for too long, I’ve already lost my verbal ability.

I could only respond with an evil laugh.

The boss swallowed his spit and fished out a dagger from his jacket.

Under the faint moonlight, the light that reflected off the dagger was blinding.

I continue to laugh.

You’re wasting your physique!

If you fought me fairly like the capped guy, you might have lasted a few bouts.

As soon as you took out that knife, you’ve already mentally admitted that you’re weaker.

Your imposing manner has completely deteriorated and gone up in smoke. contemporary romance

Moreover, a dagger isnt a sword, there’s a limit to how muuch it can add to your range.

More importantly, once you use a dagger, your attacks will become extremely simple.

If you keep on wanting to rely on the dagger to make a decisive blow, it’ll instead restrict your hands and feet and turn yourself into a fool.

“Gregg Gregg Gigge...”

My mouth continued to make meaningless sounds.

I suddenly attacked!

I comepletely lacked fear, I nearly hit the dagger in his hand with my chest!

He was as white as paper and stabbed towards me reflexively.

Such an easily predictable response and such an easily predictable path.

I raised one leg and kicked the dagger out of his hand with ease.

Dad once comforted me and said that my legs are not as short as I believe.

Maybe it’s really not that short.

The head ruffian that lost his dagger, it was akin to losing his courage.

He tried to turn and escape, but ended up getting caught by the back of his collar.

I chopped the back of his neck.

He spat his entire tongue out.

Although you just stood by and didn’t do anything when my juniors were being bullied earlier.

Regardless if it was your idea to bully people or not, as their boss, you can’t escape the blame of not disciplining them properly.

I grabbed his clothes and pulled him down the slope.

He immediately knew what I wanted to do and was afraid of being treated like the capped man and struggled as if his life depended on it.

As expected of the leader, he has some strength.

It seems that it’s unrealistic to use the lawnmower again.

I looked up and saw the large cement pillars of the bridge pier. Although they were old and had some cracks, they are defineitly durable. There is no problem even with a train passing over the bridge every day.

I turned the direction of my hand and flung the ringleader towards the pier.

He did not sit still, he actually used both hands and placed them on the pier to support himself and shot himself back.

I kicked towards his ass.

He slammed onto the bridge pier.

He still hasnt fainted, he’s pretty tough.

I threw myself over and slammed his back with the side of my body.

Although I only learned this from a fighting game, I have mastered the secret in a real fight!

Once, twice, three times!

He slid down against the pier.

The blood in my heart has not subsided yet.

I have to calm down and get out of here.

Although there are very few pedestrians at this time, if I met a patrolling police officer, It would be hard to talk myself out of it.

That’s not good, I really need to take a piss.


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