I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 155 – Not to be Made Public

I looked out the window carefully, but there weren’t any traces left behind. I couldn’t help but suspect that I was hallucinating.

It’s easy to get hallucinations when you’re in a half asleep and half awake state. I should lie down and sleep some more.

Strange, even if I did see a hallucination, why did I see Xiao Qin’s face? People say that you won’t be able to sleep if you have a guilty conscience, but I don’t believe I did anything in order for me to have a guilty conscience. Xiao Qin, at most, is a childhood friend. What does who I sleep with have anything to do with her?

Besides, Ai Mi is just afraid of thunder and trying to find someone to accompany her. She only used me like a Winnie the Pooh toy. Did I do anything wrong to you?

No, this way of thinking is wrong. Even if something did happen between me and Ai Mi, it is completely unrelated to her. It’s not normal to feel guilty!

I almost fell asleep again after a while.

Suddenly, I heard two smothered groans from outside the security door, followed by successive sounds of giants falling to the ground.

I had a bad feeling in my heart.

I slowly shifted myself out of Ai Mi’s arms and placed a pillow in her arms as my substitute. She was in a deep sleep, and was not awakened by the sound outside the security door, nor did she realize that I had left the bed. It seems that she was really exhausted.

I stealthily wore the slippers and put on a T-shirt and shorts. I closed the door of the big bedroom, went to the hall, and watched the situation outside through the peephole.

It was already 12 o’clock midnight. The voice-activated lights in the corridor were still lit, probably because of the weird sounds that was made previously.

Looking through the peephole, two men in black were on the ground, both of them had their hands on their groin with a deathly pale face full sweat. They should be the unfortunate bodyguards 004 and 005.

The girl standing in the middle had two clenched fists and a straight posture. Her 28 Middle school uniform was soaked. Under her long bangs, a pair of eyes like a lake was raised slightly and stared up at the peephole as if she could see me from the other side.

Her face was very pale and she couldn’t help but tremble every time the rain ran down her cheeks and into her collar.

She didn’t knock, but only waited at the door, as if she was willing to wait for a million years.

I don’t know if I was angry or if I pitied her, but I opened the security door.

As soon as the door opened, the moans of 004 and 005 became more obvious. They wore strange wireless receivers on their ears. They were muttering things like “oh mai gawd” or “yemete”. Anyway, I couldn’t understand a word they said.

Peng TouSi’s subordinates should not be that weak. Xiao Qin probably surprised them? If a drenched girl appears in the middle of the night, they probably thought it was a resident from upstairs and she was sad because she was dumped. As a result, when they weren’t paying attention, Xiao Qin gave them a kick (or possibly a punch) to their groins and took away their fighting power.

When Xiao Qin cleaned up the five tiger punishment squad, she used a “kidney shot” that was fortunately blocked with a wallet. What move did she use now? “Erupt egg shot”? 004 and 005, congratulations! You are now both detached from the root of men’s troubles!

“Can I come in?”

Xiao Qin squeezed the rain from the her hair and asked without any hope. contemporary romance

The tone of her voice made her seem like an empty shell without a soul.

After squeezing out the rain from her hair, she began to squeeze the rain from her sleeves, as if she was afraid of dirtying the floor of my house.

She shivered and then she smiled at me. I was not sure if it was rain or something else flowing at the corner of her eyes.

I suddenly became very angry, extremely angry. I grabbed her damp sleeves and pulled her through the door. Her sneakers left water stains on the floor.

She was a bit panicked, “The, the floor...”

“Don’t worry about the floor! What are you doing here when it’s raining heavily?”

“I...” She didn’t know where to start.

I slammed the door shut and left 004 and 005 outside. You guys couldn’t even protect your own nuts as bodyguards, you should just wait for Peng TouSi to come and clean up your mess.

A pool of water dripped out and gathered at Xiao Qin’s foot. She was flustered and did not know where to stand.

“Ye, Ye Lin classmate, I suddenly felt uneasy today, I couldn’t sleep... So I came to see you...”

Uneasy? Do you think I will believe that? How can such a coincidence exist? You came at the exact time I was sleeping with Ai Mi. Do you want me to believe that we have a telepathic connection?

I peeked at the door of the big bedroom, no changes. Seems Ai Mi was not woken up.

When I pulled Xiao Qin through the door, I grabbed onto her sleeves but forgot to let go. She seems to like her sleeves being gripped, she likes the feeling of being restrained, and some color returned to her pale face.

“Ye Lin classmate, I’m so cold...”

She replaced her sleeve with her own hand and put it into the middle of my palm, her eyes sparkling with a look of hope.

Her little hand was ice cold, I couldn’t help but suspect that her heart was also currently this temperature.

Her left hand held onto my right hand. I can feel the rhythm of her pulse, her heart was beating very fast.

“Take off your wet clothes and go take a hot bath!” I ordered.

“Before, before that...” Xiao Qin put her right hand on her heart and said to me like a small injured animal:

“Ye, Ye Lin classmate, can you listen to what I have to say?”


“...Can you be my boyfriend?”

Eh? Why is it this again! Didn’t you say you want to return to being ordinary childhood friends? Your confession was already rejected the first time, but you still want to try a second time!

“Because, because... I can’t stand it anymore!”

Her voice and body are shaking.

“I originally thought that I can slowly develop an intimate relationship from childhood friends... but it doesn’t seem like I made any progress! Ye Lin classmate seems like he only wants to stay as my childhood friend for the rest of his life!”

Do you still want progress? It’s bad enough that I would have to stay childhood friends for life.

“I, I’ve reread some of the shoujo manga I read before. I found that childhood friends won’t always necessarily win at the end! There are a lot of unlucky childhood friends who could only smile and congratulate their sweetheart as they chose another girl!”

What’s strange about that? Childhood friends are too familiar with each other, there is no sense of mystery or novelty, it is normal to get different lovers.

Xiao Qin twisted the clothes on her chest into a ball as if she was in a lot of pain.

“Ye Lin classmate is too softhearted. When I’m a childhood friend, if any other girl confessed to you... since you don’t have any psychological resistance against them, you might easily agree!”

Who’s softhearted! I’m clearly ruthless and cold with a heart of steel! Besides, apart from an awkward and abnormal girl like you, who else would like me? Ai Mi just regards me as her subordinate. She treats me like how her mother treats Peng TouSi, there is no essential difference!

“When I think about that possibility, my heart hurts and I can’t help but want to cry...”

Two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks. Sure enough, what I saw before wasn’t rain.

I am most afraid of a woman’s tears. I think it is more powerful than sulfuric acid that can eat through a corpse.

“Hey, don’t cry! We can talk it out!”

I want to pull her into the living room and sit down, but she clung to my hand and refused to move. It seems that as soon as I move, all the condensed atmosphere would disappear.

Xiao Qin wiped his tears. “Umm... Since Ai Mi brought bodyguards, did she already rape Ye Lin classmate...”

You’re the one who was raped! You looked through the window and saw Ai Mi lying with me, so you came to the conclusion that she raped me?! What’s wrong with your brain!

“Was I wrong? Then why did she sleep in Ye Lin classmate’s bed? Did Ye Lin classmate take the initiative?”

As soon as she mentioned this possibility, Xiao Qin cried again.

“No! Ai Mi is just afraid of thunder and needed someone to accompany her! We didn’t do anything together. As for why she is at my house, you can ask Peng TouSi for details! Remember that black bodyguard? Someone as strong as him won’t lie to you!”

“You.. you still say you didn’t do anything!” Xiao Qin pouted. “You’re already calling her with a nickname!”

“Ai Mi is not a nickname! It’s her real name! You can call her that too!”

I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

“Did, did I misunderstand?”

I nodded desperately and she gradually stopped crying.

“Then... be my boyfriend!”

Although she stopped crying, she still held on to me.


“Since Ye Lin classmate is not saying anything, are you silently agreeing? But that’s not what your eyes are saying...”


“I beg you, please agree! I’ll die if we stay as ordinary childhood friends! I really will die! I’m so worried that my heart skips 10,000 times each second and I won’t be able to rest!”

Stop exaggerating! A hummingbird’s heartbeat is only a thousand times every minute, if yours beats 10,000 times a second, what kind of high frequency vibration would you be emitting! Whenever you stand on the road, you would damage the asphalt roads from the vibrations!

I won’t worry about Xiao Qin dying from high-frequency heart disease, but if she climbed to the fifth floor on a rainy night like tonight, there’s an actual possibility of her falling to her death.

“Hey, if I promise to be your boyfriend, can you guarantee that you will listen to me and won’t cause any more trouble?”

Xiao Qin’s eyes released an unprecedented light.

“I, I am willing!”

Who asked if you were willing or not! I wanted you make a guarantee! Do you think this is a wedding ceremony?

Also, I don’t really want to be her boyfriend. This is just a trick to restrain her behavior.

“Listen closely.” I put my left hand on Xiao Qin’s shoulder, and she was flattered.

“I could be your boyfriend, you just have to abide by the rules I’ll set in the future, but... you have to remember that you’re not allowed to publicize it! The fact that I’m your boyfriend is a secret between the two of us, understand?”

“Huh?” Xiao Qin paused. “Why can’t I tell others about something that makes me happy?”

“Because, you’re still in the trial period!” I muttered. “If you can’t do what you promised, I’ll fire you!”

In fact, it has nothing to do with trial period. I heard that there were trash boyfriends who don’t disclose their relationship with their girlfriends because it’s convenient for them to cheat with multiple other women. It’s too late for regrets by the time their girlfriends found out the truth.

That’s right, I’m going to act as a trash boyfriend. Anyway, she’s tired of being only childhood friends. As long as we don’t disclose it to the public, there is no real change in our apparent relationship.

When she can’t stand the harsh rules that I’m going to give her, or she might think I’m cheating because of my “womanizer plan”, she will leave me!

“Okay!” Xiao Qin raised her two small fists in front of her chest and promised:

“I will do my best! I’ll do whatever Ye Lin classmate tells me to do! Now, am I Ye Lin classmate’s girlfriend?”

I stuck out a finger towards her, “Don’t forget it’s a ‘secret’”.

Xiao Qin exclaimed and seemed to understand and nodded.

She is so easy to trick! This way, she won’t get confused about our relationship and won’t do any more dangerous things.

I will find a way to dump her later.


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