I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 523 Raze It! Raze It All!

No one in Sumatra had the gall to challenge the Boar King. Even pinnacle powerhouses like Raaha and Geugeu only intended to defend against the Boar King.

Brandal Brimgan wanted to fight the Boar King, but that was only to broaden his horizon, knowing full well that he wouldn't survive the fight. At least in Sumatra Chronicles, Yarsha Zahara schemed against the Boar King, but judging by the Mammoth Clan's annihilation, whatever she had planned hadn't taken effect yet.

Of course, how could anyone face an existence on Sumatra that was capable of killing literal Transcendents? It was a futile thought process.

In the present timeline, seven people dared challenge the thought. And they were the seven Mystic Paths, each carrying a certain objective towards their ultimate goal—to end the Boar King.

But, from Virala to Orakha, none truly had made plans to kill the Boar King. No, they weren't confident in killing him until they attained their endgame build, which would only be completed during the Fourth Major Disaster.

Therefore, whatever they schemed until then would only be to stall the Boar King. Even Inala's plans were only laid to stall the Boar King as long as possible. After all, even his Sandy-Grey Bombs didn't have enough power to kill the Boar King.

Resha never intended to wait until the Fourth Major Disaster. Technically, his build would reach endgame potential too, allowing him to contest against the Boar King. But, there was one problem here.

No one apart from the Mystic Seven would pose a threat to the Boar King. That was what Resha believed. He didn't know about Wittral and Maroppa coming to the Mammoth Clan's side, but even if they were added to the mix, nothing would change.

They'll all be busy fighting Yarsha Zahara. Hence, at the end of the day, it was up to the Mystic Seven to deal with the Boar King. No other variable would be able to affect him, for at the 10-Life Stage, the Boar King was capable of brushing off all Influenced Regions.

The risk was too much. Unlike everyone, Resha fought an endgame Boar King. He knew how terrifying that entity was. Forget despair, that was perversely hopeless. Even despair was cute compared to what he felt at that moment when the strongest of his attacks—that was capable of shattering mountains—failed to even scratch the Boar King.

Therefore, the best time was now. Thanks to the eye's attack, the Boar King's cultivation dropped from the 3-Life Stage to the 2-Life Stage. At this level, the Attributed Region posed a serious threat to his life.

Resha wanted to use that. Whether he dies in the process or not is relevant. As long as he manages to kill the Boar King, he'll be content with the price.

It wasn't just that. He had backup plans for the scenario of the Boar King arriving in advance—before he obtained the Attribute. And now, he was using it. His intention?

Use the Boar King to make a beeline to the Attribute!

"Choose!" His voice reverberated powerfully in the region as Resha sped through the flight of stairs and arrived at Compartment 10-K.

As for the Raid Team, they were extremely pissed.

Fstoll Brimgan observed a repeat of the Fentan City Disaster from a decade ago. But this time, the scale of the disaster was larger, with the death toll in the millions. 'Again, it happened.'

He was old, having less than a couple of decades left to live. In his long life, he had been through, seen, and experienced a lot. But whatever it might have been, the fact of the matter is that a Pranic Beast managed to kill millions of Free Humans under his watch while he failed to protect anyone.

"What…have we been living for all along?" He muttered, causing the eyes of his team members to redden in response, "What if it had happened at the Capital? The entirety of our younger generation would have been erased in the most gruesome manner possible. If we…can't even bring closure to the sufferings of our people, why are we alive?"

"Right?" He chuckled with a tone of mockery and condensed a Spirit Weapon in the shape of a turbine, one that revved at terrifying speeds to generate a powerful thrust.

He stared at the sky and observed the eye vanishing from sight, "As our historical records have stated, that eye indeed exists. But, now that it no longer has the power to stop us, it's time we displayed our might."

A ship was built around the turbine to create a flying vessel. The Brimgan Empire had the means to fly, as obviously with the strongest psychokinesis on Sumatra. They were the only ones who could realistically generate enough thrust through a Spirit Weapon to fly.

Many times, their Ancestors had tried it and vanished in response. The records left behind told them to avoid flying, which was what the Brimgan Royals have obeyed to date. Multiple generations of Brimgan Emperors have questioned their Transcendent about it, all to be met with the same response.

[Leap, Don't Fly!]

Hence, the Brimgan Royals classified all Spirit Weapon techniques related to the creation of flying vessels as forbidden. And when a Brimgan Royal gains enough power to create a flying vessel, they are taught to never dream about flying.

Only the Ministers—Brimgan Royals at the 9-Life Stage—were given access to the records that allowed them to know what happened to the Brimgan Royals who had attempted to fly in the past. It was in a man's nature to pursue the sky. And for those with the power to do so, forcing them to stay put was torture.

But not anymore!

The ship took flight and continued to gain altitude. Standing on its deck was Fstoll Brimgan, using his Minor Treasure to add a bunch of weights on Yarsha Zahara to lock her onto the floor of the deck. The lava cage was shattered only around her head, making it easy for the Boar King to see her facial expression.

Everyone part of the Raid Team was at the 9-Life Stage, Ministers with a wealth of experience. Even though she recovered her abilities from the past, there was nothing she could do. Even if she could escape from her bindings, she could still be dragged back into her cell.

After all, not only were they in the sky now, but the Spirit Weapons of her captors were vastly faster than whatever she could unleash at the moment. Her eyes were gloomy as Yarsha Zahara realised this, trembling in rage but helpless to do anything.

All she could do was see the corpses of Yaha and Hara, her daughters. 'I'm sorry! I couldn't protect you!'

"Look to the side if you want to cry." Fstoll Brimgan grabbed her head and twisted it fiercely, pointing at the deaths in Fentan City, "This is the second time it happened. And your husband was the culprit both times."

"So, isn't it fair that we make him experience the same?" His entire body trembled as he observed the Boar King's approach and nodded at his teammates. Immediately in response, Spirit Weapons flew out of the ship and headed towards the Boar King.

The Brimgan Royals excelled at ranged fights. And now that they could assume flight, it was impossible to target them anymore.

"Come at us with all you got!" Fstoll Brimgan said and increased the strength of his hold, gradually beginning to crush Yarsha Zahara's head, "I'll make you witness your wife's death."

"Fucking Bastards!" The Boar King's figure skid to a stop before the corpses of Yaha and Hara. He gently scooped up their crushed bodies, words failing to form in his mouth. He was choking, unable to bear seeing his family reduced to such a state.

He had a choice now. Either he chases after his remaining kids or goes after his wife. Resha was in the Attributed Region, so it wouldn't be easy to snatch his children from him quickly. On the other hand, the Raid Team was in the sky, out of his reach, with them continuing to build up altitude.

He would have to unleash thrusts from his stomach biome to chase after them, but in terms of manoeuvrability, he was outclassed in the skies. There were twenty turbines attached to the ship, able to fine-tune its movements with both speed and accuracy.

With the distance between them, even if the Boar King propels himself at supersonic speeds, the Raid Team had a few seconds to react. And to a Brimgan Empire, that was long enough to chill and have a lengthy discussion.

Kinesis Deity evolved to function in high-paced situations. The Brimgan Royals' reaction speed and ability to perceive fast-

moving objects were the highest in Sumatra. Therefore, getting back Yarsha Zahara from them successfully would also take time.

Worst of all, to pressure the Boar King into making a choice, both parties were inflicting horror on his wife and kids respectively.

"I…might go mad if I do this. But, I have no other choice." The Boar King took a deep breath as he shed tears, using a stored Nature to burn the corpses of his two daughters, "Please forgive your lacking father. If there's another life and I'm blessed to have you both as my children once again, I promise to treat you better."

"My remaining family, I'll rescue them, no matter the price. I, the Boar King, am unworthy of my title if I fail to protect my loved ones." He slowly got up as the air around him trembled, generating thunderclaps. From one to two to four, it continued to increase.

Amidst the incessant thunderclaps, the Boar King stood, generating a volume of presence that continued to grow, quickly surpassing his previous 3-Life Stage presence as his stomach biome had fused with the eye's blood and become exceedingly stable.

Air revolved around him due to the field of gravity his mass naturally generated. And then, he split into two. The body with the stomach biome retained all the activated Natures of Internal Inertial Gravity while the other body received the remaining Natures.contemporary romance

The body with the stomach biome would be his main body, intending to chase after Resha. He grabbed his other body and threw him towards the ship with all his might, "Save here, no matter the cost."

"But if you were to fail…" A moment later, he uttered, no longer having the mood to care about the preservation of life that he had maintained for two millennia, "Raze this place down until life cannot grow on it for a millennium."

"A civilisation that dared target my family will face the consequences of doing so. The deaths won't stop at millions. No," His Prana began to grow into the shape of the Empyrean Boar King, solidifying on its own in response to his growing emotions, "That won't be enough."

"Everyone's dying today!"


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