Iker's Man 1

Chapter Chapter  25 – Zaleno’s Viraat

Zaleno had always prided in his independence. He was a hunter with no weaknesses. He is an Alpha.

Now, here in his new home, with Viraat, he has changed. Letting himself be vulnerable is very difficult for him. Viraat's very colourful sex life is one reason. His independence was another reason. He looked at Viraat's face. The man had left everything behind and came with him to Ilse and he had still kept the alpha at arm's length.

Zal never thought he will be submissive to anyone. But here, as he laid next to Viraat, it seemed okay.

They have never spoken about it. Apart from a few kisses here and there, they- well Zal did not let in Viraat too close except to give the mating marks.

But on the night of the rogue attack, when he saw Viraat go into the fray, for the first time in his life he was scared. He never thought the ruthless hunter in him had the capability to feel fear.

But it seems he is also after all just another wolf when it comes to the matters of the mate. Viraat was scared of letting go. He knew that the wolf in Viraat was slowly going into depression, so was Viraat. He wanted to talk to someone and he knew just the person. Iker's love for Avadh was evident to Zal. Who better to talk to than the man who broke his ice-cold exterior for his mate and let himself be vulnerable?

Zal went in search of Iker. Avadh was supposed to come home for lunch as it was a Sunday. The man is yet to turn up and Iker was trying to be subtle about his worrying. However, pacing across the entrance throwing glances towards the gate was not helping his case.

Then, Avadh came. Iker made him sit down and have his lunch. Avadh was engaged in conversations with pack leaders when Iker gave him a glass of water which he took thankfully and proceeded to the yard for a detailed meeting.

Iker made Avadh remove his coat before he let the man go back out into the yard. Iker was on the stairs when Zal decided to finally talk to him.


Iker looked at him and the surprise was evident on his face. Soon all the expressions in his face was gone and he looked more guarded. At one-point Zal was his only confider and now, now he was part of the 'be on guard' list. He hated it but he knew he was the only one responsible for it.

"Hmm, what is it?" asked Iker.

"I just wanted to talk to you a bit," said Zal.

"Okay, let me just hang this, come on," said Iker and went up. Zal followed.

"Come in," said Iker and Zal stepped into the entrance to the King's suite.

He looked out through the window and rolled his eyes seeing Viraat up and very much active as he listened to Avadh sorting out things.

"Of course, even the promise of sleep wouldn't keep Viraat from his hunter duties. Seriously, I used to be surprised but now I have seen enough of Alwars - I mean us-" said Iker and groaned and Zal snorted nodding.

"It is our name too and well- I am also learning," said Zal.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"It's just- Viraat, I trust him. I do. But It is really hard to let go- to let go of control," said Zal.

Iker looked at Avadh and then sighed looking back at Zal.

"Sit down. I will make us coffee. He is addicted to it, so we have a machine in here," said Iker.

Zal nodded and sat down.

Soon Iker came with two cups and gave one to Zal. He smiled seeing the coffee made just how he preferred it.

"I- I really did not know what I walked into when I came here. And then, you know how Ma is. She is absolutely crazy about all of us," said Iker.

Zal smiled.

"I know. Don't you see her leading me around giving me all the back stories and now Hale is getting the same lessons? I - I apologised to her for drawing Viraat away from home, leaving the palace vulnerable for attacks with one hunter short and she was like- 'Oh, you are just the kind of partner Viraat needs. Never apologise. You did right by not giving in then'. Can you believe it?," said Zal amused.

"I can. I remember her rebuking King when he used to rush out at the dead of the night on my initial days here. It has been what, five months now and well - in all my crises she was there, so there is that," said Iker.

"We- King, he - there were days we never spoke at first. It was a convenient arrangement for us and me - I saw from close quarters as to why people hailed him as the greatest Alpha King in history. He- He had told me I would be his second priority only. His first priority would always be people and I was indifferent about it. Then I - I just saw the person he was- the enigma and I couldn't stop myself from letting go. Even when we mated, I had not let go fully. It was a means to an end but he- well, then I guess I just fell for him, I let myself feel. It was during that period that I experienced a sample of how my life will turn out to be. But then the attack on palace happened. Then we had a rough patch. I went back to being a very closed off person at least to him. But it took a lot of effort. I realised I was using half of my energy in holding myself back," said Iker.

"Second priority? I am going to kill him, King or not," said Zal furious.

Iker looked at his brother.

"Why do you care Zal? As long as I am not a hindrance to your life, why should you care?" asked Iker softly.

Zal looked at him.

"Because you are my brother and nothing I say or do can change that. He will pay-

"I was kidnapped, you remember. I thought he would not come for me at first. But, he came. My King came for me before he went anywhere. He made the choice. He chose me," said Iker. Zal looked at him.

"That's- that's well," Zal was speechless.

"I told you my story to make you understand that it is not easy. Letting go. It was not easy for either of us. But, in the end, we did," said Iker.

Zal nodded.

"It is going to worth it. He means everything to me, you know," said Iker.

Zal nodded and then hugged Iker.

Iker was surprised but did not move away.

"You smell different Zalen," said Iker, using his favourite shortening of Zaleno.

"I was sleeping next to him," said Zal

"I am so sorry, about everything Ike," said Zal and then pecked on Iker's forehead and cheek and left.

Zaleno passed Avadh on the way.

Avadh walked in and held Iker who hid his face on Avadh's chest hiding away his tears from the world.

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