If only he loved me too

Chapter 38: thirty eight

A sharp pain shot through my head, a sense of Deja Vu flickered in my mind, I groan in pain on opening my eyes the bright lights Pierced through it blinding me momentarily.

I try to move my hand to shield my eyes but I couldn't, my hands were bound, I looked at myself and I found myself bound with ropes on a wooden chair, my lips sealed with the tape I observe my surroundings and I was trapped in some kind of a warehouse.

I tried to scream but no use, my voice was muffled by the tape. I tried to move but all my attempts to escape failed. The door of the warehouse opened and I was shocked to see Oliver's Father, I felt betrayed because I had considered Oliver my brother, I try to console myself that maybe it's some misunderstanding and Oliver didn't betray me.

He slowly walked towards me and smirked his wrinkled face turned into an ugly look. " got something to say, Princess?" He mocked me

I glared at him and he laughed "oh, she's wild I like wild," he said lustfully, I grimaced at him

"Arthur, that's enough," said a familiar voice, the blood drained from my face when the new face walked into the room. "Nice to see you again, Erika," he smiled creepily, I stared at him terrified I can't believe it's him "please, take off the duck tape Artur, I'm sure she has a few questions for us," he didn't even have to raise his voice for Artur to follow his order.

The duck tape ripped from my lips, I hissed at the pain, and Artur smiled giddy, I turned my attention to the newcomer and he was right I have didn't@lot of questions. "Why am I here, Robert, "yes Rober as in my Grandfather-in-law.

He smiled "it's very simple my dear, he took something important from me and I took something from him, "he hinted, I staggered in my seat with the realization

"So, that's it. Do you want revenge? I

look at him bewildered " well sorry to

tell you this but you got the wrong person, we don't even like each other. Our marriage was a contract" the moment the words left my mouth my captures gape at one another, "God, you did all of this for nothing, I feel bad for you, chuckled angrily. I knew I was babbling to distract them On the other hand, I was twirling my finger ring because my ring was no ordinary ring there was a tracking


chip, I have updated all of my devices for times like these, and the alert goes to my friend Luke the Hacker, there were zero chances he would miss this.

They leave hurriedly not before slapping my face, my face spanned on the right side and I felt numb on my left cheek, I licked my lip and

tasted blood within no time the net

cheek would be swollen too. K distract myself by working on my ring, there was a vibration and it was a sign that he got my message.

A few minutes later, both of them came back to the room looking smug, Robert stood in front of me, Artur walked behind me and pulled my hair, I winced in pain when the pain doubles with the previous hit. "Looks like you were wrong, he does care about you," Robert says showing me a video of Massimo entering some kind of dock.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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