If only he loved me too

Chapter 19: nineteen

I didn't speak the entire way to the mall where Nicole has invited us for Lunch, I watched the road from the window thinking deeply about what had happened to me within eight months and a half months. My life has changed so drastically and drastically that I had never even imagined these things.

Adrian sighed "Look, I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought that up," he didn't know what was wrong with me, and yet he still apologized.

Signing I looked at him and smiled sadly "I was indeed married for almost five years," I said rubbing my ring finger missing the feel of the platinum band. he waited patiently for me to continue "But, I lost him in an accident eight months ago," he looked at me apologetically "Don't give me that look I'm tired of it," I said waving off his sympathetic expression.

"Tell me about yourself, I don't know anything about you, yet you know all about my sob story," I said trying to lighten up the mood. I know I told him the old story but I rather tell him this than the one with him being alive and with a different name and identity, all that drama doesn't need to be brought out to the light just yet.

he cheered up with the change of the topic "I'm Adrain Foster, 23 years old final year business studies student at the community college, Boston. I'm an only child, my parents say near the quarters of the forest department since they love nature..." he talked the entire way and the cheerfulness in his mood brought a genuine smile on my face.

"She wants us to meet her at the bowling point," I said reading her text. the Mall was bigger than any other mall, they had everything that includes, a movie theater, bowling point, cafe, and many more. on our way to the bowling point, I saw a clothing store and checked out my outfit, I was not comfortable with the dress I'm wearing in a public place like this.

"Adrian, I'm gonna do a little shopping how about I meet you at the bowling point?" I asked waiting for his reply, he nodded and walked off.

After a quick pit stop at the store, I was now very comfortable in ankle jeans, full sleeves shirt, and sneakers. I feel much more like myself in these clothes now.

"Hey..." I said sitting on the bench where Nicole and Adrian were bowling with another guy I don't know of but looking at how Nicole is jumping at him seems like he is with her.

"Hey, where were you?" she asked me and I gave her a You-dare-ask-me look to which she smiled at me sheepishly. "sorry, the wrong question," she smiled

"I had a small pit stop to the clothing store since I could roam around the mall with a side split cocktail dress now, can I?" I taunted while ordering cocoa milkshake and french fries, I looked at the hot guy beside her "I don't think we have met? I'm Erika Price, Nicole's high school friend," I offered him my hand smiling and he accepted smiling back

He tall maybe be 5'9, with curly hair, dark eyes, dark skin, and a nice smile. "Hi, I'm Miles Stuart, I'm sorry about last night it was my fault, actually we had a fight a couple of weeks ago and stopped talking but last night when I saw her all the feeling surfaced and we had to move away from people because what we were going to do was not legal in public yet," he laughed when Nicole hit his arm blushing embarrassingly

"It's ok, luckily I woke up in a nice stranger's house rather than a complete psychopath. so, all is good," I said mischievously still tiring to make her feel guilty. she whined like a spoilt brat on showing her mistake making me smile.

"How many times do I have to apologize for this," she cried out in frustration and we all laughed "By the Viper here is our very good friend and I trusted him to get you home safe which he did, thanks by the way," she said the last sentence to Adrian who was busy shoving food in his mouth

I choked on my milkshake (stop that smile, you dirty people) and snorted "You call him that?" I asked wiping my mouth with the tissue.

both of them laughed "Yes when we heard his friend call him Viper we wouldn't let this opportunity slide," we laughed together at that, Adrian on the other hand had his face turned the deep shade of red with embarrassment

We enjoyed the whole day talking, bowling, eating. it was a good day.

but then the Monday came and the hell broke loose, remember the name of the company I worked yeah, the Price Enterprise. it was drowning I mean literary all the market shares were brought anonymously and the company was on the verge of collapse.

I went to the top floor of the building and greeted Rose she was the CEO'S PA, I knocked at the door and was allowed in "Robert? Is everything ok?" I asked looking at his wrinkling face, he looked much older than he did last time I saw him and that says a lot because he is already in his late sixties

"Erika my child," he smiled at me "I'm fine, come sit down," he said gesturing to the empty chair opposite to him.

I sat on the chair and watched him "Are you sure you are ok? "I enquired again but he waved it off.

"I'm too old for this, I don't know how I'm gonna do this without Dimitri, he was exceptionally good with this and I'm not him," he spoke with so much pain in his voice that it brought tears to my eyes.

"Yeah, he was good," I said smiled at the faraway look on his face, he seemed to be recalling a happy moment with his grandson.

"I'm sorry for your loss my dear," he said like he was not one of the people who lost something more precious than someone like me

"I'm sorry for yours too," we smiled sadly at each other for a few minutes and then fell into silence "Did you find out about the buyer?" I asked spotting the elephant in the room.

"No, but the committee thinks it someone from Brazil," he said and I paled in my place

Brazil? Dimitri/Massimo is in Brazil

God! don't tell me he did this?

but the real question is why? why destroy the company you made? why hurt the people who raised him? why?

What are you planning now Mr. Ex-Husband?

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