I Want a Divorce by Nadia Gordon

Chapter 14

Chapter 14
Meanwhile, in the room, Abigail immediately rolled out of bed as soon as
Dahlia left. Unfortunately, Sean pressed her down on the bed before she
could successfully escape from his clutches.
She instinctively used her hand to shove him away. As a result, she did
manage to create some distance between them. “She’s already gone.
There’s no need for us to act now.”
Alas, he simply gazed deeply at her, his voice hoarse when he asked, “Didn’t
you want this when you grabbed me earlier?”
A confused and speechless Abigail shrieked in dismay, “I was just reminding
you not to let Dahlia come to my side of the bed! Are you a sex addict or
something? How do you always relate everything to that?!”
Nonetheless, he merely ignored her while he suppressed his desire and
guided her hand downwards until it landed on a certain place.
12:18 Sun, 24 Sept
Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
At this rate, she had a strong urge to just remove her hand from her body
forever. Sure, it would be difficult to live without a hand, but she would make it

work somehow. Still, she desperately tried to withdraw her hand from his grip,
her face was flushed crimson. “What are you doing?!”
He responded by enunciating each word slowly yet firmly, “Remind me again,
did you have to grab me here earlier?”
When she made a mad grasp at him a moment ago, her aim was rather
unfortunate. Coupled with her panicked grip, it hurt so terribly that he
suspected that she wanted his line to end with him today.
Abigail finally realized what he was insinuating. Her face turned into a rather
violent shade of red, but she stubbornly retorted, “Fine. Let me go. I need to
wash my hands.”
Sean’s eyes darkened. “You’re disgusted by something you use?”
She earnestly replied, “You should know that what I’m avoiding might not be
an object...”
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Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
But the person? Does she really despise me that badly? Sean’s previously
good mood disappeared in a puff of smoke when he thought of that.
The hazy mist in his eyes gradually dissipated as he calmly regarded her for

a few seconds. Then, he turned around and got off the bed. “You can have
the bed.”
With that said, he walked straight out of the room.
Abigail didn’t care where he was going; since he had already given her
permission to use the bed, she would obediently make use of it.
It was probably due to the sudden change of location as she failed to fall
asleep even though she was utterly exhausted. In the end, she kept tossing
and turning in bed, trying desperately to get some shut–eye. To make
matters worse, she felt increasingly warm, which did nothing for her already
discomfited state.
Why does it feel so hot and humid when it’s only March?
12:18 Sun, 24 Septe
Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
Abigail agitatedly undid two buttons on her sleeping gown, only to find the
temperature still too high for her. Moreover, for some reason, she kept
thinking about Sean’s hand holding the spoon when he was feeding her the
pudding earlier.
She could tell at a glance that his fair and long arms were quite strong.

Wait, why am I thinking about him at a time like this?! She couldn’t help but
feel annoyed at herself for being so easily charmed by his looks. Eventually,
her emotions got the better of her as she kicked the blanket off her person in
a fit of ire.
Just as sleep had finally descended upon her, someone pushed open the
door and entered the room.
Sean couldn’t help but slightly raise an eyebrow at the sight of the person on
the bed.
In the dimly lit bedroom, the moonlight was filtered by the thick and luxurious
curtains, leaving only a faint glow that fell on her slim waist.
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Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
That was the place he loved to touch the most when they were intimate;
both his hands could easily encircle it.
A sly glint flashed in Sean’s eyes. He had told her to sleep on the bed, but he
didn’t say anything about him sleeping on the couch.
Therefore, he naturally slid under the covers on the other side of the bed. Just
as he was about to close his eyes, a pair of warm, soft, slender, and fair

hands caressed his chest.
Her fingers then slipped in through the gap between his buttons and slid
She acted without restraint by entwining her slender and straight legs.
around his body in the cover of the darkness. When her softness
unintentionally brushed against him, the man’s breathing gradually grew
heavy. Yet, his voice remained as cold as ever when he demanded, “You
didn’t want it earlier, so why play this game of cat and mouse now?”
Unfortunately, Abigail was tormented by the heat invading her senses and
Sun, 24 Sept
Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
couldn’t care less about the man’s sarcasm. She even let out a little moan to
tempt him.
Emboldened by the little noises she was making; he couldn’t be considered a
man if he continued restraining his desires.
Thus, he swiftly pressed her back onto the bed with one hand.
Her babbles were drowned by provocative kisses as his slightly cool tongue
forced its way past her teeth, greedily taking every breath that belonged to

There was only one thought in her mind.
Well, the audacity of the man! I’m clearly unwell, yet he dared to insinuate
that I’m the wanton one in this tattered relationship! He was the one who
would do anything to sleep with me!
Hence, Abigail didn’t feel like she was going against her conscience now that
she had that particular thought fueling her sanity.
12:18 Sun, 24 Sept 0.
Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
Alas, at the critical moment, Sean’s phone, which had been placed aside,
started ringing now, of all times.
Neither of them paid any attention to it at first, but the person on the other
end wasn’t clearly inclined to give up. The calls kept coming one after
Sean eventually reached for his phone and answered the call.
A woman’s crying voice faintly came through the phone.
He didn’t even hesitate for a second before he swiftly pulled away from
Abigail, hastily sputtering, “Wait for me. I’ll be there right away.”

In fact, he didn’t even spare a glance at Abigail after hanging up the call.
Instead, he hurriedly put on his clothes before leaving. He didn’t even bother
to look at her once from the beginning to the end.
Abigail lay alone in the darkness as she stared at the ceiling while her body
burned with passion, but her heart felt as cold as ice.
Sun, 24 Sept
Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
She felt tortured as she was forced to endure such extreme differences as
her mind and body warred against one another. After a while, the tip of her
nose started to sting as she lowered her head and glanced at her
near–naked body.
She had heard people say that once an arrow was on the string, it had to be
shot; no man could stop at the critical moment.
What kind of true and sincere feelings did Sean have for Joan to be able to
stop at a time like this?
Abigail stared blankly at the ceiling as she lay utterly motionless for a time.
Fortunately for her, she had all the time in the world to finally regain her
composure even though her body still burned.
This time, it was nothing like the night of their wedding, where she had found

release. Even though the process left a great deal to be desired, she was still
somewhat happy.
She knew she was a fool. Regardless, she wasn’t that stupid to not notice that
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Chapter 14 There Was Only One Thought on Her Mind
there was something wrong with the pudding Dahlia brought earlier,
And the night of their wedding...
Was that also her doing?
Abigail couldn’t tell if she was disappointed or broken–hearted.
Although her legs refused to cooperate with her at times, she still forced
herself to go to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with cold water. Then,
she even brought out all the chilled drinks and alcohol from the bedroom’s
mini fridge. Once she tossed everything into the bathtub, she stepped into
the tub with her gritted teeth.

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