I Once Married You (Harper and Benjamin)

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Car Accident

"Benjamin, you're all I have. If you don't even want me anymore, I might as well be dead."

Lauren's tone got softer and softer the more she spoke.

Finally, without waiting for Benjamin's response, she hung up the phone and drove away from Pineview Villa. Lauren was going to the Martin Manor to find Benjamin and ask him why he was doing this to her. Benjamin just assumed she couldn't handle it, so he planned to tell her why when he got back to Pineview Villa at night.

Except Lauren never came back.

He called, but there was no answer. Benjamin contacted Rue, who simply replied that she hadn't met with Lauren.

Benjamin suddenly couldn't reach Lauren. In Mayby, the weather had been bad these days. It was raining heavily outside at the moment.

The time was already past ten in the evening.

Benjamin frowned slightly, and his expression was cold. Eventually, he picked up his cell phone and dialed a string of numbers out. "Pull up the surveillance footage of Lauren leaving Pineview Villa today and check where she went."

"Okay, I'll check right away," Curtis responded immediately.

There was news in about half an hour.

Lauren had driven away from Pineview Villa and had been driving around. Then, she found a place to drink when it got dark. Afterward, Lauren had driven haphazardly toward the road at the Martin Manor. But she took the wrong intersection halfway there, and there was no surveillance on the road after that, so they did not know exactly where she went.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Benjamin frowned and instructed Curtis in a low voice, "You arrange for someone to find her, and also report to the police for help." "Yes."

Ending the call, Benjamin then pushed open the bedroom door.

Harper was just coming out of the shower. The two of them locked eyes. He said with a warm face, "Lauren is missing."

Harper didn't say anything.

So Benjamin said, "Harper, don't you think you shouldn't have told her those things today? It's something you could have let me tell Lauren myself."

She was flat and looked at Benjamin, saying, "I don't think I said anything wrong, so are you blaming me for making Lauren disappear?"

Harper didn't think she was wrong. After all, Lauren had provoked her first.

"I'm not blaming you. I just want you to understand that if you hadn't told Lauren, she might not have disappeared now because she got lost driving her car on the way to the Martin Manor." He finished, glanced at Harper, then casually grabbed a jacket and left.

Harper stood at her bedroom window and watched as he drove off into the rain and left Pineview Villa.

Benjamin drove alone to meet up with Curtis. The car sped through the late night. The rain got heavier, and a dark blue lightning bolt bloomed in the night.

She could clearly see the light of the lightning through the window and the deafening sound of thunder in her ears. It made Harper nervous.

Lauren had gotten lost on her way to the Martin Manor and lost contact. Harper didn't like Lauren. But a girl getting lost in the mountains and now it was pouring rain wasn't something she wanted to see. Harper was thinking of the cold face Benjamin had just worn when he accused her of not being able to tell Lauren that they weren't getting a divorce. He looked reserved and filled with coldness. Even though his tone was no different than usual, she could sense Benjamin's displeasure.

He didn't get angry, probably because he was still recovering after she had just been discharged from the hospital.

But the more Harper thought about it, the harder it became. For Lauren's sake, he braved the pouring rain. Benjamin must have loved Lauren very much, more than she could ever imagine. Harper smiled bitterly.

Outside, the rain seemed to get heavier, and a larger, more ferocious bolt of lightning bloomed.

Harper was silent, and a vague uneasiness rising in the back of her mind.

After a long time, she was woken up by the ringing of her cell phone just as she was falling asleep.

It was a string of unfamiliar numbers. Harper immediately picked up the phone, a little nervous. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Martin, it's me. Can you come to the hospital now? Mr. Martin has been in a car accident and is in the operating room ...'

The call was from Curtis.

Harper froze, unable to listen to what he said lockjaw. Her face was expressionless, completely frozen.

Harper whispered in a shaky voice, "What happened to him?"

"Mr. Martin was in a car accident on the road..."


That grip on the cell phone suddenly loosened, and the phone fell straight down. She immediately sat up, her eyes trembling slightly and her voice carrying a noticeable shake. "I know...I'll be right there..." Harper got dressed as fast as she could and went downstairs. It was now three in the morning, and the rain continued outside. All her thoughts were stuck on the fact that Benjamin had been in a car accident and was now in the hospital.

Instead of alerting the others, she drove to the hospital alone.

Along the way, Harper's heart dropped like a roller coaster.

All she could do was silently pray that Benjamin would be okay.

An hour later, she arrived at the door of the operating room.

Harper was pale and panicked as she stared at the opened door. Nurses and doctors wheeled out the surgical cart. She immediately stepped forward and asked in a hoarse voice, "How's Benjamin?"

"After resuscitation, his condition is quite stable, with no life-threatening injuries. However, the patient has a broken calf and multiple abrasions on his body. Everything will have to wait until the patient wakes up."

Harper relaxed a bit at this answer.

Only she became weak at the moment. Curtis immediately assisted her. "Mrs. Martin, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Let's get him back to the hospital room first."

Curtis had already checked in. It was a separate high-class room.

Doctors and nurses gave a flurry of instructions before leaving.

Looking at the bruised man on the bed, Harper had an indescribable feeling.

She had nothing to do with what he'd become but for the woman who meant the most to him.

It was ridiculous.

Harper was silent and sad.

Curtis also noticed that Harper's face wasn't looking very good and understood what Benjamin was doing to cause the way he was today.

He walked over to Harper and whispered, "Mrs. Martin, don't you worry. Mr. Martin will be fine."


She answered faintly, and with that, the atmosphere quieted down. Curtis didn't know what to say.

Benjamin's anesthesia wouldn't wear off until after sunrise, so Harper sat in a chair next to the hospital bed and waited. During that time, Curtis poured her a glass of water and reminded her to go to the couch to rest, but both refused.

Harper couldn't sleep at all. Her mind was a mess.

Benjamin had just said that he would not divorce for a while, but the next moment, he was hospitalized in a car accident for his beloved. If she had a choice, Harper would rather get a divorce.

A long time later, the rain outside had stopped, and the sky was also gradually bright.

Curtis bought breakfast. "Mrs. Martin, please eat something."

"No, I'll eat later after I go back and wash up."

She glanced at Benjamin in the hospital bed. It should be almost time before the anesthesia wears off. Harper wasn't going to meet with him at the moment because she didn't know what to say. Harper looked over to Curtis and asked, "Where's Lauren?"

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