I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 221

Lila’s POV

“Oh, my goddess!” Miss Emily exclaimed as she jumped to her feet.

My entire lunch slipped out of my hands and splattered to the ground; it also got on my clothing. I

jumped to my feet as well, my heart racing.

“I’m so sorry,” I breathed, feeling my brain rattling.

Miss Emily rushed toward me with napkins. I bent down and tried my best to clean my lunch off the


“I’ll grab a towel,” she said as she walked over to one of her closets on the far side of the room. When

she returned, we were able to clean up the rest of my mess.

“I’m so sorry…” I said again, feeling all sorts of embarrassed.

“Don’t worry about it, Lila,” she said in return. “I shouldn’t have abruptly said that.”

My face warmed as I looked at her; she didn’t look angry or shocked. She just looked like her normal,

compassionate, and genuine self. She motioned for the seat in front of her desk as she went back to her


“Want half my sandwich?” She asked, sitting down.

I shook my head, sitting down as well.

“I’m not very hungry anymore,” I said, keeping my eyes on her face.

“I’m sorry,” she said, frowning. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I know that wasn’t an appropriate


“I don’t understand… how did you—”

“Know that you and Alpha Enzo are mates?” She asked, raising her gaze to mine.

My eyes widened even more.

“I knew since last year,” she explained. “I had a vision about you…”

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“You’re a—”

“—I’m a prophet, yeah,” she said brightly. “It runs in my family. But I’m a different kind of prophet… I’m

not sure how to explain it.”

“Can you try?” I asked, feeling my eyes pleading.

She smiled and nodded.

“It’s when I touch people,” she said, meeting my eyes. “It’s like I can see into their soul and look at the

world through their eyes. I feel their emotions, pain, and even fears. I can get glimpses of their past and

futures. I can get some insight into what they are thinking about and the choices they will need to make

in the future. I can see their life paths and the different routes they may take,” she explained.

I stared at her with wide eyes.

“I’ve heard of that before…” I breathed. “I think my mother had taught me about that kind of prophet.

They are called Seer, right?”

She smiled, her cheeks growing a bit red, but she nodded.

“Yes. I am a Seer. My abilities didn’t start until last year. They developed after Enzo turned me down…”

“What happened?” I asked, intrigued.

“He apologized for turning me down and I put my hand on his shoulder, and when I did, I got a glimpse

of him finding out that you were his mate. You were in the infirmary, and he ran inside and spotted

you,” she explained, a smile tugging at her lips.

“So, you knew for most of last year?” I asked in wonder. “But how did you know I went to Monstro with


She laughed lightly.

“I touched your back earlier when I was looking at your painting and I saw a glimpse of you seeing him

on the airplane,” she chuckled. “I’m assuming him going with you wasn’t planned.”

I laughed.

“Not at all,” I said, and we both continued laughing. But then we stopped and took a breath. “You aren’t

going to tell the board… are you?”

“I don’t see why I’d have to,” she said with a shrug. “Neither of you has crossed a line in my presence. I

shouldn’t even know this information.”

“Thank you,” I said; I felt calmer now.

“Now, tell me about your vacation,” she said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

We spent the rest of lunch talking and catching up. I told her about my vacation and about how Enzo

marked me, and she told me about her summer painting class.

When lunch ended, I thanked her for the conversation and headed to my next class, Werewolf


By the end of class, I was exhausted, but I still had one more class and this was the class I was dreading

the most.

Combat and Shifting with Professor Xander.

I haven’t seen him since last week; he had given me a protein mix and told me to mix it with a cup of

water and drink it every morning. I drank it all last week and it made me feel incredibly weak. It made

Val feel weak as well and I nearly lost her from the exhaustion she felt.

As far as Xander knows, I’m still drinking that stuff. But in reality, Enzo took it and is having it tested. The

only thing is, there seems to be some magic tied to it and it’s blocking what’s actually in it. The only

witch Enzo trusted to help has been beaten so badly that she still hasn’t woken.

So, the mystery protein mix remains just that… a mystery.

Becca waved at me when I entered and I waved back, but my eyes never left Professor Xander. He stood

in the front of the arena in the very spot that Enzo used to stand in and his eyes were fixed on the

clipboard he held.

Per usual, he had no shirt on which revealed his body of tattoos and pure muscle. A shift crept up my

spine. I decided to run into the locker room so I could take a breath but as soon as I stepped inside, I

immediately regretted my decision.

Sarah sat on one of the wooden benches with her head held downward and she was breathing heavily.

It looked as if she was trying not to throw up.

“Are you okay?” I found myself asking. “Do you need to go to the nurse?”

Sarah glanced up at me and that’s how I noticed how red her eyes were; they were filled with unshed

tears, and I was shocked to see this kind of emotion coming from her. Typically, Sarah didn’t show any

real emotions. She always wore a hardened look and walked with her head held high.

As annoying and mean as she is, I did admire that part about her But looking at her now, the pained

look on her face, the tears in her eyes, hunched over like she might vomit, it was a sad sight to see.

“What do you care?” She muttered, turning away from me.

Despite how pained she looked, she still sounded like her normal bitchy self.

“You just look like you’re going to throw up—”

“I’m fine,” she said, cutting off my words.

She stood up and for a moment, I thought she was going to fall over. She grabbed the locker in front of

her before she fell completely forehead. Her head swooped downward again, and she took a steady

deep breath.

I didn’t bother saying anything this time, I just watched as she struggled to recover herself. Once she

finally managed to get her footing on the ground, she stood straight up, squared her shoulders, and

turned to me.

“Don’t tell anyone about this,” she said, and it didn’t sound like a demand, but a plead.

Her eyes were locked on mine, and they were still filled with unshed tears. She didn’t look angry or

anything, but she did look desperate, and it made me want to ask more about what was happening to


But I refrained from doing so knowing she wouldn’t tell me anyway.

“I won’t,” I finally agreed.

She said nothing as she turned and left the locker room. I stood there for a few more minutes before

leaving the locker room myself and joining the cluster of students that stood in front of Xander. `

He explained what today’s lesson was going to be which I knew didn’t include me because their lessons

consisted of shifting. Xander didn’t like it when I shifted.

Our morning training session started with typical workouts, such as running 5 laps, sit-ups, push-ups,

and pull-ups. Stuff that I could do easily and in my sleep.

Then we got into the real combat training.

As usual, he went semi-easy on me during class. Though he wouldn’t let me shift, I was able to get a few

strikes in and even landed him on the ground. Of course, I fell way more than he did. But in front of the

class, it appeared to be an equal match.

But during our private session after class, it was a whole new game.

He made me run around the largest track outside for what felt like hours. My lungs were on fire and my

face was so hot I thought I was going to pass out. After about 100 laps, I felt my stomach beginning to

betray me.

I wasn’t going to be able to hold the little food I had eaten earlier down much longer. I hunched my

body over and released the contents of my stomach all over the ground. Thank goddess we were


Because of the shameful mess I made, he made me drop and give him 50 pushups. My arms felt like

they were going to fall off.

The worst part was that he told me it was only a warmup.

We soon went back inside so we could practice real combat training and I lost track of how many times

he slammed me on the ground. Everything ached so bad that I couldn’t get any punches in like I did

earlier. I could hardly even move my body.

I was punched, kicked, smacked, body slammed, and ridiculed. By the time he was finished with me, I

was a bruised mess.

Professor Xander left me on the ground to recover on my own. He went into the locker room to shower

and change. I could feel my wolf healing me already and I was thankful to her for that.

I lifted my head once I finally found enough strength to move and I noticed that he left most of his stuff

in the corner of the room, scattered across the ground. Enzo used to leave his things in the same spot

and at one point I even snooped through his things.

I got to my feet and went over to the locker room where I could hear the light sounds of water. I took a

deep breath; I had a little bit of time before he came out of here. I’d like to be gone before he returns.

I quickly went toward his things and knelt in front of them.

Okay, Professor Xander. It’s time to figure out what the hell you want.

There were a few different pieces of paper that were falling out of his bag along with a lunchbox, a

water bottle, and a notebook. I frowned at the notebook; it was most likely his lessons for each day, but

it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek anyway.

I opened it, seeing his handwriting scrawled out in neat cursive.

I was right for the most part, it seemed to be lessons for each day.

As I flipped through the notebook, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for.

Then, the word Volana appeared in neat cursive toward the back of the book and my heart fell deep

into my stomach.

Weaken the Volana and weaken her odds.

What the hell did that mean?

There was more writing underneath it that I was about to read until I heard a low and threatening voice

behind me.

“Can I help you with something?”

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