I Am Jessamine

Chapter 20

Jessie awoke with a terrible start and saw that everything was in darkness apart from a lamp on the fireplace mantle and the low embers still crackling in the fireplace. Jess looked over at Gem and her heart nearly stopped and she held her breath. Staring back at her was her little cherub-faced Gem. Touching his face he felt cool and there was no longer any sweat on his brow or wetting his hair.

“Gemmie, my beautiful boy. Don’t try to speak my angel. Nod slightly if you can hear and understand me.” Jess whispered and the little boy nodded ever so slightly.

Tears of gratitude filled Jessie’s eyes and she kissed his little hands. “Just hold on a little bit longer, Gem. I am going to fetch Willy quickly to help me. You need to be brave for me, see?” and the little boy nodded slightly again with fear in his big blue eyes. “Oh, Gem, don’t be afraid, baby. You are going to be just fine. I am so happy to see you.” Jess put her forehead against his and kissed the tip of his nose and the little boy gave a small glimmer of a smile.

Jumping off the bed Jess pulled the door open and ran down the hall to Willy’s room and knocked lightly on the door. Jess did not have to wait long and Willy pulled the door open and stood looking just like someone would who had been woken up in the middle of the night.

“He’s awake!” was all Jess said and she turned on her heel and ran back to Gem.

Leaning over the boy Jess told him Willy is on his way and she squeezed his hand and he squeezed gently back and Jessie’s heart swelled. Willy walked into the room and smiled from ear to ear at seeing young Gem awake and walked over to the rope beside the door and pulled three times on it. Within moments a bedraggled Gibbs in his sleepwear and Beatrice in her nightdress and gown wearing some sort of bonnet over her hair came rushing into the room.

Taking them aside Willy told them exactly what he needed and they rushed back out and returned a few moments later with whiskey, needle, thread, laudanum, and fresh bandages. “Right, young man, I have to remove your breathing tube because I can see the swelling has gone down beautifully. Now, once I remove the quill I am going to have to stitch the hole I made for the quill to fit there so you were able to breathe. Do you understand, laddie?” Nodding his head slightly Willy ruffled his hair gently.

“Before we get started do you think you will be able to get a bit of this stuff down? It will take away the pain and maybe make you a bit drowsy.” Little Gem look frightened, but the boy nodded his head and looked at Jess.

“I will be right with you, my darling. I am not going anywhere.” And Jess held his hands a little tighter and kissed his chubby little fingers.

Willy moved the vial of laudanum to his lips and poured a small amount of the liquid into his mouth. Gem scrunched up his eyes and Jess whispered encouraging words and comfort to him as she saw him swallow on his own. The drug worked rather quickly so Willy worked quickly and before anyone knew what was happening he had the quill out and he pushed the incision closed and Jess took over holding the bloody slit in his neck closed as Willy got the needle and thread sterilized in whiskey and put in two sutures. Jess placed a clean wad over the stitches and Beatrice helped her to wrap a bandage around Gem’s neck and then lay him on his side without a pillow beneath his head just in case any blood came up. Jess leaned in closely and heard him breathing on his own and she eventually took a deep breath herself.

“I really believe he is out of the woods now.” Said Willy as he hugged Jess.

Beatrice came forward and touched Jess, “I will stay with the lad, Mistress Jessie. You go ahead and find yourself some dinner. I have leftovers in the cold cupboard and the pantry. There are fresh loaves in the baskets hanging above the fireplace and there is chicken in the pot hanging above the dying fire. You must be starved as you have not eaten since yester morn.” Beatrice smiled kindly and Gibbs hid a yawn and nodded.

Touching her belly Jess heard the grumble and Willy laughed softly and took her out of the room. Together they headed down the stairs. “What time is it anyway?” asked Jess

“About an hour or so before sunrise.” Said Willy, “You slept like the dead with little Gem in your arms. I checked on you a few times and you had not moved once.”

“Sorry Willy, I just couldn’t leave the boy. He must have been absolutely petrified when he opened his eyes.” Said Jess as she started piling food onto a plate. Willy added some cheese and fruit and managed to find a bottle of port in the pantry. ’I wonder if this is for human consumption or meant for baking?” he asked and wiggled his eyebrows and poured them each a dash in tea cups because he could not find glasses.

“Jess, the best thing that happened to that child was having you fish him out of the ocean. You love him and he loves you, it’s so plain to see.” Willy took a piece of chicken and put it on a slice of bread with cheese over the top and took a massive bite and made the sounds of a man making love to his food and Jess giggled at him.

“Quite honestly I was so tired I don’t even remember how long I was with Gem before I fell asleep.” Jess hungrily shoveled food into her mouth to quieten her stomach. They sat in amicable silence as they enjoyed their meal and port. When Jess had had enough she pushed her plate away and stretched. “That’s me done.” And she patted her very flat belly and Willy shook his head.

Suddenly Jess heard voices and she looked at Willy with a question on her face. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Probably the unexpected visitors who arrived very late last night.”

“Oh, that’s right. Rourke did say the Governor somebody or other would be arriving sometime or another. I can’t quite remember, but I had better go and change out of this crinkled-up dress that I slept in. I must look delightful. I don’t want to embarrass my father.” Jess stood up to leave and Willy remained silent stuffing food into his mouth and she shook her head. The man did have a good appetite, she thought. “Thank you, Willy. For everything.” And she leaned across the kitchen table and kissed him on the head and he grunted and nodded and as Jess turned away a huge smile of knowing broke out across Willy’s face and he simply waited before he stood up.

Jess found her way, more easily this time, back to the entrance hall and she started up the staircase wondering how she was going to get out of her dress without help. She looked around as she heard whispered voices and thought the staff must be rousing to get the kitchen fires going and then stoking the fires in the house. Sighing she lifted her skirts again and started up the last few stairs when she heard someone clearing their throat and she spun around and looked back down the stairs.

Her heart felt like it was going to stop and her breath caught in her throat as she stared into familiar green eyes and saw his familiar smile. “Gray.” She whispered hoping she was not dreaming he was there. He was really standing a few feet away from her. Slowly he started up the stairs and Jess slowly began to walk down to him not believing that she was seeing Grayson walking up the stairs towards her. She did not see Willy or her father or even cared because all she saw was the love of her life, Grayson.

“Jessie.” He said and a small cry escaped her lips as her feet flew down the stairs towards him and he took three at a time and reaching each other he opened his arms and scooped her up and she held him around his neck burying her face and crying for the hundredth time in the last two days.

Their lips found each other’s and Jess felt his warmth, his love, his concern, and everything else she was feeling. They simply could not be apart ever again. Jessie held his face in her hands and kissed him all over, her tears mingling with his.

“Oh Gray, I have worried for you and missed you so much.” Jess cried and held him as tight as she could.

“Jessie, my love. I never want us to be apart ever! Not ever again!” He held her just as tightly as though they could become one body and she felt her heart constrict in her chest painfully.

Willy cleared his throat and mumbled something that made Jess and Gray look down into the entrance area to see Rourke and Willy looking up at them with knowing smirks on their faces. “I beg your pardon, sir,” Gray said looking at Rourke and releasing Jessie just a little.

“Oh Grayson, my daughter has told me everything, son. I am very aware of her feelings towards you and I can see you feel exactly the same. For whatever it is worth, you both have my blessing.” He smiled and Jess and Gray grinned stupidly at each other although they were both aware that they needed to conduct themselves more appropriately while under Rourke’s roof.

Together Jess and Gray said, ’Thank you,” then looked at each other and laughed happily.

“Take me to see my favorite Gem.” Gray said to Jess and then turning to Rourke he said, “With your permission, of course.”

“I don’t think you would give a hoot about what I had to say when it comes to Jessie’s precious Gem, but yes, of course, go and see the boy.” Rourke waved his hand at them.

Holding hands Jess and Gray moved up the stairs and Jess took him to where Gem’s room was and quietly entered just as Gibbs was gently lifting the boy into a sitting position in front of a mountain of fluffy pillows.

Looking up Gem’s eyes grew large and round and just as he opened his mouth Jess was there telling him to “Sshhh, baby. Don’t talk Gem.” And Gray climbed on the bed and held the boy in his arms and rained kisses on his head and forehead. “Oh Gem, I am so sorry I wasn’t here for you. I heard you have been so brave and strong. I am so proud of you, my boy.” And the little boy clung on to Gray for dear life as tears rolled down their cheeks and Jess looked on with a heart that was filled with love and fit to explode.

For the next hour, Gray sat with Gem and spoke with him and told him all sorts of funny little stories of himself as a young boy. He told Gem that his home had not been too far from the O’Cleirigh estate and that he had done some silly things as a boy. “You are allergic to strawberries and I am allergic to turkey!” and Gem grinned at him, “No, really! If I eat turkey my voice changes and I don’t say words I just go gobble, gobble, gobble!” and Gem grinned even wider and clapped his hands.

Just then Lizzy walked in and stopped dead in her tracks and stared at Gray. Her face turned all sorts of colors and she seemed to lose her tongue. Jess watched the girl and was very amused and Gray looked totally oblivious.

“Ah, Lizzy is here Gem. Time to have a wash and try to take some of the broth that the cook has made for you, darling. Gray and I will come back in a while.” She kissed him on the head and Gray ruffled his hair and laid his hand on the boys’ cheek, “Be good and listen and it won’t be long and you will be out of this bed and riding Jackson again.” Looking up at Gray with big eyes and a huge smile Gray said, “Oh, I know all about Jackson.” And he winked at Gem and waved a quick goodbye.

As Jess and Gray left Lizzy bobbed and curtseyed and Jess just laughed. “We need to talk Jessie,” Gray said quietly but seriously to her, “there is so much I have to tell you and I know there is much for you to tell me.” And he gently ran his thumb over her jaw and Jess cringed slightly. “No, Jessie. Don’t do that. This scar on your face makes no difference to how much I love you and want you. Never think otherwise, please.” And he leaned forward and kissed her tenderly and Jess felt herself melting. “I have acquired a few scars of my own. But we will talk later.”

“I was on my way to change this dress that I slept all night in while I was with Gem. Want to come and help me?” Jess asked saucily and mischievously batted her lush eyelashes at him.

Grabbing her around the waist he growled into her hair, “Don’t tempt me. I am already going crazy knowing you are under the same roof as me, but alas it is your fathers’ roof so we need to be respectful.” Standing on her tip toes she pressed her body into his and pulled his head down for another tender, heart stopping kiss that left them both breathless and Jess happy to know she turned him on so much the evidence was irrefutable.

Turning away from him she sauntered to her bedroom door and glanced seductively over her shoulder and whispered, “We will enjoy each other so much more when the time comes, won’t we?” and Gray growled low and lunged grabbing her around the waist and Jess laughing happily, “If I don’t die from longing for you first.” He said against her lips as they shared another passionate kiss.

Parting Gray swatted her backside and headed back towards the stairs and Jess pushed her bedroom door open and her big smile was replaced by surprised to see Constance in her room fussing with the fireplace. “Oh! Good morning Constance. You’re up early.” Jess said and noticed the girl looked very nervous. “Whatever is the matter Constance?” Jess frowned at the jittery girl.

“Oh Mistress Jessie, I am in so much trouble I don’t know what to do.” And the girl broke down in tears. Going over to her and gently ushering her into a chair Jess could only think that the girl had got herself pregnant and the boy had either run off or he was married. Constance was a pretty young girl, anyway, so Jess imagined she had many suitors.

After Jess managed to settle her down the young girl started to speak with a few hiccups in between. “My sister, Carla, works for the Colonel over on the next estate and she did a foolish thing. She thought she could steal a silver candelabra and get away with it, but she got caught and the Colonel said he was going to give her ten lashes, brand a ‘T’ on her hand and sell her to a place where ladies of loose morals work. But then he remembered he saw me when he came here just the other day and saw the strong likeness between us. So he said I had to spy for him and tell him what the Master is planning and who you really are and then he would not do anything to Carla.” She put her face in her hands and Jess stared at her.

“What have you told him, Constance?” Jessie’s voice was hard as ice and the girl flinched.

“Nothing, Mistress Jessie! I swear it to you.” And she made the sign of the cross. “I sent him a note saying there was what was thought to be a measles outbreak. Then because I am rather new I could not confirm or deny whether you were Deaglan, but the other staff said you were. Other than that I have said nothing at all. He did mention wanting to know the name of the man who was with you. I told him what Gibbs told me, that he was a Mister MacLeod. That is all. He doesn’t know about Gem and he doesn’t know who you really are and that you are actually a woman. He most definitely won’t know about your beau, Captain Murphy. I am so afraid, Mistress Jessie. The Master has been very good to me. You and Mr. MacLeod are good people and you have brought the Master to life as well as the whole house. I just can’t do anything to harm any of you.” And she began crying again.

Shushing her gently Jess took her by the arms and stood her up and gave her a kerchief to wipe her face. “There now, clean up your pretty face.” And Jess patted her arm. “Let us begin with you helping me into fresh clothing as fast as you can and then I will go and talk to the men in the library downstairs and we will find a way to sort this mess out. What do you say?” Jess thought the young woman may just kiss her so she quickly got to stripping and changing her dress.

Young Constance pulled out the dark grey silk dress with lace sleeves and ruffles. The front of the bodice was embroidered with white butterflies in a very shiny thread. It was a truly spectacular dress, but Jess did not waste too much time with how it looked. Quickly brushing her hair back Constance pulled her hair up and pulled it back and stopped and Jess heard her sharp intake of breath. Looking at her in the mirror Jess frowned and asked her what she was looking at and Constance gaped at her in the mirror with big eyes and said, “You have the mark of the fairies on your neck, Mistress.”

“The what?” Jess frowned at her and as Constance continued to tie her hair back she told Jess the tale of the human child that was given to the fairies because the humans had to pay penance for destroying a glade that was home to the fairies. The fairies were shocked that the humans had given up the child so easily and they felt compassion for the child. They had said that the child shall dwell among the fairies for a thousand years and when the thousand and first year came along the child would then be born to humans again, but would forever bear the mark of the fairy child with her. That mark would be hidden in plain sight. Anything in the shape of wings or something that looks like a butterfly is said to be from the fairies, Mistress Jess. Constance picked up the small hand mirror and held it so Jess could see the reflection in the bigger mirror and she saw what resembled wings on the nape of her neck peeking from beneath her hairline.

Constance said that the story went that the person who was born with the mark will suffer for their love and be in peril of those who wish to steal the goodness of the fairies from them. The child will grow strong, but look fragile and will have a fire as hot as the depths of hell burning within. They will be attractive to everyone and there will be attempts to steal the fairy child’s love with treachery and lies. But ultimately the fairy child will always have the protection of the fairies and because the price had been paid by this child, the fairies would never allow evil to take the child’s life. The child would grow old, but would always bear the mark and pass the mark on to their own children and the bloodline would flow with the love of the fairies.

“It is just a fairy story, Constance,” Jess said and laughed a little, albeit nervously.

’Oh, aye, Mistress Jess, a story it may be but you fit the description. You are tiny but large in personality. Your heart shines out of your eyes. Your passion for what you believe to be right burns as hot as the depths of hell itself. Your beauty is unparalleled, but you don’t flaunt it. Mistress Jessie, I believe you are that fairy child.” Constance curtsied and stepped back.

“Well, fairy child or not, we have a problem at hand and we need to deal with it fast. Do you agree?” she said kindly to the girl.

“Aye, you are right Mistress. We can deal with you being the fairy child later.” She said with a smile that made her face that much prettier.

Walking into the library Jess asked Constance to please just take a seat and wait to be called and the men all stood up and stared at her. Jess didn’t really notice but did see the way Gray was staring at her and she smiled back. “Gentlemen, I think we may have either a problem or an ‘in’.” She proceeded to tell them what Constance had just revealed to her. The men in the room looked around at one another and then at Jessie.

“What the hell do you make of that now?” asked Rourke of no one in particular.

“Well, we can either use this information in our favor or see it as a problem, but personally I would rather use this information and turn it around for us to use. What says you?” asked Gray looking around the room. Jessie knew without a doubt they could use this information for themselves and she would lay her life on the line and bet that Willy felt the same way.

“Aye, let us use this. We have an in and we can turn the tables and use Carla as our spy while feeding Daniels only what we think he needs to know. Yes, I am all for buggering that bastard!” said Willy forcefully forgetting the year he was in and the fact that Jess was a lady. Jess simply laughed at him and said, “Right, we are agreed then. Shall I bring in Constance now?” There was a round of ‘ayes’ and Jess opened the door and called in Constance.

Gray was very courteous and said to Constance in no uncertain terms, “There is never to be mention of Gem. Are we clear?” The girl near died looking at him, but she nodded.

Then Rourke looked at her and asked, “I would like you to tell me, again, what you told my daughter, please Constance.”

The young girl repeated exactly what she had told Jess, no embellishments, no change of words and she stuck to the facts and details. Jess believed her and watched her face carefully.

After listening to the girl Gray said, “With your permission, sir, may I ask a few questions?” and Rourke held his arm out palm up as though offering the floor “By all means, lad. Go ahead.” Dipping his head in thanks Gray sat down in front of Constance, “Right, lass, tell me what you know of Daniels. I am sure you and your sister have spoken freely on the matter, so please feel at ease to speak freely now.”

Blushing fiercely and looking as though she would disappear into the chair she was sitting on, the girl spoke hesitantly, but Jess gauged her and Willy watched Jess.

“Well, sir, Carla says he has a vicious temper and beats the staff at will. He has moods that spiral from euphoric to black doldrums and when he is at the estate he often locks himself in his study for days. His wife and children live in the furthest part of the house and he comes and goes without ever seeing them.” She took a breath and looked unsure about what she was going to say next and looked up at Jess.

“It is fine, Constance. We simply want to know how to deal with the Colonel and what to expect from him and you are helping us a great deal.” And she nodded for the girl to continue.

“Well, some of the young servant girls get called into the study and he does terrible things to them. They always leave with torn clothing, bruising and bloody faces. If any of the young girls get with child his housekeeper, who Carla says is the devil himself, gives them a potion that causes the babe to be expelled.” Constance had tears in her eyes when she said this and Jess felt there was more and encouraged her. “He did this to my sister and she told me of the things he did. It is really upsetting and makes my heart sore for her. But he hurt her badly and the Colonels physician had to be called to tend to Carla and she was told that her chances of ever bearing a child would be impossible. Too much damage had been done, so Carla stole a candelabra to sell and sail away from Ireland to Spain or France, just somewhere else, but she got caught.” By now the girls’ tears were flowing freely and Jess was kneeling beside her holding her hand.

“Does Brigadier General Rancliff ever visit the Colonel?” asked Rourke quietly.

“Aye, sir, they are busy preparing for the arrival of his lordship right at this moment. Carla has told me that when these two men get together the young girls, and the young lads for that matter, walk on eggshells and are very fearful because together they are even worse than the Colonel is on his own.” Looking around nervously Constance hesitated and then said, “The Brigadier General likes young lads and he calls in more than one at a time.”

The poor girl looked fit to faint so Jess said, “Go and get yourself some tea, Constance. Tell cook I sent you and take a few minutes to compose yourself. Speak of this to no one, understand me?”

Standing up the girl bobbed and curtsied, “Yes, Mistress Jessie.” And she all but ran out of the room.

Looking around at each other they could see their own shock on the faces of everyone else. “Sweet Mary, Jesus, Joseph, and the wee donkey! What in god’s name are those monsters doing?” Willy stood shaking his head and frowning deeply.

“I don’t care one iota if two men agree on a relationship between themselves, but I take seriously the blatant rape of innocent children!” Jessie was shaking visibly at the idea that these poor youngsters were being abused and out of fear they remained silent.

Gray and Jess stared at each other and Rourke observed them all and finally said, “Well, family, I think it is time for a war council to make preparations. These vile bastards have been getting away with too much for too long. I think it is time to bring down their house of cards. What say you?”

A round of voices agreeing rang out softly in the library and Rourke nodded, “First things first, we need to get Genevieve in because she has the mind for treason and treachery. I know this first hand. She will know who will need to be brought in on the plan. She has the connections and the words.” He looked quite sad when he said this and Jessie felt bad for him.

Gray looked at Jess with a frown on his face as she asked, “Are you sure?” and Rourke nodded sadly and stood up and pulled on the rope. Gibbs entered momentarily and bowed to everyone, “Yes sir?”

“Gibbs, my good man, I would like you to go to Broch de Clisson immediately and escort the Mistress back here. I will send a message with you for her and make it clear that I shall entertain absolutely no excuses and expect her to return with you forthwith.” Rourke was already scribbling on a piece of paper, folded it, and sealed it. Standing up he handed the paper to Gibbs. “I don’t think I need to make clear how important this is?”

“No, sir. I shall return with the mistress as soon as possible.” And he turned on his heel and headed out the front door and off to the stables.

“I received word this morning that Governor Ranford will be arriving later today, so preparations are being finalized for him. Jessie, seeing as we will be making plans I believe we will need to arrange something spectacular. Please would you be a dear and oversee the decorating of the large dining hall and ballroom? I always left that to Genevieve, but I know you will do a splendid job.” His eyes pleaded with Jessie and she smiled at him. “Of course, I will see to it.”

“While you are with the staff please arrange to have the south cottages prepared for the Governor’s staff. We can put Governor Trent’s staff in the eastern cottages. The cottages are a ways off, but still close enough for their staff to assist with the daily workings and running of the house.” Rourke nodded at Jess and she smiled, but inside she was freaking out. How in hell am I supposed to do this? I know nothing about running a bloody household with over fifty bedrooms? She screamed in her head.

Willy was watching her and saw the curtain come down and Jess putting her game face on, hiding her inner turmoil and fears. Walking over to her he touched her elbow and when she looked up at him he smiled and said, “Let me come with you and I will oversee the cottages while you dilly with the frilly bits.” And he laughed at her raised eyebrow.

“Ah, brilliant! That gives Grayson and me a moment alone. I would like to have a few words with you if that is acceptable?” Rourke said it in such a way that there was clearly no room for refusal and Jess glanced at Gray and saw he was totally relaxed and nodded at Rourke.

Willy and Jess left the library and they went in search of Beatrice as Gibbs had already left for Broch de Clisson. Finding Beatrice Jess told her that she had to oversee the dining hall and ballroom efforts and Beatrice patted her arm, “Oh Mistress, come with me and let me show you what we have done so far.” And she called to a man named Byrns and pointed to Willy, “Please escort Mister MacLeod to the Eastern and then Southern cottages so they may be inspected and Mister Macleod’s approval given. Quick now! Don’t dilly-dally.” She shooed them out of the house and Willy happily followed Byrnes and turned, gave Jess a quick encouraging smile and wink, and then walked off to the stables.

“You mean you have already started on the preparations?” Jess asked flabbergasted.

“Oh aye, Mistress. The moment the master spoke of the Governors visiting. It is always a big to-do as they bring wives, daughters, and sons and of course, their entourage has ladies of leisure following along. It has been a long while since the house has been so full. It is going to be such fun.” Beatrice bustled her bouncy frame along and Jess skipped to keep up.

“The suites and rooms have been prepared as well, I assume?” Jess asked as they walked down the very long passage to the French glass doors.

“Aye, that too. Bath tubs, wood for fires, lotions, soaps, towels, and bed linen have all been set out already. Beds have been aired and mattresses flipped. Dust sheets have been removed from mirrors and wardrobes and everything polished and now all gleaming brightly.” She smiled at Jess as they arrived at the doors and with a flourish, Beatrice opened them.

Her breath caught in her throat as she saw about twenty staff dusting, polishing, washing, and sweeping. There were ladders beside gold gilded mirrors that were so big Jess wondered how the hell they had managed to get them up on the walls. Fireplaces were stacked and ready and neat cages holding wood logs and what appeared to be square blocks of grass were full. Curtains that were ready to be selected and then hung were folded on the massive dining table that could seat an army. Men were on rickety ladders busy polishing chandeliers and setting brand new candles into their little cups. Jessie was so very impressed.

“Seeing as you arrived here without me calling you, which curtains would you like hung in the dining room and ball room, Mistress?” Jess looked at the piles of curtains and the different colors, shapes, and designs and marveled at their beauty.

“What flowers are being set out along the table and in the ballroom?” asked Jess.

“Good girl!” said Beatrice, “This time of year most everything is white and green, so all decorations will have those colors in them, not much color I’m afraid.” And she looked at Jess to see what she took from this information.

’Well, if the blooms offer little color then perhaps the curtains should?” Jess asked her.

“Aye lass, you’ve got it!” Beatrice beamed and stepped over to the curtains. Talking to the girls standing nearby she said, “Remove all white, silver, and green curtains and pack one drop of each other curtain on the opposite side of the table in a row. Quick now! Get to it!”

Turning to Jess she said, “While they are doing that let us pop into the ballroom and take a gander at what they are up to, shall we?” Jess followed Beatrice into the breathtakingly large ballroom with two walls of glass doors. All doors were open and there were many staff polishing, scrubbing, and dusting. As with the dining room the chandeliers were being polished into shiny stars and fresh candles were set in their cups. There was a dais for the orchestra near the corner where the doors folded open and it was being set and polished.

“I can see there are swags to match the curtains in the dining hall, so when I have chosen the appropriate curtain the matching swags will then be slung loosely and draped over those decorative rods and will be held in place by those golden tiebacks?” Jess pointed and asked Beatrice.

“My dear, you don’t need my help. You have got this all figured, bless you. You are absolutely correct. Let us go and have a look, shall we?”

Jess finally settled on a coppery burnt orange with gold, white and green embroidered detail of leaves, flowers, and twirling ivy-like tendrils. The material was a thick brushed velvet, but the way it shone and glittered as it moved was simply astonishing. Beaming brightly Beatrice said, “Now that the curtains and drapery have been chosen the staff will know exactly what crockery, cutlery, and glassware to use.” Pointing to a sideboard Beatrice pointed to crockery that had been set aside and glassware on another table. Jess walked over and easily made her selection of the crockery with a small detail of what appeared to be angel wings in gold in the center of each plate, bowl, and finger bowl with gold filigree edging, gold cutlery, and glasses with golden stems and with gold around the lip of all the glasses. Clapping her hands Beatrice called out, “Selection has been made girls. Pack the others away and bring out the entire Fairy Queen dinner service, quickly now.”

“What did you say?” Jessie asked her, feeling quite astounded at the name of the set she had chosen.

“Yes, my dear, you chose well. I believe Constance filled you in on the Fairy Child story?” Beatrice looked at her with a serious face.

“Yes, but you don’t really believe in that do you?” Jess asked skeptically.

“His lordship, Captain Grayson Murphy, knows the story all too well, Mistress. The folks hereabouts thought his late sister, Thaliana, may she rest in peace,” Beatrice quickly made the sign of the cross as Jess watched her amused, “was the Fairy Child, but her mark was not where the fairies said it would be.” Beatrice nodded her head, “The fairies made it clear that the mark will be visible to all those who do not seek it, but it will not be hidden. Thaliana had a similar mark on her lower back whereas yours is on the nape of your neck floating into your hairline and those who were not seeking it found it.” Beatrice stared at Jessie seriously, “Everyone who has ever helped tie your hair has stalled a moment when they saw it, but not said anything, am I right?”

Looking at Beatrice with a frown on her face she remembered how Gray had hesitated when he helped to tie her hair, as did Beatrice and then Constance. Who else might have seen her birth mark and thought it to be a sign of the Fairy Child, wondered Jess?

“There is plenty to do here for everyone, so I will keep out of the way and quickly pop upstairs to check on Gem, shall I?” Jess squeezed Beatrices’ hand gently and promised to be back in a while to have a look and then Jess thought a moment and asked, “What will the menu be for the night of the ball?” asked Jess seriously.

“Oh the usual suspects, my dear. Do you know why so many different meats and foods are served? Beatrice asked kindly?” Looking at her with a crooked smile Jess wondered if this was a trick question. “No, I am afraid I don’t. I had no idea certain products meant different things.” Jess smiled.

“Oh aye, there is always a meaning behind almost everything. A cold platter, or what is known as a “dragon-phoenix” is for balance in relationships; Chicken is for a good life; Prawns, if we manage to get them, are for happiness; Fish represents abundance and prosperity; A great variety of vegetables to avoid conflict and Pastries and desserts for longevity and sweet life. So, we try to provide it all so that everyone who arrives feels welcome and that the Master is bringing down blessings on everyone who is under his roof.” Beatrice laughed happily and patted Jessie’s arm, “There will be canapés, salads, soups, vegetables, baked and roasted potatoes, a variety of grilled whole fish, plenty roast chickens, plenty pork, and beef. We will have lots of fruit. Which are thanks to the very fertile orchard we have. There will be pastries, cakes, puddings, and tarts for dessert. We will bring up the barrels of whiskey, wine, and brandy. The Master has requested we open a crate of champagne.” Beatrice laughed at the look on Jessie’s face. This time she could not hide her astonishment. They were literally feeding an army, thought Jess.

“It is going to be so much fun.” Laughed Beatrice as she bobbled off to take charge of the curtain hanging and draping.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, but quite secure in the knowledge that Beatrice and the staff were quite capable, Jess quietly left and went to go and check on Gem.

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