I am a Second Female Lead

Chapter 76: 2. Bree Darren

"Wait! System, how did I come into Bree's body?" Sheri asked.

"During the game, she had a heart attack." A mechanical voice speak.

Sheri's mind lighted up. "So this body has a problem? Is that the reason why her performance went slow?" Sheri asked.

"No host, it was supposed to be a small blockage of the heart. But since we gave you this body, we made sure that it is in a perfect condition." The mechanical voice replied once more leaving Sheri to ponder. "Good luck host! And try to remember the rules we gave you." The mechanical voice reminded her.

"System, last question. What will happen to you if I will not be able to accomplish my mission?" Sheri inquired.

"Nothing host." The system answered.

"Oh," Sheri took a deep breath. She was hoping the system will be punished since the mission is impossible and quite difficult. She was thinking to drag the System with her failure. Together, they will be punished. She wanted to shout or do something to let out her frustration.

She is lucky that she's alone in the locker room. She quickly finished dressing up while reviewing all the memory of the owner's body. Right then, she remembered something very important.

"Shoot! I need to rescue the princess today. Damn." Sheri glanced at her watch and calculate. She only have 30 minutes before the event occurs.

She swiftly stuffed her dirty laundry in her sports bag then stormed right out of the locker room.

A woman was supposed to approach her and ask something but Sheri signaled her that she didn't have much time and have to go.

She went straight toward the parking area, quickly entered and started her car. She drives and in a few minutes arrived in front of a bar. After parking her car, she hastily walked in the direction of a spot where an event would happen.

5 more minutes, and she's still walking toward that specific place where 'THE' princess will be pushed and humiliated by his boyfriend.

3 mins....

2 mins....

1 min...

As if on cue, a scream was heard.

"Oh, that is fast." Sheri went forward to the area and suddenly saw a man pushing a woman on the side of the road. Their actions caught some curious and surprised eyes around them standing by and waiting for a good show.

"Rain, don't leave me! I love you. Here I have money, take it. Take it as long as you stay." The woman didn't care that she was pushed by the man. Her eyes and actions showing complete submission. Her voice carried a pleading tone as she keeps on begging the man.

"I told you I don't love you anymore. I love someone else." The man was unperturbed and said in a cold voice.

"No, you're just only saying that because I didn't give you what you wanted. Please don't go," The woman pleaded.

Sheri was observing and was just on the other side of the road. The look-alike woman was kneeling and giving a cheek book. People are already gathered to witness about the commotion. The man removed the hand of the "woman" who was already kneeling down and clinging to him. He pushed her without any care if he did it with much force or not. As the "woman" was pushed, she staggered back making her shed more tears.

Sheri is the only one who knows the identity of the two people in action on the scene. The "woman" who stayed on the pavement crying is actually not a woman but a man. His name is Ivar. The other man who acted coldly towards him is his boyfriend. His boyfriend after pushing him just strode and walked away leaving him alone and crying.

Sheri then thought that the show's over and it's time for her to act. She went forward to where Ivar is immediately grabbing her jacket and putting it on him. Ivar felt something draped on his shoulder. He looked up and saw her but just stared blankly.

Sheri saw that his make up was totally ruined. Streaks of his makeup streamed down together with his tears.

"Can you stand?" Sheri asked but Ivar didn't respond. He just remained sitting on the pavement floor crying. She reached out her hands and assisted him to stand. He didn't struggle and stood up with her help.

"We need to fix you up," She said as a matter of fact as she looked at his face.

She brought him to a nearby restaurant and asked for a private bathroom. Luckily the owner's body is rich, so she can pay for the restaurant as they agreed.

Looking at the person she brought in the restaurant, he looked like he was still in a daze and heartbroken. Like a wreck but, the dress he's wearing looks good.

The time he stopped crying and removed his make up, Sheri froze. He looked like Devon. She wanted to laugh with how ridiculous it seems, but she immediately bit her tongue not to laugh.

"Oh man, oh man, this is perfect. I wish I could take a picture and bring it on my own world. It would be amazing" Sheri thought trying not to laugh but it made her face turn red instead.

She continued to just stay silent and observe Ivar's action along with her own silly thoughts. When his makeup was all removed, he reapplied another executing it in an expert way. It happened in a swift speed. She continued to stare and observe him when he was done.

"Damn. He looked more beautiful than anyone I know," Sheri thought to herself.

"Are you alright now?" Sheri asked.

"Not really...". He answered but it made him tear up again. He looked dejected.

When he looked at Sheri, he was surprised of who she is. He never noticed a while ago since he was only focused by his own emotion. He cannot believe that the famous goalkeeper of Hawk is in front of him. Everybody knew who they are. They were famous making lots of headlines because of their conventional way of playing. It is a unique rags-to-riches story of how their team started and the more it helped them become more known in the field.

"Do you want to join me for a drink?" Sheri's voice cut off his line of thoughts recognizing her.

"I could use that." He gracefully and sadly responded.

"Great then! I know a perfect place. Come, let's go." She initiated.

After the agreement, both of them walked out of the bathroom. After paying, she led him to her car. Her car is nothing special compared to other people's cars flaunted with expensive brands and exquisite designs. Her car is just a regular car. The owner of the body is an orphan the reason why she like keeping it low.

"What is your name?" Even though she already knows who he is, she still asked.

"Ivar," he quickly answered.

"Bree, nice to meet you." Introducing herself, she stretched her hand for a hand shake.

Both of them shake hands.

"Nice to meet you too and thank you. That's really nice of you to help me without knowing who I am," Ivar was grateful. **************Thank you for our lovely Editors.**************000

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