I am a Second Female Lead

Chapter 40: 4. Alana Lannes

After that incident, Sheri changes her lock into silver. She makes sure it's something no one can break especially vampires. Unless they will destroy the whole door. Every window she double-checks and puts a lock on all of them. She made a special key that she can only unlock it without touching the silver lock.

In a high-rise castle, a handsome man with a black coat is standing and looking at the pitch-black night. Suddenly another attractive man appears.

"I've heard your wife sold your mansion and moved out." He amusedly said toward the other man. The man frowns when he heard him.

He didn't answer, he turns around, passed him by and sits at his chair.

"What brings you here? Don't tell me, you came to gossip?" He said.

Jack is Angelo's cousin and the second suitor of Catherine. He has silver hair making him an outstanding and handsome man that both the vampires and the human are charmed by his looks. He is a well- known playboy but recently stop associating with other women due to Catherine. He openly proclaims his love toward Catherine making his cousin irritated by him. Jack loves to taunt his cousin and now that he heard some rumor he didn't hesitate to visit him. In spite of he has much work to do.

Jack chuckled delightedly. "I've never known she has the guts to do so. She's a nice girl." Jack sarcastically said.

Angelo was lost again in his private thought the last time he saw her is in her lovely house. Her house is nothing compared to the mansion that was once they called the place they will live. He finds the color of the wall, the flowers on the windows and the warmth of the living room gives a feeling of home. Before he hated it with all of his heart to go toward their mansion, and he even wanted to kill her, but his family is against it, due to their forefather's promise. Now He doesn't understand why.

The moment he saw her at the store, he fell a throb of pain in his heart. He couldn't figure out why. The time he smells her. He fell he smells that smell before. Notably when he touched her. He fell a shiver of excitement in his soul.

While thinking deep, Jack waves his hands toward Angelo's face. Angelo scowls.

"What were you thinking?" Jack asked.

He looked at Jack.

"Are you not busy today?" Angelo coldly asked.

"No, I am free today," Jack grin.

"Is there any news from the incident I'm telling you to investigate?" Angelo asked while grabbing his glass of red juice.

Jack becomes still and serious.

"I've been tracking these pests for almost a month now and I have observed one of them. Indeed, as what the rumors stated. They were having an experiment about sucking human blood. If this goes on. The whole country will know of our kind." Jack said.

Angelo pinches his forehead. For almost a year now that his investigating these kinds of vampires. Their source of food is human blood. They are frailer than them. They can be easily be killed by the sun, and they can only go out at night, and they multiply very fast. If these situations go out of hand. They will be all in danger.

After a few talks with Jack. Angelo and Jack speed toward the town and observe in the night. He also contacted some of his people.

Sheri and Ghani were at that same time cleaning and getting ready for the opening of the restaurant in a couple of days. It's already 2 in the morning when they were done.

Sheri shook Ghani who is sleeping in the corner.

"Ghani, let's go home," Sheri said gently.

Ghani slowly yawns and wakes up. "Sorry Miss, I fall asleep." Ghani apologizes.

Sheri smilingly shakes his head. "Nope it's ok and its Alana not miss." Remember we are now partners." Sheri said.

Ghani smiled. "I wish I possess supernatural powers like you. You never got tired and never go hungry." Ghani said. Ghani already knows who Alana is.

Her family has been serving the family of Alana for how many generations. Making them as loyal servants.

Sheri just smiles. Indeed, it's indeed good to have some extras. When they properly locked the door and start walking going back home, five unusual men saw them and followed them.

Sheri stops. She senses they are not ordinary. Sheri carefully pulled Ghani toward her back.

The five men were licking their bloodless lips while looking eagerly at them. One guy starts surrounding them.

"A free snack." The man said.

One woman starts walking toward them. "Ferd, don't play with our snack." She said while smiling foolishly.

Sheri starts to position herself she knows according to the story plot. This year was the year that the bloodsucking vampire came to rise. They drink human blood. Luckily for Sheri. She promptly trains Ghani and always brings something in case of an emergency.

When Sheri wakes up 1 year ago. Sheri immediately trains Ghani. From everything, she knows about combat, she slowly teaches her. Every night she goes a hellish training under Sheri's strict guidance. Making Ghani as one of the best fighters of the human race.

"Ghani, you know what to do." Ghani was a little scared when she saw the 5 people. They were pale and their eyes were all red. But when Sheri spoke, she understands what she meant. This is the first time she will encounter a real vampire that is dangerous. Yes, she learns so many things from Sheri but still applying it is different. Nevertheless, she found an act of courage when Sheri gives her the signal. She knows Sheri is confident with her and Ghani also doesn't want to disappoint her miss.

Ghani nods and brings out her silver knife. Sheri also positions herself. Sheri made a silver dagger but the handle is specially made for Sheri that she can grasp without burning herself. This method was yet unknown toward the vampire but since Sheri knows the plot thanks to the old Alana she is already prepared in advance.

Another tall guy speaks. "look they even have knives." He laughs while pointing at Sheri's dagger.

"Ladies, why don't you freely give your self to us."The leader of the group said.

Sheri laugh. "In your dreams." Sheri strode toward the man and viciously stabs him in his heart. Instantly making his people inexpressibly shocked. They never knew Sheri was a vampire. When they were awoken from their state of shock. They started to attacked Sheri and Ghani.

A few meters from where Ghani and Sheri. Angelo and Jack and his men smell a scent of blood, They immediately speed toward the area.

When they arrive at the place, Sheri and Ghani killed the remaining 4 vampires, making Jack and Angelo stood still.

The dead vampire vanished into thin air while Angelo strode toward Sheri.

"Are you ok?"Angelo concernedly asked.

Sheri furrowed her brow. "Why do you care? Ghani, let's go." Sheri walked past, Angelo. While cleaning her knife. Sheri really doesn't want to deal with Angelo.

Ghani smirk at both of them.

"Catch," Ghani said to Jack.

Throwing a small silver broken wrist band toward Jack. Jack instantly catches and it was like a lump of hot burning coal that burns his hand, so he merely drops it. Ghani beam from ear to ear. She has been dreaming to take a petty vengeance toward one of them because of what they did toward her miss.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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