How Death Became My Rebirth (Cassandra Yates)

Chapter 88



The crack of dawn marked the arrival of day three.

Thus began the shareholders' meeting.

Benjamin had hunkered down, waiting for Cassandra all day the day before. As for the shareholders' meeting, he had thought about calling in sick and being absent. However, Cyrus had issued an ultimatum that should he not turn up when the shareholders' meeting began, then Cyrus would choose to report him to the police. Benjamin could find no other way out.

Biting the bullet and facing the music would be Benjamin's only viable course of action.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Cyrus officially declared the start of the shareholders' meeting.

"Mr. Yates, did you manage to gather the funds for compensation?"

Cyrus knew exactly how much fortune Yates Group had. All he wanted was for Yates Group to cough up their every single dime.

"I... I don't have that kind of money."

Benjamin decided to throw the handle after the blade just to see what they could do to him if he refused to pay.

Cyrus knew it. "Since you, Mr. Yates, can't afford to pay, we shall call the police and let the court liquidate your assets.

"You'd better not go too far, Cyrus!"

Cyrus curled his lips upward into a smirk, for that was the first time in a very long time that someone had the gall to threaten him. If anything, that sensation made him feel psyched. "You're the one who's gone too far, Benjamin! We've given you three days for Mr. Jacobs' sake, but what have you done? Trying to climb all over us, are you?"

"What he said. If you don't seize the chance we offer to you, let the police take over. I'll bank on justice, and I'd stake my life on you paying up at the end of the day!"

"Benjamin, you've taken so much money from us. If you don't hand the money over


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Chapter 88

today, don't think about ever setting foot outside of Blossom Group!"

"That's right!"

"You have to return the money!"

"Pay up!"

For a moment, Benjamin did not dare to speak. All he saw was a bunch of ingrates getting back at him.


When they followed his lead and were raking it in, they showered him with courtesy. Ever since they had gotten on someone else's good side, they started to point all the blame at him.

"As you can see, Mr. Yates, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that you're now the public's target." Cyrus was rather sympathetic. "Since you can't afford so much money, why don't I give you an idea?" A snort escaped Benjamin. 'What good can come from a jerk who rubs salt into my wound?' he sneered inwardly.

"How about you transfer your shares to me? I'll bu them at a 20% discount from the market price, so as to help you clear your debt at the same time. How's that sound?"

Such was a worthwhile bargain..

Should Benjamin turn down the offer, he would have to spend his days behind bars.

"You can't be that benevolent. What exactly are you up to?"

He had 32% of the stake in his hands, and at its current market value, it was worth nearly 2 billion dollars. To think that Cyrus was willing to buy it with a 20% discount and help him settle that debt of 734 billion dollars.

The kindness Cyrus was showing seemed too good to be true.

"Give it a shot, if you must."

That offer captivated Benjamin's heart. Indeed, it was exactly what he needed at that point.

However, handing over his shares meant that he had no place left in the company and was kicked out the door.

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Chapter 88

On second thought, though, he was planning to buy more of it back.

He would be receiving 2 billion dollars and was able to cancel the debt, after all. With the newly acquired money in hand, he could then buy more of Yates Group's shares. thereby achieving the same results. "You have three minutes to consider. Give me the answer once you're done."

Three minutes passed.

"Mr. Yates, have you made up your mind?"

Benjamin found it difficult to part his lips. That said, he would not have given up if there was nothing else he could do.

"At a 10% discount. I'll sell you 27 of my shares.

Prior to that. Benjamin had called a meeting to reclaim the shares held by his sons the second he learned that Raymond and Yohannes had sold theirs away.

Putting together what Yulissa and Miranda had, it was exactly 27 while Yulissa accounted for 2

Benjamin was bent on keeping his part of the shares and selling the rest. At least that way, he could ensure that he still had a place in the company.

Cyrus shook his head and let out a chuckle. "It seems that you're not sincere in cutting us a deal. Mr. Yates. Forget it. Call the police."

Benjamin hurriedly stopped him and said. "Fine. 20 it is. But I'm only selling 27% of my shares. You can do what you deem fit.

Cyrus brooded over the subject for a while and agreed, "Okay. Let's draw up the contract but on one condition."

Benjamin was stunned to hear that man bringing an extra condition into play.

He thought he was already miserable enough.

"You get out of the board of directors, and we'll wire into your account

your share of the annual dividend. We don't need you to attend the shareholders' meeting any longer."

In Cyrus' eyes, the Yates family was truly an eyesore.

Luckily, Elaine has left them for good. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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Chapter 88

Otherwise, it would have been easy for him to make that call to get rid of the Yates family.

Why, you... Y-You've really crossed the line this time! On what grounds do you get to

banish me from the board of directors?"

Benjamin was disgruntled, for even if he sold his shares, he would still be a shareholder nonetheless.

Cyrus had no right to kick him out.

"You owe our shareholders money, so I believe that they won't want to see you here."

That stumped Benjamin for words.

"Best if you get out, Benjamin. The company doesn't need you for decision-making.

"Yeah. now that Mr. Jacobs is here, we don't need to about anything at all, so Benjamin, you'd better be on your way and enjoy your twilight years at home." "Get lost already, Benjamin!"

"Fine, I accept it, but I need to check the posting of the annual dividend."

Benjamin was a man who had gotten himself involved in accounting fraud before, so he naturally knew how to maneuver his way around it.

Therefore, in order to prevent them from engaging in accounting fraud, he figured that he must go through the ledger personally.

Just like that, Benjamin signed the equity transfer agreement, and Cyrus asked his

assistant to transfer the money to Benjamin.

Benjamin was escorted out of the meeting room and was given two hours to pack up his things and leave.

"Mr. Jacobs, are you going to compensate us the money Benjamin owes us?" asked a shareholder sitting close to Cyrus in puzzlement.

That deal was supposed to be a loss-making deal, so he was baffled as to why Cyrus would agree to such a dumb deal.

"Directors, if you have faith in me, give me a couple of months' time, and I'll double the money Benjamin owes you and make sure you guys profit from it. By then, all of it will be yours to keep. Of course, let me know if you need the money right now. I'll ask my

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Chapter 88

assistant to cash it for you right away."

Cyrus' words caused a stir in front of shareholders.

They wondered what the man meant by doubling the amount of money.


All they

y could understand was that they could get back the 40 million dollars at once, or they could wait for two months for it to reach 80 million dollars. It turned out that that was not a loss-making deal, after all. Needless to say, if that promise were from somebody else, they would definitely have come at that person. However, it was from Cyrus himself, the second in command of Modern Beacon Synergy, the heart and soul of every economic magazine cover, not to mention one of the youngest multi-millionaires.

If he banked on it, then it must be completely feasible, or so they thought.

"What if you can't double it up?"

"Then, I'll double the amount myself and distribute the money to all of you."

In Cyrus' dictionary, nothing was impossible.

The only impossible mission to accomplish was to make Elaine fall for him. He figured that it would never be plausible in this lifetime.

"Okay, I'll wait and see." One shareholder decided to believe in Cyrus, and everyone else. chose to follow suit.

A surprise might really be in store in two months' time.

In the meantime, Cassandra was in Springmount Townhouse for the past couple of days, developing a drug that could make a crip pled leg look totally cured superficially. When the time came, there would certainly be unexpected gains for whoever used the drug.


Someone rang the doorbell, and Cassandra answered the door. It was Kenneth.

"Oh, Mr. Zelinski! What brings you here?"

'What's he doing right at my door so early in the morning?' she asked herself.

"I wanted to ask you-have Dr. Quirke given the nod yet?"

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Wed 21 Feb

You bett


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