His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

“The only jersey you will ever wear… is mine. Not Jared’s, not Blake’s, mine.” I make clear. 

“I didn’t plan on wearing Jared’s jersey, he bumped into me and spilled red Gatorade on me. He offered me his jersey and told me to wear it, so I did.” She defends while sl*pping the jersey on. 

“He bumped into you.” I say. 

That little fucker did it on purpose. I know it, and he knows it, 

“Yes! I didn’t want to wear his jersey, I know what it means. He told me he felt really bad and he would feel better if I wore it, so I did.” 

I take a step back, and mutter, “Asshole.” Because that is exactly what Jared is, a f**king asshole. I always hated him because he liked Lee, now I hate him a whole lot f**king more. 

“From now on you stay away from Jared, and if he comes near you, you tell me. And you wear my jersey to games.” 

She sighs, “Damion, you know what that insinuates. People will start to thin-“, 

I cut her off, “Let them.” I want them to not only think we’re together, I want them to know it. 

She shakes her head, “Damion, we shouldn’t.” 

Now, I am even more angry. I do all the things a boyfriend should do, that she allows. I take care of her, I try to help her when she needs it, I pick her up when her car breaks down, Jesus f**king Christ I even fingered her and went down on her. Granted, she never asked me to do those things, and I wanted to do them because I love her and she’s hot as fuck, but I also did them so that I could show her that I want to be with her and make her feel good. 

“So I’m just your fuck toy. Is that it? You want me to give you my b*dy, but you won’t be with me.” I say angrily. 

I noticed that she has finally let her walls down with me physically, like she unknowingly resigned herself to the bond. However, she doesn’t like when I take care of her, 

“What! No, Damion that’s not it, I-” 


I cut her off again, “That clearly is it. You want me for pleasure, but you won’t let me be your boyfriend.” 

I am getting angrier with every word. It needs to be said though. The bond should be pulling us together, she should want me like I want her. No, like I need her. But maybe she doesn’t, maybe the bond just isn’t strong enough for her. Either way, I need to know. I can’t keep beating around the bush and waiting for her to give in, she’s to damn stubborn for that. 

My b*dy is ridged and my fists are curled, “Damion calm down!” She says, 

“No! f**k being calm, why won’t you be with me? Am I not good enough for you, you want Jared?” I yell. 

“No!” She defends. 

I am losing control, I punch the locker and the door falls off. I can practically feel myself losing my sanity, along with her. 

“Don’t lie to me!” 

She waits a few seconds, “You don’t even like me!” 

Oh My. God. This girl is going to f**king kill me. She’s right, I don’t like her. I f**king love her. 

“That’s a lie!” 

We are both f**king angry now, I can feel her anger and mine, “YOU ALWAYS FUCKING HATED ME!” “BULLSHIT! I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND I WILL CONTINUE TO LOVE YOU!” 

I don’t give her time to respond before I scare the shit out of myself and k*ss her. I put one hand on her waist and the other in her throat. Our l*ps don’t move for a few seconds and I am losing hope. She isn’t k*ssing me back. 

I start to pull away and then suddenly she grabs me and moves her l*ps against mine. 

I am k*ssing Lee. The girl I have been in love with since I was four, and it was worth the wait. 

Her l*ps are a drug, and I just became an addict. 

Her arms wrap around my n*eck and mine wrap around her waist in attempts to pull her closer to me. I figured out awhile ago that no matter how close she is, it will never be close enough. Yet, I still try. 

I swipe my tongue on her l*ps, but she doesn’t open. 

“Please, open.” I beg. 

Holy fuck. I am an alpha. Never in my life have I begged anyone, but for her, I would get on my knees. 

She opens just enough for me to sl*p my tongue in an fully taste her. She is sweet, like candy. I guess I have a sweet tooth now. 

She lets out a moans and I just about lost it. Her little whimpers and moans are music to my ears. 

I continue to k*ss her and fight for it to last as long as possible because I don’t want it to end. 

We break the k*ss and gasp for air, “f**k… that was so much better than I ever imagined.” I groan. 

We stand their and look into each other’s eyes as our foreheads rest against each other. She is perfect.

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