His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

“Its just a jersey, and I feel really bad, this would make me feel better. Please…” He begs. 

I sigh, “Ok, sure. I will give it back to you at the party.” 

“Or you could wear it to the party, whatever works.” He says flashing me a smile before turning to go to the locker room. My eyes widen and I am taken back by his statement. 

He turns around one last time and says, “Oh and save me a dance ok.” Then winks. 

My jaw drops, next to me Kasey says, “Damion is going to be f**king pissed.” With a stunned expression and tone. 

“Yes he is. But, its either his jersey or a sticky red mess. I don’t really have a choice.” I say shrugging and walking to the bathroom to change and clean up. 

I go into a stall and have Kasey hands me wet paper towels so that I can clean my chest and stomach. I hate the sticky feeling. After I was all cleaned up I put the jersey on and it was huge. 

“Kasey do you have a hair tie?” I ask walking out of the stall. 

“Yup, here.” She says handing me one from her wrist. 

“Thanks.” I say while tying the jersey so it is in a little knot on my left hip. After, I check myself in the mirror and nod. I put my d*rty shirt in my purse before walking out. 

I follow Kasey as we sit in the fifth row of the student section. We actually got really good seats even though its packed. Now, we are just waiting fo the game to start and saying hi to a few people. I see Ms. Frizzle, Franky, and later I wave to Coach when he and the team walk on the field for warmups. 

We see Blake come out with the rest if the guys and he looks for us in the stands. Finally, he finds us and waves. We both wave back and he blows a k*ss at us. In response, we both gag and he rolls his eyes. 

A few minutes go by and the game is about to start. Everyone is cheering and the guys are putting their helmets on. Jared looks up to me and waves. I awkwardly wave back. 

That’s when I see him. 

Damion is quarterback, so he walks over to the middle and goes to put his helmet on, he stops in mid air. Then, he looks around and his eyes land on me. For a second he looks relieved I am there and I give him a soft smile. That relieved expression didn’t last long, his eyes dip down to my shirt and he looks pissed. 

“Uh, oh.” Kasey mutter from beside me. 

As soon as those words leave her mouth, Damion is angrily walking across the field. His coach, Mr. T, starts yelling at him to get back on the field but he ignores him. Everyone starts looking at him as he makes his way to the stands. 

“Ah, shit.” mutter as my eyes follow him. People start whispering and asking what he’s doing around me. Basically, everyone is confused. 

He never falters in his step, and soon he is walking directly towards me. My eyes widen and I look around to see if anyone is going to stop him, aaaaand the answer is no. 

He stops in front of me, “Get up.” He demands. 

I look to my right and then my left, the whole field is watching us. I mean teachers, players, parents, coaches, everyone. He is causing a total scene. 

In hopes of not causing even more of a scene, I do as he asks. Slowly, I rise to my feet. I am not even 

fully standing when he ducks down, warps his arms around my legs, and once again I find myself over his shoulder. I let out a little scream because I wasn’t expecting it. 

He starts walking away from my seat and finally, my mind catches up to my b*dy, “Damion! Damion, put me down!” I whisper yell. I am trying to be quiet, but it is dead silent in the crowd so most of them probably heard me. 

“Damion, people are looking!” I continue to whisper yell. He doesn’t respond, he just keeps walking. We are at the end of the stands for our side and I make eye contact with Mr and Mrs Cruz. They are just as stunned as everyone, and they too don’t make a move to stop their son. 

He makes his way down the ramp that leads up to the stand and around the corner to the locker rooms. He still hasn’t said a word. 

“Damion! What the hell are you doing!” I fully yell this time. 

He brings me all the way into the locker room, and walks to the one that I assume is his. 

“Damion, I am not allowed in here.” I say. 

After what feels like forever, he sets my down in front of him and gets right in my face. I stubble back, but his hands find my waist and pull me into him. 

“Take it off.” He demands in a low voice. 

“What?” I ask breathlessly. 

“I said, be a good girl and take. It. Off.” 

I now realize that he means the jersey. The problem is I literally only have a bra on, I can’t take it off.” I say looking down. 

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