His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

I reach out to open the door and in the window I see a pair of yellow glowing eyes behind me. I pull the door open, jump inside, and lock the door. When I turn and look outside the window, there’s nothing there. No glowing eyes, and no growls. What. The. Actual. f**k. 

I am out of breathe, but I know I won’t be able to breathe until I am home. So, I start my car, or tried to. I turned the key, but nothing happened. I kept trying, but nothing. 

All of a sudden there is a knock on my window and I let out a scream. When I look to see who it is, it is none other than Damion. Of f***ing course. 

He just stands there. He looks mad, but he has no reason to be so… I don’t give a f***. 

Yes, you do. You care about him. 

Ugh, I wish I didn’t. 

I open my door and start to get out, still a little scared because of the eyes and him. 

“What the hell are you doing out here alone? It’s dangerous.” He sounds absolutely pissed, but I can’t concentrate on that. I look behind him a little to see if there is anything there. 

He turns around to see what I am looking at, but once again there is nothing. 

“What are you looking at?” He demands. 

His face softens when he sees that I am terrified. 

With a gentle tone he asks. “Lee, are you ok? What happened?” 

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought I saw something. It was probably nothing though.” There is no way in hell I am telling him about the eyes because I just know he would call me crazy. 

I can tell he doesn’t really believe me, but before he can question me I change the subject. 

“So, what are you doing here?” I ask. 

“I was on my way home when I saw your car. I thought you might need some help.” Is all he says. 

“Oh, no I’m fine thanks.” 

“Really?” He raise is left brow. 

His chin turns up slightly and he crosses his arms, “Start your car for me.” 

“Ummmmm, nope. I’m good. You should go.” I say with a smile. 

He walks towards me, grabs my wrists, and pins me to the car. He and I are face to face. 

“Lee, be a good girl and start your car. I don’t want to ask again.” His jaw ticks. I can tell he’s frustrated. 

He is so close to me I lose all brain function, so instead of coming up with a lie, I tell him the truth. 

“I–I can’t, it won’t start.” I reply with an eye roll. 

“Hmm. Thats what I thought.” He releases me and walks to his truck which is parallel parked to the side of the road, even thought the spots are not parallel. It doesn’t matter because its only us on the 


“Get in.” 

No. I’ll call Luca.” Luca is 100% out of town, but I can not be trusted alone with him, clearly. 

“Luca is on a work trip, nice try sweetheart.” He smirks. 


God dammit. How does he know that, ugh it doesn’t matter? Wait. Sweetheart? f**king hell, why do I like that? 

“Then, I’ll call Blake.” He doesn’t like that. His head snaps up to mine. 

“Tuck it.” He mutters and walks over to me. 

Before I know it he is bending down to grab the back of my thighs, and throws me over his shoulder. 

“Hey! WHAT THE FUCK? PUT ME DOWN ASSHOLE!” He just laughs. 


“Sorry, sweetheart. You wouldn’t get in any other way.” I am now being put down in his truck and when I try to say something to him he slammed the door. I go to open it, but the damn child lock is 


I see him walk back over to my car and grab my bag, phone, and keys. 

At least he has the decency to do that. 

Then, he walks back over to the truck and gets in the drivers seat, still smirking. Then, he hands me my stuff and I put it down in front of me. 

“Child lock really?” I say with an annoyed tone. 

“I knew you would try to escape.” Is all he says before turning back and shifting into drive. 

“This Is kidnapping.” 

He scoffs, “No, its saving your ass.” 

“Saving? Really? I didn’t need saving. I’m not a damsel in distress, Damion. I could have called Blake.” I say sitting back in my seat and putting my seat belt on. 

“No.” He says with a dark tone. 

He clears his throat, “You didn’t need to, I was already there.” 

“Whatev- hey you missed the turn to my house.” I say pointing to the right. 

“We’re not going to your house genius, we are going to mine.” 

“What, no the f*** I’m not. Turn around.” I demand. 

He ignores me. 

“Damion! I am not going to your house!” I say turning my b*dy to him. 

“Yes, you are. Luca, isn’t home. You shouldn’t be home alone.” 

“Since when do you care?” I ask with a bit of attitude. 

He slams on the brakes, shifts to parks, and turns to me. He grabs my chin with his hand and forces me to look at him. 

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