His Rogue Luna

Chapter 15

I had quickly fallen into a routine in the next few days, which mainly consisted of all sorts of paperwork and being holed up in an office for hours on end. My days were quite repetitive and predictable so I tried to make it as interesting as possible.

I would go on long runs and see if Zayn and Apollo were free to spar with me. They were almost always busy with their own duties though, so I had only managed to train one more time with them and it felt too long ago.

Of course, I had no run ins with my lovely mate, so I hadn't seen him since the day at the hospital. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was avoiding me, but I didn't care. I was just annoyed that he was most probably the one keeping Apollo and Zayn away from


I was already feeling bored and restless. Sitting at a desk for hours didn't help either. I was near ready to burst out of my skin.

"Luna, where are you going?" Gen asked as I abruptly stood up from the desk.

"Running," I said, already leaving the room. I could hear her scurry after me.

"You already went for your run, and there's some paperwork left to finish up," She protested, standing before me to block my way. I looked down at her, noting the frown on her face and the exhaustion in her eyes.

"Come with me,"

"What?" She asked.

"Come and run with me. You look like you could use it," I repeated. She looked ready to protest, but seemed to change her mind halfway as she closed her mouth and pursed her lips. She sighed, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. "You know what? Okay," She nodded. I smiled down at her, and she smiled back.

I quickly lead the way outside and into the woods. We both stripped and left our clothes, quickly falling to the ground as our bones cracked and reshaped.

Her wolf was a unique mix of grey and dark brown, with a sleek and agile body a bit smaller than mine.

Before I knew it, she took off in a sprint and I laughed internally, chasing after her. She was a fast runner, and she seemed to fly through the forest. It took me a while to catch up to her but by the time I did, I had tackled her to the floor. We both fell from my attack, rolling down a snowy hill and landing in fluffy piles of snow at the bottom.

I couldn't help but laugh internally at her as she shook out her fur, getting even more snow on me.

We play fought for a while, wrestling and tussling some more in the snow. It was exactly what we both needed after being indoors for so long.

She was quite an impressive fighter too. She managed to duck and avoid almost all of my attacks since her smaller body made her more agile.

The sound of footsteps approaching made us both pause and separate. We looked to the sound, seeing a pure white wolf approach us. Sniffing the air, I realised the wolf was Vaughn.

He stopped just before us, directing a low warning growl to Gen, who only lowered her head and ears in response.

I realised they were both communicating with each other since both of their wolves were caught in a staring contest. I felt out of the loop and wondered if I should slip away.

Gen nudging me with her nose snapped me out of it and I looked at her. She gestured with her head to the direction we came from and I understood what she meant.

I sighed but followed her as we trotted back to the pack house.

After we shifted and redressed did I break the silence.

"What was that?" I asked the other woman. She seemed as upset as I did, her face looking somber and lost in thought. She looked up at me sadly.

"There's been a few rogues trespassing recently. It's not safe for us to be out," She explained as we headed inside.

"There's been rogue attacks? How many? When?" I asked once we reached the office.

"No, not rogue attacks, just some rogues hanging nearby and trespassing onto our territory," She said. My confusion only grew with her words.

"What's the threat then? Vaughn seems perfectly content walking around alone in his wolf, so it can't be that dangerous," I pointed out. She looked uncomfortable at my words.

"Well, he's the pack Gamma and can handle himself. We don't have the same luxury as he does," She explained weakly.

"I can handle myself too. I remember defeating Zayn in both hand-to-hand and weapon combat. I doubt Vaughn is anymore skilled than Zayn," I scoffed.

She blinked at me, before licking her lips and leaning closer to me, as if her next words were an important secret.

"In this pack, the safety of female and young wolves is extremely important so extra precautions are taken."

She didn't look too pleased with her own words.

"That is the most backwards thing I've ever heard. Even the humans are more progressive than this," I said.

I didn't understand where this mentality even sprung from. I could understand wanting to protect pregnant women and young pups since they were weakened and more vulnerable than ordinary wolves, but for ordinary wolves, it was quite bizarre. While male and female wolves differed in strengths, I've seen plenty of packs use that to their advantage. With proper training, any ordinary pack member could be a great fighter.

"You were great during our play fight. You have such quick reflexes and are naturally agile. You'd become a great fighter," I continued.

"I've always wanted to train, and for a while, Apollo used to help me," She murmured, looking away. "But he became too busy and I haven't had the chance."

It was obvious she was crestfallen at the lack of equal opportunity, something I guessed a lot of she wolves in this pack also felt.

I decided it was high time I started making the most of my new title and power. No time like the now.

"As acting Luna, I vow to change this. I want all able females and even young kids enrolled in training programs," I stated.

"Luna I-,"

"No Gen. I will not change my mind on this. Just because my genitalia doesn't hang outside of my body, I'm expected to become complacent? I will personally fight anyone who dares argue with me," I growled.

Gen just silently blinked up at me before her face slowly grew into a smile.

"Okay. We can begin making the proposal and request a general meeting once it's ready," She suggested. "Perfect," I stated.

"While we're on the topic of changing legislation, is there anything else I need to be made aware of?" I asked.

"The treasury in this pack is questionable," She said bitterly. I raised a brow at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "Most of the pack funding goes to the Warriors and the Weaponry. The orphanage and hospital need more funding but no one will listen to me," She huffed. "Okay, we will add that to the list then. I guess we should start preparing our proposals. Like I said, I will personally fight anyone that opposes me."

Gen chuckled at me before handing a pile of papers to me. I frowned at it, but I figured I would have to get the boring parts over with in order to make some real changes to this strange pack.

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