His Only Rose Novel by Demiah13

Chapter 2

Rose’s pov

My heart ached as I watched my always happy cheerful brother mop for a lost love. I hadn’t known how serious and committed he had been to the relationship.

I had been so caught up with studies that I now realized that Noel had fallen in love and I instantly felt guilty for not realizing sooner. He tears his eyes away from us and looks at the blank wall in fascination.

I got up from the couch, the huge shirt I wore fell just above my knees as I walked towards him in caution. Never had I had to embrace or soothe Noel from a breakup, this was the first time and I was finding it hard to know exactly how to mend him.

He hears my cautious footsteps and turns to face me. He bites his lip in an effort to not let out a sob. As soon as I reached him instincts took over and I pulled him into a hug. I could faintly hear Lily’s footsteps nearing and a second later feel her arms envelope the both of us. Her huge belly pressing on our sides.

Noel’s form shakes with silent tears as he hugs us back. He then pulls away and stares at our almost not visible faces. The apartment was getting dark and we needed to turn the lights on. He reaches for the switch that was a couple of inches away from him and flicks the light on.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Lily asked softly. She scanned him and her eyes began to fill up.

I groaned silently. “Pregnancy hormones.”

She reaches out to me and slaps my arm. I hissed not expecting it and glared at her, feeling the sting of the force of her hand against my skin. Noel chuckles quietly but it was enough to have us snapping our heads back to face him, smiles now on our faces at seeing that he had now stopped crying.

He sighs then passes a hand through his hair. “I found out he cheated on me today.” He grunts like the thought hadn’t made him cry a second ago.

I looked at Lily and without a second thought started speaking. “Okay grab the tap, knife, a few garbage bags, make sure they’re black. Should we bring the taser?”

Lily nods while waddling away to the kitchen to retrieve what I had just asked for. I looked at Noel in question. “Do you want any souvenirs or should we just get rid of everything? I bet that asshole is a screamer.” I worded out and followed after Lily, not staying to listen to the answer he was going to give me.

“Aye Lily grab a few of those gloves too while you’re at it, don’t want to go to jail.” I shout after her.

She turns slightly so that she could lift her hand to her forehead in a mock salute. “I-I captain.”

“Woah Woah woah! Guys stop, we’re not going to kill him.” Noel rushes out after us. He looks around frantic as if afraid that someone had heard us.

I arched a perfect eyebrow at him. “Why not?”

“Yeah why not?” Lily whines crossing her arms. I snorted, she was pregnant and she was thinking about killing someone. Although I couldn’t speak since all I could think was murdering poor Arthur.

Noel sighs then walks to the couch and flops down on his stomach, his feet dangling off the armrest as he turns his head to face us. “Because I still love him, I just want to forget about it.” He grumbles.

I sighed and nodded in reluctance. “Okay fine but can we egg his house or something? I’m itching to make him surfer in some way for hurting my brother.”

I heard the crinkling of snack papers and turned to the cause. I laughed silently when I spotted Lily opening a bag of chips and starts stuffing her mouth. Looks like she was done with thinking about murder. She closes the draw she had taken the snack out of and shrugs when she sees me staring.

“Isn’t that a little childish?” His voice now sounded muffled as his cheek buried more into the soft cushion.

Someone knocks on the door and I walk towards it. Completely forgetting about Noel’s question. I opened it knowing who was behind the door. Asher’s tired face greets me and he gives me a warm smile. “Hey Rose, is Lily ready to go home?”

I nodded and stepped away to let him in. The guy was tall and very intimidating. Sometimes I wondered how someone so tiny and soft like Lily ended up with a rough guy like him. Though he was only soft for her, that much I had witnessed myself.

Lily must’ve heard his voice because she comes waddling towards us. The tired look on Asher’s face goes away and is replaced by warmth as he stares tenderly at his woman. “Hey baby, ready?” He asks and smiles when she nods.

“Yes just wait a minute.” She says with a mouth full of mushed up chips. I cringe and notice that the sight hadn’t revolted, Asher if anything he stared at her amused.

He strides to her, his form so tall that she had to tilt her head up to stare at him. With a laugh he pulls her into an embrace and kisses her forehead. “I see that you’re busy eating all Rose’s food.” He jokes. Well you got that right.

Their interaction was cute and I couldn’t help but feel that I was intruding. I closed the door and walked back to the living room where I left my moping brother.

He sees me and groans. “Don’t speak about it again please.” His voice now barely coherent as he presses his entire face in the cushion.

I sighed. Was this the way he copes with breakups? Then again he was never one to be sad about a lost relationship. My brother was really deeply into Arthur. I couldn’t help but feel resentment towards Arthur for making Noel so glum.

Lily comes waddling back with Asher’s hand draped around her waist. Her lips were now red and a little swollen letting me know exactly what they were doing after I walked past them.

“We’re heading out, do you want me to stay a little longer Noel?” She directed her question to Noel, whose face was squished in the cushion. At hearing her words, he lifts his head slightly to turn towards her and forces a smile.

“No y’all go ahead, I’m fine really.” He insisted. Lily’s concerned face scans his features before she reluctantly nods.

She yawns. “Well I’ll see you guys soon, I’m so tired.”

And she did look tired. Asher pulls her more into his arms and rubs her stomach. “Do you want me to carry you?”

Noel snorts and rolls his eyes. “Do you want to break your back? Lily weighs a ton especially with how she’s been eating lately.” He jokes. At hearing his words Lily sends a glare his way but Noel earned an amused chuckle from Asher.

“Nah I think I can handle her, isn’t that right baby?” He asked, staring at her. A light blush makes its way to her face and she moves out of his hold. “I’ll meet you in the car, you know, when you’re done making jokes with Noel.” She says and heads to the door.

“Later Rose!” She calls out before closing the door behind her. I stifle a laugh at her exit. Asher follows behind her, letting out soft chuckles. “Goodnight.” He says before exiting as well.

After they had left I went to the door and locked it. I clench my teeth when I heard the loud voices of the actors in the movie we were watching but hadn’t finished. I stormed to the living room, picked up the remote and switched it to an anime film.


I threaded my fingers through Noel’s strands, his soft snores letting me know that he had fallen asleep. Somehow during the film I ended up nestled on the couch with his head on my thighs.

My tired eyes tear away from the television to look at the clock on the wall that read one a.m. I let out a yawn and reached out for the remote, my intentions set on putting off the tv.

But before I could grasp it the ringing of my phone turned my attention away. My brows furrowed in confusion, wondering who would be calling this late. My hand grab my blaring phone that was beside me and I answered it without looking at the caller. Noel stirs in his sleep but doesn’t wake up.

“Hello?” I asked, letting out a silent yawn. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand as I waited for whoever was on the line to speak up.

“Lily’s in labor, we’re now heading to hospital!” Asher breathed out sounding panicked.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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