His Mistreated Mate

Chapter 13

Silently, I stared deeply into the emerald, green eyes gazing back at me. It wasn't love or happiness looking back at me but a dark unnerving loathing that burned through my skin. Everything that I was and had now become was clearly an unbearable itch to Julianne's triggered soul.

"Libby, well well well. What a surprise," Julianne breathed, in almost an inaudible whisper. "How nice it is to see you again, albeit alive."

"No thanks to you," I retorted back angrily. "No thanks to you, I nearly did die when you basically threw me to the wolves."

"So, how are you still alive then?" Julianne sneered, her voice tinged with hatred. "Oh, wait unless they are keeping you as a family pet. You're not worth much more. But you're used to being kept as someone else's pet, aren't you?" "For your information," I paused, inhaling in sharply, begining to enjoy the power i now had over her, "I am their new Luna. I've Mated with the Alpha here. He was the one that saved me from certain death. He sees something in me. Something you didn't.Something you never gave a chance!"

"Such a pity," cackled Julianne gleefully, her eyes glinting in the dark. "This pack is really letting its standards slip. They must be really desperate to have someone like you as their Luna. You're nothing. You're weak and pathetic. No one wants you. No one loves you. No wonder your parents killed themselves. No wonder, having a freak for a daughter like you!"

From behind me, a chorus of furious growls rang out around the room from the surveying pack members. Turning around slightly, I held up my hand to silence them once more as I focused my attention back to Julianne. Containing my own snarling wolf, I stepped forward and crouched down onto my heels, staring back at Julianne coldly.

"I think you and I need to have a little chat, don't you?" I whispered softly, just loud enough for only Julianne to hea. "I know what you have done. Do you care to explain, before I drag you out of here and let my wolves rip you limb from limb?"

"You wouldn't dare!" sneered Julianne gleefully while quickly glancing behind me nervously. "You wouldn't have the balls! You're all mouth, no action. All smoke, no fire! You're just the same weak, patheric little girl that you've always been. You have no power!"

"Jared, Jenson, Alistair!" I called out loudly in an authoritative voice, without breaking eye contact. "Would you do the honours of bringing her out to me please?"

"No! I'll tell you everything, I promise!" screamed Julianne quickly, as Jenson, Jared and Alistair started to prowl towards her, smiling menacingly. "What do you want to know? I'll tell you anything! Just don't let them come in here!" "Very well. Then maybe you'd like to explain to me how the fuck my parents both are still alive!?" I yelled angrily, feeling hatred bubble through me like an inferno. "In your basement, below your house, I may add!"

"Please, Libby, you need to listen to me," Julianne pleaded, eying up Alistair carefully, who was still snarling menacingly behind me. "James made me do it. I swear. This was his idea! All of it. I had no choice. He threatened to kill me otherwise. I was scared. I didn't know what to do!"

"You're a liar!" I fumed, feeling a white-hot surge of hatred flow through my veins. "My mother and father both died way before James turned up on the scene. They were your friends! Alistair, bring her the fuck out here now!"

I watched as Alistair marched up to the cage while donning on a pair of black leather gloves. Inhaling deeply, he walked in and undone the silver cuffs, before dragging a screaming Julianne out of the cage and dumping her trembling body at my feet like a sack of rubbish. Grabbing her hair roughly with one trembling hand, I pulled her head backwards before leaning in close next to her ear.

"You best start telling me the fucking truth," I hissed, feeling my fangs protrude out of my mouth. "Or else you will see a whole new side to me that you've never seen! I swear to god, I will have you skinned alive and fed to my pack for dinner! Do not push me!"

"Ha-ha, why should I tell you anything," Julianne chuckled quietly. "You won't do nothing. You're weak. You're useless. You're worthless!"

Before Julianne could mutter a single word, I lifted my left hand and bought it down hard right across her face with a resounding smack. Small gasps echoed around the room followed by a pained squeak uttered by Julianne who now lay on the floor in a heap, moaning quietly. Not feeling any flicker of remorse, I walked over to the trembling heap and pulled her up into a sitting position, which revealed Julianne with a bloody and bent out of shape nose - clearly broken. "Now, are we going to start talking?" I ordered loudly with not a care in the world. "Trust me, I've got all day to be getting answers off you and my wolves are hungry. Unless you don't want to be their new chew toy, I suggest you start talking." "Okay, okay," Julianne whimpered softly, gingerly wiping away a small trail of crimson blood from her nose. "I did it. I faked your parents death and hid them in the basement. It was all my idea. No one else's."

"Why did you do it?" I replied slowly, feeling my brain rapidly fill up with a thousand burning questions. "Did James know? Did he help you? What about Louisa? Did she know about my parents!?"

"I was jealous! Pure and simple. Yes, your mum was my best friend, but I'd had a crush on your father for years. Ever since we were in school together. Of course, when your father met your mother and declared her as his Mate, I was heartbroken. I always thought it was going to be me," sighed Julianne softly while wincing in pain. "James didn't know because I never told him. Neither did Louisa. I kept the basement door locked for a reason. So that no one could find out about what I had done."

"Tell me more," I demanded angrily, while i struggled to contain my anger. "How did you get my mum down into your basement? And my dad. I need to know everything!"

"For years, I kept my jealousy and rage buried deep within me. I watched as your mum become pregnant with you and welcomed you to into the world. Every day, your father became more and more besotted with your mother, pushing me further away, until eventually, your dad forgot about the connection we once had. For 16 years, I stayed at your mother's side watching everything as her best friend, until one day, I could no longer contain my hurt and anger."

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"And? What did you do? How did she end up on the cliffs?" I demanded loudly, my heart beating faster with every word Julianne muttered.

"Christine didn't end up on the cliffs. I put her belongings there to make it look like she jumped," explained Julianne quietly. "I met her outside the gym that morning like we always did. While her back was turned, I used wolfsbane soaked in a cloth to subdue her while dragging her back into an alleyway beside the gym where my car was waiting. Once knocked out, I put her in my boot and bought her to my house where I shoved her in the basement in the cage." "And my father? He went to work that day. How did he end up in the dog cage? Did you use wolfsbane on him too?"

"No, his abduction was more, shall we say, brutal," chuckled Julianne gleefully. "As much as I loved Paul, he pissed me off!"

"Pissed you off!" I choked angrily at her apparent lies. "You never loved my father. That was a lie! You two were always arguing at the end."

"That's what pissed me off about Paul. Even though he married me, he still loved Christine. It was clear to see!" seethed Julianne angrily, disgust eteched all over her face. "When your mother 'died' I watched as Paul sank into a deep pit of alcoholic despair. I knew that I was the one that could save him and free him from his demons."

"You tricked him!" I asked incredulously, not believing how low Julianne could stoop. "You used his feelings as a ploy to get your claws into him. Are you even for real!?"

"Yes, I tricked him. And so, what!" cackled Julianne loudly while an evil glint sparkled in her eye. "You have no idea how happy I was when Paul finally started showing me attention once more. It felt so good to be loved. Like I was finally wanted by someone. It felt like I was finally home again! But there was always that part of him that could never let Christine go, and I hated him for it! The argument we had that morning finally tipped me over the edge! If he loved her so much, then he may aswell join her!"

"So, what did you do to get dad into the basement? Did you drug him?"

"No. I stood in the kitchen with a metal baseball bat and patiently waited until he finished work. As soon as he walked in through the door, BANG!" chuckled Julianne apprehensively. "He hit the floor like a sack of shit. Ten minutes later, he was safely stored away beside his forever Mate, finally reunited! Just like he always wanted!"

"You're evil!" I screamed loudly, running up to Julianne and grabbing fistfuls of her hair. "How could you! You disgust me! You deserve to die! You evil heartless bitch!"

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Before I could kick and punch her, I felt many pairs of hands grab me and pull me back. Closing my eyes, I breathed in deeply and turned my thoughts to Mya. I could hear her anguished howls deep within my mind as she fought against my willpower to take over. But there was one more thing I needed to know.

"Then you got lumbered with me didn't you, which you hated," I whispered quietly. "You hated the fact that now my parents were gone, you had to look after me. Is that why you kept me as a slave and beat me?"

"I saw your parents in you so much. Every time I looked at you, your face repulsed me," Julianne shrugged nonchalantly. "I made sure that Louisa hated you too and told her to make sure she spread rumours about you so that you would get bullied. When you told me that James had raped you, I was so mad!"

"Mad? But why?" I asked in disbelief. "I was a pup and he violated me! Didn't you have no maternal instinct over me at all?"

"No. Not one iota," smirked Julianne. "I loved James and he loved me! Or so he said! When you told me he raped you, I saw your mother taking Paul away from me all over again. I had already lost Paul and I was adamant I wasn't going to lose another love! Now you know everything! What are you going to do with me now, bitch!"

Glaring down at the gleeful heap that was Julianne, who clearly showed no remorse for her actions, I smiled gently as I revealed the punishment that I had in mind for her.

"I will make sure that you spend the rest of your days living in the dark, wrapped in silver, encased in a silver tomb, never to see the light of day again. I will have you and your rapist boyfriend dewolfed, gagged and bound until the day you die. I will make sure that you lose all of your senses so that you cannot see, hear, feel, taste, or smell ever again. You will never know what time or what day it is. It will be 24/7 of pure darkness with only your own mind for company!" "No! You cannot do that! That's torture!” cried out Julianne desperately. "You will drive me to insanity!"

"Good. That's all you deserve," I snarled. "Be grateful that I don't kill you with my bare hands! You will feel what my parents did!"

"Please, my Luna," Alistair gently interrupted. "What about the werewolf court? Why don't we put them to trial like we previously agreed?"

"There's no need to get them involved!" I replied simply before turning my back to Julianne and began walking towards the staircase. "Throw her back into that cell and get ready to implement their punishment in the next few days. We will take them to the dark crypts in two days' time!"

"Are you sure, Luna?" replied Alistair gently. "You will be condemning them both to a cursed life!" "Yes," I replied loudly. "They will be at the mercy of their own minds now! Just like my parents were!"

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