His Lost Lycan Luna (Kyson and Ivy)

Chapter 90

Walking into the kitchen, I grab a cup and fill it with milk, deciding to have milk and cookies. I was too tired to cook, not that I had
any reason to be, and the stove was temperamental and only worked when it wanted to. Dipping my biscuit in my milk, I bite it,
the sugary sweetness making me giddy.
Sugar always had that effect on me. Kade said it was because I wasn’t used to having it, and after I annoyed him with my
constant talking on the way here from the bag of clouds Gannon gave me before I left, he tossed them out the window and
snapped at me. I hadn’t had anything sweet since besides artificial sugar in my coffee Kade brought last time he came here. He
said it was a treat for being good, but it didn’t even taste like sugar and had a funny aftertaste.
What if he came? Maybe I shouldn’t have anymore? I thought. I didn’t want to annoy my mate and make him leave, placing the
half-eaten biscuit back. I would eat the other half tomorrow, just in case he did come to see me. I hoped he would.
I placed the open packet in the fridge and decided to quickly spring clean to b**n off some energy. I filled the sink with water and
started cleaning the kitchen. Nothing I did improved its state, though. The place was falling apart. Washing my cup, I placed it on
the sink upside down when I heard car tires. My eyes widened with excitement, and I couldn’t help the stupid smile that spread
across my face. Pulling my hands out of the water, I quickly dried them and raced to the front door tossing it open, unable to
contain my excitement.
I squealed when I saw Kade’s car parked out front, and he hopped out along with two of his warriors who l had met back at the
castle. Kade climbed out looking gorgeous in his suit, and I rushed down the steps, almost bouncing with joy. I ran over, about to
throw my arms around me. Gosh, I missed him.
Only I was greeted with his fist. My head snapped back, and I clutched my face, blood spurting out of my nose and lip where his
fist connected. Blood stained my shirt and my hands as I looked at them. I didn’t understand. Lifting my head his hand reached
for me before I recognized the cruel sneer on his face. He grabbed my hair, making me cry out, my neck arched back painfully.
Kade said nothing, just ripped me back toward the house; I clutched his hands, my feet slipping on the loose gravel.
“Kade?” I cried as he dragged me across the ground and up the steps by my hair. My hair-tearing painfully from my scalp when
he tossed me inside. I screamed in pain when I landed on the hard floor on my hip. My hands jarred as I threw them out, trying to
break my fall. Kade kicks the door shut, and my eyes widen when he turns on me again.
“You f*****g w***e, who were you with?” Kade screamed at me. I scrambled back on my hands and feet when he grabbed my
hair again, hauling me to my feet.
“What do you mean?” I shrieked as he hauled me into the kitchen.

“Who’s car was here? Do you think I wouldn’t notice, wouldn’t feel your infidelity,” He screamed.
“He brought me food; it was just Gannon,” I sobbed, trying to get him to let go. He does, and I stumble back into the sink when
he growls, grabbing the back of my neck and plunging my face into the water. I choke and sputter on the d***y water. My hands
gripped the sides as I tried to pull my face out, only he shoved my face in harder. My throat burned and ached furiously as I
began to d***n, inhaling the water making my nose b**n, but before I could d***n, he ripped my head out, and I sucked in air
harsh ragged breaths.
“Did you f**k him, you w***e?” Kade screamed in my face. While I tried to s**k in air. My hair and face were drenched, my shirt
“No, why are,” he shoved my face back in the sink, and I clawed and scratched at the bench, trying to get air. Water sloshed onto
the floor at my feet as I struggled against him, only for him to rip me out at the last second again.
“He brought me food, that’s all,” I tell him, wondering what he was talking about. Kade yanks my head back, ripping open the
pantry and fridge. He snarls, slamming my head into the bench, pain rattled through my skull, and I saw black as my head
pounded to its own beat, and I collapsed on the floor. Blood pooled in my mouth as I tried to look around through my blurry
He starts ripping the canned food off the shelves, tossing them at me, and I shield my head, my body becoming bruised and
battered, the bond screaming for him to stop, and my heart twisting painfully in my chest. He snarls, picking up a bag of candy.
“Did you f**k him?” Kade snarls, and I shake my head, sobbing. My hands shook as he reached for me, and put them up to
shield my face. Blood trickled down the side of my head, from my nose and eyebrow. It stained the floor, my hands, and my
“Please, Please, I didn’t do anything wrong,” I shrieked when he grabbed my hair again, ripping my head back before stuffing the
candy in my mouth. I try to spit it out, choking on it. “Filthy f*****g pig, you fucked him, didn’t you? Thought you could get away
with sneaking around behind my back,” he roared in my face, spittle hitting my face with his words.
“You want to act like a w***e, I will treat you like one,” He growled.

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