His Lost Lycan Luna (Kyson and Ivy)

Chapter 129

Book 2 his found Tyran Luna Chapter 4
Azalea POV
He had been out for hours. The waiting became pure agony, and my mind kept wondering if it was too late. I wondered if I had kil
led my mate. Why didn‘t he tell me he could die? Did he seriously think I would let him die? Yes, we have obvious issues but non
e worth dying for, so why would he risk his life? He should have told me when I was in heat the first time I wouldn‘t have let him d
ie despite being angered with him.
My skin was supersensitive, and I tried shifting to get out of the handcuffs. The limited movement made the pain worse
when all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball, but the handcuff restricted that effort. When I shifted, my wrist grew thicker, and da
mn, did it hurt when the metal dug into my flesh and sliced through my skin, cutting off my circulation. So instead, I was forced to
just lay in the same position.
Yet as the hours dragged
on, I knew I was turning rabid as the heat boiling inside me grew stronger. My claws slipped from my fingertips and sliced into Ky
son repeatedly as I battled with the pain and searing heat that made me feel like I was boiling from the inside out, his scent no lo
nger soothing but excruciating as the urge to mate ravaged me,
Kyson would wake thinking I was mauling him if he woke up? That thought made me whimper, and my heart raced faster as worr
y gnawed and clawed at my insides. My stomach clenched painfully, and my pussy throbbed to its own beat. Death would be
kinder at this point. The pain was horrendous as I rocked my hips against him, trying to get any form of relief. Sweat beaded and
glistened on my skin, my hair drenched in it as my temperature skyrocketed. The pain was so bad that I begged to be put out of
my misery as I cried out and writhed.
My tears coated his
chest along with my bite marks when I felt his hand suddenly in my hair. I froze, wondering if I imagined it and that the pain had d
riven me to madness. Only when his fingers caressed across my scalp, moving through my hair, do I realize I
hadn‘t imagined it all.
Pushing off his chest, I look down at him to discover his eyes open and staring up at me.
“Shh,” he whispers before tilting his face up to kiss my forehead. A sigh of relief leaves me. He was awake. Never had I felt such
immense relief before in my life. My heartbeat quickened, knowing I hadn‘t killed him.

My hips rock against him before I crash against his chest, pressing my ear flat against the center, wanting the soothing essence
of his calling. Kyson delivered instantly, and I was worried he wouldn‘t. I was worried that he would be mad and let me suffer. His
calling slipped out, and I basked in it and soaked it in, my body calming instantly as it rumbled through his chest and vibrated aga
inst me, soothing my soul and the bond that was running haywire.
Kyson ran his fingers through my hair. My breathing slows before I embarrassingly start purring, imitating his calling while moving
my hips against him. Gone was any sort of dignity I had
left. I no longer cared as long as he gave me what my body desired, what I craved, and what our bond demanded. His hard lengt
h slips between my drenched folds, my arousal coating his cock and saturating my thighs.
A moan escapes me when I hear him groan, and his hard length brushes my clit. Kyson grips my hips,
forcing my hand awkwardly behind me as he moves me higher and away from his pelvis, making me cry out at the loss of friction
that reduced the throbbing pain burning between my thighs.
“I am not touching you
until you say it, love,” he murmured into my hair. His hot breath moved across my neck and made me shiver, and I tried to
move lower, but his grip grew tighter, holding me still. He was really going to make me say it? Yet, with the intense pain destroyin
g me, I would beg if he requested.
“Please! Make it stop!” I groaned, trying to move lower. My
teeth sink into his chest. The saltiness of his skin was intoxicating, and I ran my tongue across my
bite marks, his blood washing over my tongue, only arousing
me more. Even as my claws scratched his shoulders and bit into his flesh, his grunt turned to a
Kyson moved his arm wraps around my waist, and he rolled, flipping me
onto my back. His lips instantly mold around mine, his enticing scent making me moan as my lips part, and I kiss him back hungri
ly. Desire coursed through every inch of me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and dragged him closer to me.
The handcuff on our wrists clicks as he forces my leg wrapped around his waist up higher before grinding his hips against me
gently. I gasp, my lips pulling from his as his hard length slides between my wet folds and
hits my clit. My hips arch as I crave the friction he offered when he growls, annoyed at the handcuff making things difficult. My han

“Did he leave the key somewhere?” Kyson asks, but I don‘t answer, nor do I care about a damn key. Lifting my head, my teeth sin
hips against me, his fingers lacing with mine while the other was still tightly gripping my hair as he devoured my lips.
| moan into his mouth, my thighs drenched when he sucks on my bottom lips, nibbling on it. His
lips travel lower and down my neck to my mark. He sucks on it, making my
eyes roll into the back of my head, and my toes curl as tingles flood my entire body, causing me to tingle all over. My temperature
Kyson‘s hot fiery mouth and tongue continue their descent before his lips wrap around my nipple. He bites down it making me hiss
Moving down my body, he kissed the side of my ribs, going lower with each kiss, sucking and nibbling on my skin, making me squ
His teeth grazed over it and scraped down my flesh as he moved down between my legs, forcing my legs from around his waist a
His flat tongue laved across my glistening wet folds before his tongue parted my lower lips, and he sucked my clit
into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the throbbing nerves, making me cry out and writhe.

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