His Little FLOWER

Chapter 41: 41 - Barbarous Sottocapo


I smashed the alcohol bottle using the hem of my shoe heel and tugged the sporadic piece closer to the stretch of my hand, not paying attention to the burning ache in my head. Favorably, that fucker threw a torchlight, it gave a better insight into the surrounding.

I need to cut off this rope as soon as possible, I need to save My Flower. Fuck, she might be having a hard time with breathing, now. I screamed out her name, hopelessly, that she would respond despite knowing the fact, that she couldn't hear my voice.

I held the glass part in my hand and started up to cut the rope, hastily, as it came to be injuring my fingers, since, I could sense the moistness.

Not giving a fuck about it, I kept going on with the motion of paring the rope until it got unfurled, as I freed myself from the tight traction.

I got up from the surface, quickly took the torch, and searched on the bottom looking out for the imprint of the soil wreck. That is the only way to find out where they buried her. That cunt, I will fucking cut him into scraps.

After rummaging through the surface area for a while, it ended as a failure. I couldn't even notice a single mark as I sank onto the ground, my heart fell, aching to see her face.

My palms began to grow sweaty from what I knew, it was fear, the fright of losing her, the only woman I love, and, whom I could trust with my heart. What's the point of living without her?

I looked around, desperately seeking a hint to recognize where they buried her. I glanced at my watch, to notice 15 minutes have gone, barely an hour left now to-


After I lost consciousness within half an hour, I recovered. In between that time he buried her? How's that logical to do that in a short period? If he did that, there would be evidence of soil squall, but there wasn't any.

What if he didn't bury her? How can I trust his words blindly?!

Lastly, where are my guards? Till now, they haven't appeared, not even, Mark and William. I glanced at the other side, to eye the sight of the road in the average distance. At least, I am not way too deep into the woods.

There is no time to think about the guards now. I contemplated the long crooked tree as a symbol of this place and jogged towards that roadway.

Reaching the road, I noticed that I am in a different place, that is why none of my men aren't here. Using the torchlight, I looked out for the route board, but couldn't find a single fucking thing. Arghh...

Shortly, I heard a buzzing sound from my pant pocket, which made my eyes go wide, startled, knowing it is from my phone. I thought that cunt took it from me.

I dug my hand into the pant pocket and took my phone out. It looks like the phone signal came back, since, I came out of the woods.

I peered through the phone screen in shock, discovering, it is My Flower's Caller ID. I could see several missed calls on top of the notification bar. Without giving a second thought, I attended the call in dash. "Flower, where are you?", I almost yelled out as adrenaline scrambling in me like a tide, as it had my heart pounding out of my chest.

But, in return, all I heard to is a similar voice, it belongs to Franco...

"My Poor brother would be searching for her like a maniac over there.", he let out a laugh, as it had my body burning with turmoil.

"You're right, Sir. By the way, what are we going to do with her?", I heard another voice, surely, it must belong to his men, Benjamin.

"To warm my bed, you can join too.", I heard his horrible laugh, as I fisted my palm tight, if only he stood right in front of me now, I would have crushed his jaw.

"It's My pleasure.", I listened to that cunt's voice, Benjamin.

"Ferr.", I heard her cracked voice, in a muffled way, trembling, as if she is in deep anxiety. My breath got stuck in my throat, by hearing her broken voice. She sounds scared, right now.

"Flower, Do you believe me?", I asked her, that is the only way I could take matters into my hand, right now.

"Yes.", I heard her voice, which is barely audible, as heavy breathing is observable.

"Don't protest against him, don't get scared of his words nor his actions either. Stay calm, I will reach you. If you believe me, hung up the call and hide the phone away from him.", I told her, and it didn't take a second for her to hung up the call.

This is more than enough...

The moment she hung up, my phone rang again, as I noted it is from Mark. Attending the call, he beat me to it before I could inform him about my location.

"Sir, just a few instants ago, I got your phone signal. I found out your location, I'm on the way now. Also, we traced the site of Ms. Rose using GPS. William is following them.", he notified me of everything.

But, this is not enough, having few men won't invoke any fear in Franco. He will easily use My Flower as bait to escape from them. I can't let that occur, as it would make things worse. "Transmit this data to every Capo's (Gangsters) and Soldiers around the city. You know, what I mean.", I let out, as he obeyed my order and understood what is the plan I am talking about.

After that I hang up the call, I began to move fast, despite knowing Mark must on his way. Fortunately, I didn't get tricked by Franco's words.

I'm gonna shred him into pieces after that I'll dispatch his remains to his mother. I know that woman is also a part of all of these shits.

I swallowed the rage, that growing up inside me, and ran fast. But, my wrath won't subside until I burn him down into ashes. It's been a while, since, I felt this sort of anger, where I would lose my self-control. I clenched my fist tight to not lose my temper.

But, in the end, I flunked as I started to strike the direction board with my fist, which is set nearby to the path. I feel like inhaling fire, it's scorching my senses and it won't end until I get My Flower back into my


I proceeded on, despite knowing my knuckles has gotten bruised severely with blood seeping out, relentlessly.

My movement got halted, when I saw several black range rover cars coming towards me, as it neared closer, I realized, it is Mark and my guards.

Without wasting a moment, I hopped inside as soon as they halted in front of me. I got the location tracking device from him, to inspect whether if the plan is going on as I directed.

Till now, it is going on as I expected, I need to stay patient, to get My Flower back safely.

"Sir, you are bleeding.", Mark notified me, catching a glimpse of my knuckles. I wiped them off in my shirt, not giving importance to the burning pain.

"Mark, switch someone in your spot to drive and get on the backseat. I want you to get the family details of Benjamin.", I mandated him, as he gave a nod and switched his position. He began to collect Benjamin's data using the organization's database.

That Cunt. He wants to share my-

A few minutes later, Mark confirmed, "Sir, I got it. As of now, his family residing in California. His wife and two kids, both are below ten years old." After hearing that, I authorized him about what to do next without giving a fucking second thought.

"We have Soldiers in California too, send them to that address. Take one of his kids at gunpoint, send him the image. If he didn't answer back in 5 minutes-", I paused, thinking for a moment regarding my next


If only any one of them were above fifteen years old, I would've ordered the Soldiers to kill anyone among the two. Because assassinating kids below 15 is against the law as per Our Organization.

"If he didn't reply, instruct the soldiers to kill his wife and again send him the snapshot. Do not call him, tell him through the message alone.", I asserted, unwavering in my decision.

I could have called Benjamin directly, but it will make Franco suspicious. One wrong move possibly put My Flower's life in danger.

Benjamin left the job, but, I didn't give a fuck about it. Instead of killing him, as per the Organization code, I let him go. I gave him fucking freedom to live a normal life.

But now, that scumbag stepped inside the Mafia business again and dared to stand in front of me authoritatively, as my opponent and not ignoring his laugh with Franco, speaking about My Flower. I will make him regret his words...

After an hour...


"Mom, don't worry about me. I am on the way to our mansion and also his woman is under my captivity now.", I smirked, looking back at the trunk of the car.

She was curled up like an orb, having her both hands in a tied-up manner. After talking with my mother for a while, I hung up the call.

I grabbed her by the hair and made her look at me. She didn't even make a small hiss, instead, she glared at me.

"Woman, you better be careful with your actions if you don't want to lose your eyes. Besides, I am more willing to have some fun with you, tonight.", I smirked, for which she averted her eye away from me, again, disrespectfully avoiding my presence.

"How dare you!", I raised my hand to beat her up, to make her submissive to me. However, before I could do it, Benjamin held my hand, stopping me from doing it.

I grimaced, hating the fact he dared to disrespect me as no one has ever held my hand like this.

What the fuck is wrong with him, suddenly? I let her go, and, yanked off my hand from his hold and fisted his face, blood oozed out from his mouth.

"Who the fuck you are to stop me?", I roared out at him, hating his attitude. Besides, he has never acted like this before. His face held a terror as if he is scared about something.

"Sorry Sir, I just thought it would be better if we have some patience. What is the point of ruining her like this? I mean you said you want her. For that, atleast, she needs to look desirable.", he explained, wiping off the blood from his mouth as I averted my gaze from him, not interested in hearing his speech.

His face now says a different message, as it held enthusiasm when I told him that, he can also have her. But now, all I could see is Fear.

"Benjamin, Is something wrong?", I inquired, as I feel wary of his nervous filled actions. He replied as he is fine with a forced smile.

I shifted my gaze outside as my eyes strolled in all ways, alertly. Watching around, I found that all the cars look similar as if it is of the same group.

All are luxurious black cars, it is not looking like a common people. When the traffic signal light became green, our car began to move, but the driver couldn't change the direction, except going upright. "Cole, operate the right indicator.", I told him, as he did the same trying to move towards the right side, only for the cars from both sides to wrap up more inside like a tangle.

"Benjamin, something is wrong. Call our men's, where are they? I couldn't see any of our cars.", I disclosed, pulling out my gun, getting prepared to fire at any time.

"Sure Sir.", he drew his phone out to call them but stopped in the mid, staring at the phone screen in shock. I tugged the phone away from him and saw the screen to notice everything as normal. "Benjamin, what's there to get shocked in this?", I quizzed, waiting for his reaction for which he gestured me to see the top right corner of the screen. It left me stunned as the signal is completely inert. How come is this possible to happen out of nowhere? I took my phone out and checked the screen to learn the exact signal inactive has occurred in my phone too.

"Cole, does your phone have a signal?", I asked, as he took his phone out only to find out, it is also defunct.

Shit! I eyed all around, and it is very easy to sense that, we are trapped by his men's. I couldn't find my men's car in here nor able to contact them. His men must've used a signal jammer to block the whole network. How did he found out that I didn't bury her?

I turned around and saw her lying on the trunk silently as if she didn't get abducted. This girl must have been very much optimistic that Raffa will save her, or else she won't stay cool like this.

Did she contact him? No way, when I checked her, she didn't have a phone with her.

My heart started up to beat out of my chest when our car changed the way. As I yelled out at Cole, for going in that direction, but the retort he gave left me in pure skepticism.

"Sir, they are the one who is directing us, now. They are steering extremely close to our car, as I couldn't even move a bit to any side.", he asserted in his trembling voice.

I understand what they are aiming at, they are taking me away to the place they want, by snagging my car in between theirs.

"Benjamin, where are our men's?", I yelled out, frustrated, not able to watch myself in his hook. Shit! How did this happen?

Very soon, we embarked on the woods, getting far away from the city highway. This is no good, if I enter so deep inside the woods furthermore, definitely I'm not gonna survive.

I informed Cole to stop the car and he did the exact, as I wanted. Before I could place my hand in the pocket to take my gun out, a vast amount of red dots got imprinted on my face.

A profound fear got coiled through my heart, as I could hear the sound of a heartbeat in my ears. I could no longer hide my scare as it clutched my throat.

"Sir, I think it would be very much better if you don't make a move now.", I heard the shiver-filled voice of Benjamin, as it is barely audible.

I looked at his side, to watch his face dripping with sweat and his eyes held the fear of death, sickening agitation for me, as I couldn't stand this crisis.

I watched all around the place to see many car windows has been unlocked with all the men's aiming their huge rifles at us, especially towards me.

Shit! I must pull that woman towards me, right now, to live or else, they will slay me in no time. In a snap of an instant, I clamped her hair and pulled her out of the trunk as she yelped out in pain, tears welled up in her eyes.

I clutched her neck tight, she gasped for air. "Benjamin, take your gun out and aim at her. They won't kill us, since, she is in our custody.", I told him, waiting for his actions.

Like I confided he took his gun out but unexpectedly, instead of aiming at her, he directed at me as it left me in utter shock.

"Benjamin, what the fuck you are doing?", I roared out, not even able to accept his action, till now. I believed him, more than anyone else.

"I am sorry, Sir. I have no other choice apart from this. I need to protect my family. Let her go.", He warned and was about to pull the trigger. So, Ferrari is behind this all, that fucking bastard. Suddenly, Cole opened the door and went outside as I saw him kneeling with his head pressed against the ground. I gritted my teeth, not able to watch this bullshit scene.

Motherfucking Coward...

Out of nowhere, both sides of the car door got freed as we got surrounded by men's aiming their rifles towards us. I clenched my jaw, rigid, staring at Benjamin, as I want to cut him into chunks right now for his


Benjamin got heaved out of the car, forcefully with his gun got snatched away. One of the men, clasped my right hand, harshly, through which I'm holding her neck.

I winced in pain when his grip on my wrist got tightened enough to wreck my hand as it made my hold on her loosen totally.

He hauled me out of the car by grabbing my hair and shoved me hard on the surface as two men's held me on either side. They pinned my hand together at my back before tying them together with the rope. Fuck! I never thought this would end up like this. I need to notify my mother about this...


A joy of satisfaction lit up in my face after beholding William as he pulled that man out of the car, who took me away from My Ferr. "William, where is Ferr?", I wondered as the moment he lost consciousness, they took us away from the current spot to somewhere.

After that, they tied Ferr against the tree and dragged me away from him. I called him several times, but he didn't wake up.

As they forcefully pushed me inside the car and locked me. I had no idea what they did to him.

But, when he attended the call, I felt relieved as I hid the phone on the suit jacket I am wearing which belongs to Ferr. These guys checked my wallet, and jacket outward pocket, not the one which is hidden inside.

I am glad he is safe...

"He is on the way, coming for you. Are you ok, Ma'am?", he inquired, slashing the rope into two which got tied around my wrist, tight. I gave him a tired-filled nod but felt blissful, after learning that he is on the


William guided me towards another car, as I saw many guards standing with long rifles. But, some wearing casual attires, not looking like a guard but they are also carrying heavy guns.

They all bowed with their head down, when I passed over them. The door got closed, once I got inside and William began to drove away as I saw several cars covering us on all sides.

I leaned back against the car seat, exhausted, and closed off my eyes, not wanting to watch anything for a while.

My eyes snapped open when I heard the creaking sound of the car break and the first thing I caught with the sight of is My Ferr. He is very much visible, since, the car front light exhibiting his form perfectly.

I noted that I arrived at the mansion, as he stood among the guards yet he didn't fail to tower over them with his sturdy physique and height. His hair got ragged terribly as if he ran his hands through it countless times. His shirt sleeves got rolled up to his forearms.

I also noticed, his face got veiled with rancour as if he is in a delirious mode. His eyes were glued to the ground and filled with violent wrath.

Why he is looking down?!

Opening the car door, I got down to be met with the sight of the man who kidnaped me was getting throttled to death as his legs were thrashing for help. Yet, Ferr continued choking that man's neck under his shoe, tyrannically.

Oh, no!

"Ferr, stop.", I exclaimed and trotted towards me, to stop him from killing that man. But, before I could do it, he made his way towards me, letting go of that man as his face got crammed with a desensitizing expression.

In a matter of seconds, he picked me up in bridal style and began to walk inside promptly, as if he is in a race. The main gate entrance got opened by guards as we made our way in, all the time, he didn't say a


Reaching the hallway, he made me sit on the couch and kneeled in front of me. He held my face in between his hands, his eyes bored into mine, yet he didn't utter a word.

I touched his forehead that got draped with an adhesive bandage. As of now, I was very much certain, I could see something in his eyes. His eyebrows got scrunched up together, it is of something akin to


"Does it hurt, Ferr? what's wrong?", I held his hand as it left me perplexed when I felt something moist on his knuckles. I pulled his hands in front of my sight and gasped out aloud, seeing his bruised knuckles. "Oh, God! How did you got hurt?", I touched his knuckles, gently, scared as if would irritate his skin, inflicting the pain more.

"Wait here, I'll get the first aid box.", I tried to go to the room but he pulled me back to the couch. He clasped both hands of mine tightly in between his, making it hard to pull back.

What's wrong with him?!

I tenderly touched his forehead with mine, as we stayed in that position for a few minutes. He stayed quiet with his eyes closed, as his hold my hands loosened a bit. Taking it as a moment, I pulled my hands


"Look at me.", I cupped his face and made him open his eyes to look at me. I pressed my lips softly against his forehead, and let it linger for a while, deep with my slightly parted lips.

With that, the small space between us explodes and my heart keeps missing beats of feeling him more close again. Every inch of our body got braced together, exuding warmth despite the clothing.

We stayed as one soul in each other's embrace as he held me so tight with his hands roaming around my back, recklessly as if his hands cannot bring me close enough to him.

"Calm down.", I whispered, caressing his back, soothingly, as he buried his face deep onto my neck.

"What's wrong?", I asked, as he pulled back and took my hands in between his and confessed.

"I can't fix my demeanor, I am still the same man with an unchanged temper, no self-control. I remain as same fucking bipolar like people label me.", he sighed, defeated, and averted his gaze from me.

I understood now, everything, I advised him to have self-control, but it seems like he ended up imposing a lot of burden on himself all this time.

"About drug addiction, that wasn't a trouble anymore, nowadays, I am not into it and-", I pressed my finger on his lips, and hushed him to stop his ramblings.

"Silly fellow, what do you thought that you could become a perfect man within a week?", I laughed as I thought he was in deep trouble about something, so important.

His face held a frown expression, as he sat on the floor, thoroughly. But, I pulled him up and made him settle beside me on the couch.

I took his hands in between mine, "Ferr, it's ok. No one is perfect, it takes time to build self-control. Besides, I love you with all your flaws." I explained to him, since, he began to feel so low about himself.

"You don't have to change your attitude for me. Your temper, drug addiction, those are all not who you are, it is a different path you built to secure yourself from your past.", I clarified to him, his childhood is the reason for all his suffering till now.

He grew up with all these unwanted attitudes as it built him powerful and he used it to the full extent to attain a high status in this world.

Some things will never change no matter what, we can't have control over everything. He is not perfect, he is flawed but he is perfect to me, that's all that matters. Besides, self-control is not something we could attain in a day. It takes time.

"Don't force things to happen, let it occur naturally, little by little, day by day. Ok.", I raked his hair backward, which is ragged terribly. He gave a nod and then confided.

"You are exclusively perfect. That's why I thought I need to be perfect for you.", he said, as it made me recall the word I used on him one time.

After that, he left to finish a business deal and many things occurred and changed, it rebuilt me sometimes, it killed me alive sometimes.

"Did he hurt you?", he checked me, trying to find out for any injury. I shook my head negatively and cupped his face to keep his focus on me while I assert this to him.

"There is nothing worse than having an attitude of not paying attention to the words of people who care for us.", I confessed, hoping he could recollect my fault and realize, I'm not perfect either. But, at least from that, I understood, words are powerful.

"Ok, let's forget about that. You know, forgive the guy who abducted me, just give him a warning to not do like this again.", I let out.

I really couldn't stand this one thing particularly, when it happens in front of my eyes, taking people's lives.

He let out a deep chuckle and gave me an amused look as if he found something funny with my words.

He captured my lips onto him as a sweet passion, it kept me enthralled for a moment, before murmuring out, "Sometimes My Little Flower is so wild, sometimes very much innocent."

I smiled at his statement after that I took him to our room to treat his cracked knuckles. I will be happy atleast if he won't harm himself.

I can't blame him for his behavior, all the suffering he has faced, revamped him like this, with no point of return. He outlived the bad things but ended up evolving into a dangerous man, chose the wrong door

with no escape.

Changes in his behavior may happen or maybe not, but, that could never judge his love for me.

He always treated me well, no matter how many flaws he owns, his love for me is something so pure and vulnerable, flawless.

He will change slowly, at least a little in the future...



I had her dainty fingers against my lips and pressed gentle kisses all the way upward, not leaving even a small inch of her delicate skin.

I looked down to see her sleeping face rested on my chest, as she is lying completely on top of mine.

I couldn't even think what could have happened if I believed Franco's word blindly and searched for her in the woods. I will be checking out for her forever without knowing she's getting tortured in Franco's


Holding her fragile form, I rested her back on the bed and placed a feathery kiss on her closed eyes before draping her with sheets.

Wearing my black sweatpants, and, leaving my upper body exposed, I closed the door gently to not wake her up. After that, I made my way out of our room.

Reaching the outdoor space, I noticed guards walking around carrying the large guns. "Mark, where are they?", I queried, interrupting his talk with William.

"In the dungeon, Sir.", he replied, as I made my way towards the dungeon with Mark and William following me from behind.

Reaching inside, I met with the sight of both Franco and Benjamin in an unconscious state, got strapped to the electric chair.

"We electrocuted them once, they have gone unconscious. We can wake them up, now.", Mark asserted, taking the flask filled with water to splash on their face but I stopped him.

I dug into the wooden rack for a tool to use as I took out a long-edged spear and stood in front of them.

The whole dungeon got filled with the loud outcry of Benjamin, as I thrust the spear into his knuckles deep enough to tear through the other side of his flesh.

Along with him, Franco's eyes got snapped open, startled, whilst staring at Benjamin's knuckles in dread.

I sat in front of them and gestured for William to untie Benjamin as he did the exact obeying my order. I jerked out the spear out of his knuckles as he let out an ear-piercing scream again.

I hushed him, commandingly, as he braced his mouth shut using his other hand which is not injured with that he muffled up his cries. His breath came short, with the intensity of the pain, he is enduring. "You're a lucky lad, Benjamin. Since, You are making out of this Dungeon, alive.", I smirked, while all I wanted to do now is to cut off his tongue for the word he used. He gave me a suspicious look, not able to

believe my words.

"I am letting you alive for one reason,

that because of you, I got My Wife

back safely. You adapted well to my plan, you can leave now. Take care

of your family.", I said, but he still sat on the chair, bewildered, about not knowing whether to leave or not,

believing my word.

"Leave before I change my mind.", I gritted out each word, as my patience hanging on the thin line now. I was trying so hard to behave like a good human now, for once in my lifetime, in the Mafia business.

He stood up to leave and took a few doubtful steps away from me, when I didn't stop him, he ran out of this room. But when the word he said rang in my head over and over again, I lost it.

"Pull that asshole back inside.", I ordered as two of the guards ran in the way he left to catch him. I took a cutter out of the rack as they brought him back inside and tied him back to the chair, he begged to let

him go.

"Tilt his head up.", I stated, as Mark tilted his head upward and William gripped his face tight to make him open his mouth. They already know what I was about to do now.

"No! Please, leave me.", he cried out, in a choked way as another guard wore a hand gloss and heaved his tongue out of his mouth.

"It's my pleasure.", I smirked, as his eyes went wide in shock realizing the intention of this word. He told the same word, while Franco asked this fucker about sharing.

Arghh! How dare he!

I discarded his tongue out of his mouth using the blade in a dash as blood oozed out of his mouth like a surge with that all took a step back away from him. I tossed the tongue in his hand as he cried out,

hysterically, watching it.

"You can leave now. You got time to stitch it back.", I told, as he stood up and reached the door. But, before he could hurry outside of the dungeon, I slung the blade on the center part of the neck. With that, he

fell on the surface, lifeless.

After that, I saw the look on Franco's face who is striving hard to act brave.

"You know what brother, I just could not think of living a life without her. It drives me insane, I'm kinda crazy for her, She is My Little FLOWER. Do you know how much I love her?", I spoke, as he stayed frozen,

too afraid to even breathe right now.

"I hope he didn't shit on his pants.", William remarked, making everyone in the dungeon laugh. It's been a long time since I wiped out all business rivals whoever opposed me, yet, often new rival arises.

But I didn't kill my so-called family, since, I tried the small fraction of the goodness that was left in me. But, once they began to target My Flower, that little bit of good quality in me also disappeared.

I chuckled, not able to understand people's point of view about trying to kill me when they are this much afraid to even look into my eyes.

"She is My Little FLOWER, the

reason for my living, you know I am

not interested in life stuff. But after seeing her, all deviated. Now, I wish to live a long life with her, Only for

her. told him, but still, I feel like these words aren't enough to describe my love for her

Words would be never enough...

"But when you all fucking scumbags tries to keep on taking her away from me. What do you all expect? That I stand and watch silently?", I fumed out in rage, shoving the blade inside his thigh deeply, until it

got vanished inside his flesh without a trace of its existence.

He screamed out in anguish, as the chair flailed uncontrollably by the impact action of his throbbing body. I smirked, patting his head to calm him down.

"Don't you dare to touch me.", he seethed as his eyes are crammed with vicious anger and wavering tears.

I gave a mockery laugh and outlined his face using another blade, as he shivered slightly when I made it to get in contact with the middle of his neck.

"Franco, I killed your father because he deserves it. But, I have always seen you as my brother.", I told, for which he scoffed at me and averted his stare away from me.

Abruptly, I jabbed the edge into his other thigh and twisted it making him cry out in misery more. It brought a satisfied smile onto my face.

"You said, you recognize me as my brother.", he groaned, for which I let out a laugh, not able to imagine his opinion. I never thought he would believe that in the first place.

"I was just kidding, My dear little brother. You know I already killed three step-brothers of mine, you're the last one but a special one.", I claimed, not able to believe that one woman, Katherine is the main

reason for all the shits that going on here.

Franco looked at me confused, not able to understand what I am talking about.

"You know your mother slept with Enzo, that fucker already had a son, Luciano, whom I killed a few months back.", I explained as I began to clarify his doubt.

"After that fuck with Enzo, she got pregnant with me. Enzo died before I could be born. After that, she married Richard, the result is you.", I said, as it made him understand more about the lineage of this shit.

"After I murdered your father, she moved on to a new ride, that is Dimitri, again she carried two unwanted ones, Vladmir and Giovanni. I killed them too. A fucked up story, isn't it?", I chuckled, not able to believe, one woman demolished the lives of many men just like that.

She's the master for all these messes, always fucking around, the disastrous part is getting pregnant, particularly with me.

I looked up at him, as he stayed silent deep in his thoughts, maybe thinking about the complicated family line.

"Franco, I'm going to deliver you to a man, as he wants a sex slave. He's mainly interested only in men. So, you could be a great pair for him.", I notified him, about the arrival of the man, who is one of my drug

business subordinates.

Didn't he want to have fun tonight?

"I already called him, he will reach

here soon, and take you out of this place to warm his bed. You also wished to have fun tonight. Isn't it? Have that fun with him, now.", snarled, not able to forget the words

he used. His eyes went wide with ghastliness by paying attention to those words.6

I couldn't neglect her broken voice, which I heard through the phone. How scared she would have been on that spot while hearing those words?

I wanted to torture him to death, but, thinking about the word which he used against My Flower, this could be the best way to kill him. Nothing is my fault, as of each day, these people are forcefully bringing out


worst side.

"No! No! please don't do this to me. If you want, torture me to death. But, not this.", he pleaded, to not do this to him. What he is thinking that I got some good nature in me?

"Brother, even you got some generous nature in you, but I don't have that, not even to a little bit.", I told the same words, which he used before against me.

I'm not complaining either, since, I accept it too, that I am not good. I left the cell not paying heed to his pleas.

"Mark, make him talk to his mother for the one last time.", I mandated, as he gave a nod following me from behind.

It would be great scenery to witness her grieving, I know she would come out after this because that is what I want now. Once she comes out from her safe shell, I will hunt her down.

But, I can't say, there will be no more enemies, forever. As in my business, there will be always a competitor, but, that is not a big deal. However, these fucking cunts are offending me from the day I remember.

The only person that I need to put an end to is that Katherine now...

One Month Later...


Draping the towel around my body, I made my outside of the restroom only to be met with the sight of his peaceful sleeping form.

I heaved out a deep sigh, seeing his sleeping form. Before leaving for the restroom, I told him to wake up. But, this bull, does he even remember that today we are going to the wedding shopping?

My grandparents and Kai already arrived a week ago for the wedding shopping. They are very much excited about the wedding, more than me.

They would be probably in the living hall, waiting for us. This guy! I made my way towards him and was about to wake him up only to get yanked onto the bed as he hovered me above.

I let out a yell because of his abrupt action, his darkened eyes presently got stuck to the fragile knot of my towel, which serving as support from not falling.

"Even in half-sleep, how could a man be horny like this?", I tugged his beard playfully as he hissed out in pain, and tried to remove the towel but I slapped his hands away.

"You are being so mean, right now.", he deluded as if he is sad, making me giggle.

Today, I feel so elated, as it is about our wedding. I stroked his hair back, which kept on falling in front of his eyes.

"You know, if you want I will shift the whole fucking shop to our mansion. I mean, should we go out?", he asked, as he implored this same question an enormous number of times.

It is for my safety, I could understand but I'm not really into that kind of shopping. It'll spoil the wedding vibe.

"Yes, otherwise we lose the wedding vibe. We are going shopping right now. So, go and get ready.", I tried to push him away but he didn't change his position a bit.

He has planned something...

"What do you want?", I inquired, as he began to play with the dampness that trickling down my neck, which thrilled my senses.

"It's been a long time since we-", I interrupted him in the mid, knowing what he meant. After all these months I could understand all his strategic dialogue, easily now.

"Let me know, how long it's been?", I implored him, wanting to listen to the response from him. He eyed the clock and replied.

"14,000 plus seconds, I think.", he proclaimed, making me laugh out at his remark, for which he let out a defeated sigh, placing his head on the crook of my neck, as he guessed I won't accept to do now.

"Just 4 hours before, you pervert.", I laughed more, wrapping my arm around his neck.

I can't able to believe his silly way of talk. If he says 4 hours, it would sound like a short time, so he chose to alter them into seconds.

"Today is an unlucky day for me.", he breathed out in a boring tone, against my neck as I bit my lips hard to control my laugh.

"Ok, let's make it quick.", I told, and it didn't take him another second to toss the towel away.

As he began to reflect his way of love, soft yet rough through action sending tingles to my skin in a frenzy of static.

I scraped his back using my nails, for each thrust, he filled my senses with pleasure. His fingers teasing the bud of my nipples, making me moan out.

He groaned wild, ramming my insides deep whilst cradling my neck roughly. My lips got parted in elation, getting drowned in the never-ending ecstasy. Never-ending love...☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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