His Little FLOWER

Chapter 34: 34 - In Her Embrace


I could hear voices echo around me but fading off. As the moment passes on, the voice gets louder and my chest felt a strong push. Without warning, My brain got alerted when I felt lips sealed with mine. Carter!

"No, don't touch me", I sobbed out, panting hard to catch up my breath. I curled up on the end of the bed and clenched the sheets against my chest.

"Baby", I was taken into a tight hug by Granny as my whole body started to tremble furiously without control, my brain couldn't able to conjure up any thought.

"Get some water", I heard her saying, as I pulled back from her wiping off my tears.

Grandpa held the glass filled with water as I drank until it got stuck in my throat when I saw John, Mark, and William who are standing along with My Friends. What they are doing here?

Before I could question them, a wild agonizing cry of Carter's voice distinctively filled my ear.

"What's goin-", I got intruded by Aaron, who is Leah's boyfriend, as he stood in front of me breathing heavily.

"Rose, only you could save Carter. Your boyfriend behaving like a maniac down there.", Aaron confided under his breath.

Those words bounced around my head, first in disbelief, then my eyes flew up in shock. I felt as if I had been slapped. But I pushed it out of the way and focused solely on his words.

I looked at John, "Didn't you ordered us, that we shouldn't come here without him?", he smiled.

"He is here", I choked up on my words trying to smile through tears that were in my eyes.

He gave a reassuring smile as I rose with the same unchanging smile and ran dashed out of the room to see him. I raced through the downstairs, by skipping one step on the way. "Someone help" I stopped in my track, my eyes went wide in horror by hearing the voice of Carter.

Oh, no! I forgot about Carter. Ferr is gonna kill him...

I slammed the main door open, scared about the condition of Carter. What he did is wrong but I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.

Making my way outside, I saw Carter was ferociously getting dragged inside the field by Ferr.

But, I felt dreadful when I couldn't see his face, it was covered by a hoodie, his deep beard is the only visible thing.

"Rose, please save me", I saw Carter, crying out while reaching out his hands towards me, desperate for an escape, which made ferr realize that I am here.

As he tilted his head up slowly, and now his intense gaze fixed on mine. Despite the darkness that surrounds us, I could see his lips broadened into a faint smile under the moonlight. "Ferr", I whispered in a quiet voice, when all I wanted to cry out his name and fall into his deep embrace. When I took a step towards him, but he stopped me, "Don't".

Hearing those words from him, pain shot through my heart was inexplicable as I could not keep back my tears that threatened to fill my eyes.

"I need to finish this Cunt", he gritted out each word in a cold rage, which left me terrified to death. With his one powerful drag, he took Carter inside the field completely.

"Ferr, don't", I shouted, running towards him. But stopped in the mid from entering inside the field, when I saw a long snake trudging in front of my eyes had my body writhing, sickeningly. "Ferr, please hear me out. Don't hurt him, he was drunk", I lied, trying out a desperate attempt to save Carter.

In return, I watched Carter's neck was getting crushed by his leg, which made Carter twist on the ground like a dying worm, making me let out an involuntary scream.

"Rose, come on", John came along with Mark and William, turning on the torchlight, as we all made into fields. Behind us, Carter's friends followed.

Reaching as fast as we could, I pulled ferr away from him. Carter's breath became slow, he let out a muffled breath until he has gone unconscious. "Oh, God! Is he alive?", I panicked, seeing him in a senseless state.

"He still has a pulse, but at a low rate", Luis held Carter's wrist, whilst examining the pulse.

"Then for what you guys are all waiting for? Take him to the hospital", I exclaimed.

"Yes, you're right", Luis and others, hoisted Carter up and moved out from the field as fast as they could.

"Here", John handed me the torch, signaling Mark and William to come along with him, as they gave a nod following John from behind.

Also, I saw My Grandparents and My Friends who stood along with Cooper's family watching me from the entrance of the field.

"Let's go, they will come.", Granny persuaded all to leave, smiling at me as I smiled back at her. Within a second, they all left.

A deadly silence hunged in the air, there was not a breath of wind to stir the young leaves on the trees.

I heard the sound of his footsteps which is crunching because of the field ground, which is crisp and dry. I felt him near me from behind, which made the hairs on the back of my neck bristle. Inexplicable happiness filled my eyes as tears, my toes curled. I couldn't turn around to meet his gaze, while I died every day to see his face.

My heart pounded hard as I let out a satisfied gasp, when his warmth invaded the nape of my neck, I sobbed but as a silent cry.

His one hand brushed around my waist gently like raindrops sliding from the leaf. The intensity of his hold on my waist made me bite my lip.

As his other hand trailed across my shoulder slowly. I could feel his hands, they feel way more calloused than before. He cupped my face, insisting to tilt my head sideways to look at him, but I didn't. The very moment, I felt his lips brushing against my shoulder blade, making me shiver as he rested his face at the crook of my neck, inhaling sharply.

"Flower", he whispered, which awoke my buried senses back to life after a long time. The word, which I yearned to hear every second of my life, and that must be heard only from him, from My Ferr. He fondled my cheek using his thumb finger, which made me close my eyes involuntarily. It sent a giddy feeling all over my body, setting a lively fire on my dreary soul making me turn around in a flash of a second to catch his face in between my hands.

I crashed my lips against his in a bruising way, as my hands started to shake terribly against his face. His warm-calloused fingers explored my body roughly, weakening me to the core.

I cling to him parting my trembling lips as he wished for. His loquacious side-swept hair bangs kept on impeding us as I brushed it off using my fingers.

I choked back a sob but my eyes are not willing to hold back the pain I went through all these months without him.

I tugged him impossibly close to my body, willing to drown myself inside him if it is possible. My insides twisted into a knot, scared if I loosen my hold, he would leave again.

Feeling breathless, I pulled back from him and stretched my hand across his face as hard as I could, which rang through the field, that crammed with deathly silence.

A sob ripped through my throat, breaking out in a strangled cry. And my slap didn't faze him at all.

As I launched myself at him, burying myself in his tight embrace, clawing his back with my nails, craving to become one with him like blood and flesh as he gently stroked my hair, tucking a hair behind my ear. Once my cry subsided, I broke the hug but his hold on my waist still tight as I cupped his face, finally meeting his gaze, the eyes I've been dying to look at till the last moment of my life.

I touched his cheeks gently, gazing at him to see if my slap hurt him. He just smiled and shook his head negatively.

In those brown eyes was the warmth of an everlasting hearth as if they were the wood that could burn with a golden flame.

But below his eyes have deep eyebags, looks like he didn't sleep well, and a long thick beard, covering half of his face and the side-bangs covering half of his right-side face. His looks so dreary overall.

He moves closer with those brown eyes that look so deeply into my own as his warm breath is fanning against my face, made an involuntarily smile spill from my eyes.

"My Little FLOWER", he murmured against my lips, with his breathing unfolds softer. The pensive look of his, melted into a smile, soft as the morning light.

"I hate you. I hate you so much, we are done. I am breaking up with you.", I hit his chest as he held up my chin roughly, making me look at him.

"As long as I'm alive, no one can take you away from me, not even you.", he nipped my lips roughly making me hiss out in pain but soon replaced it with a soft playful peck making me giggle as he let out a low chuckle.

I marveled noticing the hoodie that is covering his whole forehead ending just above his eyes. I tried to pull the hoodie down but he grabbed my hand stopping me from doing it, insisting in a serious tone, "Don't".

"Let me see your face, Ferr. After all these months, that is the only thing I craved for", I looked dejected, when he took a step back away from me.

He looked everywhere but not me, there is a hesitation in his eyes, that I've never seen before.

I took a step front which made him take a long step back, abruptly. Why he is behaving like this suddenly?

I took a step front again, before he could move back, I clasped his hand, tight.

"Sit down", I stated, he eyed me in confusion for a second. I gave him an assuring nod as he sat on the pathway of the field.

I kept the torchlight aside on the surface, but near to provide enough light for us. I settled opposite to him, but my breath hitched hearing the hissing sound among the field.

I should've taken him inside...

I let out a breathy squeak when he lifted me without a warning, as I ended up straddling him.

I smiled at him, trying to remove the hoodie again but he stopped me again declaring, "I am not the same man you loved anymore". Those words shocked me to the core, made me wonder why he is talking in this manner?

"I don't care and it doesn't matter for me, how you look now. You will be mine, always.", I smiled, as he loosened his hold from my hand.

I placed both hands on his hoodie, with our eyes locked onto each other, I pulled it down.

My eyes went wide for a second, but I covered it up to not make him uneasy.

With shaky hands, I pushed myself to touch his mid-forehead. I stroked gently and gazed at him to see any sign of pain in his eyes for which he shook his head negatively.

I began again to trail my fingers across the huge intense cut, that has sunken and deeply jagged, long in scorched brutal brown traveling from his forehead, it made a diagonal arc towards his back head, ending just above the nape of the neck.

The massive cut which is traveling across his head has noticeably pulled off stitch marks discoloration, turning those spot hairless on the lengthy medium-narrow white.

"Disgusting, huh?", he smiled, looking away from me. I can't help but chuckle at him as he failed to understand a simple thing, that this flaw doesn't gonna change the love I have for him, not now, not ever. "Why are you laughing?", he raised one of his eyebrows questionably at me.

"Then what do you expect? Such a silly fellow", I giggled, as he shrugged off, trying to cover his head again with a hoodie.

"Enough with your stupidity, you idiotic bull", I leaned over, pressing a soft lingering kiss above the massive brown wound on his forehead. When I pulled back, he nuzzled his face against my neck, as I felt his lips twitch into a smile.

"It's not just my face, Flower", he mumbled out, against my neck. I lifted his head and tugged the side-swept bang aside from hiding his eye.

"You're more than a body to me, Ferr. I Love You and I will be always with you, holding your hand, stay beside your side. No matter how worse you chose to become. I will always choose you.", I confessed as he gazed at me without averting his eye moment.

"You better keep your word, Flower.", he let out before capturing my lips for a short moment. I brushed my lips against him teasingly, earning a groan from him.

"We should go inside now, everyone must be waiting for us", I asserted, for which he gave a curt nod.

Getting up from the surface, he covered his forehead again with the hoodie. I didn't stop him, he may feel uncomfortable now but gradually he will start to forget about it.

With our fingers weaved tightly, we made our way outside of the field. On the way, I noticed John and the others are inside the car, leaning back in a sleeping position as John waved his hands at me, shouting a "Goodnight".

Waving my hand back at him, we both reached the home. Opening the door, I saw My friends, who took few steps back involuntarily seeing Ferr. Grandpa looked at Ferr, stunned. But Granny gave me an assuring smile.

"Baby, how can you believe this is him?", Grandpa queried, which my friend's accepted too. While I and Granny rolled our eyes, smiling.

"This is not funny", he claimed, doubtfully looking at Ferr.

"Grandpa, this is My Ferr. I told you many times, he is alive. But, you didn't believe me", I acknowledged, for which he exasperated a sigh.

"Why his face is covered like this? Look, Mr.Knight, if you don't mind can you pull your hoodie down?", Grandpa persuaded him, for which he replied in one word, "No".

It didn't go well with Grandpa as he looked at me, I gave him a pleading look to let this matter go.

"Why can't you show your face?", Grandpa queried again making me sigh out heavily.

"I have my reasons, not obliged to tell-" before he could finish the word, I stomped on his feet, making him hiss out. He smirked getting a glare in return from me.

"Oh, leave it, Josh. Will you?", Granny interrupted in between before insisted me to take ferr to the room.

I grabbed his hand, taking him to the room, as all gaped at him in astonishment.

Making him forcefully settle on the bed, I looked at the window glass shattered into pieces. I couldn't even fathom the thought, what could've happened if ferr didn't reach me in time?

"I know I was a little late to save you", he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me closer, for which I shook my head negatively mumbling out, "No, you're not late". I pressed a delicate kiss on one of his eyebrows.

He leaned over for a kiss but got interrupted by a door knock. I pulled back, making my way towards the door.

Opening the door, Granny stood there. "Granny, come inside", I said, paving the way for her but she didn't.

"No, it's fine. Tonight we will be staying at Cooper's home. Just thought to inform you", she smiled, as I looked at her perplexed.

"Granny, it's fine. You all don't have to-", before I could finish she stopped me in the mid.

"No, It's not a big deal at all. Ok, See you tomorrow", She left, waving her hands at me, not forgetting a thumbs up too, making me laugh out.

"Your Granny is an understanding person.", I turned around to see his face plastered with a cocky smile.

"Yes, She is", I accepted. Locking the door, I took a long curtain from the cabinet to cover the broken window for now, which he took from me.

For my height, I need a chair to fix the curtain, but not for him, forget it. When he sat back on the bed, I stood in front of him and confided him to remove his shirt.

Without hesitation, he did as I told, removing the hooded sweatshirt he tossed aside revealing his body, which is ripped and hefty as before but most of his skin has been peeled off.

Starting from his shredded chest to the end of the V-line abs, and from his arms to his knuckles, all I could see is scraped off skin and stitch marks. The tattoo he had, all ruined by severe brown discoloration now. I touched gently, afraid I may hurt him.

"I am healed, but these marks are permanent.", he confided as I moved to the other side to see his back, which is worse than the front.

I got on the bed from behind, his whole back covered by long thick brown charred marks, which look so apparent on his fair skin. I caressed his back, bit my lip to stop myself from crying out.

I hugged him from behind, wrapping my arms around his shoulder as he tilted his head smiling at me, and gave a small peck on the lips.

I squealed out when he yanked me up in a swift pull as I straddled his lap. "I told you, I'm healed already. Wait, Are you sad because I'm hurt? or Is it because that my body looks awful now?"

His doubt angered me, how could he think about me in this way. "Yes, your body looks awful. That's why."

I tried to get off his lap but his hold on my waist tightened. I hit his chest, yelling out to "Leave me".

I shrieked when he pushed me on the bed without warning and crushed me with his body on top of mine, making it impossible to move an inch.

I turned my face away from him, "Why your lips are trembling? It looks like you're about to cry now", he brushed his lips against mine teasingly, making my toes curl but I restrained myself from responding. "Flower, I know these marks I have is not a big deal for you", he nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck pressing a delicate kiss as a tear slid from the corner of my eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I would never use this word again, Ok. Don't cry", he wiped off my tears, but I shook my head smiling at him.

"Who told you, I'm sad?", I nudged my nose with his playfully, he pulled back a little staring at me in a questionable way.

"I am happy that you're here to tease me now. Besides, I missed the marks you gave me as much as I missed you.", I sighed, as a victorious smile twitched on his lips.

"Idiot", I smacked his arm, for which he laughed out but soon stopped himself.

"I won the challenge", he smirked, nipping my neck with his teeth gently, making me whimper. Indeed, he has won.

Abruptly, my eyes shot open when I realized I didn't ask him whether he is hungry or not. I held his face, making him look at me, "Are you hungry?"

"No, I already had", he retorted, but I highly doubt that. He is not a man, who would touch the food on his own.

"What did you have?", I queried, which left him anxious. He thought for a second before reacting, "Tacos".

"What tacos? What flavor it is? And What does it taste like?", I fired him with so many questions as he ended up dropping his head on my chest as if he's exhausted.

"Fuck, I should've told something easier than tacos.", he muttered under his breath making me laugh.

"So, you didn't have anything. Get up, I will make some-", I tried to get up, but he stopped me in the mid, pushing me back to the bed.

"No, I want to be with you. You know what, flower", he heaved out a sigh snuggling deep against my chest.

"What?", I brushed off the hair from his face, that kept on falling in front of his eyes.

"After gaining consciousness I lost my mind finding out, it's been 5 months. Fuck, I can't believe it. It became fucking hard for me to stay focused without you by my side. I pushed myself so hard to finish my job so that I could reach you", he murmured, as I listened to his words.

"Isn't 5 months 21 days?", I confided, as I was counting on each day, hoping he would come today, if not today he would come tomorrow. He tilted his head up slightly to look at me.

"I gained consciousness 3 weeks ago, but physically I'm weak, I was losing my control mentally. I thought to contact you, but I felt it's not safe", he explained, for which I gave him a nod. "What happened there? How did the blast happen? And who saved you?", I interrogated, I can't help but ask.

"It's an unexpected one, I lunged out of the car but couldn't grasp the surface, ended up falling from the cliff. It looks like a blasted part of the car hit my head from behind. I felt that pain, and that's all I could remember.", he stated, touching the hairless spot on his head, laying his head back to my chest.

"The people who saw me falling from the cliff rescued me the very moment I hit the rocky river path. It is a dangerous stream, filled with sharp morsels, which tore my skin to this extent. That's what they said", he told, with a distant look in his eyes.

He feels awful about the way his body was disfigured, but I feel as if I'm the luckiest girl in the whole universe. Because his survival is such a rare one.

"Who saved you?", I queried, whoever the person it is, I will be indebted to them always.

"I will introduce them to you very soon.", he conveyed, as I mumbled out an "Ok".

"I am so sorry, ferr", I apologized, as he looked at me mystified wondering why am I asking sorry out of nowhere.

"You know on that day, I failed to understand that-", before I could finish, he pressed his finger on my lips and hushed me.

"The way you reacted is natural, anyone in your position would've probably left me. But, you didn't, you stayed at my side no matter what. I'm the one who should be apologizing for-", I interrupted him in the mid, telling him it is my fault, not his.

"I will make it up to you, ask me what do you want. I will give you anything you ask for. I Promise", I ensured, as a mischievous smirk crepted on his face.

Just like I thought, I know him and his perverted thoughts but it's fine. After all, he is mine.

"Anything?", he asked raising one of his eyebrows, with amusement, for which I gave a confident nod.

"Remember you gave me your word, when the time arrives I will ask you what I want, and no matter whatever it is, your answer should be YES.", he smirked, which made one thing clear for me, he is gonna ask something big in return. Taking a deep breath, I accepted his word.

"Ok, come on, I will cook-", he pushed back on the bed again, when I tried to move.

"I want to sleep", he admitted, his eyes started to droop, which made me wonder whether he slept or not in these last three weeks.

"Didn't you sleep well in these past 3 weeks?", I guessed, knowing his insomnia problem.

"No, as I said from the moment I gained consciousness, I couldn't stay in control without you at my side. I couldn't sleep nor able to eat, I felt helpless.", he grumbled, under his breath as I heard silently.

"Flower", he whispered out, which is barely audible. "Yes", I responded, stroking his hair gently.

"I wanna sleep now, I feel so tired.", the way he asked came out more like a plea.

Without uttering a word, I changed our position to sideways as he buried his face deep against my chest, letting out a satisfied sigh. His fingers trickled through my waist brushing against my skin, snuggling


I encircled one arm around his shoulder, with the other fondled his hair. "Ferr, you stay here, I will go to kitchen and-". I halted in the mid when I heard the sound of a soft snore.

I pulled back a little to find out he is already in a deep slumber. I traced below his eyes, deep eye bags. It must have been really hard for him to stay without sleep.

Then it hit me, He might've had average sleep and ate a little bit. But still, staying completely active is impossible. I took hold of one of his hands which was wrapped around my waist.

I searched for any trace marks on his arm, and in the end just like I guessed, he took the drug injection. I could see the injection tracking marks on his arm so precisely.

God! He took the drugs again...

Just like John instructed, definitely I'm gonna take him to the doctor once we get back home. I stared at him, feeling terrible about his problems.

I feel like, the abuse he went through during his childhood might be the main reason for his drug addiction, sleeplessness, and everything.

"Everything is gonna be ok.", I rested my lips on the long and thick brown flaw of his forehead, so gentle enough to make sure he won't wake up as he curled up back into my chest again making me giggle out,

at his cuteness.

For as long as I could remember, the entire night I played with his wildly grown-up hair, pulling back a little sometimes to ensure again and again to myself, that he is here, that he is back to me.

That he is in my arms now, resting peacefully...

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