His Lethal Love

Chapter 91

Camille POV.

We were sitting at Scott's classic dining table and having breakfast. Colette seemed to enjoy her dad, though she didn't know he was her biological father. Sometimes I thought of telling her the truth because she had the right to know who her real father was. However, I looked at Scott and thought, did he deserve Colette? Did he deserve the love Colette poured on him? I wondered what it would be like to have a family with him. What would it be like if I had a chance to change our past? The only thing stopping me from falling in love with him again was our past. I would never let our past be forgotten, no matter how sweet Scott was. I would avenge him.

"Cam, what are you thinking?" Scott snapped his fingers in front of me to catch my attention. "You seem lost in your thoughts."

"Um..." I straightened myself, clearing my throat. "I was thinking about my career. I mean we aren't working. Our project is halted in the middle. Your production company will suffer a huge loss if we don't finish shooting on time." "You don't have to worry about it because it's my company and it will follow my orders." Scott looked at Colette while pouring her a glass of orange juice. "All I want is to spend this moment with you two."

"You are my mother's friend?" Colette asked curiously. "Mumma was taking a bath in your room."

I lowered my gaze in embarrassment, biting my lip. I and Scott were lying on the bed next to one another when suddenly I heard the creak of the door. I rushed into the bathroom so Colette would not see us together. It would leave a very negative impression on her. I should stop having sex with Scott. As much as I hated him, I enjoyed having him next to me. I liked his warmth, his breath, his voice, and his eyes.

"Actually..." Scott cleared his voice. I could feel his eyes settle on me. "Your mother is used to a big bathroom and the guest room's bathroom is much smaller than mine so I asked her to take my bathroom while she is staying here." "Oh." Colette forked her bacon and put it in her mouth. "I thought you were close friends."

"We're more than friends, Colette." Scott winked at me, making my heart skip a beat. "Our relationship is eternal."

"What does it mean?" Colette looked at me briefly before turning her attention to Scott. I hated how much she was getting closer to the man who abused me in the past. For a second I wanted to rip her away from him but it was difficult to ignore how much Scott cared about Colette. He was an incredible father. I had never seen Colette this comfortable with Conan. Colette talks to Scott like a friend. The first bond parents must have with their children is friendship. Scott was able to complete his task without any hardship. He knew everything about her. He knew Colette was a sleepwalker, she often talked in her sleep, she didn't like brown color, and she twirled her hair in her finger when she was tense. She also ate a lot of chocolates when she was happy. Scott told me that last night while I was listening to him open his mouth. He just left me speechless.

"Mom!" Colette's voice caught my attention as I looked at her face. "Can we go together?"

I snapped my eyebrows in a questioning look, and I asked, "Where?".

"Colbey wants us to have dinner together. Will you come with us?"

"Of course, I'll also come with you."

"That's great!" Colette jumped up in the excitement and clapped her hands. Her eyes were full of joy. "We'll go together."

I looked at Scott who looked surprised by my answer as he stared at me without blinking. He couldn't believe I was getting ready to go out with him. He must have forgotten I was doing this just for my daughter's happiness. Anyway, I couldn't leave her alone with him.

Hours passed and I was getting ready for dinner tonight. I wore a simple, dark blue dress with sequins. It accentuated my body perfectly. I styled my hair in loose curls and wore natural makeup.

"You look beautiful," Scott whispered behind me. My breath caught as I saw how dazzling he looked in a navy blue suit. The suit jacket fitted his well-built body. His hair was slicked back. He appeared even sexier with his five-o'clock shadow. I liked when he didn't shave. It made him look a bit older.

"Thank you." I wanted to compliment him too but it would boost his ego so I stayed silent. I didn't want to give him satisfaction.

"I have something for you, Cam." Scott headed toward me and took out a black box. He brought it in front of my face while opening it. My mouth dropped open when I saw a wooden necklace. It was carved with three hearts with a small diamond in the middle. "It's us." He spoke and I tried so damn hard to hold back my tears. The way Scott showers us with love and care was undeniable.

I just didn't want to admit it but I said that anyway, "This is so beautiful, Scott."

"I made it for you." Scott grinned and snipped it off the box before turning me around so that I could face the mirror. He wore it around my neck. "I hope you won't feel embarrassed wearing a wooden necklace." He laughed. "This is what I want." I touched the soft wood with my fingers, admiring it. I loved the way it looked against my ivory skin.

"Keep it to yourself. This is my last gift to you, Cam."

I frowned when he said that as I turned around to catch his eyes. "What did you just say?"

"It is the last gift," he sighed.

"You sound like a bankrupt." I laughed and snatched my clutch off the bed. "Well, I want more from you?"

"I'll give whatever you want from me without a second thought but..."

"But what?"

"I don't know..." Before Scott could complete himself Colette barged into the room with a huge smile.

"I'm ready." She twirled around, showing off her blue gown. "How am I looking, Colbey?"

"Gorgeous." Scott approached her and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life."

"You also look pretty." Scott laughed at her words.

"Thanks, sweetheart." He glanced at me. "Shall we leave?"

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"Yeah, sure." I put on silver heels and walked out. We sat in his car, and Colette took a seat in the back seat. She buckled up her seat belt and gave me a thumbs up. I grinned and turned to Scott who was staring at me.

I blushed hard and quickly looked away from him. "Mumma, look over there...sunset." I peeked out of the window as the sun was already setting. The sky had turned darker than red, highlighting the shift from day to night. "How many colours are there in the sky?"

"Three..." Scott answered with a smile. "Now, you'll tell me what colours they are."

"Okie," Colette chirped while scanning the sky. She stuck her face in the window while scanning the sky. "They are orange, yellow, and red."

Scott gave her a thumbs-up while driving with one hand. I did not take part in their conversation, but they enjoyed talking to each other during the ride. I tried not to be pissed off by their bond but somewhere my heart couldn't stop admiring them both. How easily Scott made us feel comfortable and how easily he laughed at Colette's silly jokes. I didn't want to acknowledge it but Scott was making me fall for him again.

God, save me from this beautiful bastard,.

After a while, he pulled up in the parking lot of an Italian restaurant. While holding Colette, I brushed my dress and fixed my hair. "Um...I forgot to tell you I also invited Conan and Rika to dinner."

"But I made a reservation for the three of us," Scott said casually. He was not surprised by my surprise.

"I made a reservation for five of us." I shrugged.

"How did you do this?"

"I changed it on your phone."

"Have you touched my phone?" he asked in irritation and I shot my eyes at him.

"Yes, why?" I frowned.

"That's not right," he said firmly as I could see the annoyance on his face.

"I'm sorry I'll keep it in mind next time."

Scott must have heard the hurt in my voice as he gently turned me around. "Don't say sorry."

I brushed his hand away and we headed toward the restaurant. We walked over to our table and waited for our guests. In five minutes, Conan showed up with his charming smile. Though he was not happy to see Scott he didn't let it slip on his face.

"Hey, Cookie," Conan planted a fatherly kiss on Colette's head which made Scott's jaw twitch. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, Dad!" Colette chirped. "How are you?"

Scott gripped the glass tightly, his eyes narrowed on Conan.

"Not so well." Conan turned to me and kissed my cheek. "You look stunning."

"Thanks." I smiled. "You too."

Conan completely ignored Scott's presence at the same table as he didn't greet him nor did Scott. They were like lions and cheetahs, both ready to attack. Rika appeared half an hour later with a toothy smile.

"Hello hello..." but she paused when her eyes turned to Conan. Suddenly both's eyes locked and it seemed like they had stopped breathing. I and Scott glanced at them briefly, then we looked at each other and shrugged. "Umm...you didn't tell me you'd also invited him?" Rika asked me while pointing at Conan.

"I just thought it would be a pleasure to have you all." I forced a smile. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you." She smiled widely and took a seat next to Scott. "I'm so sorry I got late due to heavy traffic." Suddenly, Conan stopped talking, his eyes fixed on a glass of water as he stared at it. "Oh my goddess, look who is here." Rika reached out to Colette over the table and pulled her into a hug. Conan looked pissed as his jaw clenched when Rika's hand brushed against his arm. Colette was sitting in the middle of me and Conan. "Oops, sorry." She apologised to him and drew herself back. She settled into her seat and turned to Scott. "How can you be so damn hot?"

Scott's eyebrows snapped together as he gave her a questioning look. "Excuse me?"

Rika leaned over Scott and whispered something in his ear which made Conan furious. God, was he feeling jealous? In an attempt to keep my head cool, I grabbed a glass and drank from it. The thick atmosphere rose above our heads because of their presence. Rika started talking about her new job at one of the top clubs in Boston. She worked as a bartender there. She looked happy and proud of whatever work she had at that moment. Sometimes I pity her because she had her parents to take care of. She paid their medical expenses all by herself. She even started to pay Scott's debts in instalments.

Scott interrupted her by offering her his secretary job but she said it was too complicated to handle. She had to work hard and sometimes woke up the entire night due to Scott's busy schedule.

"I want eight hours of sleep in a day and if I don't get it I'll be crazy." Rika flipped her hair back, examining her nails. All of sudden, we fell silent. There was awkwardness between us. I glanced at Scott and he returned the same look to me, then we looked between Rika and Conan.

"Rika..." Suddenly a man called out her name, heading toward our table. Rika looked over her shoulder and a big smile appeared on her face. "Theo!" She sprang up from her seat and rushed to him like he was her long-time lost lover. "Oh, my God! It's you?" They exchanged something before Rika headed toward us. "Guys, I'm sorry. I'll have to go." She grabbed her clutch and walked away.

I looked at Conan, whose face was flushed with anger or something like jealousy. I could make out the veins bulging in his neck as he watched Rika and that man leave the restaurant. After squeezing the glass, he left before it shattered into pieces. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he gave me an unassuming smile.

"I'm not feeling well. I gotta go." He rose to his feet and lowered himself, giving me and Colette a goodbye kiss. "I'll call you tomorrow."

Scott was biting his lip to hold back his smile. He looked amused by my failed plan. I didn't want to have dinner with him alone but it was my unlucky day. I let out a defeated sigh and ordered our food.

The next few hours I struggled not to fall in love with Scott as he proved himself a reliable partner and even an excellent father.

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