His Lethal Love

Chapter 36


Camille POV.

I watched Rika as she lay still on the hospital bed. It had been almost a month since that event occurred, but she hung around that stupid hospital bed and was surrounded by machines. I recovered, but she stayed like that. Samuel recovered, but she stayed like that. I lost count of the number of tears I shed for her. I blamed myself for that unfortunate event that happened to her. Her parents blamed me. My father criticized me and the entire school was accusing me. Everyone called me an ungrateful bitch who killed her child and put her friend in trouble for her benefit.

I never used my friend for my benefit, nor did I kill my unborn baby. All this happened because of Samuel. He was the one who must have been blamed, but he was living a peaceful life. Scott was avoiding me every time I wanted to talk to him. He needed to know the truth. I wanted him to know the truth. No matter how many times I tried to tell him, he was not ready to listen to me.

I was burning from guilt and grief with every passing day. Sometimes I thought of killing myself, but if I did, who would tell the truth? I wanted people to know the real culprit. I couldn't end my life even if I wanted to. I was helpless. I had no other choice but to wait for the right time. There was no way I could punish Samuel. It would have been so much fun to torture him the way he tortured me in the last few months. He was a fucking beast. Cruel than a beast, I guess. I wouldn't die until I punished that bastard.

"What are you doing here?" I was startled when a firm voice said from behind me.

"Hello, Mr. Cruz." I greeted Rika's father when he entered the room.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop coming here? We don't want you near our daughter." He hissed.

"Ryan..." Mrs. Cruz tried to stop him, but he didn't stop as he advanced on me. His eyes were burning with rage.

"You did that to her. The reason she is still there is that of you, Camille Davidson." He growled. "We're not as rich as you and we don't have enough money to afford her medical fees. We are about to go bankrupt. We don't have money to pay our debts because all our money went to her medication and health care costs. What will we do? I have two children to take care of."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cruz." I watched my feet, feeling guilty. "I never wanted to..."

"Shut up! What do you think we don't know about you?" He snarled. "We're well aware of how selfish and mean a bitch you are, Camille Davidson. Rika called you your sister."

"I never wanted her to be..." My throat clogged as I was unable to form a proper sentence.


"Ryan...stop it now!" Mrs. Cruz grabbed her husband's arm to stop him from stepping toward me. She looked at me with a fierce expression. "You get out now!"

I blinked my tears and glanced at Rika one last time before leaving.


It was a prom in our school, and I was getting ready for it. I wore a flared dress with a spaghetti strap. I put on natural makeup and curled my hair. Putting on high heels, I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Good," I whispered to myself as I looked in the mirror. "Today is revenge day," I smirked. "There is no way I will spare Samuel's life. I have planned everything and I'm gonna work on it. I'll destroy his life." Snatching car keys off the table, I headed downstairs.

"Where are you going?" I paused when Natalie asked.

I turned to her, keeping my expression neutral. "Today is my prom."

"Are you serious, Cam? Your friend is dying in a hospital bed and you're attending a prom party?" She snapped nastily.

"Yeah, is it a problem? Should I not attend?" I asked with a fake smile.

She rolled her eyes, sighing. "I don't know."

"Then I'm going," I said firmly, giving her a stern look. "Since I'm a bitch, let me be one. Mind your own business, Natalie."

"You can do whatever the fuck you want to do," she said annoyingly and walked away.

I turned back and found Dad standing in front of me. He looked tired, with his dark-shaded eyes and disheveled appearance. He eyed me from head to toe before shaking his head in disappointment. He disappeared into the kitchen without speaking a single word.

After getting into the car, I drove straight to the prom venue. It was one of the most popular hotels in the town. Even though no one expected me, I was determined to make things right. I would correct all my mistakes. I gripped the steering wheel before exhaling a breath. My heart was racing in my chest. I climbed out of the car and entered the building. The theme of the party was Paris at Night as everyone dressed in elegance and sophistication. At the entrance, the Eiffel Tower was standing tall. If Rika would have been there, she would be thrilled with all this stuff. Paris was her favorite holiday spot, and she always wanted to visit there. I had promised we would go there after our graduation, but I wondered if I could ever see her smile.

"Look at her." A boy called out once he noticed me. Every head turned to me as they all froze, watching me like I was a dinosaur. Clearly, they were not pleased to see me there.

"Who invited her?" One of the girls asked, looking across the crowd.

"She doesn't need an invitation," a familiar voice said from behind me and my hand clenched into a tight fist. "She is also one of us."

I snapped my eyes at Samuel, wanting nothing more than to choke his neck. It took my entire strength not to grab him and whack his face. He took away my Rika. He threw her out of the window and behaved as if nothing had ever happened. How could he be vicious? He was so vile that it made me sick to my stomach.

"She tried to kill you, Sam. How could you speak as if nothing had ever happened?" Maura stepped out of the crowd with Scott next to her.

"I believe in a second chance," Samuel said innocently and stepped up to me. "She is not that bad at all."

Scott said nothing, but he didn't like his brother speaking to me like that. Through his serious expression, I understood what he meant.

"How thoughtful you are, Sam," I said, trying to appear sweet. "I was wrong about you. I should have never dumped you. I should have valued your love." I held his gaze. "I regretted doing that." "Did you?" Samuel asked, and I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I wiped my fake tears. "I'm genuinely sorry."

Samuel smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "I know you love me, Cami." I gasped when he squeezed me tighter. "You're mine."

I felt nauseous when he kissed my head. I wanted to push him away, but I let him hold me and forced out a fake smile.

After a while, "How are you feeling, Cami?" Samuel asked with a smirk as he approached me and sat next to me on the couch.

My eyes focused on Scott and Maura as they were dancing and clinging to each other's arms. I gripped the glass in my hand when Samuel placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm feeling nothing," I whispered and looked at him. "Actually, I don't know how I am feeling. Tell me, how am I supposed to react after what happened to my friend?"

"She fell on her own. I didn't do anything." Samuel said while grabbing a glass of wine and downing it in one go. "I'm sorry for what happened to her."

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I grimaced at his words and looked away. I couldn't bear the sight of him. He was making me feel sick. I needed to work on my plan, so I told him, "I want to have sex with you, Sam."

He paused, snapping his eyes at me. Shocked by my words. "Damn, Cami! Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm serious. I want to do something to divert my mind. Sex might help me to get rid of bad memories. If you don't mind I..."

"Of course, not!" His excitement was undeniable.


"Then shall we...?" I asked.

"Yeah," Samuel smirked and got to his feet. We headed out and into the car before driving straight to his place.

Anxiety crawled to my chest once he parked the car in front of his apartment. It was the same place where Rika fell off the window. Samuel said he didn't throw her, but I knew he did. The way her body lay on the road. I knew she was being thrown.

I stepped into his room and shivered.

"It was the same place where we used to make love, Cami." He laughed darkly and I grimaced.

I squeezed my eyes, trying to calm myself down, but it was difficult when nightmares swirled all around me. I could see the images of that event playing in front of my eyes. I could even hear her voice. I could see blood.

"Fuck!" I hissed out, trying hard to hold back my tears. Now, I'm thinking I shouldn't have come to that place.

"Come here, babe." Samuel removed his shirt, and I narrowed my eyes on him.

"What do you think about why I am here?" I asked quietly.

He stopped unbuttoning his shirt and raised his brows. "We're here for sex, right?"

"No." I sneered. "I'm here for revenge, Samuel." I brought out my sharp knife. "Eye for an eye."

"Are you fucking serious?" He gritted his teeth out and charged at me, trying to catch my knife, but I dodged. "Cami, listen to me. You would have been in jail if I had not been there for you. I saved your sorry ass. This is how you're paying me?" "Paying you?" I scowled. "You just killed my unborn baby and threw my friend out of this fucking window. How could you save me when you're the one who destroyed me? You just..."

"I fucking loved you, bitch." He growled. "Couldn't you fucking see that?"

"You raped me." I swallowed hard. "You killed our child. You just stabbed me to death. You even tried to kill me. What kind of love is this? This was not fucking love."

"Put down that knife," he warned, cautiously stepping toward me. "Put that thing down!"

"Okay, I won't kill you."

Just a heads up: FindNovel.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey! "That's... that's it." He stuttered. "Don't do this. We have a long life to live. We could get through it together, Cami. I love you and I know you won't do this."

"I won't do this, I promise, but you need to do one thing for me, Sam." I blinked tears. "You need to surrender yourself to the police. You'll tell them the whole truth and show them our intimate videos. I want you to spend your entire life in prison."

"Really?" he scoffed. "Are you scaring me, darling?"

"I know I'm giving you the option. Either you save your life or choose to die."

"If I choose the third one." Before I could understand anything else, he wrapped his belt around my neck and pulled me over him. I didn't realize when he took off his belt. He choked me tighter, preventing me from breathing. "I won't let you do this, Cami. I'll end your life before you can pull this damn stunt."

My eyes watered when he choked me hard. He snatched the knife from my hand and hurled it across the room. I gasped and gasped, trying to breathe into the air. He almost choked me to death if I didn't jab into his abdomen.

I spun around and lunged at the knife. Coughing hard, I grasped a knife and stabbed it into his gut. He grunted in pain and stumbled to the floor. Instantly, blood-soaked his pants.

I covered my mouth with my hand when I saw blood. There was so much blood coming from his stomach. I didn't mean to kill. I just wanted him to tell the truth. I had a small camera on my pendent but the plan had failed when he grabbed it. He left me no other option than to stab him.

Swallowing hard, I rushed to the door but fell to my knees when he grasped me. "Whore!" he hissed out and threw a belt on my back. I restrained myself from screaming as I put my hand on my mouth.

"You're a whore! Nasty bitch!" He shouted and hurled again.

"Samuel..." I tried to stop him, but he didn't stop flying his belt on me.

"You tried to kill me again... you..." he threw again, and I cried out in pain.

I didn't want to kill him, but he forced me to do that as I stabbed his right leg. He groaned, falling to his knees.

"You can't do..." before he could speak out, I gashed right into his chest. His body flew upward as blood splattered from his mouth due to the sharp blow.

"You raped me!!" I stabbed again. "You killed him!" I stabbed again. "You fucking threw her!" I cried out.

"Camille!" Scott shouted my name, and I paused. He was breathing hard as he watched me with terrified eyes. He was scared of me. I could see that in his eyes. "Camille, put that down..." he rasped, stepping toward me. "No, I won't..." I let out a shaky. "I will not, Scott. This time I won't let him win. I will not let him win."

"No... no...!" Scott was screaming agonizingly and grasped my hand to stop me, but I didn't stop. I kept stabbing Samuel's heart repeatedly and made his flesh and blood splatter across my face. "Camille, stop it... stop it..." Finally, Scott was able to tear me away from his brother's dead body.

I gasped for air as my eyes glared at Samuel, whose eyes were wide open and his mouth was open as he was staring at the ceiling. He was dead and his body froze like ice. I had killed him.

"Samuel..." And suddenly my stone heart melted when I saw Scott. He was crying. He was crying harder. I had never seen this boy crying, but he was weeping like a baby for his dead brother. "Samuel..." he looked around in desperation for help. "Somebody please help... please help..." he begged and begged and begged.

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