His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 790

Chapter 790 

Thad felt Evadne’s hand turning cold and her breath growing heavy. 

He knew she was haunted by the shadows of the past, and her heart was aching with old wounds. 

With a reassuring warmth, Thad cupped the back of her head; his trembling lips brushed her forehead as he whispered comfort in her ear

“Don’t dwell on the sorrows of yesteryear. Look at me, I’m right as rain, thanks to your magic touch. You’ve stitched up this thick skull of mine and made me sharp as a tack again.” 

Evadne tried to steady her breath, and shook her head. 

She understood all too well that the old injury still lingered within his skull, and he has never truly been 


It was only after they had mended their bond that their love as deep as the ocean helped soothe his spirit and mind. The neural pathways in his brain no longer clogged, and his whole being became relaxed; in addition to the right medication, his episodes had finally subsided. 

But Evadne was no fool. 

She knew that under the weight of stress, he would hold his composure during the day, but after tucking her into bed at night, he’d stealthily rise to find pain relief. 

He thought he was keeping it a secret. 

But as his confidante, she was intimate with every sigh and breath of his. How could she not know his every 


Frederic’s eyes flashed, and his face was twisted with hate and shock. 

Mr. Frederic! I was cornered back then. Elspeth was your woman, and the man she brought with her had a knife, and he threatened me with a hideous glare to do her bidding. I had no choice but to comply. Ah!” 

Frederic’s fury flared as he kicked the man to the ground, “Mention Elspeth’s name again, and I’ll cut out your tongue and feed you to the dogs piece by piece! You think I’d forget that after twenty years? You played with the bloodline of the Abernathys, dragging our name through the mud. Elspeth may have turned to ashes, but you’ll pay her debt!” 

That scoundrel had never severed ties with Elspeth. Worse yet, he had willingly become her accomplice, and her instrument of murder

Elspeth not only caused the death of his beloved Cynthia and took her place as his wife, but also made the offspring of their affair live lavishly off the Abernathys, enjoying a life of privilege for years! 

Had it not been for their own undoing, Elspeth and her daughter might have deceived him for a lifetime, and have perhaps even swindled the Abernathy fortune and shares! 

“This accursed pair; how conniving and vile are them!” 

Hamilton was nearly breathless with rage, and his eyes were brimming with pain for his grandson, “That witch Elspeth wasn’t satisfied with robbing Thad of his mother; her accomplice even aimed for my grandson’s life! Had it not been for llana’s skillful surgery on Thad, Frederic, have you realized that your own flesh and blood would have perished by their hands?!” 

Frederic’s face paled as if struck by lightning. 

He gazed upon Thad’s serene face, which was a perfect blend of his and Cynthia’s finest features. 



Chapter 790 

Even though his son was a constant source of trouble, who had never once abode by his wishes, he was still his son, carrying his blood. 

At that thought, a long–lost sense of guilt spread through Frederic’s aching chest. 

“Frederic, if you still consider me your father, then it’s up to you to deal with the mess Elspeth left behind!” 

Under Evadne’s skillful massage, Hamilton felt his breathing gradually eased, and he fixed his piercing gaze on Frederic with a final ultimatum, “A son pays for his father’s debts, as a daughter does for her mother’s. It’s only right! You’ve disappointed me time and again. If you fail to act like a man this time, then our bond as father and son is truly severed!” 

“No need for such words.” 

Frederic turned and walked resolutely to the door, “I’ve erred once, and I won’t allow myself to err again!” 

Inside the detention center, Glynnis was cooped up with a bunch of foul and fierce female inmates; she had to sleep on a hard bunk and eat slop worse than what she’d had back home. 

After her arrest, Frederic sent a lawyer who vowed to get her out on medical bail within three days, and promised a VIP hospital room far from this hellish place! 

At first, Glynnis was meek, but upon hearing this news, she regained her haughty demeanor, resuming her entitled ways even behind bars. 

Having had enough of her airs, the inmates weren’t buying it. They beat her, cursed her, forced her to clean toilets with filthy water and then threw the water in her face. 

“You think you’re something special, huh? You want a piece of this?!” 

Two inmates grabbed Glynnis by the arms, forcing her to kneel, and the cell’s ringleader left a boot print on 

her forehead. 

“How dare you touch me? Do you know who I am?!” 

Glynnis struggled and shrieked, “I’m Glynnis Abernathy, daughter of the Abernathy family! Frederic’s my father! You’ll regret this. I’ll see to your end, each and every one of you!” 

If you’re Frederic’s daughter, then I must be his mother!” the ringleader kicked her again, prompting laughter from the crowd

Glynnis bared her teeth, fuming like a rabid dog. 

Suddenly, the cell door swung open. 

“Glynnis, someone’s here to see you!” 

Glynnis scrambled up, her eyes gleamed with hope: 

“Haha, I’m getting out! You mongrels just wait, I’ll get you all!” 

Clad in prison garb, Glynnis was ushered into the visitation room. 

“Daddy! Daddy, you finally came!” 

Through the glass, Glynnis saw Frederic sitting outside, whose eyes were dark with stormy emotions. She cried out, gasping for air, “Daddy! Look what they’ve done to me! The inmates tormented me day and night, beating me, making me scrub toilets and they even forced me to drink urine! And yes, they mocked you too! Dad, how could you bear to let your daughter live like this? Please, save me and get me out of here!” 

But Frederic only gazed at her with a chilling look, silently. 

It was Dennis, standing off to the side, who slowly spoke up



Chapter 790 

“You should have thought of the consequences before acting. This is the bed you’ve made for yourself, with your malicious heart; you even plotted against your own sister.” 

What does that have to do with me?!” 

Even now, Glynnis showed no remorse; instead, she was still making excuses, “It was all Edith’s idea from the start! She brought this upon herself and dragged me, an innocent, down with her! I was framed and forced by her!” 

Dennis scoffed, “Selling Ms. Marilla’s psychiatric evaluation to the Fairhaven family, and joining those brutes in tormenting Ms. Marilla, were that all Edith’s doing too?” 

Shut up! You’re just a dog my father took in, this is not your place to speak!” 

“Enough! The one who needs to shut up is you!” 

Frederic slammed his hand on the table with such force that Glynnis flinched, “Dad, dad.” 

“You repeatedly harmed my daughter, and sending you to jail is letting you off easy.” 

Frederic leaned forward and, with his teeth gritted, enunciated each word, “You deserve to go to hell with your wicked, serpentine–hearted mother!” 

Glynnis trembled, and had her hands gnarled like dry branches clutch at the glass, “Dad, what are you saying? Marilla is your daughter, but so am I! I was set up by Edith! I was threatened! You can’t just stand by and watch me suffer! You have to save me!” 

“Save you? Why should I save you.” 

Frederic rose slowly; his gaze was haughty and frosty as if looking at an enemy, “I came here today to tell you. From now on, I won’t care whether you live or die. I won’t come to see you again; even one glance at you disgusts me.” 


Don’t call me dad, I have no daughter like you. My only daughter is Marilla.” 

With that, Frederic turned and walked away, not looking back. 

Dad! I am your daughter! I’m your daughter, dad!” Glynnis cried in a hoarse voice, while banging against the glass. 


Dennis placed a paternity test report against the glass, which obscured her pale face: 

You have no blood relation to Mr. Frederic.” 

Glynnis stared at the black and white text, and her eyes widened to the brink of tearing. 

You’re just the wild offspring of Elspeth and some lowly man, nothing more.” Dennis‘ lips curled into a mocking sneer. 

‘No, that’s impossible, you’re lying, all lies!” 

Glynnis‘ gaze was vacant, and her fingernails scraped the glass with a piercing sound, “I am an Abernathy!! am Frederic’s daughter! It’s Thaddeus who’s making you spin these lies to deceive me, isn’t it?! Bring my father here, I want to hear it from him directly!” 

Dennis tossed the paternity test onto the table and turned to leave. 

Just a step from the door, he paused and said indifferently: 



Chapter 790 

“Oh, and remember to make some friends in prison, get along with your cellmates. Otherwise, you’re going to have a very hard time.” 

Glynnis sat dumbfounded for a long while until the guard came to escort her. Then she exploded, toppling chairs, with a twisted and savage expression, laughing and crying, and clawing at the air. 

Like a demented banshee. 

“I am an Abernathy! I am the noble Ms. Abernathy! Touch me and you’re all doomed! Hahaha!” 


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