His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 772

Chapter 772 

“Biotech Research Institute?” 

Thaddeus‘ brows furrowed as he exchanged a puzzled glance with Evadne. 

They couldn’t fathom how Glynnis had gotten involved with such an organization. 

“Cassius, you’re up late, huh?” 

Chasel’s voice, lazy and seductive, came through the phone, sending goosebumps all over Evadne. 

Those beautiful, alluring fox–like eyes seemed to dance before her once again. 

“I’m on the phone with Evadne and the hubby, did I wake you?” Cassius‘ voice was annoyingly smooth and gemle. 

Rustling sounds with ambiguous undertones followed. 

“With Evadne? No worries, you guys chat, mmm. 

Then, the car was filled with the shameful sounds of lips smacking and saliva mingling. 

Thaddeus swallowed hard, sweat breaking out on the palm wrapped around Evadne’s waist. He had no choice but to divert his gaze out the window, trying to calm his agitated emotions. 

“Hey, hey, hey. Cassius, hold up! Can’t you and Chasel get cozy after we finish talking business? Can’t it wait just a bit? Evadne couldn’t help but blurt out, embarrassed. 

“Sorry Evadne, couldn’t help ourselves. Chasel’s joyful laughter floated through. 

“What exactly is this RC Biotech Institute? A pharmaceutical company?” Evadne pressed again. 

Cassius explained softly, “Well, I think Chasel might know better.” 

“RC was founded five years ago, focusing on medical inventions and drug manufacturing, particularly targeting. diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and autism. In the past couple of years, even the government has pumped significant funding into their research. They’re like a rising star in the biotech industry.” 

Chasel yawned, “Why do you ask, though?” 

Thaddeus asked gravely, “Who founded this institute?” 

“A doctor led the establishment of the institute. Published several academic papers, pretty famous in the medical circles here in Country M. Hey, why are you asking all this?” Chasel, drowsy from Cassius‘ kisses, dragged his words lazily

Evadne pressed, “Chasel, what else do you know about it?” 

“Not much more. Oh, right, they’re working on a drug to treat Alzheimer’s. They announced some breakthrough just a few days ago. Now, they’re racing against time with the Bright Group. Whoever gets the drug to market first is basically unlocking a massive fortune.” 

Chasel grumbled, “Hmph, I hope RC gets there first. It’s about time to knock Zachary down a peg or two!” 

The more they heard, the more complex it seemed. 

Thanks, Chasel. Thaddeus and I will fly over to see you soon, bring you some local delicacies,” Evadne said as they wrapped up the call. 

Thaddeus‘ chiseled jaw tightened, his mind whirring. 

“Strange, isn’t it?” 

Evadne frowned, shaking her head, “Glynnis had barely set foot in Country M before somehow getting tangled up with the biotech folks. And there was no prior connection between them.” 

Chapter 772 

Jason, driving, chimed in, “Surely Glynnis isn’t so desperate that she’s selling a kidney or something for research? With her medical history, I doubt she’d fetch a high price.” 

“Thaddeus, could someone your brother knows be at the institute?” 

Evadne’s expression grew somber, “When Emeric had that stroke, you flew to Country M to ask your brother for medicine. He got it for you effortlessly, which means he’s got connections in the medical field. Is it possible. that he couldn’t get involved directly, so he sent someone to help Glynnis?” 

“Evadne, you’re thinking what I’m thinking.” 

Thaddeus‘ long lashes cast shadows, his head shaking slightly, “But I still can’t figure out why. If it really is my brother, what’s his reason? He’s never been the type to meddle in such matters,” 

Evadne leaned back, her lips parting with a tantalizing thought, 

“If your brother really did save you back then, sacrificing himself so you could live, I’d respect him as a man of honor and loyalty, unwilling to see his half–sister destitute. Helping her out would be understandable. But if there’s more to the kidnapping than we know, or if over the years, his heart has changed toward you, maybe he’s no longer the man you knew. Then helping Glynnis might just be his way of giving you grief.” 

Thaddeus clenched his fists in secret, his broad shoulders trembling slightly beneath the crisp lines of his suit. Memories ebbed and flowed, dragging him back into that hellish cell. 

He could never forget his brother thrown at Windermere Estate’s gates by kidnappers, battered and barely alive. 

His brother was his savior. Was it a lie? 

How could it be a lie? 

Had he destroyed his health in a performance, and for what? 

Meanwhile, at Havenbrook Villa. 

Today was the day Aaron and Marilla had planned to go to the amusement park, and he had gotten up early to pick her up from Havenbrook. 

Unexpectedly, his mom insisted on joining, eager to dote on her “future daughter–in–law.” 

The Ashbourne mother and son were rare visitors to Havenbrook, and Hamilton himself came out to greet them, a sign of high regard

“Is this Aaron? Truly a handsome young man!” 

Hamilton couldn’t stop smiling upon seeing the dashing Aaron, “Suri, your son is the spitting image of Emeric in his youth! You don’t need to tell me; I can see Emeric’s son right here!” 

“Cassius, Arnold and even Evadne take after Emeric a bit more,” Surl said with a warm smile. 

“My dad’s genes are too strong,” Aaron joked harmlessly. 

“I like this kid! No airs about him, he’s got Emeric’s straightforward spirit, refreshing!” 

Hamilton clapped Aaron on the shoulder, then turned to Murray, “Murray, would you kindly ask Marilla to join 


“Grandpa, I’m here.” 

Marilla descended the staircase, a teddy bear tucked under her arm, curtsying with the grace of a young debutante from a distinguished family, “Hello Suri, hi Aaron.” 

She had impeccable manners, the evident result of a refined upbringing. 

Suri, unable to contain her enthusiasm, rushed forward and took Marilla’s hand, instantly smitten. 


Chapter 772 

Despite the swirling rumors and slander targeting the young girl, Suri wouldn’t let them sway her opinion. She had her own mind to judge, her own eyes to see that Marilla was a true gem, obscured only by the blindness of others. 

Suddenly, Suri’s gaze paused, noticing the bare wrist where the bracelet she gave Marilla should have been, feeling a twinge of disappointment. 

“Oh, I meant to wear it, but it’s so precious, I feared I might scratch it,” Marilla explained hurriedly, her voice laced with concern. 

“It’s alright, dear,” 

Suri’s heart skipped a beat, but she gently touched Marilla’s hand, “What I gave you is yours to do with as you please. If you like to wear it, do so; if not, that’s fine too.” 

Manilla nodded shyly. 

Aaron, standing behind his mother, watched Marilla intently, his breathing growing heavier, heartbeat racing beyond his control. 

Seeing her smile, he couldn’t help but mirror her expression, an involuntary grin spreading across his lips. 

“Murray, look at Aaron’s face. Doesn’t he look like he’s been struck by Cupid’s arrow?” Hamilton nudged Murray 

with his elbow. 

“Mr. Frederic, Aaron certainly looks smitten,” Murray responded with an amused grin. 

“Are you teasing me?” Hamilton shot back with a playful glare, then chuckled, “When he gazes at my granddaughter, he’s the spitting image of Thaddeus when he had a crush on llana. Same goofy look, I tell you! 


Murray coughed discreetly, trying to hide his laughter, “It’s because Ms. Marilla is so charming, she’s bound to attract admiration.” 

“Mr. Hamilton, Aaron came over today specifically to ask Marilla out,” Suri said with a warm smile. “He’s never asked a girl out alone before, so he was a bit nervous and wanted me here for moral support.” 

“Mom, when did I ever, Ouch!” 

Aaron’s protest was abruptly cut short by the sharp pain of Surl’s foot stepping on his. 

Marilla observed the scene with a fleeting smile, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. 

“Wonderful, a day out is just what you need, lad. You’ve been cooped up here with me for too long,” Hamilton said with a benevolent twinkle in his eye. “Marilla, go on then, have a grand time with Aaron, no rush to come 


Since it was a prearranged outing, Marilla didn’t hesitate, simply saying, 

“Grandpa, I’ll be off then. Make sure you eat your meals and take your medicine on time.” 

“Don’t worry about me, off you go!” Hamilton waved them off cheerfully. 

Just then, a stern voice cut through the pleasant atmosphere, 

“Stay put, no gallivanting about for you!” 

Chapter 773 

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