His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 695

Chapter 695 

Edith stopped in front of them, revealing a sweet smile, putting on quite the show. 

“Well, little Edith, how have you been keeping?” Gary asked with feigned concern on the side. 

“Much better, thank you for asking. Uncle.” 

“That’s good to hear. You’re the apple in the Fairhaven family’s eye. If something happened to you, it would pain your grandpa and your mom to death! Gary’s words were intended for Jareth’s ears. 

Then, with a meaningful wink at Edith, Gary hummed a tune and walked away 

“What are you doing here? Jareth’s gaze was icy as he stared her down. 

Tve brought some homemade ginseng tea for Grandpa, while it’s still hot.” 

Edith batted her innocent eyes, “Jareth, you wouldn’t deny me the chance to serve Grandpa, would you?” 

Jareth’s eyes narrowed as he lifted a finger, pointing it at her face with an oppressive force. 

Without a word, his silence was more intimidating than any threat, causing Edith’s heart to race and her hands, holding the tray, to tremble slightly. 

“Edith, I’m warning you, don’t play tricks. Otherwise, I’ll pull out that forked tongue of yours and chop off your treacherous legs. Just try if you don’t believe me.” 

With those words, Jareth brushed past her and left with long strides. 

Edith glared fiercely at the unshakable tall back of the man, atid bitterly gritted her teeth. 

“Heh, then let’s just see!” 

Then, she changed her gloomy expression to a mask of sweetness and obedience as she entered the study. 

“Grandpa, I’ve come to see you!” 

Upon seeing his granddaughter, Barry momentarily cleared the gloom from his eyes, replacing it with a genial smile, “Ah, Edith, my dear” 

“Grandpa, this is the soup I specially made for you with my own hands, simmered for a whole day?” 

Edith placed the tray on the table and presented the bowl to Barry, This hearty dish is best for when you’re feeling down; it nourishes the b*dy and calms the mind. Grandpa, please have a taste.” 

“Edith, how did you know I’m feeling down?” Barry took a spoonful, indeed feeling less heaviness in his chest. 

“Big brother just visited you, and as soon as I came in, I could see the concern in your face. There’s also an invitation on the table, is that for Jareth and Ms. Marilla’s engagement?” 

Edith’s smile that is ambiguous, “It seems good news is on the horizon, right?” 

Good news? How is this considered good news!” 

Barry slammed the bowl down, his temper flaring, “I only have one grandson, and he’s being toyed with by that Abernathy girl! Completely bewitched by her! He’s practically handed her half of his fortune as the betrothal gifts, and giving it to her is the same as giving it to the Abernathy group. Hasn’t he considered the consequences? 

Once they’re married, I doubt it will take few years before the whole Fairhaven group falls under the control of the Abernathy family! 

“Grandpa, you are right. I knew you were bothered by this.” 

Edith sighed, “Actually, there’s something else I haven’t told you, fearing it would only add to your worries.” 

“What could be worse at this point? Just tell me!” 

With a cold sinker in her heart, Edith turned and walked to the coffee table, pulling out a document hidden from under the tray “Grandpa, take a look at this” 

Barry took it with a puzzled look, and as he briefly scanned it quickly, his eyes widened in disbelief at the medical report in front of him, boldly displaying Marilla’s name. 

“That girl from the Abernathy family has mental issues?” 

“Yes, grandpa.” 

Edith’s eyes gleamed with malice, “She, and the entire Abernathy family, have been hiding Marilla’s condition from you. In fact, she has severe autism. Simply put, she has mental illness. We were classmates in junior high, and back then everyone would talk behind her back and call her an idiot, or a simpleton. She didn’t even complete college, dropping out midway because of her condition 

“No wonder I always felt something was off about that girl. She’s in her early twenties but acts like a child. It turns out her mind is troubled Elspeth left nothing but a defective seed! She’s gone, and yet she left behind her dimwit daughter to plague my precious grandson! 

Barry was so furious he could hardly breathe, coughing and puffing, his face turning beet red. 

Edith quickly patted his back, “Grandpa, calm down, your health is important!” 

Does your brother know about this girl’s condition? 

He knows everything” 

Barty’s rage was uncontrollable, almost bewildered, “He knows, yet he still wants to marry her? Has he lost his mind? Does he not fear that their children will inherit this illness? I truly don’t understand him, could have any woman he desires. Why is he infatuated with a dimwit 

“Jareth has been fooled by Marilla’s innocent appearance. He’s had his fill of gourmet meals, now, unexpectedly finding charm in plain boiled rice, he naturally can’t stop himself,” Edith said with a hint of disdain. 

Barry’s eyes burned with fury as he slapped the armrest of his sofa, “The entire Abernathy family are a bunch of liars! They want to push their unwanted daughter into the Fairhaven group over my dead b*dy! As long as I’m alive for one more day. I will not let that girl step a foot inside our door! I’ll go see Hamilton Abernathy first thing tomorrow morning and call off this engagement!” “Grandpa, that may not be the appropriate.” 

Edith knelt beside the old man, taking his trembling hand into hers, soothing him, “If you abruptly go to Mr. Hamilton, the news will spread to big brother immediately. 

You know how he 

is like; it’ll surely lead to an uproar He’s also on good terms with Mr. Thaddeus, siding with outsiders, ultimately our family will be at a loss.” 

“My thoughtful granddaughter, you’ve always had a knack for warming your granddad’s heart, Barry said with a sigh of relief, his voice a blend of anxiety and affection. “Then give grandpa an idea, how could this matter be solved?” 

“Alas, Grandpa, Marilla and I have the bond of former classmates. I’ll find a moment to have a talk to her,” Edith replied softly, her voice dripping with empathy. With reason and emotions–I hope I can persuade her to stop bothering my brother, as they have no future together.” 

Barry, thinking of his grandson madly in love, couldn’t help but worry. “What if you can’t persuade that girl?” 

“Then we resort to Plan B–a bit harsher, perhaps even ruthless, but it will sever their ties once and for all, Edith said,

mischievous curve playing on her l*ps. “Just wait and see,” 

After a brief period of rest, Marilla returned to her normal study life. 

Despite the significant crisis and turmoil the school had gone through, the orderly environment suggested that no storm was too fierce to be calmed. 

The surveillance footage had been deleted, and since there were no witnesses at the scene of the incident, the school, under pressure from the influential Fairhaven Group, remained tight–l*pped about Marilla’s identity and her ordeal as a hostage. 

Jareth was the one who had forged a peaceful life for Marilla. 

If possible, Jareth would have built a pristine and flawless ivory tower to shelter his girl, who was like a delicate flower in a greenhouse. 

But what he didn’t know was- 

The conversation Marilla had overheard outside the study that night was like a barely visible crack on the greenhouse’s glass 

It might end just like that. 

Or, it would slowly, Insidiously spread like a spider web casting over the sky, eventually covering the entire greenhouse, shattering 

it into pieces 

Lily stayed by Marilla’s side every day, watching over her as if she were the most precious thing 

Marilla had learned to disguise her feelings, locking herself in the steber upon returning home, focusing earnestly on her paintings, without showing her emotions. 

pter 695 

Lily hadn’t noticed anything unusual. 

If there was anything different about the young mistress, it was her paintings, which became increasingly dim and enigmatic, more and more beyond Lily’s comprehension. 

Hearing that Jareth would be visiting the Fairhaven estate that evening, Marilla grew restless, waiting for his return as she painted. 

But after waiting anxiously for a long time with no result, she finally became too exhausted to bear it and collapsed into a pile of paints, falling asleep. 

When Jareth rushed back, it was already past midnight. 

Travel–weary and dust–covered, he found his wife sprawled over the desk, her face and clothes smeared with colorful paints like at tiny calico cat. He couldn’t help but smile tenderly at the sight. 

“Master, why did you come back so late? Mistress has been waiting quite a long time,” Lily asked with concern. “Was it the engagement matter, did it not go well with the old master?” 

*Grandpa agreed; he let me handle it on my own,” Jareth said, standing at the threshold, his gaze filled with love as he looked upon the sleeping girl. 

“Really? Lily excitedly exclaimed. 

Jareth put a finger to his l*ps, signaling for quiet. Yes. After leaving the estate, I stopped by Skyrim’s Starry Villa. I heard they’ve unearthed some fine gems and made some exquisite items recently, I was afraid they might be snatched up by others if I was late, so I hurried over to see if I could get my hands on a thing or two suitable for Marilla. Today was the only day I had free, and there will be other matters to attend to tomorrow, Might as well settle everything today” 

Lily, feeling for Jareth’s weariness, her voice raspy. “You’ve really been through a lot today.” 

“It’s all right, things will get better slowly.” Jareth replied. 

Saying that, he took out a slender box from his 

s coat and opened it before Lily. 

Inside it laid a beautifully carved ice jade hairpin, its craftsmanship exquisite, glowing with a mesmerizing fluorescence, Lify’s eyes widened with surprise, captivated by its beauty 

At first glance, one could tell how precious it was 

“So beautiful. Perfect for the mistress.” 

“My little princess deserves more than just a pencil to hold up her hair. It’s only a hairpin of Jareth spoke softly, a tender light in his eyes. 

Lily nodded in agreement, deeply moved. 

f such fine quality th 

that befits her.” 

“Oh, and there’s this.” 


Jareth then took out a 

r you. 

from his coat pocket and handed it to her. “This is for 

Lily was surprised, hesitantly accepting the gift and opening it. 

Inside the box was a vibrant green jade pendant, its saturated color exuding years of calm elegance and grace. “A jade for protection” Jareth said simply. 

“I can’t accept this–this is too valuable!” 

Lily’s hands trembled holding the box, desperately trying to give it back, but Jareth pushed it back into her hands. 

“Isn’t your birthday coming up in a few days? Consider this an early birthday gift from both of us, accept it.” he said, referring to 

himself and his wife. 

Lily had no reason to refuse, voice caught in her throat, “Thank you.” 

“I might not be around to celebrate your birthday. So, happy early birthday in advance, Lily” Jareth said before turning to enter the room where his love lay sleeping 

Tears welled up in Lily’s eyes. She clutched the pendant in her palm and pressed it close to her heart. 

It was the dead of night. 

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