His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 667

Chapter 667 

Under Lionel’s command, and his crew from S–Star Group, who had been casually standing around with hands in their pockets, suddenly whipped out batons like magic tricks. 

“You dare? 

Warner stammered, his voice pitchy with terror. “Don’t you know our Bright Group’s standing in Skyrim? We’re second only to the Ashbourne family here! Do you have a death wish?” 

“Haha! The Ashbourne family is the wealthiest, even toddlers know that name, but I’ve never heard of the “Bright family,” 

Lionel chuckled, rolling his n*eck to loosen up, an unconcerned scorn spreading across his face. “But now, having seen it, it turns out you’re just a bunch of perpetual runners–up. Besides, outside of Skyrim, you wouldn’t even make the leader board, haha!” 

With the boss laughing, the rest of the gang erupted in a chorus of jeers, with Arnold joining in, practically doubled over with laughter. 

Even Bennett couldn’t help but curl his l*ps slightly. 

“You, you, you!” Warner sputtered, at a loss for words. 

Zachary shot his useless eldest son a fierce glare. This clown was dragging the whole family name through the mud with his buffoonery! 

“There’s still time for you to turn back, and that would save your face,” Arnold suggested, trying to defuse the situation. “Things could get ugly real fast. Given your age, and it’d be foolish if you ended up bedridden for weeks over a scuffle.” 

“Everyb*dy, attack!” 

Zachary, unable to contain his fury any longer–intolerant of the Ashbourne family treating his dignity as a doormat–bellowed, “Today, we’re taking Chasel back with us, no matter what!” 

“Damn! I’ve never seen anything with a thicker skull, but here we are! Boys, let’s show them what we’ve got!” 

With Lionel’s roar, the S–Star Group surged forward! 

The melee erupted, with black–suited b*dyguards and the rough–and–tumble brothers of S–Star clashing in the parking lot, transforming it into a scene straight out of a street brawl. 

Though the Brights were shielded by their guards, they were still jostled about in the chaos, their suits and hair a disheveled 


Warner fared even worse; trying to play the dutiful son defending his father, he was kicked, slapped, and struck several times with batons, wailing in agony as his suit was worn and his dignity shattered. 

Arnold, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle, was caught off guard when one of the Bright group’s b*dyguard lunged at him with a 

raised fist 

Before he could react, a cry of pain rang out! 

In a flash, Bennett, swift as lightning, stepped in front of Arnold and snapped the b*dyguard’s arm before stomping him underfoot with effortless grace. 

“Colonel, your reputation is well–deserved!” 

Arnold exclaimed, clapping until his hands were red. “In this field, only Thaddeus could match you!” 

“Unfaithful Thaddeus, he’s that skilled?” Bennett’s eyes narrowed. 

Arnold coughed awkwardly, that nickname “Unfaithful Thaddeus” had been his own creation and now it felt rather awkward to hear it. Well. Don’t forget, he’s a military man too.” 

Bennett, with his disdain for malice, was expected to once again clash with Thaddeus; but instead, he fell silent for a moment before murmuring, “It seems he’s not completely worthless.” 

Arnold Bennett!” 

Hearing his sister’s voice, the brothers turned around. 

Thad, Evadne, along with Chasel, hurried toward them. 

“Damn! That girl’s a stunner, real firecracker!” A few of the S–Star men were instantly captivated by Evadne’s stuhning beauty, forgetting all about the fight 

Thaddeus‘ ears pricked up on high alert, and his gaze suddenly darkened, as he pulled his lady close protectively, like a wolf 



Chapter 667 

guarding its meal. 

An eye–catching wife was a magnet for trouble. 

“What are you staring at? Show some respect!” Lionel, knowing full well not to mess with Evadne, knocked sense into the ogling men’s heads. 

“Stop! Stop the fighting!” Chasel roared, his eyes bloodshot with rage. 

His fury wasn’t because his family was being assaulted. 

It was the shock of seeing his father, who always maintained a dignified presence, had to come to provoke and brawl like a street thug. 

“Alright, alright! That’s enough!” Lionel yawned indifferently. 

Anyway, the S–Star crew had pretty much taken everyone down, leaving the Brights battered and beaten, utterly vanquished. 

“Dad, as the head of the Bright family, how could you do such a thing?” Chasel asked, arms shaking with barely contained fury… 

*Chasel! After such disgraceful scandal, how dare you question our father? You’ve nearly tarnished the Bright family’s reputation completely!” Warner, covering his swollen face, barked at his younger brother. 

“Heh, a scandal?” 

Chasel laughed, his fox–like eyes gleaming fearlessly. “I’m just loving who I love, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.” 

The words “loving who I love” resonated deeply with Evadne and Thaddeus

The world’s attacks didn’t scatter them; instead, the love between Cassius and Chasel grew firmer. 

This was love, undeniable and unwavering! 

“Chasel, come home with me now!” Zachary’s gaze was threatening as he tightened his loose tie. 

“I won’t,” Chasel responded with an infuriating smile. “Do you really think I’m that foolish, Dad? Go back for what, to be beaten to 


“You rebellious brat! Do you hear yourself?” 

Zachary’s eyes blazed with fury, on the brink of an emotional implosion. “If you don’t come with me today, then you’re no longer a part of the Bright family! The family’s assets, shares, everything will have nothing to do with you!” 


Warner was secretly thrilled by this excitement. 

In the world of the elite, family members were often rivals as much as they were kin. A brotherly bond as the Ashbournes‘, thick as blood, was indeed a rare gem. 

If Chasel were expelled from the Bright family, Warner would be the sole heir to the Bright group’s legacy. Everythingfrom Grandpa’s inheritance to Dad’s influencewould be his for the taking. The punches he took suddenly didn’t hurt as much. 

Sensing his threat had fallen flat, Zachary piled on more pressure. “And don’t even think about practicing medicine in this country. With one word from the Bright group, which hospital would dare hire you?” 

Pfft, The sky is the limit for the birds to fly, and the boasting couldn’t be any bigger,” Evadne scoffed with a sharp glint in her eye. “Are you still drunk on cheap wine? You really think you’re the emperor who can cover the sky with one hand? Not to mention, once Chasel leaves the country, you can’t control him. Even if he doesn’t go abroad, as long as Chasel is willing, our Ashbourne family’s hospital will welcome him with open arms anytime. Can you stop that?” 

Arnold mocked as well. “Tch, the nonsense some people spot. What were they thinking about?” 

Publicly humiliated, Zachary couldn’t find words to retort. At this moment, Chasel spoke up with resolute clarity. “Threats of betrayal and abandonment don’t faze me, Do you really think these trappings of fame and fortune can? I’ve never had any desire to inherit anything from the Bright family I’m utterly disappointed in this family. After Aunt Suri left, the Bright family has nothing left for me to hang onto. Let’s make a clean break.” 

You ungrateful wretch! Disgrace!” 

Seeing his own son defy him in public, Zachary, always accustomed to pride and authority as the family patriarch, couldn’t hold back any longer

As he glared and stepped toward Chasel, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared, blocking his way. 


The next second, a resounding slap echoed through the room as Suri’s hand landed fiercely across Zachary’s cheek! 



Chapter 667 

The force of the slap left Zachary’s face burning and swollen, his eardrums ringing. 

“Surt, you hit me? I’m your brother!” 

“My brother? Do I have one?” 

Suri’s beautiful eyebrows rose as she laughed coldly and mercilessly. “Aren’t I just like Chasel, already cast out by you all from the Bright family? Moreover, you’re nothing but an adopted son.” 

Adopted son! 

Warner and Chasel were both stunned. 

This was clearly a family secret that they, as the younger generation, knew nothing about! 

And Suri, by choosing this moment to reveal the family’s most guarded secret, left Zachary no dignity. 

“In truth, I am the only legitimate bloodline of the Bright family, the sofe daughter of the Bright group. You’ve used York’s preference for sons over daughters to lift yourself up, to gain some power within the Bright group. Otherwise, how dare you, with your so–called brother status, presume to lord over me?” 

Zachary was livid, left speechless and unable to counter. 

Yes, he was adopted. 

He was the child desperately adopted by York, who yearned for a descendant yet remained childless for many years, to make the dwindling Bright group look prosperous again. They had secretly taken him from an orphanage! 

And then, just five years after bringing Zachary into the Bright family, Mrs. Bright miraculously became pregnant and gave birth to the true heir of the Bright group, Suri. 

Unfortunately, she was a girl. 

Despite this, due to her natural beauty and intelligence, York and the old lady favored her immensely, doting on her greatly. For a long time, this beautiful daughter even managed to overturn the old master’s prejudice against women leading the family. 

Until Suri met the dashing and handsome Emeric at a high–society ball. 

If she had not made that shocking decision against the societal norms back then, the Bright group today might very well have. been equally hers and Zachary’s to share. 

This slap is for Chasel! Just because he treated Emeric, you abused the family discipline to satisfy your vendetta. You’re unworthy of being a father!” 

Suri’s eyes were bloodshot with hatred. “But a slap was too kind for you. From now on, we’ll see each other in the marketplace. Let me tell you, as long as the K Group exists, the Bright group won’t have its way in Skyrim, won’t be reigning supreme! Chasel, 

come with me!” 

“Right behind you, Aunt!” Chasel immediately responded, his eyes brimming with tears. 

A rebel? Far from it. He was the epitome of obedience! 

Evadne and Thaddeus shared a knowing look and sighed in relief. 

Their biggest fear was the Bright family using blood ties to bind Chasel, to oppress him with paternal authority. 

Thankfully, they had given him enough support, and he had made a firm decision. 

The Bright family’s schemes were foiled, and they also suffered beatings. 

And additionally, they were served a juicy family scandal. 

The Ashbourne family together with Chasel, left as if they were the true family unit. 

Zachary glared at Suri’s departing figure with deep resentment, helpless as the people from S–Star Group blocked his way. He had to swallow this bitter pill! 

On the way back, Chasel wrapped his arm around Suri’s shoulder, holding back his tears, and joked, “If you ever go to the police to change your last name, take me with you” 

“Silly boy, what’s in a last name? It represents nothing” 

Suri smiled tenderly, gripping his hand. Where your heart is, that’s where your home is.” 

Chasel was silent, tears streaming down his face. 

“Sorry, Chasel. For the harsh words I said to you and how I pressured you, I’m really sorry.” 



Chapter 667 

Suri expressed her deep remorse and heartache. 

“It’s all in the past.” 

Chasel’s tears gave way to a radiant smile. “Let’s leave the past behind. I just want to look forward now.” 

As they spoke, night had fallen. 

Outside, the media storm raged, but inside the hospital, all was peaceful. 

After a tumultuous day, Emeric was now asleep. His family surrounded him, the warm family atmosphere unaffected by the consecutive shocks. 

Late at night, Cassius called Evadne and Thaddeus out to the backyard for a talk. 

“I’ve found out who leaked my relationship with Chasel. Elvis cracked it. The money paid to the paparazzi came from an offshore account under Matthew Chambers‘ name.” 

Cassius‘ eyes smoldered darkly, his hand clenched into a fist as if made of iron. 

This type of information, usually accessible only to law enforcement, was merely a matter of time for Elvis, a top–tier hacker and 


“It’s that bastard!” 

Evadne was livid with rage. “Matthew must be seeking revenge for the Country T resort land deal. It was you, Cassius, who sold the land to him. After the deal went sour, he lost his CEO position. It’s only natural he’d wait for a chance to hit back!” 

Thaddeus pondered, suspicion dawning. “The evidence does point to Matthew, and he has a strong motive. But Cassius, of all people, has the capability to protect Dr. Bright thoroughly.” 

Phew, that was close. 

Almost let “keeping the mistress in a love nest” sl*p out! 

“Based on my years of business dealings with Matthew in the business world, I know he may have some smarts, but his vision and strategic depth hardly seem capable of uncovering the relationship between Cassius and Dr. Bright.” 

Thaddeus‘ eyes brewed with a cold intensity. “I believe Cassius has been cautious enough, but the fact that they were still exposed means that someone has been watching them from the shadows, and perhaps not just them. The entire Ashbourne family might be under the surveillance of that mastermind. The only possible explanation is to create instability for Cassius within the corporation at the critical moment of the Emeric’s illness, coincidentally exposing their relationship. This not only shakes Cassius‘ position in the financial group but also escalates the Emeric’s condition. Such a sinister plot, a classic case of killing two birds with one stone. I doubt even with a new brain, Matthew could have come up with that.” 


17 02 


Suri expressed her deep remorse and heartache. 

“It’s all in the past.” 

Chasel’s tears gave way to a radiant smile. “Let’s leave the past behind. I just want to look forward now.” 

As they spoke, night had fallen, 

Outside, the media storm’raged, but inside the hospital, all was peaceful. 

After a tumultuous day, Emeric was now asleep. His family surrounded him, the warm family atmosphere unaffected by the consecutive shocks. 

Late at night, Cassius called Evadne and Thaddeus out to the backyard for a talk. 

“I’ve found out who leaked my relationship with Chasel. Elvis cracked it. The money paid to the paparazzi came from an offshore account under Matthew Chambers‘ name.” 

Cassius‘ eyes smoldered darkly, his hand clenched into a fist as if made of iron. 

This type of information, usually accessible only to law enforcement, was merely a matter of time for Elvis, a top–tier hacker and 


“It’s that bastard!” 

Evadne was livid with rage. “Matthew must be seeking revenge for the Country T resort land deal. It was you, Cassius, who sold the land to him. After the deal went sour, he lost his CEO position. It’s only natural he’d wait for a chance to hit back!” 

Thaddeus pondered, suspicion dawning. “The evidence does point to Matthew, and he has a strong motive. But Cassius, of all people, has the capability to protect Dr. Bright thoroughly.” 

Phew, that was close. 

Almost let “keeping the mistress in a love nest” sl*p out! 

“Based on my years of business dealings with Matthew in the business world, I know he may have some smarts, but his vision and strategic depth hardly seem capable of uncovering the relationship between Cassius and Dr. Bright.” 

Thaddeus‘ eyes brewed with a cold intensity. “I believe Cassius has been cautious enough, but the fact that they were still exposed means that someone has been watching them from the shadows, and perhaps not just them. The entire Ashbourne family might be under the surveillance of that mastermind. The only possible explanation is to create instability for Cassius within the corporation at the critical moment of the Emeric’s illness, coincidentally exposing their relationship. This not only shakes Cassius‘ position in the financial group but also escalates the Emeric’s condition. Such a sinister plot, a classic case of killing two birds with one stone. I doubt even with a new brain, Matthew could have come up with that.” 

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