His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 658

Chapter 658 

Jason gave a solemn nod, pulling a stack of papers from his briefcase and distributing them to the directors. 

“Non–disclosure agreements?!” 

The room erupted in disbelief, the air thick with indignation; they questioned, “Ms. Ashbourne, what is the meaning of this? We’ve been your father’s trusted associates for years, comrades in arms who helped him build his empire. How could you distrust us? Are you looking down on us or something?!” 

Evadne’s gaze was unwavering, her voice cool and composed, “You’re taking this too seriously. This is merely a precaution to safeguard my father, the K Group, and all your interests. It has nothing to do with respect or the lack thereof. A non–disclosure agreement is a protective measure. It’s meant for those with less than honorable intentions. You are not only my father’s business partners but his friends. I trust none of you would do anything to tarnish his reputation. This is just to ensure we are all secure. Otherwise, why bother with contracts in business at all, right?” 

Her words were diplomatic, leaving no room for argument. Otherwise, wouldn’t they be admitting to being the untrustworthy ones she hinted at? 

Soon enough, every NDA was signed. 

Jason’s brow furrowed as he leaned in to whisper to Evadne, “Ms. Ashbourne, Bevis is missing.” 

“I know. There’s no rush. We’ll discuss it in a moment,” her bright eyes were shadowed with concern. 

After collecting all the signed agreements, the directors, having lost their patience, didn’t even bother with pleasantries. They stood and made for the door. 

“Now that you’ve all signed.” Evadne swiveled her chair to face away from them, her voice icy, “I must remind you that the company has a stringent set of bylaws. The most important of which states that no director shall act against its best interests. Any violation of this rule will result in expulsion from the board and a permanent ban from reappointment. Is that understood?” The directors, feeling the weight of her words like a heavy stone upon their chests, had no response. They left in haste, the conference room falling silent once more. 

In that moment of solitude, Evadne’s strength seemed to drain from her, her hands covering her face as she bent forward, her b*dy succumbing gradually. 

She knew her father was safe with Thaddeus and Dylan by his side. She longed to be with him, but faced with such an unprecedented crisis in the Ashbourne family’s history, she could barely control the panic that gripped her. 

“Ms. Ashbourne, don’t be afraid.” 

Jason knelt beside her, his eyes red with concern as he comforted her, “We’re all here for you. Chairman Ashbourne will be alright, and so will the K Group!” 

Drawing a deep breath, Evadne removed her hands from her face, her complexion pale as snow. 

“Jason, thank you for coming so quickly.” 

“What are you saying?!” Jason’s eyes widened, his gaze intense, “No matter what happens, my loyalty to you is unwavering!” 

“I know, and I’m sorry to you and Nydia.” The bitterness rose in her throat, “But don’t worry, I’ll find a suitable secretary soon. You won’t be inconvenienced for long.” 

“No, Ms. Ashbourne. I want to be your secretary.” Unable to accept it, Jason shook his head fervently, “I don’t care for high positions or riches. I just want to ease your burdens and ensure you have peace of mind. If you still trust me, if you don’t mind that I’m not as quick as I used to be, then please let me be your secretary once more.” 

Evadne’s throat tightened again; she was too moved to speak. 

On their way to the chairman’s office, Jason raised his concerns again. 

‘Ms. Ashbourne, by not having Bevis sign the NDA, aren’t you leaving a loophole? He’s notorious for spilling secrets and now, without an agreement, he’ll surely stir up trouble behind our backs!” 

“I’m aware.” Evadne strode forward with purpose, “I left that rat hole open deliberately for that rat to crawl into I’m waiting for him to take the bait.” 

Jason gasped in shock, “What?” 

“You didn’t really think the NDA had any real power, did you?” Evadne’s eyes were icy as she continued, “There are no secrets that time doesn’t reveal. My father’s collapse at the company, even without a hospital visit, is something we can’t hide. 

Bevis, having witnessed it, surely believes he’s found an opportunity for a counterattack, and he’ll be itching to exploit it. To kill 



Chapter 658 

him, we have to let him act. If he doesn’t make a move, how can I retaliate?” 

Jason, now understanding her strategy, gave her a thumbsup, “Wow! Ms. Ashbourne, you’re so cunning, er, I mean, brilliantly clever!” 

When Evadne arrived at her father’s side, the medical team had just left. Emeric’s condition had stabilized, but his spirits were in the depths. 

“Did you tell the family?” Evadne asked Thaddeus, her eyes brimming with tears. 

The man gently shook his head, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close with tenderness, “They’ll have to know sooner or later, but let’s not tell them just yet. Mr. Ashbourne doesn’t look well; he needs some peace and quiet.” 

Lowering her gaze, Evadne leaned her forehead against his broad shoulder, her fists trembling with tension. She was Emeric’s daughter and knew her father well – they shared the same temperament. How could she not understand the turmoil within him

Is everything taken care of there? If you need your hubby’s help, just ask. Don’t shoulder it all alone,” Thaddeus now was getting bold, but also was speaking the words from his heart. 

It’s handled, all taken care of,” she replied weakly, sniffling. 

“You’re incredible,” Thaddeus couldn’t help but k*ss her cheek, his heart racing. 

He’d take the scolding, even a punch, because she was his wife, and there was no escaping that fact. 

“What’s really going on with Dad’s health?” Evadne asked, anxiety lacing her voice. 

“The medical team did what they could with limited resources. They stabilized him for now, but further examination at a hospital is needed. However, Mr. Ashbourne refuses to go.” 

Evadne was furious, “At this point, what does his pride matter? Is that more important than his life?!” 

Thaddeus held her trembling hand, a wry smile gracing his l*ps, “Honestly, for a man like Mr. Ashbourne who’s lived his life with such dignity, losing face can be worse than losing life itself.” 

To suffer insult over injury, indeed! 

“After the last fiasco with Warner, we can’t call Chasel in for help again.” 

Evadne sighed dejectedly, “If Emeric had a broken arm or leg, I could handle it, but neurology, that’s just not my field.” 

“After all, it’s my fault.” Thaddeus‘ stomach twisted with remorse and guilt, “It must have been that medication. The effects were too aggressive; it caused side effects! I should never have been so careless with Mr. Ashbourne’s treatment.” 

“Thaddeus, you can’t blame yourself for this; please don’t beat yourself up.” 

Evadne stroked his cheek before approaching her father. At that moment, Emeric lay still on the couch, his back to them, covered 

in a blanket. 

Evadne’s nose tingled with the sharp sting of unshed tears. Her father’s silhouette had always been an insurmountable mountain to her. As a child, he stood before her, sheltering her from the storm. As she grew, he stood behind her, her rock–solid support. 

But now, he seemed to have aged in an instant. There he was, curled up silently, a pitiful figure, withered and frail. 

“Emeric, hey.” 

Evadne squatted beside his couch, gently nudging him, trying to sound upbeat and comforting, “What’s the matter, feeling a bit embarrassed? Heck, what’s the big deal? In this day and age, who’s going to talk nonstop about this? To brag about their zero moral stand? Besides, we Ashbournes run this whole Group. If I pulled a stunt at the front door, they’d come ‘round to compliment me, not gossip. Who would dare?” 

Thaddeus and Dylan were speechless. They both knew that Ms. Ashbourne was trying to comfort Chairman Ashbourne, but perhaps a more civilized choice of words would have been better. 

Emeric remained silent, his back still turned. 

“Emeric, you’ve weathered greater storms than this, and certainly wouldn’t beat down by this petty incident, would you?” Evie was growing impatient, “Emeric, can’t you just toughen up a bit? You’ve got so many kids, so many wives to look after. What would we do if you fell apart?” 


Emeric finally spoke, his voice hoarse and nearly inaudible, “I’ve let you down, haven’t I?” 

Evadne’s heart clenched, “Dad, what are you talking about? No, not at all!” 

“I even disgust myself. You all must find me such a burden.” 



Emeric’s b*dy stiffened even more, curling tighter, Evadne, do you know what I thought at that moment? I was relieved, your mother passed away early. Otherwise, if she saw what I’ve become, how much more would she despise me, would feel disappointed?” 

He hadn’t forgotten Thaddeus was there. By showing his most vulnerable side without hesitation, it was clear he no longer considered Thaddeus an outsider. 

“Dad.” Evadne’s l*ps quivered, her words choked by emotion. 


“Mr. Ashbourne, I’m here.” Thaddeus stepped forward, standing shoulder to shoulder with his beloved. 

“I used to hate you, curse you, even physically fight you and tried over and over to separate you and Evadne. I know I was harsh, but now I’m asking for your forgiveness. I’m sorry.” 

Thaddeus was stunned, unable to speak, his words jumbled, “No, Mr. Ashbourne! Please don’t think that way. I’ve never resented you, never thought you were wrong. There’s no need for apologies.” 

“From now on, my most beloved, my precious daughter, I entrust her to you.” 

Emeric spoke with difficulty, “I know, Thaddeus, your character, your love for Evadne, is beyond question. Just one thing, take good care of the Abernathy Group. Make money like I did, so my daughter won’t have to spend a day in poverty. Besides that, I have nothing more to say.” 

Dylan could hardly believe his ears, his face radiating uncontrollable joy! 

Thaddeus‘ heart pounded like a drum, his gaze locking with the blushing girl beside him, “Rest assured, I will continue to strive to bring all the wonderful things in this world to Evadne.” 

But what Evadne wanted most, she already had. To her, the greatest treasure was Thaddeus‘ love. 

Just then, her phone rang. Seeing it was her brother, she answered immediately, “Cassius!” 

“Evadne, Dylan contacted me, and already told me about Dad.” 

Cassius‘ voice was low but steady, a comforting presence, “You and Thaddeus bring Dad to the Ashbourne family hospital. Chasel is with me; he’ll treat Dad.” 

“Chasel? Chasel’s back?!” Evadne exclaimed with joy. 

“Yes, he’s back.” 

Cassius took a deep breath, his voice tender, “This time, I don’t want him to leave again.” 


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