His Doll

Chapter 23- Returning to my home!

Author's p.o.v

It's afternoon time and Devika is pacing here and there inside the bedroom like a madwoman. She is only thinking about leaving this house.

But she also remembered her mother's saying. Her mother wants her to make this marriage successful. But how can she!!

She isn't living with a normal person!! She is living with a psycho. She understood that she can't make this marriage successful. She has already given up.

After thinking too much she decided to leave this house. She has that much trust in her mother that after seeing her condition her mother will not force her to return to this house.

Devika didn't think anymore and opened the closet. She took out some money from Abhinav's drawer.

She grabbed her purse and without taking any kind of accessories or clothes she came out of the house. She didn't even bother to change her saree.

Abhinav is not at home, Arnav is in his clinic, Avantika is in her office and Arushi has gone to meet one of her friends. Only Ruhani ma is at home. Devika didn't tell anything to anyone and came out of the mansion.

Devika is now in front of the main gate which is made of iron and various types of design are carved on the gate like it's any kind of Palace's main entrance.

Devika tried to go out when the security guards run towards her. They stopped her and said bowing their head," Mam, you can't leave the mansion. We have strict order from Abhinav sir that without his permission you can't go out".

Devika is already too much hurt and angry. And now these security guards!!

She said angrily," I don't give a shit about your psycho sir's order. Get lost from my way".

The guards are not moving anywhere. They are still standing in front of her like a wall. She tried again to go out but they stopped her. This time her anger rose its peak and she screamed," Let me go out from this cage. I can't leave with this mental patient. Just let me go"

Saying that she started crying. The guards are totally impassive because they are only doing their job.

Suddenly someone said from behind," Let her go!."

Devika along with the guards turned behind and saw Ruhani ma. Seeing her, every guard bowed down their head to show her respect.

Ruhani ma came forward and ordered," Let her go."

Ruhani ma's voice is filled with anger. She is angry with Abhinav because of his behaviour toward devika. One of the guards said lowering his eyes," But mam...Abhinav sir has forbidden..... The guard couldn't complete his sentence when Ruhani ma barked on his face," just let her go. I will handle Abhi".

Another guard tried to say something when Ruhani ma showed everyone her palm and every guard zipped their mouth. They stepped behind from their position and gave access to Devika so that she can leave.

Devika is crying and thanking Ruhani ma for her generosity. Before leaving, Devika hugged her tightly and said," Thank you so much, Ruhani ma. Thank you so much!!

Ruhani ma also hugged her back and said patting her back," Just go to your house, dear. I think your mother will help you. Tell her everything. Just go from this hell." Devika didn't waste any time and came out from the mansions main entrance. After one and half month of her marriage, she has come out of the mansion. Seeing the surrounding around her she took a deep breath. The cool breeze is touching her skin and making her relaxed.

Before leaving, she turned to the mansion and said angrily," Goodbye Mr Abhinav Agnihotri. I will never return to you. I will not be your doll anymore". Saying that she took a cab and started her journey to her home. She doesn't know that destiny will again play with her cruelly.

Abhinav's p.o.V

I am right now in my office. Today I am feeling too much satisfaction thinking that finally, Agnish is in my clutch.

He has raped my mother with his fellow policeman huh!!! I will not spare him. He will see hell very soon. I will kill him slowly giving immense pain. I will also find out all those policemen who were involved with Agnish and will punish them cruelly.

I can't believe that he is the same policeman who was in charge of my mother's case. That's why he closed the case so early so that his crimes didn't come out. If I knew this information at that time I would have surely killed him.

But it's not late yet. I will kill him but first, I will play with him. I will give him all the pain which my mother felt. I will give him all the pain which I and my siblings faced after our mother's death. That Bhabani bitch had already ruined my mother at that time and this Agnish had completely broken her.

Nalini said that ma was afraid of Agnish. That means she knew Agnish from the very first. Well, I will find out everything about why Agnish raped my mother. After all, I have him for many days. He will pay for his every sin.

I still remember that black day of my life. That day was the worst day of my life. My mother committed suicide that day. After her death, our lives become more mortifying.


(It's been one week since ma has suffered those torture. After that night She has become quiet. She didn't go out for her work anymore. She doesn't even talk with us properly. I have asked her many times about those persons who hurt her. First, she didn't even want to talk about that matter. One day she only said that a policeman is responsible for her this condition. I have asked her many times to tell me that bastard's name but she never told me anything.

At that time we were staying in a slum type area and living in a small house. I and my siblings used to study at the nearby school. Ma tried very hard to make us educated. To help ma in her financial status I used to work as a hotel boy apart from my studies.

On That black day as usual I and my siblings went to school. Ma was alone at home. Before going to school I saw her totally fine and even she was recovering from that rape trauma. I was happy that my mother is finally becoming normal. But I didn't even imagine in my dreams that ma will take her life by herself.

That day when I and my siblings returned from school we noticed that the door of our house is slightly open. We entered and called our mother but there was no response. And when we entered the small bedroom of our house where we all always slept we saw that ma is hanging from the ceiling fan and her eyes are closed. Seeing the scene, my whole body became frozen. My siblings were crying loudly. But there were no tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Ma just left us!!!

My siblings clutched ma's feet which were hanging. They were crying that our mother isn't talking anymore. Hearing my siblings crying the neighbour came forward and they also became shocked seeing the scenery.

They immediately called the police and after 30 minutes, the police entered our house. They took down ma's dead body. I was just looking at her face. Her face was whitish and her eyes were closed. I was feeling like my soul has also left my body with her soul. I was standing like a living corpse.

Police were taking out ma's body and I was looking at everything like a statue. Arushi is in my lap and sleeping. After crying for hours, this innocent child has slept on my lap. Arnav and Avantika are crying clutching my legs.

Avantika is asking only one thing, "Bhai, where are they taking ma? Why ma isn't saying anything?

Listening to her I couldn't control my tears anymore and broke down into too much crying.

I was too devastated. I wasn't understanding what should i do. How will i survive in this world along with my siblings without any guardian?. My heart was totally shattered into pieces. I was not understanding why ma did this. How can she just leave us in this cruel world alone?

Then I remembered every humiliation towards my mother which this society gave her. I remembered our neighbour's humiliation. They always humiliated my ma because my ma was a bar dancer. They never try to understand that situations made my ma a bar dancer and after that rape incident my ma was totally devastated. That's why she committed suicide. I was understanding why she did this. After all, everybody has a patience level. And after that rape incident my mother's patience level broke down and she committed suicide. I couldn't blame her. After all, this world has given her only pain and humiliation.

After her suicide police didn't even investigate her case. They closed the case just in three days saying that it's just suicide. There is nothing to investigate. As I had no guardian and power so I have to let the case go.

I was already facing the cruel world. But after her death, I understood that this World is only for rich people. I was in total financial problem. My little earning couldn't bear our expenses. We have to leave our school. We were eating only one time per day instead of three-time because of the lack of money.

I was glad that at least we had our house as a shelter but God was so cruel to us that he snatched the house also from us. That fire accident made us homeless. That time I lost everything and came into the streets. We had no food, no shelter and no clothes with us. To satisfy our hunger sometimes we have to eat leftover from hotels and restaurants. Some times when we didn't get that leftover also, we had to eat from dustbins. If ma were alive than we didn't have to see those cruelties.)

Flashback ended

Remembering those days my eyes become watered. My heart started paining. Those memories always gave me a headache with too much pain. And that's all happened because of Bhabani Gupta.

This bitch had snatched everything from my mother. Her happiness, her dignity in this society and her right to survive like a virtuous lady. Because of that bitch my mother has to become a bar dancer. Because of her, my mother lost her dignity in this society. I will not spare her and her family. Her countdown has started. She is now a mere swiper in my company. Her daughter is my personal whore named as my wife. Her other kids are thrown out from a reputable school because she can't pay their fees. Her children are now reading in a normal school. Very soon I will make her live on the street. And about my whore wife she will always be with me. After using her to my heart's content I will throw away her from my life. That's how my revenge will be fulfilled. And about Agnish, he has already started regretting his birth. More treatments are coming for him very soon.

I am thinking all this when my phone rang. I saw that it's from the security section of my mansion. I frowned my brows a little. Security guards don't call me without any emergency.

Maybe there is an emergency at my house. I didn't waste any time and picked up the call. And after listening to the emergency, my blood gets boiled with raw anger.

I barked on the phone," You morons!! Who permitted you to let her go?

The guard informed me everything that my wife has left the mansion. I am astonished seeing her audacity. She again disobeyed me. This time I will punish her so hard that she will never ever think of getting outside of the mansion. I stood up from my seat and left my office. I know where has my wife gone. Tonight I will show her the real devil of mine.

Author's p.o.v

Bhabani Gupta has just returned from her work. She is too much tired and worried right now. Yesterday she had transferred Ruhi and Neel from a reputable school to a normal school as she wasn't able to pay the fees. Moreover, she is worried about everything.

There is no news from Agnish. Like he has vanished in the air. Bhabani's life is becoming miserable day by day. Once she was a reputable businesswoman and now she is working as a mere swiper.

She is glad that at least she has still this roof above her head. If Abhinav snatches this house also than she will be homeless and have to live on the street.

She is cursing Abhinav every day for snatching everything from her. She forgets that Karma is a bitch. Very soon she is going to pay for her sins.

Right now she is freshly showered and laid down on the bed for rest. She is having too much pressure in her mind. Ruhi and Neel are both are in their room and studying.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Bhabani is not in any mood to open the door so she told Ruhi to open the door. She is thinking that maybe her neighbour has come. She closed her eyes to sleep when she heard a familiar voice. The voice said with a crying tone," Ma".

Bhabani Gupta sat back on her bed and found Devika at the door.

Seeing her Bhabni became surprised. She isn't understanding how devika came here. But she is happy from inside that now she will be able to talk with devika about her situation. She will tell devika to talk with Abhinav to give her a respectable job.

On the other hand, after another month devika is seeing her ma. She rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. Bhabani also hugged her though the hug was just for acting. Devika said crying," Ma, I missed you a lot. I have missed you every day."

Bhabani removed herself from Devika's hold and said with her fake concern tone," I missed you too, dear. But how did you come here? Did your husband permit you to come here? Listening to her devika started crying like a child.

She said hiccuping," Ma, I have escaped from there. Ma, don't send me back to that man. Please, ma. I am begging you!! He is an animal. He is not any human being. I don't want to go back" Bhabani is listening to everything. She can see Devika's afraid and miserable state. But still, She is trying hard to make devika understand that she is now married and her husband's house is her house now. She can't live here in her mother's house.

Devika is crying miserably and said holding Bhabani's hand," Ma, don't send me back to the hell. I can't live with that psycho. He is insane. Ma, he is not normal. He will kill me one day with his torture". Bhabani is getting irritated by Devika's crying. She is already in so much tension and now devika!! She is trying very hard to control her anger. And finally, her patience level broke down and she slapped devika on her face saying," is this manner I have taught you.!! To leave your in-laws house. Huh!! You are a total failure. I shouldn't have given birth to a failure like you. I should have killed you when you were in my womb".

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