His Dark Obsession by Moonlight Muse

Chapter 121

Continuation from His Dark Obsession by Moonlight Muse to
His Fated Obsession (Book 2) Chapter 42. A Turning
It’s been two hours since I snapped his neck, but he is still unmoving.
Title of the document
His heart hasn’t beat, and he is simply lying there lifeless.
What did I do? F*uc*k, I killed him!
My heart is thundering as I cradle his head in my lap. We’re still in his motel room, a place that can be broken into without a
But there’s no way I can move him anywhere safer or more secure.
The Dark Crow may still be around and if they are... God, I don’t want to think of it.
He has got to be strong enough to fight this!
Come on Kash!
Through my panicked state, I had somehow managed to tell Blade I wasn’t going to be on lookout with him as I had things to do,
but I just hope he bought it. He has asked twice when I’ll be coming but I am unable to reply.
He knew I was with Kash... but I can’t deny that either.
I know I need to go out there, but I can’t, not until I know Kash will be ok.
He has to be...
I touch my mark, tracing my finger over the mark he has left on me. I can feel it becoming one with my skin but I have not had
the chance to look at it... or I didn’t want to. It would make things even more real.
I place my hand over it, chanting in the ancient tongue. I can still feel my mark, but to everyone else, they won’t be able to see it.

I look over at the 2-litre bottle of blood that is sitting there, waiting for Kash. I had commanded Gray to get some blood for me,
because I know when he wakes up, and he will, he’ll be hungry.
He may not forgive me for what I’ve done, but I am not going to let him die. I can live with him hating me forever, as long as it
means he’ll live.
Even if we aren’t going to be together, I want him to live his best life.
Do I?
What if that includes other women?
I run my hand through his silky black hair, enjoying the feel of it between my fingers. My gaze dips to the bite I had given him the
first time I had ever met him.
He had been dressed all in black, a mask covering his face, and I remember staring into those piercing green eyes when he had
infiltrated our base.
One werewolf all alone got past our security, I was impressed, but sadly he didn’t get far.
Only after I had bitten into him, ready to tear him to shreds, did I feel the sparks that had shot through me.
I knew what it was the moment I felt that tug between us. He too had looked as shocked and when I removed that mask, my
heart had skipped a beat at how handsome he looked.
The start of an odd forbidden bond that never should have been...
Sighing I brush my fingers over the bite mark.
It’s fading...
I lower my head, knowing I have just signed myself up for doom.
Turning someone was strictly forbidden and above that, a werewolf?
That was sin itself.
Once he shifts, the others will know, and I will probably be outed to Vadam by my team.

My time is running out, and I know I will soon have to act.
Running my hand down his chest, I relish in the feel of the defined ridges of his perfect body.
It’s a game of push and pull... but ultimately, we can ’t be...
Suddenly, the door is slammed open and I look up startled, quickly jumping up and moving away from Kash.
My heart thunders as I stare at Blade, who stands there, filling the tight door frame. His chest is heaving as he takes in the scene
before him and I know he knows... F*uc*k “What did you Ziahra!” He hisses.
Stepping inside, he slams the door shut and locks it.
He then turns his blazing red eyes on me as he grabs my arm in a painful grip.
My eyes flash dangerously, and I shove him back. “Remember who you are talking to! ” I snarl. “And do not manhandle me! ”
“I thought I knew who I’m talking to but I don’t recognise the woman before me.” He hisses.
“I’m still the princess.” I counter.
“You will not be royalty once Exodus takes the throne.” He sneers.
My heart is thumping as I glare at him. He isn’t thinking straight, and he won’t, not when it comes to Kash.
“I had to do it.”
“What do you mean you had to! You know it’s forbidden to turn anyone!” Blade hisses. “You are being reckless, and you know
what’s on the line, Zia!”
I know...
I also know why he’s so angry, he’s tied to serve Vadam because just like my mother his family is also held against him.
Blade is one of the most powerful of our kind, and everyone saw us as a future couple...
“Let’s get rid of him and fix things, Zia...
I shake my head slowly.

Maybe once upon a time, I saw that happening, a conventional alliance with someone I considered a friend... but... not anymore,
not since Kash has stepped into my life.
“I had to. But, you don’t need to worry, it doesn’t matter, he will die in the end, anyway.” I say, those words leave a horrible taste
in my mouth. “I just don’t want to piss Zedkiel off. He thinks we have a deal.”
I hope he buys my lie.
He won’t die, he’s powerful, and if it was anyone else, they wouldn’t have even been able to walk around the way Kash has been
for weeks after being bitten.
“You have feelings for him, don’t you?” Blade asks coldly.
“We were never exclusive Blade, I owe you no answers,” I reply, glaring at him as my eyes simmer red.
I look down at Rash’s body, when suddenly Blade grabs me and slams me up against the wall.
“Then how about I finish him off?” He snarls. “Let’ s stick to the original plan. You’re far too lenient with the mutts Ziahra, to the
point where I wonder if they’re really drugged at all.”
My eyes widen in shock, and even though he took me by surprise for just a split second, it was enough for him.
He lets go of me and in a flash, he’s above Kash, with the intent to kill.
Not on my watch!
My eyes blaze red as I rush at him, shoving him back, just as he is about to tear his heart out. I slam him back against the wall,
blocking his path.
“Don’t touch him!” I snarl. “Please Blade, don’t do this!”
Anger and jealousy contort his face before he throws me across the room with full force.
I crash into the small table near the door, hitting the wall before falling to the floor.
I jump up just as he rushes at Kash. Bending down, he raises his hand, ready to end him.
I see red.

Things happen too fast, just as he raises his hand to rip his heart out, I’m before him, grabbing his neck with one hand, a piece of
the splintered wood from the table in my other hand, I raise my hand plunging my make-shift stake into his heart.
His eyes widen in shock, the blazing red returning to brown.
“Zi...” The confusion and betrayal on his face is an expression I will never forget...
He was someone who has always protected me...
Who have I become?
I yank the stake out as his body drops backwards onto the floor. I stare at him as his life fades away.
The reality of what I have done hitting me with full force.
I stabbed him through the heart.
He’s gone...

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