His Dark Obsession by Moonlight Muse

Chapter 12

12. A Massage
I don’t know how long I stared at him, but when his eyes simmered red, I knew I couldn’t test him any further and slowly inched
closer to the bathtub. Now more
than ever wishing there was some bubble bath available. What if I saw his monster?
Then I needed to keep my eyes closed!
I inched nearer and kneeled behind his
head on the floor, thinking this was perfect! He couldn’t even see me from
here. But it was only a few moments later that I realised I couldn’t reach properly from here, and I slowly got up again.
Should I sit on the edge of the tub?
No never!
“I don’t have all day, Little Mouse,” He
snarled, making me flinch, my hands instantly going to his shoulders.
Pouting I began massaging his shoulders, unsure if I was doing this correctly, but when a low groan left his lips, I got my answer.
My heart thundered, I guess I was doing it correctly.
Goddess... how long did I have to do this?
He tilted his head back, and I moved away just before his head almost touched my breasts. Suddenly he reached up grabbing
the back of my head making me squeak in fear as he yanked me closer, “I didn’t say you could move.”
“Y-yes.” I whispered, trying not to tremble as I massaged his shoulders. To my utter dismay, I could see he was hard,
and he didn’t seem to care that I could

see. Did he have no shame?
That scary thing... I shuddered inwardly.
He closed his eyes, his hand running down my neck, my stomach fluttered when his fingers ran down my arm, making my entire
body tingle. “Don’t stop.” His voice came, and I realised I had stopped massaging him.
“Yes, my prince.” I whispered as I continued, my eyes fixed on his defined
“I hate that title.”
Then what do I call you?
I remained silent, daring not to question
him. Instead, I foound myself observing
the beauty of the deadly man before me. If we forgot about how unhinged he was, you could see he was perfection, from his
smooth brown skin to the firmness of his
muscles everywhere. He was toned,
unlike me!
Was it because he worked out so much?
He was blessed with incredible features too, those lips looked soft, his nose firm and strong, and behind those thick lashes, that I
only noticed now, were eyes of a stunning colour.
But... this was the man from my nightmares... Why was he killing me?
Mulling over my thoughts, I continued massaging him, making sure to target all the knots I could feel. This was
something that Grandmother Philomena made me do often enough, and I was good at it. Seeing his eyes were still closed, I
slowly sat down on the edge of the tub, twisting my body, so I couldn’t target his trapezius better.
There was something about that nightmare... I just wish I remembered

more than being stabbed to death. I shivered at the pain I always felt in my nightmares; it felt so real...
Sighing softly, I pressed my thumb into a certain area, rubbing in circles to ease the tension in him. I looked down, gazing into
those gold-green eyes that were watching me. They were like gems, so clear and deep...
So beautiful from this angle, I could see the flecks of gold and green blending into one another... such intense eyes...
Eyes that were looking at me?
My own flew open wide as I jerked back, my heart thumping as I realised the prince was staring into my eyes intently.
“My patience is wearing thin, Little Omega.” He growled, “I was enjoying that massage, but your constant squealing like a pig is
becoming irritating.
I was offended, there was nothing about
me that was piglike! Just because my skin wasn’t so perfect, and yes, I turned pink at times but it did not mean I was a pig! If I
was a pig, then he was a bulldog or a
rottweiler! 1
“I wonder what goes through that mind of yours...” He murmured his expression
cold as he glared at me. Oh, I could never share my thoughts! I didn’t dare give him the chance to warn me once again and
quickly got back to massaging him.
Wash my back.”
It took me several seconds to
comprehend what he had just said, my
heart thumping as I hesitantly reached for the bottle of body wash, squirting a
bit of it onto the sponge. “C-could you move forward, p-please?” I asked

He didn’t reply, but he sat forward, and I tucked one knee up on the tub, making it easier to reach him and began sponging
his back. I made sure I was thorough and firm, pretending I was washing a rug or something.
Scrub, scrub, scrub... I hummed in my
head. 1
If he thought this was going to be something sensual, he was wrong. He was a dirty mat that needed a good clean! Soon he will
realise that I am not the
perfect sensual little omega minx he probably wanted, I was a good cleaner, nothing more! 1
He raised his arm, and I added more body wash to the sponge before I began
working on his arms. His eyes were on my breasts now, and I realised that the
faster I was scrubbing, the more they
were moving. I slowed down, trying not
to move so much, yet I wanted this over and done with fast! His eyes kept flickering from red to gold-green and when I finished
wiping down his neck
and was about to move back, he grabbed hold of my wrist, and in one swift. movement, he yanked me into the tub.
A shriek left my lips as water splashed everywhere, and I grabbed onto his arm and the edge of the bathtub, my heart pounding
as a huge wave of water splashed in my face, drenching me. His
strong arms wrapped around me, and I whimpered in fear.
He said he won’t force me, he said he won’t force me. I kept repeating in my head, trying to fight the fear that was
beginning to encase me in its prison.
Chanting my mantra, I stayed stiff in his

arms, but when he shifted position, pulling me right between his legs and his manhood poked my ass I began panicking all over
His lips grazed my neck, his hand
running down my stomach. “You know Little Omega... the urge to devour you is
only growing... the more you try to run... the more exciting this game of chase becomes.” He whispered dangerously in my ear,
as his hand began travelling lower, his fingers brushing the hem of my panties.
I bit my lip, my entire body on edge, but there was something else... something dark and dirty inside of me that was somehow
enjoying the way his cock was pressing against me. This shouldn’t feel good... The way his fingers were inching closer and
closer to my pussy, why did this feel so... exciting?
My heart continued to pound but when his hand brushed the flimsy fabric right between my legs, rubbing my pussy, I
couldn’t help but whimper, as a tantalising ripple of pleasure washed through me as soon as he had touched me. He removed
his hand, instead, taking the sponge that was floating in the bath and running it across my neck, removing
the small smears of blood that had
“Now get out, before I make you wash the rest of me.” He growled venomously, his aura suddenly darkening.
Confusion and relief flitted through me, and I quickly climbed out, feeling shaky, feeling his eyes searing into me. I ran from the
bathroom, brushing the wet
locks of my hair, and shut the door, taking a deep breath as I leaned against it for a few moments to collect myself.
Was this going to be my life from here on?
I wish... I sighed, there was no point in wishing for anything when this was my life now. I quickly hurried to the bags that
had been delivered earlier and
rummaging around, I took out a bralette and tiny panty-like shorts and changed. Praying he still considered this lingerie.

Knowing he’d be out soon, I quickly got
to cleaning up the mess he had made. The room wasn’t overly full of items, but he still seemed to find things to throw and
break. This time it was the books that he
had taken off the shelf and the couch and
table. His hot and cold attitude was
alarming, but I needed to be smart and simply hide away from him... The table was far heavier than I had thought.
After I was done, I quickly got into bed, making sure to stay right on the edge, focusing on breathing steadily. When the door
slammed open, I was prepared and
remained unmoving as he got dressed.
For a second, I wondered if my being in
bed was the right thing to do, he hadn’t
said... Did he still want me in bed?
Oh well, it was too late...
I could hear him moving around, the rustle of clothes as he got dressed, and then the sound of heavier footsteps. Did he put
some shoes on? When the
bedroom door shut, and I heard the faint sound of the door leading out open and shut, I breathed a sigh of relief. He was

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