His Choice Forever

Chapter 7 Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning and went to the shower. My eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. My roots were showing. My hair was everywhere and in all, I looked like a zombie. I had cried myself to sleep. I took a shower and took Beth to school. I went to work and it passed like a blur. I dropped Beth off at Michelle's cause she was having a sleepover again. Soon, it was evening. I went home and took a shower. Ready to go to bed. I was welcoming the darkness in when a certain electronic devil blared in my ears with 'sorry' by Justin Bieber. I answered the phone call.

"Who the fuck is this!!!!" I screamed angrily at the phone.

"Wow, sorry for disturbing you" he said amused. My eyes popped out.

"Uh-uh. S- sir?" I said nervously.

"Yeah, its me" he replied and now my eyes were as big as saucers.

"I am so sorry sir for the use of bad language. I was already sleeping and so you woke me up and I always get angry when am woken up so I'm really sorry sir." I apologized. There was a long silence before he spoke.

"You get angry when woken up?" He said suspiciously. Shit. He knew that Emilia always get angry when woken up and Emilia is me.

"Emily?. You still there?" He said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes sir. Am still here" I replied.

"Common, don't be so formal. You're my friend and so you can call me by my name which is Scott but you have to call me sir at the company" he said which brought a smile to my face. He and I are friends. He's not heartless. Just so you know, its him and Emily that are friends. My subconscious said and I knew she was right which made me frown.

"Emily? Emily?" He said.

"Sorry Scott. I zoned out. Well, Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"No problem. Well, about seeing tomorrow, we can actually just see this night." He replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm five minutes away from your house" he told Me which made me widen my eyes.

"What?!" I said.

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise but then I also wanted to buy pizza but didn't know which one to buy so that was the reason I called and so pepperoni chicken or cheese chicken?" He asked over the phone. "Pepperoni chicken now bye" I said and cut off the phone before he could say anything. I went to my room and wore my wig and as I just finished wearing my lenses, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and as I opened it, I was met with darkness because the electricity went off.

"Ok. Weirdest welcome ever." The familiar husky voice said.

"Yeah, sorry about the light. I think I just got cut off." I told him.

"Ok but how are we going to watch the movie" I started thinking and an idea popped up.

"My laptop" I said.

"Sure ok." He shrugged.

"Well, come in" I said gesturing for him to come inside.

"Thanks" he said and came in. He looked around and nodded his head.

"Nice place you got here." He said. I didn't know if he was trying to make a mockery of me or if he was actually complimenting the house.

"Don't worry. I really am complimenting your house." He told me which realized I said my thou-

"Ow!" He yelled. I realized he had hit the coffee table.

"Sorry. Are you hurt?" I asked.

"No. No. Can we start the movie?" He said.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure. Let me just go get my laptop." I told him and went to bring it. I brought the laptop and we started watching the movie. The same thing that Happened years ago was happening which was each of us glancing at each other and then we met each other's eyes and then he smashed his lips on mine and boy, it tasted so good. It felt good to have his lips touch mine one more time. I got on top of him and he started kissing my neck and then he went back to my lips but he said something which shocked me.

"God. Mia, I fucking missed your lips. It feels so good again." He said and Was about to kiss me again when I jumped away from leading to the breaking and death of my laptop. R. I. P Laptop Thompson. Scott looked at me and I could see the regret in his eyes.

"Oh my God. Shit. I've got to go now. Goodnight." He said and left leaving me with only one thought in my mind. He still loves me and I didn't know if to be sad or happy.

I went to work the next day and hoped I won't see Scott throughout today so I reached the reception and greeted Taylor.

"Miss Emily, could you come to my office." Scott said which stopped me in my tracks. He left me which meant I should follow him at his back. I rolled my eyes. He still has that big ego. Taylor was making kissy faces at me and I rolled my eyes again and followed Scott to his office. I opened the door and I already saw him sitting down. I came inside and stood awkwardly.

"Miss Emily, please lock the door." He said and I locked it and immediately, he stood up from his sit and came over to me.

"I am so so sorry Emily for what I did yesterday" he said, the regret in his eyes and me being miss Emily had to feign anger.

"Well, you sure can start by explaining." I said trying to be angry when in all, I was really happy. He still loves me. I heard him sigh. "Its a long story Emily." He said.

"I've got time" I replied and then he looked at me with that look that says 'really? You got time' in that sarcastic manner I sighed. "Fine I don't have time but you have to explain if you don't want me to get angry." I told him.

"Okay. Well, you might wanna take a seat." He said and gestured to the seat. I sat down and he also sat down.

"You see, I was in high school and well, this girl bumped into me and me, I was the typical bad boy who slept around and not caring about girls' feelings and so when that girl bumped into me and I looked at her face, I was lovestruck. Yeah yeah, I sound like a girl. So, I actually called her a bitch and slapped her and she also slapped me back which I was shocked about and also angry at her so during a class, the teacher said we were doing a presentation together and she told me we were doing the presentation together whether I liked it or not. I did the presentation as an apology for slapping her cause that was not good of me. Well later on, she came to stay at my house because her mum traveled and so we stayed together in my house and loved each other's company. Once, I got sick and she stayed with me at home so we baled cookies and gave some to our neighbor and then watched a movie. We kept glancing at each other and then almost kissed but Eric and Blake had to spoil it so we didn't kiss and she went to sleep angry which was funny actually and we also got an A on our presentation and later on, she left my house and left back to hers cause her mum came back. I invited her to come with me to my beach house during the winter for the winter break. She accepted but was only staying for two weeks when she supposed to stay for three weeks and said she wanted some time with her mum. We reached the beach house. I announced we were having a beach party the next day. We had the party and that was when I knew I had fallen hard for her and then after the party, we were having a bonfire night which was really nice and she said she was going for a walk, I didn't want to be a third wheel so I left to meet her. I apologized for my behavior and as I was apologizing, the best or should I say the worst thing happened because she kissed me and that was when all the sparks flew out. I know I sound like a girl" he let out a strained laugh. I could see the sadness in his eyes but I kept quiet not interrupting him. "So after she realized she was kissing me, she stopped and apologized then started walking away but I dragged her back and kissed and she also responded then we came out for air and she ran away leaving me confused. The day she was leaving was the worst day of my life. I asked if it was because we kissed that she wanted to leave and she said yes. She said it was a mistake. I confessed for her but she said she didn't and left me. I heard she was leaving the city to New York and so I was angry and went to her house. I told her I loved her again and that she can't just do this to me after she broke down my walls and she said it was all a bet and left which was all that took to break me. Taylor and Michelle also broke up with Eric and Blake once but got back together again. During that dinner party, I saw her again and she told me she had to leave and I told her I didn't care when inside, I started breaking again and then when I saw at your house and she told me her mum died, it was taking me in all my power not to hug her and held myself up, told her sorry and left and when I kissed you, your lips tasted just like hers that's why I called you Mia. That's my story and once more am sorry for kissing you" he said. I kept on staring at him. knew I was crying. I didn't know the pain he was feeling. I wiped my tears and decided to do something to see if he still loves me, Emilia. I went to him and went on top of him and was about to kiss him. "Emily what are you doing?" He said as he pushed me off him.

"Do you still love her?. I mean am just like her right so love me instead" I said and wen to him again and he pushed me off again.

"This isn't you Emily. Stop this" he told me.

"Do you still love her?" I asked again as I came near him.

"I do!. I fucking do! And it annoys the fuck out of me I still do even after eight fucking years okay. I still fucking love that girl. I still love her eyes, her hair, her personality. I still love every fucking thing about her" he shouted and I was so Happy but I knew I couldn't be Happy so I feigned hurt.

"So you don't even like me a little?" I said feigning hurt.

"I'm sorry Emily but I never liked you. I only saw you as a friend. Am really sorry." He said and then I nodded my head.

"I understand. I get it. I envy Emilia. I have a question" I told him.

"Ask away" he replied.

"If she ever told you why she left, would you forgive her?" I asked.

"I don't know. Except you know something" he said suspiciously.

"No. No. I don't know anything. well, I'll be going to work now. Goodbye sir and thanks for telling me your story. It really means a lot. Bye" I said quickly and left his office. I was so happy and then my phone rang. I saw it was Michelle.

"Hey Michelle, what's up?. I have something to tell you but that would be after work" I told her excitedly.

"Mia, Beth's in the hospital" she said and that's when my whole world stopped.☐☐☐☐☐☐

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