Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 54: The perfect beta

The pack house was like a house of some festival. It was so loud at that moment, filled with loud laughter, happy cheers, bright
smiles. Everyone present in the room had the feeling of happiness and contentment
Kids are patiently waiting for their cookies while doing the little tasks Athena assigned them with. The tasks were like designing
the cookies as they pleased or maybe choosing flavours or colours. They were really happy to be engaged in this activity.
Everyone was happy seeing the kids so happy and obedient for the first time. Because on some regular day, they are the real
definition of little devils. The nannies and their parents have some real hard time controlling them at once. They always create
havoc whenever they are together. They stay put only in front of their alpha. So, they must really like Athena to hear her words
like pretty little angels!
On the other hand, the women of the packs were having some nice time as well in helping Athena make the cookie. Other
women joined them too. They have never participated in activities like this before. Most of the time they pass time chatting
around and doing training. They hardly cook even for their families and leave jobs like these on omegas. They never thought it
was this fun until then.
Actually it’s the unity because of why they were enjoying it so much. Also, there was a smell of happiness i In the air as well
which was another reason.
While almost every man in the pack was waiting outside, in the living room, to taste the cookies. They were spending nice time
as well while chatting with fellow pack mates and sniffling the air every now and then.
“Such a great scene it is, isn’t it?” Nathan asked Dominic with a smile as he looked downstairs with a smile. They were on the
third floor from where the open space of the downstairs including the dining area, living room and the kitchen were visible
They were looking at the scene downstairs in astonishment as they have never seen their pack members this happy and
satisfied ever before. All the time they were either in a serious mood or busy with themselves, waiting for their alpha’s next
command. This is the first time they are engaging with each other in a healthy way with no actual reason. But still that felt really
“When was the last time you saw them like this?” Nathan asked again after not receiving any response to his first statement. He
looked at his right, to his alpha and found him looking at one particular woman with great intensity in his eyes.

It was Athena who was laughing with Patricia and some other women at that moment while mixing the cookie doughs. She was
the actual reason for the current state in the pack.
“Never I have never seen them like this before.” Dominic spoke up at last as he still couldn’t move his eyes from her. The longer
he looked at her, the more the frown on his face deepened as he got messed u p with different thoughts,
“Do you like this change? Because I absolutely love it. Even I want to join them.” Nathan said with a small chuckle as he looked
at the group of men playing some arm wrestling while the audience cheered for them and waited for their turns,
“Then join them, who’s stopping you!” Dominic scowled at him before looking away from him and walking back inside the office
room. Nathan gave one last look downstairs before following him inside with a sigh.
“You! You are stopping me, by being like this!” He snapped with another sigh, he couldn’t understand what he had to do to make
the man see the reality from where he was trying so hard to run away from. Dominic scowled at him before taking his seat on the
chair and leaned on it to get rid of the stiffness on his body but it wasn’t doing much.
“I don’t understand you, Nathan. What do you mean? How am I being?” Dominic asked, acting oblivious as usual.
“Like this! So oblivious of the situation as usual. I know you really like the current environment of our pack. Heck even you want
to join them downstairs, like me. But here you are, being the big grumpy alpha because you don’t want to accept or acknowledge
the truth.” Nathan snapped, not caring in front of whom he was talking.
“Which truth are you talking about?” Dominic asked while glaring at him.
“The truth is how perfect Luna Athena can be! She will keep the pack united just as a Luna should. She will take care of the pack
members like a mother takes care of her child. You just saw downstairs! Everyone loves her so much and how positive her
influence is for our pack. She is brave, strong, daring, filled with patience and leadership. She has the power to make people
obey and listen to her without putting any pressures on them. She is undoubtedly the perfect Luna!” Nathan exclaimed and
looked at Dominic to see his reaction to see if he agreed with him or not.
His expression was blank, void of any emotions as he listened to Nathan silently. He didn’t give away any of his inside thoughts
as he looked at Nathan with a frown.
“What do you want me to do?” He scoffed while looking away because he understood what Nathan wanted even before he
opened his mouth. His eyes gave it away already.
“Just accept her as your mate and our Luna!” Nathan still stated in a strong and stubborn tone.

“You can’t just force that on me. I need time to think and look at every pros and cons of this decision. I need to take care of things
before getting into another mess. I need to take my revenge, I need to do something to Derrick, I need to deal with Stacey and
her father, last but not the least, I have to find the rogue king and fucking remove his head from his body! I have so many things
to do before getting into the complications with Athena.” Dominic snapped and let out a sigh immediately after he was done.
“I don’t understand why are you calling the thing between you, the sacred mate bond, as complications?” Nathan asked with a
“Because of a lot of things, first of all I rejected her. Then she hates me. She lost her wolf and has some complications with her
power. Her past is the biggest mystery. Last but not the least, Ace. Her son. Her and someone else’s son. How can I overlook all
these?!” He asked with a frown as his thoughts got complicated again.
“How does that change things, Dominic? One genuine apology has the power to even end a war. She doesn’t really hate you,
she is just upset and disappointed. You can still make things better. About her wolf and power, she needs your help and support
the most in that case. You both can together look for her past and face. Because at the end, she is still your mate. You love Ace
as much as he loves you. So, don’t see where the problem is?” Nathan asked with patience.
He could understand where Dominic was coming from. He knows each and everything Dominic has been through to be like this.
But he also understands that things can’t go on like this and he knows that Dominic knew that as well. Dominic just needed a
little push and he was willing to do everything for that.
Dominic closed his eyes tightly as he hid his face in his palms. He could understand each and everything Nathan was trying to
say but he just didn’t know where to start.
“What about the other problems at hand?” Dominic asked in a tired tone.
He was too tired and exhausted to think properly. Though he was the alpha, he has his limits as well. He has the right to break
down as well and he has the right to be weak sometimes as well and that’s where a beta comes into the scene.
A true beta always supports his alpha no matter what the situation is. He never let his alpha go in situations like this when his
alpha reached his limits for the day. In situations like this, the beta takes up the responsibility to lead the pack until the alpha is
That’s why Dominic feels really lucky to have Nathan as his beta!

“Dominic, if you are worried about your revenge, Derrick, Stacey and the rogue king, the. Don’t be! Just focus on Athena for now.
You don’t know the power of a mate yet. It’s insane. Things which you couldn’t complete in years might get complete with a blink
of an eye after things get better with Athena.” Nathan suggested while looking at him hopefully.
“Things are too complicated, Nathan. I don’t know where to start. I wish I had my parents to guide me at this moment.” He said in
a broken tone and immediately his eyes got teary. Nathan felt bad for him as well.
“I understand, Dominic. We can’t change our past, right? But what we can do is take a hold of the present t o make the future
just like we want. You might not have a parent. But you have me. Do you remember that you called me your brother when we
were young and just met? I am your brother and I am always beside you. Just like the whole pack is. You just need to take the
first step and things will fall into the right place on their own.” Nathan said with an encouraging smile.
“So, what’s the first step according to you?” Dominid asked, almost considering doing what Nathan says because to be honest,
Nathan sounded smarter than him at that moment.
“Apologise! Nothing can be the best first step other than this. Try to make things better with her.” Nathan exclaimed in
excitement, happy that he could make him understand a little.
“But I can’t do it right away.” Dominic scowled before frowning in displeasure.
“I understand. You need to give yourself time as well.” Nathan nodded at him, understandingly.
“Well, I have the perfect idea on how to do that.” A voice came from the door, taking their attention to it.
Justin was standing there with a frown, making them confused seeing how his face was filled with displeasure. He was on duty at
the border today. Something must have happened to make him like this.
“What’s wrong with your face as well as your mood?” Nathan asked with a frown. Dominic waited for him t o answer.
“Derrick happened.” Justin spat in annoyance and frustration before taking a seat in front of Dominic with a slum. They both
frowned at him deeply.
“What did he do this time?” Dominic asked with gritted teeth.
“Some more harmless rogue or pack members from around got missing and eye witnesses are saying it’s done by him. So, I
think it’s the right time to call a meeting with the counsellors before things get out of hand.” Justin said with a frown.

“Call a meeting with the counsellors, Nathan. That’s the first thing we are going to do before anything.” He announced and
Nathan couldn’t do anything but nod at him because he also understood the importance o
But he just prayed things wouldn’t get messier in the meeting!
“The cookies are so tasty, Athena! Everyone enjoyed it so much! But everyone enjoyed the process more. We had so much fun
after so long. Thank you very much. Everyone is so satisfied.” Patricia said with a big smile as she looked at the front with
They both were standing at the corner of the big living room as they watched everyone enjoying the
cookies they made. Everyone was so happy. It was really satisfying to watch the scene.
“I am very happy as well. Thank you so much for inviting me earlier.” Athena said with a small smile.
“Oh, hush! It was nothing but I felt sad for Suzanne. She missed such a fun time.” Patricia said with a small sigh and a pout.
Athena looked at her with widened eyes and that’s when she remembered why she actually came there in the first place. She
suddenly got serious but kept her expression casual.
“I was wondering the same. Where is Suzanne? Do you know?” She asked with a small frown. Patricia looked at her with a small
frown of confusion as well
“She didn’t tell you?” She asked, unable to believe that. Athena let out a sigh hearing the question.
“Don’t ask. She is still upset at me because of not telling her the news before. I guess she is avoiding me.” Athena replied with a
sad pout.
Patricia felt bad for her as well as for Suzanne. She didn’t know that for that long but they still became really close. Now, she
would feel bad as well if they hid something from her.
“Well, give her some time. She will come around soon.” She said with a small smile and Athena nodded her head at her before
they fell into a little silence.
Athena was thinking how she should propose the thing she was here for in front of Patricia because it was undoubtedly the right
moment. No one was around to hear her and everyone was pretty busy spending a nice time while having cookies.

“Patricia? I need your help with something.” She spoke up while looking around cautiously. Patricia looked at her with full
attention, happy that she was asking for help to her.
“Sure, what is it? Tell me.” She spoke up immediately!
“I need your help in getting into the basement without anyone knowing. I want to meet someone there.” She whispered secretly
while looking around again. Patricia suddenly got serious after hearing her request.
“It’s the first thing you asked me for. You better share things with me after this.” Patricia let out a sigh, already getting into it
without knowing anything.
Athena couldn’t be happier!

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