Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: The right decision
"I would like to call alpha Dominic and his mate, soon to be Luna, Stacey, to the front."A senior looking man said in a serious
He was from the senior werewolf community.
He and more people like him are known as councilors.
They often make important decisions and solve problems in packs.
They are very important people and everyone respects them around here.
Even the alphas.
So, for important rituals like this, they are invited a s the main guest to complete the ceremony and put importance into it.
"Dominic, come on! I can’t wait for it to be done!"
Stacey beamed in happiness as she pulled Dominic with her up on the stage.
Dominic had a blank look on his face as he followed her motionlessly.
He didn’t know what he was doing at that moment.
His head was blasting as he felt breathless suddenly.
He looked around for something which would pull her out of the misery and suffocation he was feeling.
But the person who had the power to do that was not there and that made his heart and wolf more restless.
He looked around and his eyes first fell on the little boy, Ace.
His heart clenched as the sudden thought that he was doing something wrong to that kid stuck him and he felt some more breath
getting out of her lungs.
Then his eyes fell on his group of friends or his right hand and left hand and their mates.
All of them were wearing a deep frown.

The frown of disapproval.
They didn’t like or support his decision of making Stacey their Luna.
They were present at that moment just for his sake.
No other reason.
He was making his friends disappointed.
That took some more breath out of his lungs, increasing the suffocation.
Then his eyes fell on his people and his breath just suddenly got stuck in his throat.
As what a disaster he was doing, getting more and more clear.
None of his people were happy with what was happening.
They didn’t want that.
Then why was he doing this?! How could he be so blind to not notice this before.
How could he do this to his people?! He suddenly decided that......
"Hello, everyone! Now that we have the Alpha and the soon to be Luna with us.We would like to hear a few things from Stacey,
the future Luna and the future of Crescent Mystery pack! Please do the honour, Stacey."
Another old man said and passed the mic to Stacey which she happily took.
"Oh my goddess! Thank you so much for giving me such a big honour to be the Luna of such a strong and powerful pack.I am so
happy today.This is the happiest day of my life.I can’t wait for the ceremony to be over and be your Luna.Even the thought of it
makes me feel powerful.I hope I am not going to die in happiness when this happens.Hope everyone is happy with me being the
Luna, because if not, too bad.You don’t have any options.Just kidding.Now let’s not waste any more time and start the
ritual.Because, once again! I can’t wait!"
She shrieked out in happiness before passing the mic back to the man.

Everyone looked at her with a frown but nevertheless clapped for her crappy speech because obviously they didn’t want to upset
their Alpha.
But Dominic was looking at Stacey as if she was the stupidest woman in the world.
How could he be so stupid to not notice this before?!
"Did you see how selfish she sounded?"
"She didn’t say anything about us, her people."
"She didn’t even make any promises."
"I sounded like she just wants power, she doesn’t care about us at all."
"I don’t want her as the Luna at all."
"We can’t do anything about it.Moon goddess destined our Alpha with her."
Dominic started to breathe harshly as all those whispers attacked him from all over the room.
He knew that they were being quiet enough but his alpha ears couldn’t help but hear them and she couldn’t agree more with
"Alpha Dominic, now it’s time you mark her the traditional way every wolf marks his mate by biting at the special spot on your
mate’s neck.Then using the moon stone, blessing of our moon goddess, we will mark her as the Luna of the pack."
Another old man announced while raising a while shiny stone up in the air for everyone to see.
Moon stone is considered a small piece of the moon which the moon goddess gifted the world to use for occasions like this.
Occasions like when the Luna has to take her position ritually, or when the alpha becomes an alpha not by the bloodline or when
one of the mates are human.
The moon stone is very beautiful and powerful.
Everyone does their best to keep it protected because that was the only piece on the earth and they can’t let any evil people get
their hands on this.

Because they can misuse it in many ways because it’s filled with power.
"Dominic? What are you waiting for? Come and mark me as yours for forever! I am waiting, my love."Stacey said in an impatient
tone while forwarding her exposed neck toward him.
He frowned looking at her as suddenly everything got silent around him.
As different thoughts attacked him to think about the situation again and suddenly he came to a decision.
‘We can’t do this.We can’t do this to our people.We can’t do this to her.We can’t do this to ourselves"
He suddenly thought in his mind and heard his wolf howl in agreement.
‘That’s what I am talking about! Just get the fuck out of this place and go get our mate!’ Dominic looked at Stacey and his eyes
flashed golden.
His canines came out as he took a step toward her.
She looked at him in excitement as she beamed in happiness.
"You want to be the Luna of the pack, right?"He asked with a smirk.
With the canines and golden eyes, he looked nothing less than danger.
"Yes, Dominic.I want to be the Luna.Why are you asking this now when you are already aware of this?": — Stacey asked with a
confused smile.
"Right, I asked the wrong question.Let me ask you the right question now."
He said with a smirk, the smile dropped from her face seeing him acting like that.
"Do you think you are capable of being the Luna of my pack? Do you think you are capable of ruling the pack along with me?"He
asked with a dark glint in his eyes.
If at first Stacey’s smile dropped, at that moment her face just lost all the colours.Her face went pale as she looked at him in
confusion and shock.
Everyone else was shocked as well.

While his group of friends looked at each other in confusion.
They didn’t have a good feeling out of his sudden change of attitude a s well.
It was dangerous and scary.
"D....do... Dominic? What do you mean? What are you talking about?"Stacey asked while stammering.
It looked as if she was going to cry at that moment.
"I just asked a simple question, Stacey.But as you are so clueless, I will make it easier for you.Tell me, what ability do you have
to rule my pack, my people? What are you going to do for my people in general? What are you going to do for my people if they
are ever in some danger?"He asked in a harsh tone and Stacey was in a more bad situation at that moment.
".......will obviously try to do everything to save them.I can do everything for them, Dominic.They are going to be my people as
well.And last but not the least, I have alpha blood in my veins, of course I am the most capable to become the Luna.What are
you talking about?!"
Stacey exclaimed in a little bit of anger, slowly trying to come out of the shock and intimidation.
"Wrong answer.Being an alpha’s daughter doesn’t make you an ideal Luna.Can you sacrifice everything ? for me and my pack?
Can you fight side by my side if there’s an attack ever? Can you give up everything? Even your life?"
Dominic asked in a harsher tone.
Everyone was looking at the scene in astonishment but Nathan, Justin, Suzanne and Patricia were enjoying where it was going.
It was really funny and amusing for them to watch Dominic coming back into senses.
They couldn’t wait to see where it goes.
"I don’t understand what you are talking about, Dominic! What is the meaning of this conversation at this moment? What are you
trying to do?"Stacey asked while a panic started to raise up in her chest.
"You didn’t answer my questions, let me answer them and then you will know what I meant."Dominic said with a dangerous look
on his face.

"The answer to my questions is no.You can’t sacrifice everything for m e and my pack.You can’t fight alongside me.You can’t give
up your life for my pack.You can’t do anything and that is why I decided that-..."
He stopped and took a few deep breaths to prepare himself as everyone looked at him with their breath held inside in anxiety.
Stacey trailed off, praying to not hear what she was afraid of.
"That for the sake of my pack, I don’t want you as my mate and Luna."
He announced and everyone in the room gasped out loud and immediately murmurs started around the room.
"Did the alpha just reject her?"
"Were they mates for real or was it just a contract among the packs?"
"Who is his real mate then?"
"Did he find his mate yet?"
"What’s she going to do now?"
"I am very happy that the alpha took this decision at the right moment."
b Among all these gossips, Dominic walked straight out of the living room with panic clearly written on his face, not caring for his
friends calling him several times.
His mind was stuck at the sudden thing which he heard in his head.
‘Help! Dominic... help me..."
It was Athena’s voice.
Did she just mindlinked him? How?! But that was the least of his worries at that moment because he was running to save Athena
who was in some kind of danger.

Irene hid behind a bush as looked at the scene in front of her with widened eyes, She didn’t expect this worst turn of events,
Alpha Derrick, the alpha of the Shadow Eclipse pack, just attacked Athena with the help of a witch! Why? Why did he need the
help of a witch to catch Athena? Did he somehow get to know the thing about Athena? Damn! That’s going to be dangerous if
that’s the truth.
Even though she hopes that’s not the case here, she knew nothing better can happen which might involve a witch.
She needs to do something fast or Athena will be in great danger.She became invisible again because she realised that the
witch which Derrick hired was an old witch and she was very powerful.
So, she can’t get caught by her otherwise they both will be in danger.
She closed her eyes and read something under her breath and within a blink of an eye, she was standing i n front of the pack
house of the Crescent Mystery pack.
She never in his thoughts imagined there might a day come when she has to come to any werewolf for help.
With a big sigh, she took a deep breath and was going to take a step toward the house when something mind blowing hit her
nostrils, stopping her on her track.
It was a scent and it was so nerve-wracking yet soothing that she took a deep breath to take as much as possible of this scent.
She was lost in the scent that she didn’t notice someone walking and stopping just in front of her "Mate!"She heard a voice she
has never heard before and her eyes widened when she realised what the fuck just happened.She opened her eyes and looked
at a very handsome man standing in front of her with fascination in his eyes.
"Oh my, you are so beautiful! I can’t believe you are my mate! I am so lucky.I am Clement.What’s your name, mate?".Clement
asked with twinkling eyes.
Irene’s face formed a scowl as she looked at him in annoyance.
That’s not what she signed up for today!
"Fuck that, little dog! And move out of my way!"She snapped at Clement in annoyance but he didn’t mind her words at all.He
looked at her with dreamy eyes.

"Where are you going?! What are you doing here? Do you know you can get killed for coming to this territory.Come with me, I will
take you to a safe place!"
Clement spoke up with a worried look on his face as he tried to take her hand and run away.
But she immediately stepped away from him while slapping his hands away.She looked up at him with a frown.
"Can you shut the fuck up?! I need to go to see the alpha of Crescent Mystery pack!"
She snapped and was going to take another step toward the mansion when he stopped her again.
"Why?"He asked with a frown, as his possessiveness came out, making her roll her eyes at him in annoyance.
"Because his mate is in danger! And we need to save her."She spoke up in an impatient tone and she was ready to knock out
the little wolf if necessary when they heard a loud growl.
"Where is she?!"
They both looked at the front to find Dominic standing with dark black eyes, ready to shed blood if necessary "Alpha Dominic, it’s
nice to finally meet you!"

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