Hidden Scars: An MM Hockey Romance (Darby U Hockey Boys Book 1)

Hidden Scars: Chapter 46

muscular, warm body pressed to my back and a hard dick rubbing against my ass. Preston’s prickly cheek drags against the naked skin of my shoulder as he forces his way into the crook of my neck to suck and bite at my skin. I groan, long and loud, when his teeth sink into my flesh, my dick aching for attention.

Reaching behind me, I grab a handful of his hair and hold him against me.

“Fuck.” My voice is rough with sleep.

“That’s the plan,” Preston says against my neck. He rolls us until my stomach is flat on the bed and he pulls my pants and boxer briefs down just past my ass. His hot dick slides against my crack and I arch as much as I can with him sitting on my thighs.

He slaps one ass cheek with a sharp snap. “Hold fucking still.”

Oh, he woke up and chose violence today.

My dick throbs at the prospect, a bead of precum spilling against the sheets.

Preston reaches over me to grab the lube from the bedside table and I stretch out on the bed, reaching for the headboard. I know this morning won’t get too crazy since he still needs to be careful of his shoulder, but he’s been working with the trainers and is making really great progress.

He shifts down my body, biting at my lower back and ass cheeks while his slick finger pushes inside me. I love when he leaves marks on my body. Physical proof of his claim on me is the hottest fucking thing. Plus, whenever a sensitive spot is bumped, I’m reminded of how it got there.

One finger quickly becomes two and he’s stroking inside of me in a come here motion until he finds my prostate, sending sparks of pleasure to burst behind my eyes.

“Oh, fuck,” I moan into the bed. “I’m going to come.” I grind my dick into the mattress, desperate for the friction, but Preston growls with my skin still in his mouth so I stop with a whimper.

“Please,” I whine. “I want to come.”

“No.” There’s no arguing with that tone. I tighten every muscle I can to stop my incoming release. “Good boy.”

Preston licks up my sack then sucks on the loose skin.

My groan of frustration when he starts with his fucking fingers again makes him chuckle. The bastard really did choose violence today. He gives me a few more pumps of his fingers then pulls out of me and pulls my clothes the rest of the way off, stripping his off too before climbing back onto the bed.

“Ass up.” He slaps my ass again, hard enough to leave a fucking handprint, my skin heating.

I lift up onto my knees, keeping my chest on the bed, legs spread wide.

Preston growls, slicking his cock with lube and dragging the head of his dick over my hole to find the right angle. He leans one hand between my shoulder blades and sinks into me in one thrust. We groan in unison. It feels too fucking good to be full of him when my body is still warm and relaxed from sleep. My cock weeps and I reach back to stroke myself.

He sets a hard, fast, deep pace and I’m already sensitive from being edged, but I crave it. I crave everything he does to me. No one has ever played my body with such confidence and ease as he does. It’s intoxicating.

Preston grips my hips, pulling me to get a deeper angle and snapping his body against mine to make the most vulgar sounds.

“Please,” I beg, needing to come.

“Up.” He slaps my other ass cheek and I lift up onto my hands. Using his good arm, Preston wraps it around my chest and pulls me to kneeling, my back arching to keep him inside of me but giving him easy access to my neck and shoulders.

He bites and sucks hickies into my skin, digging his nails into me hard enough to leave red scratches down my chest. My cock throbs and my ass clenches around him. He moans, his lips still pressed firmly against my skin, setting off goosebumps and hardening my nipples.

My hand works my dick faster, my orgasm quickly building.

“Come, squeeze me. Take me with you.” Preston’s husky words in my ear push me over the edge and I let my orgasm overtake me, spilling cum on the sheets. Everything around me fades as I’m lost to him.

He bites me again, sinking his teeth into my neck up near my ear, growling as he spills deep inside of me. Panting and weak, he leans heavily against me and we crash to the bed in a sweaty mess.

“I think you factory reset my brain,” I pant, dropping an arm over my eyes.

He chuckles. “It’s a good way to start the day.” He kisses me, sucking on my bottom lip, then crawls over me to get dressed.

“What’s on the agenda today?” I sit up, touching the teeth marks on my skin with my fingertips.

“I have to meet with my father’s lawyer to sign some shit and pick up Lily from the airport.” He pulls a clean t-shirt on and digs for some jeans. Once he’s dressed, he finds one of my hoodies and pulls it on. It’s a little tight on him, but I love seeing him in my clothes.

He drops a quick kiss on my lips and grabs his stuff, then heads out. It’s been a rough few weeks for him and Lily but I’m starting to see happiness in him. His father left nothing to him and his sister and apparently hadn’t been paying taxes, so he owes a shit ton of money to the IRS. The only thing he was allowed to take from his father’s penthouse was photo albums. Thankfully, there were some in his safe so he has some pictures of his mom and grandparents. Not to mention the reporters and shit still following him around, news stations wanting to interview him, and trying to stay caught up on classes and training.

The team has been awesome about helping him get in and out of the rink and our dorm when a crowd gathers, and campus security is tired of dealing with it so they’ve been slapping harassment lawsuits at people. It’s finally starting to die down.

I find my underwear and pull them on to go clean up in the bathroom. In the mirror, I pause to look at the newest marks on my body. The one under my ear is pretty intense. It’s his favorite spot to bite me. I do a quick clean up and hurry down to Brendon and Paul’s room.

Knocking on the door, I open it and walk in, still in my underwear because fuck it. Brendon looks up from his computer to me with a lifted eyebrow.

“Are we having a no pants day? Cause I’m down for it.”

“No, I need you to trace this bite mark.” He shrugs, not asking any questions, and stands. We find a ballpoint pen on Paul’s desk and Brendon moves my head around to get a good angle.

“Like, the individual teeth or like, the circle it makes?”

“Each tooth.” I’m smiling like an idiot but Brendon either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. The bathroom door opens and Paul steps out in boxer briefs.

“Now I feel weird being the only one with pants on.” Brendon complains around the pen cap in his mouth.

Paul looks confused, which is fair. “Why don’t you have pants on?”

“I needed someone to trace this and didn’t want to wait too long.” Because this is totally normal right?

“And why is Brendon drawing on your neck?” Paul crosses his arms over his chest and cocks his head.

“I’m going to get it tattooed.” I laugh at the dumbfounded expression on Paul’s face.

“Fuck yes!” Brendon shouts. “That sounds like a terrible idea and I’m one hundred percent on board for this.” He caps the pen and slaps my shoulder. “You should put pants on though.”

“Hang on.” Paul steps closer to us, holding his hands up. “Why are you going to tattoo whatever that is on your neck?”

“It’s Preston’s teeth.” I shrug. “To show him I’m in this relationship, all the way.”

“Are the two of you sharing a brain now?” Paul looks between me and Brendon. “You could just, I don’t know, tell him that?”

Brendon and I look at each other and shake our heads. “Nah, this is better.”

“You guys are idiots.” Paul huffs. “Do you have an appointment already or what?”

“No, I figured we could find a place and get it done.” I shrug again. “It shouldn’t take that long.” I move to the door. “I’m going to get dressed.”

“I’m obviously driving.” Paul pulls open his dresser and starts digging for clothes. “I want it on record that this is a stupid idea, and I will not be taking any responsibility.”

“Duly noted and ignored.” Brendon claps him on the shoulder and I leave to get dressed. In a matter of minutes, we’re piling into Paul’s car and googling tattoo shops. There’s one just a few miles from University Neighborhood, where the colleges are in Denver, so we head there.

“I want a neck tattoo,” Brendon says from the front seat. “Will you bite me so I can match Jeremy?” He looks at Paul, who’s starting to blush. He’s got it so bad and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. Brendon is oblivious.

“What? You want me to bite you?” Paul sputters as we pull into the parking lot.

“Well, I mean, if Jeremy did it and Preston found out he would murder both of us. So, if you do it, you’ll be saving our lives.”

I snort, but his logic is sound. Wait. That’s terrifying. Since when does Brendon make sense?

“Okay, I’m going in,” I announce and get out of the car. Paul and Brendon follow but Brendon is begging Paul to bite him and Paul is trying to hold strong. He’s going to fold though, Paul wants to touch Brendon. It’s clear as day.

The place has black and white checkered tile floor, light gray walls with artwork all over the place and very bright lighting. There’s a table and chairs set up around the room and what looks like a red room divider in the back in case someone needs privacy.

A heavily tattooed and pierced woman with long green hair smiles at me.

“Good morning, what brings you in?”

“Hey, I want to get this tattooed,” I turn my head and show her the outline Brendon drew.

She purses her lips and lifts an eyebrow. “Alright, you’re wanting to get that today?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She turns to the schedule books in front of her and tells me to have a seat, fill out some paperwork, and it’ll be a few minutes.

Brendon walks up to her, attempting to flirt with her while she is completely not interested, and Paul sulks. They are going to be a mess to watch and I honestly can’t wait for it.

A short thin man with long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and full sleeve tattoos calls me back and I go, still shaking my head at Brendon and Paul.

“Hey, I’m Dan.” He shakes my hand and tells me to have a seat. He wheels over a stool and takes a seat, looking at my neck with a smirk. “Is that a bite mark?”

“Yeah, my boyfriend’s.”

He nods. “Do you have any other ink? How long have you been together?”

“This will be the first one, maybe the only one.” I shrug sheepishly. “And a few months.”

He looks at me, skeptical, like this is a terrible decision. “You know—”

“I know it sounds crazy, and it’s probably a terrible idea, but I want to do it anyway.”

“All right, man.” He raises his hands in surrender and gets his station set up. He puts on gloves, pours the ink, snaps the rubber band on the tattoo gun a few times, and cleans my neck. “You ready?”

“Yup.” I lean against the back of the chair and he starts, the drag of the needle burning my skin, but the pain isn’t too bad. I guess there aren’t many nerves right there, but it vibrates my teeth, which feels extremely odd. It takes a total of about ten minutes and he’s done. Wiping it off with some kind of cleaner on a paper towel.

Paul and Brendon show up as I’m finishing, Brendon looking triumphant while Paul looks like he’s trying to hide an erection. Which I’m sure he is.

I can’t hide my smile as I look at them.

“Me next!” Brendon drops into the chair I just left and Dan raises an eyebrow at him.

“Okay then.” He sanitizes everything and gets set up again. “I don’t know who bit you, but they need to do it again, this has faded too fast. Unless you want me to just wing it.”

“No!” Paul snaps then turns bright red when we all look at him.

I walk to the mirror to inspect the ink on my skin. Preston is either going to love this or kill me. Possibly both. The thin outline of his teeth impression on my skin brings me a weird sense of comfort. I fucking love it.

In the mirror, I watch Paul lean over Brendon and bite the fuck out of his neck. Brendon shifts uncomfortably in the seat, his face turning bright red as he tries to cover an obvious hard-on, and Dan the tattoo artist sighs. I can only imagine the weird shit he sees in here.

Paul takes a step back and discretely adjusts himself, leaning against the wall to watch with his arms crossed over his chest.

I pay the lady at the front and as she finishes up telling me about after care, Brendon comes walking up, looking smug. He pays her and she tells him the same spiel.

“I’m hungry, let’s get some lunch.”

I pull out my phone and pull up Preston’s message thread.

Albrooke: I have a surprise for you later.

Carmichael: Me too

Albrooke: Oh yeah? Tell me.

Carmichael: If I tell you, it’s not a surprise now, is it?

Albrooke: Spoil sport.

The three of us fuck around for a while, getting lunch and finding an arcade to waste time at before heading back to the dorms. There are some dumbasses with cameras standing around but they don’t bother us as we enter the building.

“Man, I’m ready for a nap.” Brendon yawns and stretches.

Paul mutters something about getting fucked and I laugh. The elevator opens on our floor and we head down the hallway, Brendon and Paul following me.

“Uh, whatcha doing?” I stop at my door and turn to stare at them.

“Movies and naps,” Brendon says like the answer should be obvious.

“I’m not going to die today.” Paul backs away with his hands raised.

I open the door and stop in my tracks when I see my mom and grandma sitting on my bed, Mom’s phone raised like she’s recording.

“What are you doing here?”

“Mrs. Albrooke!” Brendon yells behind me, pushing me out of the way to hug my mom.

“Nice hickies!” I hear my sister yell, so she must be on the phone. Great.

“How did you get in here?” I ask Grandma as I reach to give her a hug.

“Oh my God, what is on your neck?” Stacy’s squeal through the phone has both Mom and Grandma looking at me, pulling my face to one side to get a good look at my neck. It’s been a few hours, so the plastic wrap has been removed from the new ink.

“Fuck,” I mumble as Stacy and my brothers start laughing. Good to know they’re here for this too. Assholes.

“What the hell is that, Jeremy?!” Mom demands.

“It’s Preston’s teeth,” Brendon tells her. “Look, I’ve got one too!” He turns his head to show her and she glances at him.

“Why did Preston bite you? Oh no, you guys aren’t doing orgies or something are you?” My mom’s face falls like she’s in physical pain.

Paul bursts out with a laugh, Brendon starts smiling like a loon, and I swear the blood has drained from my face.

“Orgies? What the fuck Mom?”

“Don’t cuss at your mother,” Dad says through the phone.

“Why would you get that tattooed on your skin?” Mom is horrified, but Stacy, Jordan, and Keith are all yelling to get a better look at it when the door opens. Preston and Lily walk in, the smile falling from his face at the chaos.

“Did you know they were coming?” I demand, staring wide-eyed at my boyfriend.

“Of course, I made plans for them to be here to meet Lily.” He’s confused and I’m at my wit’s end.

Grandma walks over and gives him a hug, his smile softening when he looks at her and carefully wraps his arms around her.

“Mrs. Albrooke, can you make taco salad?” Brendon pleads, sticking his bottom lip out and everything.

“Are you having sex with Preston too?” she asks Brendon, who pales when he looks at Preston.

“Absolutely not!” Brendon all but yells.

“What the hell kind of a question is that?” Preston asks, clearly confused.

“They both have your teeth marks tattooed on their necks! What are we supposed to think?” Mom all but yells, frazzled.

“Excuse me?” Preston grabs my chin and jerks my face to one side then the other. “What the hell is that?” he demands.

“I got a tattoo of your teeth marks.” My face is on fire. “Look, it seemed a lot more romantic in my head and didn’t involve my mother being here when you found out!”

He blinks at me and starts laughing. “You’re insane.”

“I think you meant, an idiot,” Paul chimes in.

“What the hell is on Brendon’s neck then?” Preston points at my very red-faced friend. “That had better not be mine or Jeremy’s teeth.”

Paul steps in front of Brendon. “They’re mine.”

“Yeah, nobody touched your fuck boy,” Brendon says with a roll of his eyes.

“What did you call him?” Grandma asks.

“Oh, for the love of Christ.” I rub my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Hello,” Lily comes forward and offers her hand to Mom. “I’m Lily, Preston’s sister.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Mom wraps her in a hug, then Grandma does too.

“I have a quilt for you too.” She pats Lily’s cheek.

“Oh, that’s so nice of you, thank you so much.” She gives Grandma another hug.

“Fuck it,” Preston mumbles and takes my hands in his, forcing me to turn back to him. “Jeremy, I love you more than I ever thought possible. My life is not complete without you, am not complete without you.” He drops to one knee and my eyes bug out of my damn head. “Will you marry me?”

“Dude!” Brendon yells as I stare at my boyfriend, wide-eyed and speechless. He’s holding a gray band that appears to be hammered so it’s not perfectly smooth.

“These bands aren’t perfect. Like us, they’ve been struck and dented, but the flaws in the metal make them unique and strong.”

My throat clogs with emotion and I’m so overcome with the intensity of this moment that I can’t speak. All I can do is nod and reach for him, wrapping my arms around his neck and crashing his lips against mine while I drop to my knees in front of him.

“Is that a yes?” he asks with his lips against mine as a knot clogs my throat, too overcome in this moment to do anything else. I hug him and bury my face into the crook of his neck.

“Yes,” I’m able to croak. “I love you so fucking much.”

Preston’s arms tighten around me, holding me together like I’ve done for him so many times.

“I want to open a hockey camp for underprivileged kids,” Preston says quickly. “Come coach for me.”

“Can you stop being so fucking perfect for five seconds?” I pull back far enough to look at him.

“I’m far from perfect. Life with me will not be easy, but I swear I will love you for the rest of my life.”

There’s sniffling behind me but I don’t turn to look, it doesn’t matter as much as this moment. Nothing will ever matter as much as this man in this moment.

“Of course I will marry you and fight with you and love you and build a life with you. You’re never getting rid of me.”

Everyone behind me cheers and crowds us, wrapping us in hugs and love.

“You’re a part of the Albrooke family now and we won’t ever let you go,” Mom says, kissing his cheek.

“I’m taking your name when we get married,” Preston says with the utmost seriousness, sliding the ring onto my finger. “I don’t want to be a Carmichael anymore. Make me an Albrooke.”

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