Hidden Scars: An MM Hockey Romance (Darby U Hockey Boys Book 1)

Hidden Scars: Chapter 28

a little more energy back. For ten days I wasn’t allowed on the ice, mostly because putting the helmet on made me cringe, so I sat in the stands and did homework to catch up on the days I missed.

I’m finally allowed back on the ice for drills but no full contact yet. A few more days and another CT scan before I’m back at a hundred percent. Tomorrow is game day and I’m hoping to play. We’ll see what the doctors say.

In the locker room after practice, everyone is getting changed back and bullshitting.

“It’s Thanksgiving, where are we going to eat?” Brendon asks, rubbing his stomach.

Preston comes back from the toilet stalls changed with his workout clothes in his hand.

“You have family shit tonight?” Paul nods at Preston, who stiffens at the question. I didn’t think about his dad wanting to see him or demanding to see him for the holiday.

“No.” The word is full of malice but Paul ignores it.

“You should come out with us then. We’ll probably end up hitting a diner or ordering pizza.” When Preston opens his mouth to talk shit about pizza, Paul holds up his hands. “I know, I know. Pizza is the worst, but most pizza places can make salads so you can eat your sad Thanksgiving Day salad while the rest of us are fat and happy with bread and melted cheese.”

I laugh at the exchange and Preston turns on me.

“I’m going back to the room,” he grumbles as he stalks past me.

Paul shakes his head in disapproval and I get up to follow after Preston. He’s coming one way or the other because I have a surprise for him. I mean, it’s not really my surprise but I know it’s happening so…I’m taking credit.

Jogging to catch up, I reach for Preston’s wrist to pull him to a stop. He spins on me, shoving me against the wall but cupping the back of my head in his hand so the healing bruise doesn’t hit the concrete.

“Now we’re talking.” I wag my eyebrows at him, staring at his mouth.

“I’m not going. Don’t ask.”

I look down the hallway to make sure we don’t have an audience then smile up at him.

“You are coming with us. You want to know why?” He lifts an eyebrow at me. “Because if you don’t, Brendon will flirt with me, sit next to me at the table, maybe put his hand on my leg or around the back of my chair.” With every word his posture grows increasingly tense until he looks ready to snap. His hand slides from the back of my head to my throat and he jerks me forward, growling through his teeth when he speaks.

“If he so much as looks at you longer than three seconds, I’ll break his fucking nose.”

“How will you know if you’re not there?”

Am I riling him up on purpose? Yes. Am I risking bodily harm in doing so? Yes. Do I regret it? Not a fucking chance. I love that possessive streak he gets when it comes to me.

This time, he looks down the hallway, steps back to grab my hand, and pulls me along until he finds a janitor’s closet. Preston shoves me inside and closes the door behind him.

He shoves me against the shelves, once again wrapping his hand around my throat. “You aren’t going anywhere until your stomach is full of my cum. On your knees.”

With my eyes locked on his, I unbuckle his pants and reach into his underwear to pull out his cock. It’s almost at full mast so I give him a few rhythmic, squeezing strokes. Using his dick as a handle, I make him back up a step so I can drop to a crouch and suck him into my mouth.

His fingers grab onto the shelves until his knuckles are white. I use my hand and mouth in tandem, my hand rotating with every stroke while my mouth sucks and bobs on him. He hits the back of my throat and I gag, my throat contracting around him making him groan.

“Fuck.” He moans when I suck his balls into my mouth, jacking him with slow, strong strokes. “I’m going to fucking cum.”

Pride fills my head at how quickly I was able to get him to that edge. Wrapping my lips around him again, I suck him hard, swirling my tongue around his head then taking him as deep as I can again. Over and over until he’s bucking his hips into me, grunting and moaning. His cock throbs on my tongue, the first salty drops of precum making my mouth water, then cum floods my mouth. I swallow over and over again until I’m no longer drowning in cum.

I suck on his head once more to make sure I’ve got it all and he hisses, pulling back. Leaning forward, I kiss the tip of his cock with my eyes latched on to his then stand up with a smirk on my face.

Preston grabs the back of my neck and kisses me, tasting himself on my lips, on my tongue. He owns me with this kiss. His tongue duels with mine, mouths crashing together with bruising force. Before I’m ready for it, he releases me and steps back, shoving his dick back into his pants and fixing his clothes.

“How am I supposed to eat dinner now?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Less room for pizza and lower in calories,” he tosses back and opens the door. Paul and Brendon are standing there with shit eating grins on their faces. Oh, fuck me.

“Need to clean up a mess?” Brendon asks Preston.

“Fuck off, Oiler. Find your own closet hook up.”

Brendon’s smile turns to a self-satisfied grin. “Who says I’ve never fucked in that closet?”

I swear to God, if he insinuates that we fucked in there, I’m going to knock both of their heads together.

“We did not fuck in there. Knock it off.” I shove Preston out of the way so I can leave the space that smells like floor wax, urinal cakes, and Pine-Sol.

Preston walks behind me so he can watch to make sure Brendon doesn’t flirt with me or touch me. God forbid my best friend touch me.

When we step out of the rink, it’s trying to snow. Tiny little flakes are falling from the sky but melting the second they touch anything. Despite it being cold as fuck outside, we walk off campus to a diner with a sign that says it’s serving Thanksgiving dinner. Trudging inside, the heat of the place is a slap in the face after the biting cold that turned our skin red.

The inside looks like every diner in America. Booths along the windows, a bar across the aisle where you can see the cooks on the other side of the wall through the ticket window. It smells like fried food and coffee and feels homey. The white board by the cash register says “Specials” in big swirly letters and a breakdown of what comes in the turkey day meal. Roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, and a roll.

“Just four of ya?” A middle-aged woman with graying brown hair and a waitress’s uniform asks us as we wait.

I scan the tables looking for my surprise but don’t see who I’m looking for. Nerves flutter in my stomach but I’m not sure if it’s for what is about to happen or how Preston will react to it.

I hold up my hand behind to say five and she nods at me then looks down the row of booths before she points. “Corner booth down there, I’ll be right there!”

We make our way down the aisle, pulling our jackets off to lay them on the seat in the middle and slide in. I’m on one end with Preston next to me, then Paul, then Brendon on the other end.

“I’m getting the special, what about you guys?” I look around the table. Preston makes a disgusted face and shakes his head.

“That’s loaded in carbs, you’ll be fat and slow tomorrow.”

“Everyone is eating like that tonight, which means we’ll all be slow tomorrow. That’s the best part.” Brendon scoffs. “Lighten up, dude. Live a little.”

“I’ll be playing in peak condition.”

I sigh and roll my eyes, choosing to ignore Preston’s preaching about food.

Under the table, my knee is bouncing. I’m excited about his surprise but I want to get this part over with. Is he going to get pissed and leave? Is he going to fight me or shut me out?

The waitress comes to the table with menus and glasses of ice water.

“Here you are, I’ll come back in a few minutes to take your order. Do you want something else to drink?” She looks at us expectantly.

Since I’m already annoying Preston with my food choices, I decide to stick with water. Surprisingly, so does everyone else.

The bell on the front door jingles and I tense, wanting to turn around and look but not wanting Preston to realize I’m waiting for someone. Paul and Brendon both look over, raise their eyebrows, then nod slightly at me.

She’s here. Lily’s here. What am I about to do?

My chest feels like there’s a weight on it, crushing me into the seat back. Is Preston going to hate me? What if he doesn’t see his sister unless it’s for a really good fucking reason? Will he blame her being here on me?

She messaged me yesterday on Facebook saying she was flying in and wanted to surprise Preston. I just helped her get a hotel room set up since I know he isn’t going to want her to witness his nightmares. Fuck. What have I done?

“Excuse me a second.” My voice sounds weird to my own ears but I’m hoping Preston is too busy glaring at Brendon to notice. When I stand up and turn around, the girl in question spots me and a thousand-watt smile brightens her face. She waves really quickly and hurries over.

I smile, but it’s tense and unsure.

The petite girl bounces over, excitement radiating off her short frame. Her hair is the same jet black as Preston’s but curly and her eyes are lighter, not as haunted or closed off. She emits happiness and innocence and all things good. I wish I could bottle up her energy to share with Preston. Her features are softer, rounder, maybe. Definitely more feminine than his sharp jaw and high cheekbones. I’m betting she’s a good mixture of her parents.

She slips past me and slides into the booth next to Preston. Immediately, his head swings toward her. Shock, then confusion slide over his face before that cold mask slams into place and he’s looking around the place like he expects the boogey man to jump out and get him.

“Lillian, what are you doing here? Is Father with you?”

His words hold no warmth or excitement at seeing his sister. He’s not cold or hurtful either, but he’s definitely on guard.

Is he looking for his dad? Is he worried his dad will hurt Lily?

She cocks her head and stares at him.

“I haven’t seen you in months and that’s the greeting I get?’

Paul and Brendon are trying not to smile as this five-foot nothing girl chastises her six five, pain in the ass, brother.

Preston shakes himself and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry, hello, Lily. I’m glad to see you. You caught me by surprise.”

A smile lifts her pink, gloss-covered lips again and she reaches for a hug. Preston is stiff as he wraps his arm around her. I shift closer to the booth and my movement catches his attention. For just a moment there’s a storm in his eyes. I don’t know if he’s angry or what, but something is definitely not right.

Paul and Brendon scoot over to make room for me to sit down since I’m now just standing awkwardly next to the booth. I start to sit on the cracked vinyl seat when Preston makes a noise and I freeze, flicking my gaze to him. He’s staring at me, unblinking, mouth set in a thin line.

“Uh, can I get in?” I nod to the center of the booth and step back to make room for the guys to get out.

They snicker as they slide out of the way and I sit next to Preston. His hand finds my leg and he squeezes the inside of my thigh. My dick doesn’t mind the attention at all but this is not the place for it. Springing a woody in this diner is not on my list of things to do today.

Lily breaks into a story about her friends that I can barely follow. Preston seems to know all the players and looks like he understands what’s happening.

“So, pretty girl, how old are you?” Brendon asks Lily and I choke on my water.

Preston’s gaze snaps to Brendon, who is already on his shit list. “Young enough for me to go to jail for murdering you.”

Lily rolls her eyes and waves a hand like he’s exaggerating. “I’m seventeen, I’m a senior this year.”

Preston grabs his phone and sends off some text messages then slides it back in his pocket.

“Does Father know you’re here?” he asks as the waitress brings us food. Everyone got the special except Preston, who is eating grilled chicken and steamed vegetables.

I know Preston has serious issues with his dad, the guy is not right in the head, but what is Preston worried about? That he’ll have to see his dad or that his dad will hurt Lily?

She shrugs. “I didn’t tell him but I don’t know if anyone else did.”

“Your driver didn’t and where is your guard?” he demands.

“He’s in the car in the parking lot. Since I’m with you, he was fine staying put.”

“Wait, you have a bodyguard?” Paul interrupts.

“Yes,” Preston and Lily say at the same time, not interrupting their conversation.

“Where are you staying?”

“Embassy Suites.” She points at me and my eyes widen. “Jeremy recommended it.”

Oh fuck.

“Oh, did he?” His tone says he’s not happy with me. “How kind of him.”

Brendon chuckles. “You can sleep in our room again tonight.”

Preston lifts an eyebrow at him. “Only if you want your room to reek of rotting fish.”

“Hey,” Paul says around a mouthful of mashed potatoes. “That’s my room too, asshole!”

“And set on fire.”

Lily rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Jesus, Preston, chill out.”

Preston’s hand flexes on my thigh and the fork I have halfway to my mouth freezes. He’s going to kill me.

“You forget how to eat there, J Bear?” Brendon smirks at me.

“J Bear?” Preston growls.

Brendon is fucking with Preston on purpose. It’s both amusing and not. Lucky me.

“You know, I’ve known him a lot longer than you have. We have all kinds of history.”

Lily is now looking between Brendon, Preston, and me. Great.

“Oh, snap.” She sits back in her seat and drinks her water. “Did you guys used to hook up?”

“On the regular, Little Bit.” He sends her a panty melting smile and Preston growls, slamming his fork on the table and rattling the dishes.

“Don’t look at her like that.”

Paul leans toward me, looking like he wants to tell me something, so I mimic the movement.

“Don’t you fucking dare.” Preston’s words are quiet but deadly. He’s being pushed to his limit and is going to snap. I sit back in my seat and continue eating my dinner. I should probably be bothered by Preston bossing me around, but I find it more amusing than anything else.

And sexy as fuck.

I make it about half way through the plate before I put my fork and napkin down.

“Are you feeling okay?” Paul asks me, eyeing my plate with food left on it.

“Yeah, I ate before we got here.” I rub my stomach and put my arm across the back of the seat behind Preston, who snorts.

“Oh, so it’s Preston who’s the screamer? Good to know.” Paul sits back and leans a little closer to Brendon.

“I told you Jay doesn’t moan like that.” Brendon knocks Paul’s arm with the back of his hand.

Lily’s face screws up like she smells something bad. “Oh, ew. Thanks for that.”

“I swear to fuck, I’ll make sure your next meal comes through a fucking straw.” Preston snaps and Brendon laughs.

“Alright, alright. Chill out, caveman.”

I pull my phone from my pocket to check the time. “We should all get back to the dorms, we have a game tomorrow.”

“Lily, do you have a ticket?” Preston turns back to his sister.

“Yup, I have a ticket.” She smiles at her big brother, obviously proud of him. “I’m excited to see you play in person again!”

He’s worried about his dad being at the game, if I had to guess. Does he come to all the home games or just random ones?

His hand flexes on my leg again and I slide my hand on top of his.

Lily grabs Preston’s arm and squeezes with a big smile on her face. “I’m so excited to be here!”

“How long are you here for? Will we have time to show you around Denver?” Brendon leans on the table closer to her.

“I wish. I fly back Sunday morning.” She pretends to pout at him.

“Good. Any longer than that and I’d have to find a time and place to bury his body.” Preston shoos us from the booth and reaches into his back pocket. “Let’s get out of here.”

We collect our jackets and slide out of the booth. Preston demands to pay for dinner and most of us are broke ass college students, so we don’t argue. While his back is turned, Lily is putting her number into Brendon’s and Paul’s phones. No good is going to come of that, but I’m playing dumb and not saying anything about it.

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