Her Volkovs #Book 4

Chapter 37

Belle's POV

I am just overreacting. It is not what I think it is. It was just me who assumed that the preparations were for me. It is my fault that I did not even ask. There's no one else to blame because I did this to myself. Sure it's my birthday but I would have spared myself from this awful feeling in my heart if only I did not assume that today is my day. It's Yelena's death anniversary, perhaps the most important person in Nikolai's and Alexei's lives. Today was the day that they have lost her. Until now, they still blame themselves for what happened to her. It would be so selfish of me to think about my birthday if the two most important persons in my life are grieving.

And if in truth they forgot about my birthday, it's okay. I should not feel bad about it. They have a lot of things going on for them. The least I can do is support them, right?

I had to let Alexei have a moment with her. He's been looking at her picture for a while now and I know I have to give him his space. I can't even start to think of the pain of losing someone you love. I could not even imagine myself if Nikolai or Alexei are taken away from me like what happened to Matushka, Papa Vyacheslav and Papa Viktor.

The service had been short but solemn. Nikolai was able to make a memorial for his sister which I did not understand anyway because it was in Russian. And to be honest, I did not want to hear any of it nor look at Nikolai as he did it. I resent myself for feeling like this.

I remained in my seat as the pain in my abdomen started again. I had to make short silent breaths as I did not want Boris or Dmitri to notice me. I know they will tell their Bosses and I do not want to deprive them of this day. I don't want to come between them and Yelena.

"Madame? Are you okay?" Said Dmitri, sitting beside me and looking at my hand on my abdomen. He looks at me all puzzled and worried. Well so much for not being noticed.

"Yes. Of course Dimi."

"You look pale." He added.

Wow, he even notices the color of my face even though I'm wearing light makeup. Do I really look this sickly?

"I have not seen the sun for quite a while now so-" I replied.

"Come, let's get you outside." He said, holding my hand as he practically leaves me no choice but to go with him.

Somehow, I felt a little better the moment the soft heat of the afternoon sun touched my face. There's this sense of peace as the light peeks through the leaves of the trees surrounding the church. He walked me to the bench to sit down. I then took the chance to ask one of the questions that have been bugging my mind.

"Dimi, what does Malyshka mean?"

Dmitri looked over his shoulder to meet me in the eye as if wondering how or where I encountered the term.

"It means baby, you know like baby girl." He answered.

So malyshka means baby. The same word Nikolai calls me.

After the service, there was a gathering in the mansion. Nikolai and Alexei asked if they could leave after dinner. I inquired where to, but at the back of my mind, I already have an idea.

They were going to Yelena and the Pa's graves. I wanted to come with them to make them feel that I do understand and support them, but I felt like I wasn't even welcome. It was subtle and well-meaning and yet it was the plain and simple truth. They want to be with her, without me.

I offered them the best smile I could give at that moment. The same exact moment that I realized that indeed, they did not know or remember that today is also my birthday.

My mind tells me that I should be more patient with them but my heart feels otherwise. It's taking all the pain that I have been facing and I do not know until when it could withstand every single hit that's coming its way.

I was deep in my thoughts when my phone rang. I was expecting Amy to check up on me, perhaps curious as to what my husbands have for me on my birthday. And I dread the moment I had to lie to her just so she won't feel bad for me. But then, when I saw my phone, I had a sigh of relief.

It's an incoming video call. I'm already in bed wearing my nightgown while the man on the other side still looks like he's going on a business meeting.

"Oh wow." He said. I already understood why he had this reaction. I instantly covered my breasts as they are shamelessly peeking through like they also want to greet him with glee.

"Artan, don't be a creep."

He just chuckles and then placed his cigar to the side. He sat back and smoothly crossed his leg over the other. His slightly scruffy face really suits his personality. Seeing him, for some reason reminded me of his scent. Mix of cigar, scotch, and a hint of cologne. It's weird but it feels like he's just beside me at the moment.

"Happy birthday baby." He said so longingly, his words felt like a warm embrace.

"I sent something for you this morning. It's at Dylan's house. I did not send it over at Volkov's because he's an asshole and there is a big chance it will not reach you."

I almost burst out crying. Someone close to me, other than my best friend, actually remembers my birthday.

I quickly ended the call because my stupid tears were threatening to fall. I do not want anyone to know that I am miserable on my own birthday-- that I feel alone even if I am surrounded by people who are dea

to me.

Knowing Artan however, he kept on ringing my phone and so I did not have a choice but to answer him.

"What is wrong baby? Tell me?"

"I'm-- I'm okay Artan."

"You don't sound okay. What happened? It's your birthday you should be the happiest person in the world today. Why are you crying?"

"It's just my pregnancy hormones Artan. Really, I'm okay."

"I'm coming over. Volkov better have a good explanation for this."

"No! Artan, listen I'm fine. Please please! I will see you tomorrow. Okay? At Dylan's. I will see you there. Please? Hello?" Oh my god, he ended the call.

He's coming. Thank goodness Nikolai and Alexei are not here. The Russians and Albanians have finally patched things up between them and now this?

The man has been so protective of me even when I'm already married to Nikolai and Alexei. He's been there, albeit creepily, whenever I needed him even if that means facing perhaps one of the most formidable opponents of them all, Nikolai. He has never faltered in his resolve to protect me the best way he could given the circumstances. I am sure he will not let this one go.


Artan: (Walking downstairs, slinging the gun on his back) Adnan, get me the key to my car.

(His men stood up from their seats, wondering what's going on)

Adnan: Where are we going Boss?

Artan: To the Volkov mansion, and I'm going alone.

Adnan: I don't think that's a good idea.

Artan: I did not ask for your opinion Adnan.

(Adnan did not have a choice but to give the key to Artan. They all watched him sped away in his black audi)

Besian: It's Volkov's wife. He's going to see her I am sure.

Dardan: Well, there goes the truce between us and the Russians.

Besian: Dammit! I do not understand why the Boss would not quit it. He can have any pussy he wants but still insists on Volkov's wife.

Dardan: (Taps Besian's shoulder) My man, have you not been in love before?

Besian: (Snorts) If that's what love makes of a man, I'll pass. The Boss is a very powerful man who owns a shipping empire, has huge stakes in the conglomerate and has the money we could all just wish for and yet he turns his back from all of that for a woman.

Dardan: I think that Ms. Belle and our Boss have something going on. We've all seen it in Colombia. He had unreserved access to her and she-well she allows the Boss to touch her. Only a blind person cannot see that they want each other.

Besian: You might be right. The Cartel Boss, Axel De Alba was obviously eyeing her too but he was not as close to Volkov's wife as our Boss. When they are together, they have their own world. Adnan: Whatever the Boss decides to do, we should be there for him. Let's go. We'll just keep our distance.

Belle's POV

My heart is racing as I hurriedly change clothes and go downstairs to find someone who can take me to the gate of our property. I would walk if I can but given the sporadic pain that I am feeling in my abdomen, I could not risk it. It's almost a couple of hundred yards from the mansion to our gated entrance and running so I can go there first before Artan does, is definitely out of question.

I have to take someone with me so as not to alert suspicion from our security details. I just found the right one when I went to the gazebo where the dinner is happening. She's had a few drinks but I think she's still able to drive me. It's just a golf cart anyway.

I told Matushka about the Artan situation. I did not tell her about my birthday because I know she will eventually tell her sons about it. My plan is to not make a big fuss about them forgetting about my birthday anymore. I want to get over this and just tell them the truth when everything settles and there's no mob war or Yelena's death anniversary going on.

"Oh princess, men don't understand how women are when pregnant. They think that something is going on, especially if the man cares for you, you know just like Artan. You said when he called you he thought that there's something wrong with you right?" Matushka said as she bends over and struggles to insert the key into the ignition. She's been cursing in Russian as she grows impatient.

"Matushka, please hurry. Artan will be here any moment now please." I said almost begging. I can just imagine the man driving his sports car just to get here as soon as he can or worse, he's with his men to force their way inside.

"Ah, I have an idea." She said as she dials her phone to call Andrey.

Yuri's brother drove us towards the gate without questions asked. This is the reason why Matushka was the best person to confide with, in this particular situation. If I did this on my own, I.V and half the men in the would be tailing me like I was Cinderel running away the moment clock strikes midnight.

We waited for a few minutes and then I saw headlights on the other side of the gate. I knew it was Artan. And it appears that he drove here without his bodyguards. My goodness, this man.

"What happened to you baby?" He said as he reaches for my hand through the gap of the grills.

"Artan, I told you I'm fine. I will meet you tomorrow at Dylan's okay?"

"You've been crying. Tell me the truth now or I will crash through this fucking gate and ask Volkov myself."

"Nikolai and Alexei are not here."

"What do you mean? It's your birthday, what else is more important than you?" He said, his eyebrows wrinkled and I can sense that the man is about to lose it.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and held his hand tightly. "Artan please."

"Just tell me the truth." He said, holding my chin up to face him.

I looked over my shoulder to make sure that Matushka is far enough not to hear me. "Today is Yelena's death anniversary. Nikolai and Alexei need some time to spend with her." Artan looked like he just recalled the significance of this day and then somehow figured out why I was crying.

"And how about your birthday? Did they even remember?"

I disconnected my gaze from him and just lightly shook my head.

"They spent the whole day grieving a dead person but not celebrate the life of their own wife?" He continued and I can sense that the man is already livid.

"Artan it's not that simple."

"Come with me."

"What? No. I can't. Nikolai and Alexei..."

"Come with me or I go wherever those two are right now and I will show them how they fucked this day up for you."

I did not have any choice. I know Artan will do exactly what he threatens to do. And I do not want them to fight again just because of this. I had to convince Matushka that I need to go with Artan for a little while. Thank goodness she agreed but warned that I should come home before the brothers do.

(Artan's men observing from afar. They just saw Belle get inside Artan's car.)

Dardan: You know what? This is the first time that I wish I was wrong.

Besian: We are all gonna die in the hands of the Russians. And I'm not gonna be proud of it because it wasn't an unprovoked death. We just did this to ourselves.

Adnan: Oh ye of little faith. The Boss knows what he is doing.

Belle's POV

Artan reached for my hand and held it firmly while his other hand is on the stirring wheel.

"I'm not supposed to say this but Amylinda was planning a birthday surprise for you. We were supposed to do it this morning but she decided for tomorrow because there were things that needed to be arranged and we thought that you would want to spend this day celebrating with Volkov and Alexei."

I knew that something was up with my best friend. She had a plan all along. Not that I am surprised-Amy just being Amy.

"Where are we going Artan?"

"The Grand Hotel."

"What are we going to do in a $60,000 a night hotel?" I know it's expensive because I once looked up hotels online before I came here in New York as I reckon I would arrive from Palawi a day earlier than my move-in date in my apartment.

"I have a room reservation." He answered letting out this small naughty smirk on his face.


Artan's Men

(They just saw Artan pull over in front of the hotel entrance. Their Boss gave the key to the valet as Artan holds Belle over the small of her back)

Besian: (Took the gun and gave it to Dardan) Shoot me brother. Just kill me while my dignity is intact.

Adnan: (Chuckles at Besian while dialing his phone to call someone)

Dardan: Calm down. Don't worry. They will just dine.

Besian: Of course-- of course--. They will just eat. There's nothing to worry about.

Adnan: (Ends the call) I just checked with Lena. The Boss had a penthouse suite reservation already paid for.

(Absolute silence filled the car)

Belle's POV

"We are not supposed to be seen checking in a hotel in the middle of the night Artan."

"We won't take long. I'll finish fast." He retorted.

I crossed my arms and refused to get inside the elevator as I am starting to get annoyed.

"I'm kidding. I have something that I am sure will make your birthday a whole lot better. We won't take long. Trust me on this?" He continued.

I obliged because truth be told, I trust Artan with my life. I know he won't do anything to harm me.

The elevator went straight up to the suite which covers the whole floor of the penthouse. Everything is shiny in gold, marble and glass. The whole place is very spacious and I feel like it can house a whole football team in here. My goodness.

Artan held my hand as we approach the biggest room where I can hear chatter from a television. When we were already by the door, he gestured that I should go in first.

As I step inside, I saw my parents sitting in bed and it looks like they were not expecting to see me as well.

I wasn't able to contain my emotion. I feel like a little girl who came back home after she ran away because she was being rebellious and so eager to see the world on her own despite her parents' disapproval and in the end, she suffered all the heartbreak that her parents have warned her about.

I ran to my mother and cried on her lap. I did not know what else to say. She brushes my hair gently and told me that it's going to be okay.

"Arabella." Said my father, gesturing that I sit beside him on the other side of the bed.

"Papa." I said, trying so hard to act straight.

"Wipe your tears and tell me why are you crying. Did Nikolai do this to you?"

"No Papa. I just missed you and mama, is all. I was trying to call you since this morning but I cannot reach you."

"Our flight got delayed in Japan because of the weather. We were supposed to arrive earlier. We just got here two hours ago." Said my mother, her voice is like music to my ears. It's like a lullaby that is very sweet and gentle.

We had to leave to let my parents rest, especially my father who is suffering from a heart ailment, from their long trip from Palawi. In the elevator on the way down I could not thank Artan enough for facilitating and taking care of my parents. Apparently, the man offered to send his private plane to fetch my parents in Palawi but my father refused, so instead he took care of their first-class tickets including that of my cousin Devon to New York. Not to mention their stay in this hotel for the next coming days or weeks. I kind of have an idea how Artan got involved in this in the first place. I need to call Amy first thing in the


On the way out of the elevator, a woman working in the Hotel handed Artan a big white box wrapped in a red ribbon. He then took me to a small garden restaurant within the hotel where there is a table for two waiting for us.

When I opened the box, it was filled with the most beautiful bunch of short-stemmed red roses inside and a chocolate cake in the middle sprinkled with so many almond chips and a single white candle for me

to blow.

"Thank you Artan. This is so beautiful and I'm sure delicious too!"

He lit up the candle with his lighter and covered it with his hands because the breeze was slightly blowing. He then started singing happy birthday in his language albeit almost whispering which I find really endearing and cute. "Come on, blow your candle before it turns 12 o'clock."

It's a minute to twelve and then it's not going to be my birthday anymore. So I closed my eyes and just wished for happiness and then blew the candle gently.

To be continued...☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐‒‒‒‒‒‒‒

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